Supreme Satyr

Chapter 285

Long Mengyun was not overwhelmed with grief. He suddenly flattened the raging waves and water evil when he lost his mind. The key is that she can't let the raging water evil spirit have the opportunity to send a signal and let the demon emperor know that someone has escaped from the holy lotus. The magic emperor is now unifying the universe and has no time to investigate carefully. If she knows that the holy lotus has escaped most forces, it is estimated that what the magic emperor should do immediately is to put down his work, sweep the whole universe and find out and kill the remaining sins of the holy lotus. He regarded the holy lotus as a thorn in the flesh. The holy lotus Lord prevented him from unifying the universe for at least a billion years.

In countless PK duels that year, the devil robbed the four evil spirits and fought with Huiji several times. Although Huiji's appearance has changed now, her moves, eyes and feelings will not change. Sometimes an enemy knows a person better than a friend, because only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. Although shuisha's IQ is a little low, it is not a complete quality three guarantee 250. When long Mengyun sent out the purple mans holy arrow, he knew that the famous Huiji of Shenglian came, and he ran away with his life in fear. Since long Mengyun has exposed his identity, there are only two ways to go. Either kill the crazy wave shuisha or fool him. Now long Mengyun is making steady progress towards the first road.

Long Mengyun made a backward somersault and arched an attractive arc. The perfect hip curve was undoubtedly revealed, but no one appreciated it at this time. She flies around the raging waves of water evil, and her hands and feet emit purple lights. They all penetrate into the fine cracks of the joints of water evil. Originally, he is not this kind of virtue. Who let him turn into a human to engage in Earth people? It's an old sin. Those purple lights swim and cut in the joints, swish, cool and hot, It made shuisha show his teeth and feel miserable. Long Mengyun also played happily. He forgot that shuisha was an expert in playing with water. He didn't play with his wild waves in those years. Longmengyun a kilogram drop, plus a lotus spin, the raging waves rotate like a gyroscope and dive into the sea.

"No!" long Mengyun whispered. She stood on a handsome dolphin with beautiful eyes and stared at the sea without blinking.

The sea breeze has taken an unprecedented vacation. There is no wind on the sea. The air is like a clumsy old woman. The sea is very calm and strange. The waves are sleeping like a baby. The vast sea has become a dead area. The dolphin lay docile in the sea, with a trace of surprise in its clear eyes, and then turned into panic. Dolphins are very intelligent animals. Their spiritual sense is beyond ordinary people.

After about thirty seconds, the thirty seconds were as long as a thousand years, and the eyes in the dream had blurred.

Long Mengyun, like a green jade, refers to the Magic Lotus. The lotus blossoms are open on the vast sea, rotating around the cruise ships around Zhou Xing, in full bloom. The purple petals are so holy, and the fragrant aroma intoxicates the dolphins. Zhou Xing's cruise ship was driverless, windless and wave free, but it quickly went to the shore. The broken sea water could not lift a spray. Long Mengyun gently picked up the unconscious yunmenglong, gently kissed him on his innocent face like a sleeping baby, put him on the deck, and then ordered the sea dolphin to dive into the sea bottom. The beautiful dolphin who had entrusted yunmenglong looked at yunmenglong reluctantly and sank.

Long Mengyun stood in the air, quietly waiting for the last trick of the raging waves and water evil, the tranquility before the storm. The tranquility of the sea often gives birth to endless undercurrent at the bottom of the sea. The more quiet, the greater the power of the outbreak.

The wild wave shuisha sank into the seabed thousands of meters deep. All kinds of unknown deep-sea fish around him ran away. Several idiot fish wanted to see what the boy was doing. Where have they seen people in the deep sea every day? They also tried to flirt or provoke, but they died in peace when they were not careful. Moreover, there is no whole corpse. The magic Qi emitted by shuisha has great energy. As soon as the fish approaches, it will be broken into molecules.

Long Mengyun looked at the sea solemnly. The sea water has become an inky dark color, and there is a trend of deepening.

With a loud noise, the sea seemed to throw an atomic bomb, and shuisha was the big fish in the explosion. He took a water column with a diameter of three or four feet and flew out of the sea.

"Huiji, you forced me to make a unique move, crazy wave..." the crazy wave water evil looks like a nine day demon, his hands rise into a 60 degree angle, his head tilts back slightly, and his eyes flash the fierce light of burning jade and stone.

Without waiting for him to finish, long Mengyun ran to shuisha at the speed of nearly two-thirds of the speed of light. Long Mengyun has already gathered all the purple lotus holy energy in her body. She is not afraid of the thousands of feet of sea waves raised by the raging wave water Sha. She is only afraid that the water Sha will break through the different dimensions and introduce the magic rob black water. The liquid that is ten thousand times more corrosive than sulfuric acid is enough to dry up the sea and ruin life.

The sky in the South faintly sank in, and a large mass of black gas rolled and roared. The Warcraft of shuisha didn't know when it ran to the middle of the concave sky. There was a lot of thunder. The black awn captured the light of the scorching sun again and again. The Warcraft turned faster and faster, and the concave hole sank deeper and deeper. The cave in the southern sky sucked in a plane from nowhere like a black hole

Long Mengyun chided: "holy Lotus World!"

Countless beautiful and holy lotus flowers have passed through the sea water connected with the sky and opened all over the world. The front lotus turns the water column around the water Sha into soft fingers. The water Sha is exposed under the lotus, and his energy is close to the edge of exhaustion.

"If you hold on for another second, the devil will rob Heishui and wash the world. Then I have completed the task of conquering the earth. The devil emperor will forgive me." kuangtao shuisha thought wishfully.

In a third of a second, countless lotus flowers were filled with the spring of energy leakage around shuisha, and the raging water Sha became a purple lotus basket; For two-thirds of a second, long Mengyun's sweet lips held a lotus flower with dew. She gently inserted it into the tianlinggai of shuisha. Long Mengyun handled it as a knife, but did not cut it. At that moment, she decided to leave shuisha. "Know yourself and the enemy, win every battle, and catch one of the four evil spirits of magic robbery. Then there will be a door to study the magic skill of magic robbery, and the young master will be much easier." long Mengyun thought.

"Ah! Open!" shuisha screamed, and he tried his best to give out his last skill in the moment long Mengyun left his hand.

"Not good!" long Mengyun lost her color.

The black hole is getting bigger and bigger. It absorbs all the material and energy around it. The sun is also shrouded in magic gas and loses its color. Seeing that the catastrophe was about to happen, suddenly a gray figure turned into a blue light and rushed up. The light also made a strange voice: "his grandmother is a big black dog. That bastard made such a big mess. He wants to wear out my old bone. Your grandmother's Nuwa mends the sky!"

The old fairy's hands turned into gossip, and the green light was everywhere. It covered the black hole like a big quilt. The old fairy looked solemn. He murmured, "fuck your mother, fuck your mother, I want to know who did it. I have to cut your eggs and lay wine." he stood in the air with the green light in one hand to prevent the evil spirit from leaking out. The Warcraft inside roared reluctantly and slowly quieted down.

Long Mengyun smiled softly at the corners of her mouth. She quietly took Yunmeng dragon, shuisha, tiger and Fengling and left.

Long Mengyun knew the old immortal. Even if he turned into ash, she knew him. "Isn't this the rogue teacher of the little Lord? The little Lord has more chips in his hand. Just now, it's still important to save the little." long Mengyun said.

It's clearing up. The sun broke gold and fell on the waves on the sea. It was beautiful to inlay them with a layer of gold.

The old fairy finally succeeded after blowing up a bunker for a long time, but he didn't become a martyr.

Tired to death, the old immortal came down, but he couldn't see a person. He only saw a luxurious cruise ship stopping by the sea alone. The old fairy shook her head, turned into a blue light and went back to his old nest lengyun mountain.

The old immortal didn't know that he was close to the dear little rogue apprentice and just passed by.

Isn't life sometimes just like this?

Regrets are everywhere. This is the greatness of God, rain and clouds, arrange everything, human beings live in their own destiny, can not avoid, can not resist, until death!

And death is inevitable.

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