Supreme Satyr

Chapter 272

Yunmenglong put down one hand, pointed to the sun with his left hand and said, "I'm just at the beginning of the rising sun. The day of the sun is not yet here. You all look at it!"

Off the star platform, strode away, as if you were a dragon. The Cang trees are deep, the dew is heavy in the morning, the thorns are all over, and the Yunmeng dragon leaves don't touch the body.

Back in the house, baihebaihui is still sleeping. The same charming face, with a lazy and charming faint smile, it would be difficult to tell who is Lily and who is Baihui if their hair is not of different lengths. Yunmenglong moved in his heart, picked up a mass of green silk scattered by Baihui, found a kitchen knife, compared the beautiful hair of lily, and a knife fell.

Then yunmenglong untied their sleeping hole, and they woke up. Yunmenglong saw that there was no emotion in their eyes. He said faintly, "I don't like your surname. Now since you are my female slave, follow my surname." before they could speak, Yunmeng went on: "needless to say no, you don't have this right. Also, Baihui, you should have a haircut and cut short hair like lily, so you might be easier to kill me."

"Ah! My hair!" Yun Baihui found that her hair was short. She stared at yunmenglong with hatred: "did you do it?"

"I repeat, remember your identity, and speak to me with respect. Don't you Japanese know the best manners? Show your politeness. Don't forgive me next time. Stay here and I have something to do. I'll find someone to send you clothes later to see your clothes. It's so ugly." Yun Menglong said, waving his hand, Lay an air wall and turn out.

"Boss, what shall we do now?" Feng Leihu asked casually at dinner. The cloud dream dragon came only one day, and the wind Thunder Tiger's dependence on him was blind. Why is he so human?

Yunmenglong looked up at him and asked Liao fei'er standing behind yunmenglong, "tell me."

Liao Feier nodded: "Yes, boss. According to the information we got, Yunhai city has remained calm on the surface these days since Xie Feng died, but the dark tide has been rolling in the dark. The actions of many guilds are unusual. Their motives are unknown, or they are eyeing us, or gloating at misfortunes. They are willing to sit on the wall and wait to reap the benefits of fishermen. Most people hold this attitude, and they swing from side to side I'm not sure. If these poisonous insects play with Yin, it's impossible to prevent them. I think we should set an example. They all act as the second brother. Now they carry on the Green Gang, and few people care about us. Since Haihe will offend us, we should attack them first, but I think Haihe's sure to do this. There are situations we don't know, and we can't take it lightly Look at them, find someone to investigate clearly, and then do it. Because you know yourself and the enemy, you can be invincible. "

The cloud dream dragon grew up and said, "Feier is right. Now let's act separately. I'll go back to the military headquarters first and find someone to investigate the matter. By the way, I'll see how to use the military headquarters. Damn it, they can't imagine that I still have the power of the military headquarters?"

He smiled proudly and said: "I've got those two Japanese chicks. You can find someone to buy them some clothes and use them to deal with the Japanese. By the way, find someone to cut Yun Baihui's hair like lily. Why are you looking at me like this? They are my female slaves now. They should have my surname. Do you still let them have their surname Inoue? Shit, I'm followed by two Japanese chicks, Yun The ancestral grave will smoke. You ask the brothers to hold their horses first and show the highlights. By the way, you find sister Yun. She must give you some advice and help. I always feel that sister Yun is not simple. "Feng Leihu stared at yunmenglong in amazement. His face was full of worship. He raised his thumb and said in a dark praise:" cow! "

Yun Menglong said that, regardless of whether the wind Thunder Tiger had anything to say, he walked away. As he walked out of the longhumen hall, he secretly scolded the three character Scripture: "shit, what a broken place. It's so mysterious that my brother has to make a mark. How humiliating it is to be known."

Remembering the race with dai'er, yunmenglong couldn't help bending his mouth. "That silly girl is as simple as yue'er." yunmenglong thought of Princess Yiyue again, and his eyes couldn't help darkening: "she must hate me for not going back to find her. What's the matter with this silly child?"

This is a super extremely difficult calculation problem, and it is still very abnormal, because it is wrong and the answer is no solution.

Yunmenglong shook his head, thought together, and his energy ran freely. He went down the mountain road, got on the highway, and roared past various fast-moving sports cars, bringing a gust of wind. The people in the car were often in a trance. They vaguely felt that a UFO had passed by, but they only saw a dark shadow and disappeared in a flash. At this time, yunmenglong, his speed It has been beyond the reach of the wind.

Half an hour later, yunmenglong was surrounded by a surging crowd. He walked among the crowd, dressed in a black suit, with a handsome appearance. His eyes were as blue and clear as sapphire, and his smile around his mouth fascinated thousands of girls. He looked so handsome and free and unrestrained. It was difficult to find a few people in the world, not to mention the sea of clouds, but now, except those Huaichun Other people turned a blind eye to him and even meant to avoid him.

Black suits are the professional attire of the gangsters in Yunhai City, and they are also the iconic dress. People here are used to seeing a group of big men in black suits roaring past. They have never seen such a person walking around gracefully.

Looking at the bustling crowd, yunmenglong's heart swept a burst of sadness, and the lonely mood spontaneously arose. The world is not the world it used to be, or the sky above is no longer blue and transparent. No one around knows him. For everyone, he is just a passer-by, a stranger whose smile never falls on the bottom of his eyes.

Yunmenglong stopped and looked at the strange building, the strange crowd and the traffic. He was at a loss for a moment. The shadows cast on the ground are long and ruthlessly trampled by people. When others are walking, only he is still, which makes him look untimely and lonely, and deep loneliness is engraved into his bones.

"Where will I go? Where is my horizon and where is my world?" yunmenglong asked himself but couldn't answer.

"Sir, can I take a step?" an elegant voice interrupted yunmenglong's thoughts.

"Er?" yunmenglong returned to his mind and looked at the sound source. A girl like Qingxi Liuquan stood in front of him, smiling and looking at him with clean eyes. The girl tied a simple ponytail, and the graceful radian of the goose shaped face was just outlined. She wore a pair of denim pants under her body, which decorated her slender and straight leg curves perfectly. She wore a pair of white nike shoes under her feet, which gave people a refreshing and pleasant feeling. Yun Menglong analyzed the girl with his professional rogue eyes. Of course, his eyes were on her face and Yu Guang was on her chest. He came to the conclusion that virginity is the best.

Yunmenglong resumed his rogue nature and said with a smile, "of course, I haven't asked the girl's name yet. What advice does the girl have?"

The girl took yunmenglong to a quiet place, stopped, stretched out a white hand and said, "my name is Lin wanruo, Hello, sir." the girl was not surprised by yunmenglong's strange words.

Yunmenglong immediately pinched it and said with a smile, "Lin wanruo is a good name. His name is like a person. He is as extraordinary and beautiful as a person. May I ask Miss Lin's name?"

"Sir, your eyes are black, the Yin hall is green and black, and there is black air on the spirit of heaven. There will be a great disaster." Lin Wan frowned, not without worry.

Yunmenglong was stunned and wanted to laugh. He has seen deceptive prodigies before, but they are all bad old men. Where can there be such a moving beauty?

Yunmenglong shook his head and sighed, "Qing Benjia, why do you cheat?"

Lin Wan said leisurely, "when the wind blows, the clouds are flying. Where is my hometown in my dream? The emotions are chaotic, the stars move, the wolf smoke rises, and the Dragon comes to the world. Since you don't believe it, I have nothing to say."

Yunmenglong's blue eyes twinkled. He looked deeply at Lin wanruo. Lin wanruo's beautiful eyes were as pure as water, and there was no sense of deception. "Miss Lin, master, please show me?"

Lin Wan pinched his jade fingers and didn't know what to read in his mouth. His beautiful eyebrows became tangled because of tight wrinkles, like a small snake.

Finally, she looked up at Yunmeng dragon and said, "strange."

"What's strange... Sorry, I'll answer the phone." the familiar and disgusting music sounded, and yunmenglong apologized.

"Big brother, something's wrong!" came the anxious voice of wind, thunder and tiger on the phone.

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