Supreme Satyr

Chapter 275

Feng Ling looked at yunmenglong's tall and straight back, and felt a strange feeling in her heart. Her eyes, which were mostly angry and shy, slowly complicated.

Although the wind Thunder Tiger believed that yunmenglong wouldn't do much, he was really restless above. He pricked his ears and listened carefully to the movement of the secret room below, but fortunately, he didn't think of the familiar but not kind voice he heard last night. Last night, yunmenglong made Lily Baihui two sisters die and die. Those two little girls really called a coquette. He was burning with desire in the next room. To tell the truth, he is really afraid that Yunmeng dragon will take Fengling to justice. At least Fengling is also a stunning beauty, although it is spicy. Ordinary people can't bear it. Yunmenglong is not an ordinary person. His behavior is always informal and unexpected. Who knows if he will suddenly have a big animal hair, tear off Feng Ling's clothes, and then circle and fork. His eyes when he hits Feng Ling's ass seem to be abnormal and cruel.

"Big brother won't like playing SM?" the idea crept into the wind Thunder Tiger's mind and smiled. "Did he knock Feng Ling out and then..."

Wind Thunder Tiger is also an imaginative master. Thinking of this, he couldn't help sweating. He got up and prepared to go down and have a look.

Yunmenglong just came out and almost had a strong intimate contact with the wind Thunder Tiger who had mad cow disease.

"Tiger, what are you doing?" the cloud dream dragon turned and dodged away.

"I......" the wind Thunder Tiger scratched his head and was at a loss. Suddenly, he said, "I haven't seen you come up for so long. I'm afraid Xiaoling castrated you. She's very skilled in castration."

"Shit, you dead tiger, is the boss so useless? You'd better worry about your sister. Find someone to send her clothes." yunmenglong smiled and scolded, and then said a meaningful sentence.

"Ah? What's the matter with my sister? You tore her clothes, and then you..." the wind Thunder Tiger said sadly and angrily, "you beast, woo woo, how do I recognize you as the eldest brother? I... I..."

"I you big head ghost, shit, boss, am I so shameless?" yunmenglong kicked the wind Thunder Tiger's ass.

The wind Thunder Tiger covered his ass, looked at yunmenglong with an innocent and wronged expression, nodded and said, "yes. But I still believe you didn't hurt Xiaoling."

"Fuck, you've lost your reputation because of the virtue of your bitch." Yun Menglong scolded.

Fengleihu went outside and called a woman to send clothes to Fengling. Then he and yunmenglong went to the next office and sat down.

"Elder brother, how do you know this is Fengling's trap? Feier also mentioned this possibility to me, but he was too uncertain, and I was worried at that time, so I didn't listen to him." before his ass was hot, Feng Leihu couldn't wait to raise questions in his heart.

Yun Menglong nodded approvingly and said, "Liao Feier is a talented person. He is deep and knows the general." then he said: "I have a natural sense of transcendence, which is to recognize the taste of women. Every woman has a taste of her own. It is not natural, but perfume is a kind of fragrance, but it will not cover up their true nature. Especially the beauty, especially the cougar, mature woman. Of course, ordinary people can't smell it. They just stay on the rouge, powder and spices that women wear, and they can't smell the woman's soul at all. A beautiful woman, I don't mean only external, I mean beautiful women with both internal and external cultivation. Their taste is the most charming. The taste of some women has gone bad, because Some external reasons. Last time I saw Feng Ling, her fragrance was very good. The strength of her external disguise could not hide her inner softness and kindness. "

The wind Thunder Tiger listened quietly. After Yunmeng longlong finished, he raised his thumb and said with heartfelt admiration: "brother is really very human. My admiration for you is like..."

"The old... The board is bad, and the young lady is gone!" the woman who sent clothes to Feng Ling rushed in and interrupted Feng Leihu's unfinished flattery. The flower looks pale and said anxiously.

"What?" the wind thunder tiger jumped up: "why is it missing again? What is Fengling playing with?"

Yunmenglong didn't answer either. He and fengleihu returned to the secret room. The secret room was still the same, except that without Fengling, the dozens of big men still slept soundly, or fainted soundly.

Yunmeng dragon was dignified. He felt the traces left by a strong dark force, which had the unique smell of fishy and salty sea water. His eyes narrowed into a blade and slowly said, "Fengling was really taken away this time. Haihe River will dry it."

The wind Thunder Tiger scolded: "fuck Zhou Xing, I have the ability to come to me. Why catch my sister."

Yunmeng Dragon said in a deep voice, "there will be changes in time without waiting for the news of the storm. Let's go to Haihe meeting, just you and me. There will be experts in Haihe meeting. Thank you, brother. It's just a waste of life."

"They dare, shit, it's a legal society now. Even we can't treat human life like grass mustard..."

"Well, don't talk nonsense. Let's go. Let Liao Feier stare at the brothers. If you have a way, you'd better contact the Firebird. I'll save you. Others will take the opportunity to find something." yunmenglong interrupted Feng Leihu.

The wind Thunder Tiger looked puzzled and said, "I go directly to them when I have something. You know, their faces are like monsters mutated by nuclear radiation. If they come here, they will be scared to death with a bad heart. Maybe they will have to be caught by the government and put in a cage for exhibition."

"Well, let Liao fei'er keep in touch with us all the time." yunmenglong pondered.

The wind and Thunder Tiger drove Rolls Royce and rushed to the wharf. The traffic police rushed through the red light all the way. When they saw that the car was Rolls Royce and the brand was 8888, he didn't dare to stop. He wasn't a fool. Yunmeng longzong tied his seat belt and was in a mess. He is still not used to riding a car. He can ride a horse or a sedan chair. The speed is unbearable. The wind and Thunder Tiger drove Rolls Royce as a Boeing 767. The tires were worn to the ground, and ran all the way. It drove to Zhouxing's Wharf in less than an hour.

"Zhi!" as soon as the wind Thunder Tiger stepped on the brake, four beautiful surrealist arcs appeared on the ground. Under the high fence dam was the surging sea. Rolls Royce's front wheels had exceeded the dam edge by a few centimeters and almost drove into the sea. Yunmenglong leaped frog and stuck it on the glass again.

"Shit, I won't take your car when I go back. It's expensive to take someone else's car, but it's fatal to take your car." Yun Menglong shook his dizzy head and said.

"Brother, forgive me. I'm in a hurry, Xiao Ling. I'll drive slowly when I get back." Feng Ling said.

"Let Fengling drive and I'll sit down?"

"She? She'll drive you. I'll take a taxi back. Xiao Ling definitely drives her car as a rocket. Alas, I'd better save people first."

"You two are in charge of the dragon and tiger gate. Our Dragon King is waiting for you on the cruise ship. Please come with me?" a beautiful woman in a sexy professional suit said faintly.

Yunmenglong took a deep breath. The air by the sea was fresh. What was behind the endless blue? The end of the sea is the tail of the blue sky? The sea and sky are the same, the sky is high and the sea is wide. The white seagulls sing a beautiful song.

Today's docks are rare and clean. There are no redundant berthing ships. Only a seemingly awesome cruise ship stops at about 20 nautical miles.

"Fuck, Titanic?" the Thunder Tiger looked at the cruise ship and scolded.

"The beautiful woman drove the yacht through the clear water and headed straight for the cruise ship. White waves appeared on both sides of the yacht, blooming in full bloom.

They got on the luxury cruise ship, and a group of people greeted them. First, one of them was as tall as yunmenglong's old man, and his whole body was as round as a ball. His facial features gathered on his small face and looked quite crowded. There was a grunt in yunmenglong's belly, and he wanted to eat steamed stuffed buns. The man's small eyes were half open and half closed, and he burst out from time to time.

The man laughed and said, "brother Hu came here. Zhou Xing was radiant. Last time I said goodbye, I was fine."

Wind, thunder, tiger and tiger narrowed their eyes and said word by word: "Dragon King of the East China Sea, Zhou Xing!"

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