Supreme Satyr

Chapter 187

Chu Jingfeng is struggling: yunmenglong is unfathomable, but can I give up the commander for him? I'm cautious. How can I do such a risky thing?

Looking at yunmenglong's eyes, Chu Jingfeng was suddenly excited for no reason: Mom, I've lived for more than 30 years and haven't done a crazy thing. I'll do it once today. I hope yunmenglong won't let me down.

Chu Jingfeng's face was free of confusion and recovered his calm. He took a long breath: "from now on, my life is yours."

Two powerful hands held together.

This is a beginning. A calm man handed over his life to a cowardly hooligan. It was this decision that made him one of the seven gods of war of the Yunlong empire in the future.

Cloud dream dragon said, "does Jingfeng know my real identity?"

Chu Jingfeng knew something when he heard this. He shook his head, or I didn't know.

"In fact, I'm not a modern man, I'm from the Song Dynasty, and now I'm a thousand years old." yunmenglong slowly said. He decided to tell Chu Jingfeng about it. As the saying goes, there is no doubt about the employment. Yunmenglong believed in his vision, and he also hoped that Chu Jingfeng could live up to his belief. This is also a test of Chu Jingfeng. Moreover, this fact is so absurd that even if Chu Jingfeng leaks out, how many people believe it.

"What?!" Chu Jingfeng's calm expression changed. Although he knew yunmenglong was not an ordinary person, he didn't expect yunmenglong to say so.

"I know it's hard to understand, but it's true. You should keep this secret for me. I tell you because you are my man now. I don't want to hide it from you." Yunmeng long said.

Chu Jingfeng was very moved. This secret is really shocking: how incredible the people of the Song Dynasty, the people of the Song Dynasty in the 21st century. If this news is spread, yunmenglong may have to be demolished for scientific research, locked up for people to visit, or endlessly asked by some historians about the song Dynasty. This is a living people of the great song dynasty, His casual words are more convincing than those historians have studied for half their lives. Of course, cloud dream dragon means all the sky. None of these things will happen.

"This secret will rot in Jingfeng's stomach. Don't worry, boss." Chu Jingfeng said in a deep voice.

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