Supreme Satyr

Chapter 216

Last night, Chu Jingfeng gave yunmenglong detailed information about the wind Thunder Tiger and the actions to be carried out by the Green Gang. It took yunmenglong a lot of effort to get used to reading modern books. I think he used to read those books from right to left, but now the books are from left to right. When he first started reading, he always felt that people's things were nonsense. After Dai Ming said, he knew that he didn't know shit.

For yunmenglong's ten lines and knowledge, Chu Jingfeng admired it. Yunmenglong swept all the information in less than three minutes and talked about these things with great confidence. Chu Jingfeng threw himself into the ground and was surprised. He felt that yunmenglong was a very human being. If he didn't like talking, he would have learned from those boys to kiss up.

Yun Menglong once said to Chu Jingfeng: "I just like that you don't talk much, because more words make more mistakes. The best way to give people unfathomable is to talk less and do more things. The more things here are not done by yourself, but by someone. You say that if you don't talk or act with a deep smile on your mouth, people will hang up inexplicably. What will others think of you? You must be scared to death."

The reason for yunmenglong's unprecedented action this morning is that he wants to play a guest role. The underworld business in Yunhai city is very developed, which leads to the incomparable best-selling of black suits, white shirts and large frame sunglasses. This kind of clothing is almost monopolized in Yunhai city and is produced by long's enterprises. People who can almost buy black suits from clothing stores are underworld, if not underworld , they don't sell it to you at all.

As a saying goes, don't think that wearing a black suit and sunglasses is an underworld. But in Yunhai City, those who wear a black suit and sunglasses are really underworld. Of course, these underworld members have their own identity certificates. The Green Gang has the certificate of the Green Gang, the Thunder Tiger hall has the certificate of the Thunder Tiger hall, and so do other gangs.

Of course, some people pretend to be triads to buy suits. They think it's really handsome and cool to wear black suits and sunglasses. In fact, it's not necessarily, that is, they can't wear black suits casually in Yunhai City, which led to their illusion. When they took out fake identity certificates, they were immediately pulled out by several big men in black and beaten. They didn't understand and asked, "why hit me?" The big man in Black said, "fool, the certificates of the underworld have anti-counterfeiting marks. Next time, please be professional in counterfeiting. Don't see it at a glance. There's no technical content at all, fuck!"

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