Supreme Satyr

Chapter 207

"Old seven, you say."

This old man looks like a reckless man. To put it bluntly, he is a fool.

"Boss, it's not easy to do. Don't you know if you tie the wind Thunder Tiger and ask?" old Qi Yi clenched his teeth and said.

"I... fuck! You're really... The mother of the bear makes you angry. Describing you as a pig is the biggest insult to the pig. You think the wind Thunder Tiger is a teenage girl. Tie it up! Even if it's tied up, can he admit to killing Xie Feng? You think he's an idiot like you?" the middle-aged people are almost crazy, and it's vicious to scold people. As a result, there was another person who strongly wanted to have sex with the women of his ancestors. Little five is no longer alone.

The rest of the people dare not speak. No one wants to be scolded by the boss.

As soon as the middle-aged people saw that the meeting had no results, they wanted to talk about the discussion after the meeting. They couldn't do it. The boss gave them a word. They will get things done within three days. How to solve such a group of waste eggs? Forget it. Anyway, let's put the blame on the wind Thunder Tiger first. Who can't make it with the Green Gang? Say he killed people, no one doesn't believe it? The middle-aged man made up his mind to carry out the false accusation to the end.

"Cough, cough!" the middle-aged man coughed twice.

Everyone immediately straightened up and stared, waiting for the boss's final announcement.

"Those who agree are killed by wind, thunder and tiger. Raise your hand?" the middle-aged man asked.

People are silly. This is not an election. How can they raise their hands to vote.

The middle-aged man looked at these fools and sighed in his heart: "shit, I don't understand. It's clear that he's counting on his wind and Thunder Tiger."

"It seems that everyone doesn't think people were killed by wind, thunder and tiger. Well, go out and investigate for me. If you can't find out who did it, don't come back." the middle-aged man said darkly.

Now we all understand: boss, this is a frame up.

Everyone raised their hands neatly with a 'Shua'. Everyone looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

The middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction and said, "OK, it's passed by all votes. Let's keep our energy and get ready for the guy. We'll settle accounts with the wind and Thunder Tiger tomorrow."

The underworld held an absurd meeting. They decided how to do it efficiently. The wind Thunder Tiger, unknowingly, was labeled as a murderer for no reason. The wind Thunder Tiger became a snow tiger in June, or it was more appropriate to engrave the word "Dou E second" on his forehead.

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