Supreme Satyr

Chapter 235

Yunmenglong said, "yes, Mr. big ghost doesn't believe it. Who will believe it?" the subtext of yunmenglong's sentence is that Yamamoto big ghost is an idiot and has no brain. He doesn't believe it. Others have a little brain, and naturally don't believe it. But Yamamoto didn't hear it, so he felt a little uncomfortable. Alas, I think so. China's language and culture have been extensive and profound for 5000 years. What does he know, the fool of the big island country.

Seeing that the crowd didn't speak, fan Dou was full of strength, and Yamamoto's face was helpless. Yunmenglong continued: "Tiger and I listen to music, drink wine, admire flowers, play chess and watch TV these days. We haven't gone out at all. How can we kill people. But I tiger says he really knows who killed people. I don't know. I often say that these fights and killings don't tell me that I feel blood faint. The only blood that doesn't faint is the red of the virgin..." After hearing this, they began to roll their eyes. Some people felt nauseous and thought: what boss is this? Why is it so shameless?

"Cough! Cough!" the wind Thunder Tiger immediately interrupted yunmenglong's words. Seeing that fan Douli's eyes narrowed into a line, Yamamoto's big ghost's eyes stared as round as his body, the wind Thunder Tiger smiled bitterly and said: "My eldest brother has a good disposition. Don't be surprised. As for who killed you, I really know. A friend of mine who was a reporter happened to be at the scene the night Xie Feng was killed. Seeing such a wonderful and exciting thing, based on his professional instinct, he photographed it. Today he sent me the tape and said, maybe you can use it. I wonder what's the use, too The loss hasn't been thrown away yet. Let's see what's going on now. "

After Liao Feier released the tape, Yamamoto ghost and fan Douli opened their mouths and looked at each other. The others were also silly.

Yunmenglong didn't wait for the two to react and said, "I see. The peony flowers die, and ghosts are also romantic. Since ancient times, heroes have been young, and coyotes have been middle-aged. It seems that they both died for beauty. Alas, two people who were good for a woman..." yunmenglong shook his head and sighed with infinite regret: "Now that the truth has come out, let's be sad and change. We longhumen have been able to get rid of our charges. What do you want to do? Discuss it yourself. It's inconvenient for me to intervene in longhumen. However, if we want to fight, we can provide a venue for free. We should explain what happened in our territory. What do you think?"

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