Supreme Satyr

Chapter 219

Yunmenglong scratched his head and pretended to be a fool and said, "I don't know. I was lost. As a result, I saw an old man with white beard. The old man with white beard asked me where I was going, so he threw a sleeve at me and I was here."

They looked at each other in disbelief. They murmured and discussed. Big Han Jia said, "wait here first. I'll inform you."

Yunmenglong quickly smiled: "please, big brother."

Big man B stayed and looked at Yunmeng dragon to prevent him from running around. Han Yi looks only in his twenties. Seeing that Yun Menglong is so handsome, he thinks that if he has a sister or sister, he must be very beautiful. So he blushed and asked, "reporter Zhang bold, do you have a sister or something?"

Yun Menglong knew what he was thinking when he looked at big man B. Yunmenglong nodded and said, "yes, I have one sister and two sisters."

The big man was overjoyed: "well... Does your sister have a boyfriend?"

Yunmenglong nodded, "well, there is."

The big man was slightly disappointed. He asked, "what about your sister?"

Yunmenglong shook his head and said, "they don't have boyfriends."

The big man smiled and said, "how old are your two sisters?"

"One is three and one is five!"

Big man B is completely speechless. His mouth is wide open and can be stuffed with a goose egg.

At this time, big Han Jia also came back. He looked at yunmenglong in surprise and said, "boss, please go in, Mr. Zhang!"

Big man B also muttered: "what's the matter with the boss? He never interviewed reporters?"

Yunmenglong smiled and said, "please lead the way."

With questions, they took yunmenglong to turn a few corners, walked about 100 meters, and saw a small door. Big Han Jia stood and said, "please go in, Mr. Zhang. The boss is waiting for you."

Yunmenglong said thanks and stepped into the small door. After entering, there was a long corridor. It was quite dark in the morning. It was basically dark and dark. Yunmenglong felt bursts of cold wind passing through his ears, with a sound like a ghost land. These don't cause any trouble to yunmenglong. He can see everything here. Of course, he can't walk around like taking a broad road. He's just a reporter, not an owl. It's strange if he walks so easily and doesn't make people suspicious?

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