Supreme Satyr

Chapter 203

An old rogue and an old commander held together and cried. It was dark and dark. It was estimated that anyone would collapse after watching it.

"Wuwu... Dad... You... What are you crying for?"

"I... I cry, my... Son."

"I'm... Not dead. Why are you crying... Why am I crying?"

"It's not... You, it's Qiqi's brother..."

Yun Menglong pushed away commander Ling: "shit, old man, did you raise a little fox spirit outside behind Qiqi's mother's back, and then give birth to the crystallization of love?"

Ling aopeng's eyes were wide open and his beard was arrogant: "little rabbit, you're bullshit. I'll never change her mother's life. It's been 20 years since she died, and I haven't found another woman."

Yunmenglong saw that the old man was angry. He couldn't provoke him. He immediately flattered and followed up: "Dad, you are a good man who is really affectionate and righteous. The blue sea and the sky are hard to find for thousands of years. I admire you very much, eh, but what's the matter with Qiqi's brother? Can you please explain it to the old man?"

Old man Ling's eyes were covered with layers of sadness. He sighed heavily: "When Qiqi's mother gave birth to her brother, she had difficulty giving birth, and I could only have one life. I left Qiqi's mother. However, Qiqi's mother always resented it and even suffered from depression. She died three years after giving birth to Qiqi. As a commander in charge of the world's troops and horses, I can control the life and death of the world and kill whoever I want, but I didn't do anything when my wife died Law, is this a wonderful irony? "

"Dad, the dead are long gone. Don't you still have Qiqi and me? Don't be sad." yunmenglong comforted Ling aopeng.

Ling aopeng smiled bitterly and hit yunmenglong on the head: "little rabbit, you made me think of the sad past. Come on, talk about serious things." Ling aopeng quickly recovered his normal look on his face, as if he had nothing to do.

Yunmenglong secretly said with admiration and became serious: "what's the matter?"

"This time you killed Xie Feng without anyone noticing. It will certainly cause an uproar. He has a certain position in the underworld. His evil wind rudder is the force of the first gangster youth gang in China. You almost uprooted the evil wind rudder. Because you move fast enough and leave no trace, no one will think of the army. People will only think that Lei HUTANG did it Yes. Do you know the Thunder Tiger hall? "Said Ling aopeng, sitting opposite, drinking and listening to Yunmeng dragon way.

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