Supreme Satyr

Chapter 172

Ling Xueqi arranged Dai dai'er next to the bedroom, opposite yunmenglong's room. Ling aopeng had a problem with this, but think about it, yunmenglong won't be so bold to have sex with his daughter. Let's stop it.

Ling Xueqi threatened Yun Menglong like this before going to bed: "if you dare to fool around with that dead girl, I'll castrate you!" what she said to Dai Daier was: "don't flirt with the cloud wolf, or I'll let the police dog bite you." they all nodded happily, clearly indicating that they were a pure relationship between men and women. Ling Xueqi came in satisfied, undressed, took a bath and went to bed.

Dai dai'er threw a big wink at yunmenglong when Ling Xueqi didn't pay attention. He could hardly carry it. He is secretly happy. Maybe he can kill two birds with one stone tonight, hehe.

Dai dai'er really enjoyed it when she first tasted personnel. A pure little girl was so coquettish by a big hooligan that she was like the silver moonlight rippling in the sea: ah.

Yunmenglong always has no opinion on women's requirements, especially beautiful women. So when the pointer crossed eleven o'clock, Dai Dai's door opened with a "click". Dai dai'er was already anxious to wait. If the girl hadn't been reserved, she would have run to yunmenglong's house to deliver flowers to the door. Dai dai'er, who was hot and dry all over, jumped with a sudden heart when she heard the door ring. It was like a machine gun. The garden was wet for no reason.

"Dai'er, dai'er, brother is coming." yunmenglong closed the door and called softly as he walked.

Dai dai'er was so frightened that she didn't say a word. She can't let yunmenglong know that she thinks so or that. It's too embarrassing. As the footsteps approached, her heart rate reached a critical point. She closed her mouth tightly, her body became hotter, trembled gently, and her breathing became rapid.

Yunmenglong's ear Niang's hearing somehow became extremely sensitive. He tied him outside the door. If someone farted within a few miles, he couldn't escape his Fa'er. Those police dogs were much worse than him. If yunmenglong wants to do this job, the police dogs of the army have to be laid off. Dai dai'er's heartbeat sounded like thunder to yunmenglong. Although Dai dai'er's eyes were closed, could he not know that she was sleeping? But he pretended not to know. He leaned over to Dai dai'er's ear and whispered, "dai'er, are you asleep?"

The special masculine smell of Yunmeng dragon shrouded Dai Daier's delicate body like a heavy fog, and the gas he intentionally or unintentionally blew into her little ears. Dai Daier almost jumped up and called for help.

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