Supreme Satyr

Chapter 196

If you want to succeed, you don't need to explore any road to success. It's too difficult. Taking the road taken by successful people is the shortcut.

At the end of yunmenglong's second wave of training, Ling aopeng gave him an order to kill a man, Xie Feng.

Xie Feng is one of the Mafia tycoons in Yunhai city. He has thousands of younger brothers and a wealth of thousands. He himself is also a very capable person. He is cunning by nature and cautious. He is not an easy role to deal with.

"Why kill him?" cloud dream dragon said. Only yunmenglong dared to ask Ling aopeng why. Ling aopeng's appreciation for him is not only his ability, but also Ling Xueqi's love for him and, of course, his cooking skills.

"He even cooperates with the Japanese to open a brothel. I hate the Japanese most. Last time he sold drugs, I let him go. This time, I can't forgive him." Ling aopeng gnashed his teeth.

Yun Menglong said to Chu Jingfeng, "tell '99 blood kill' to prepare for the hunting operation.

Is it easy to kill? It's hard to say that if a person has been accompanied by a highly skilled and loyal bodyguard, he can't wait to go to bed. And he is also a very arrogant guy. Such a person is not easy to kill. Xie Feng is such a person.

It's easy for yunmenglong to kill him, but he doesn't want to kill himself. If he's responsible for such small things, why train those men?

Xie Feng can't be killed with a gun. Although Yunhai city is chaotic, the rules are the rules, and not everyone can carry a gun. Ling aopeng's killing is just a personal intention, not the military headquarters, so he can't be pushed flat by the army. To assassinate, kill him cleanly without leaving a trace.

There is no doubt that people have habits. Xie Feng takes a bath in Tianchi every Saturday night. He is a person who knows how to enjoy. As we all know, it is very comfortable to take a hot bath when he is tired. Xie Feng is very cautious. The time he takes a bath is not fixed, but it is definitely Saturday. But

At two o'clock in the morning on Sunday, the night was as cold as water and dotted with stars. In the bar opposite Tianchi on Warren Street, there were three people sitting by the window. They drank Chivas comfortably and inadvertently projected their eyes onto the street.

There are few pedestrians in the street. Sometimes people in twos and threes stagger past drunk. There are heavily made-up prostitutes in the dark around the corner. They hold the little gangsters or middle-aged and frustrated men to bargain. All the movements fall into the eyes of the three people.

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