Supreme Satyr

Chapter 199

Yunmenglong looked at the crowd and was surprised: Although these people are soldiers, strong willed and bold, they haven't killed anyone, have they? People who have killed people know that after the first killing, their legs and feet will always be soft, vomiting and diarrhea in a mess. Are these people cold-blooded by nature and regard killing as cutting cabbage?

Yunmenglong winked at Chu Jingfeng. Chu Jingfeng nodded secretly and left.

After Jiujiu xuesha left, the beautiful Chu Jingfeng stood by and looked at the handsome old rogue with respect and fear in her eyes. These things are very rare to him. Even the commander who shot people in the head at every turn would not make him feel like this. He was afraid of yunmenglong's thunder means and cruel plans. Chu Jingfeng was also resourceful and planned strategies. He sincerely didn't let the chicks lie in the dragon. But for yunmenglong's final plan, and still such a seamless and vicious plan, he is willing to bow to the disadvantage. They were the executors of the plan. Yunmenglong just sat gracefully in the bar and pretended to drink some wine. Xie Feng, a generation of Mafia hero, is so saygoodbye with the world, and his death is very thorough and inexplicable. He may not be able to explain to the king of hell.

The pure blue eyes of yunmenglong suddenly became deep, like the suddenly pulled away starry sky and the blue waves surging in the dark tide. He stared at Chu Jingfeng's eyes. Chu Jingfeng immediately became cold all over, like an ice cellar in the South Pole.

"Does the commander often ask you to carry out this kind of assassination? It's really sharp to kill Qi people in 99." yunmenglong said faintly.

"Yes, in fact, most of these 99 blood killings are killing tools that the commander asked me to train secretly. Most of them committed capital crimes and fell into the hands of the commander. The commander found a scapegoat to die for them, and they have a new identity. Each of them killed people like a hemp with thousands of means, but they are very respectful to the boss. Since the boss showed his super strength, he Chu Jingfeng was walking on thin ice and trembling. Although his voice was still calm, it could be seen that he had made great efforts to maintain this calm.

Yunmenglong stood up with a smile. The color of his eyes changed back to gentle light blue. It was as relaxed and happy as the sky retreated by the storm. Chu Jingfeng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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