Supreme Satyr

Chapter 244

The action of the three stopped suddenly, standing straight like a wooden stake, looking very talented as a soldier. The Firebird said, "if you have any last words, say it quickly. I have a fight, but it's terrible."

"I'm quite desperate to fight," Lei Bao said.

"I fight to death, to your life!" electric donkey is not easy, said so many words.

Cloud dream dragon cursed: "shit, what's the ability of three people to fight one? What kind of single fight?"

The Firebird said, "OK, I'll give you a choice. First, you pick the three of us; second, the three of us pick the one of you?"

"Can you abstain?" yunmenglong suddenly smiled very cheap.

The three shook their heads at the same time: "no, we must fight!"

Yunmenglong suddenly remembered that there was another tiger. He was not afraid of three people, but PK with three people was a very tiring thing. He was also the master who could save trouble as soon as he could. So he turned around and shouted to the tiger who seemed to be a passer-by: "tiger!"

The tiger looked at Yunmeng dragon and said, "call me, boss. I'm passing by. Go on."

Yun Menglong scolded, "fuck, do you want to help or not?"

The wind Thunder Tiger touched his nonexistent beard and said, "I'm thinking about it. Although I'm gentle and peace loving, my brother is in trouble. How can I sit back and ignore it. OK, I'll help you!"

Yunmenglong is very pleased. It's easier for two people to play three, isn't it? He said with a smile, "good brother."

The wind Thunder Tiger walked slowly to yunmenglong, hugged him, and said painfully, "boss, you need to refuel." then he went to the three people and put on a posture.

Yunmenglong immediately got a little shaky: "shit, don't you want to help me? You're in the wrong position."

The wind Thunder Tiger shook his head innocently: "no, there are brothers on both sides. But there are many people here, I naturally help more people and bully less people. Boss, you are so wise and powerful, you will beat us to the core. Right?"

Yunmenglong looked up at the sky and sighed: "God, I have no righteousness. Am I destined to live a lonely life without company?"

The four people also ignored yunmenglong's funny emotion. They folded their hands together and said, "wind, fire and lightning, drink and eat noodles, sister Yun can't come out, who will compete?" then the four people were about to start.

Yunmeng dragon's face is as calm as water, frozen cold water. He lowered his head, closed his eyes, crossed his hands into a cross, and a huge energy air mass condensed at his hand,

It rotates at high speed and emits colorful brilliance. Hundreds of square meters of furnishings fly towards the palm of yunmenglong. Furniture, sofas, wine glasses, tables and chairs, etc. with the enlargement of the air mass, the air in the stone chamber becomes thinner and thinner. At the moment when it is close to the energy mass, those things turn into powder and disperse with the wind. The four people were silly. This kind of energy is really terrible and amazing. They can hardly stand stably. Violent hurricanes are sweeping in. Only yunmenglong is motionless like a mountain. The place where he stands is like the eye of the wind. It is quiet like a scenic spot. His short spiritual hair doesn't know where to run. Instead, he was uninhibited snow-white silver when he was reborn, They dance without wind and are inextricably linked.

The crossed hands of Yunmeng dragon slowly opened in the opposite direction, and the energy ball became bigger and bigger. It vibrated violently, screamed and made a "Chi Chi" sound, as if it was about to break through the air and devour all things.

Yunmenglong suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes. The flash of his eyes exceeded every star in the sky. It was so dazzling and glowing. He looked at the three realms. You can't look at them.

Yunmenglong said word by word: "yes, you, people, force, I, you!"

Yunmenglong's hands are open, his clothes are flying, the snow is dancing, and his blue eyes are like electricity, like gods and demons. His hands slowly pushed forward and the energy ball rolled. No one doubts that the power contained in this energy group is enough to make a breakthrough. Seeing that the four people are about to turn into fly ash, there is no whole body.

The world suddenly quieted down, like a dead field

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