Supreme Satyr

Chapter 312

The visitor is dressed in a fit cyan suit, with a graceful body, a handsome face and a mature charm aura. His smile is clean and warm, and his eyes are deep. Yunmenglong found that this man was difficult to be annoying. He couldn't help being vigilant: such a person is dangerous!

Long Mengyun curled up and said with a faint smile, "childe Li is coming to my humble house. You are busy. If you don't come to Mengyun, you won't blame you."

"Ha ha, Mengyun is joking. Even if Li has a big thing, he should put it aside and meet your legendary cousin. Frankly, I've wanted to see your cousin for a long time."

The visitor is Li Xuanyi, the son of Li Tiancheng, the richest man in Asia. After that, he stretched out his hand to yunmenglong around long Mengyun. His hand is clean and slender, and the hand of a successful person.

"This must be Mr. Yunmeng Longyun. I'm Li Xuanyi."

Yunmenglong held out his hand and smiled: "I heard sister Yun say that childe Li is beautiful and has extraordinary appearance. I didn't know that sister Yun was wrong until I saw him today." yunmenglong paused and looked at Li Xuanyi. His smile didn't halve. Instead, he looked at yunmenglong with great interest. Other people almost spewed the wine out of their mouths after hearing Yun Menglong's words.

Yunmenglong gave a dark praise and then said, "childe Li's style is beautiful, the sun and the moon are competing for glory, and the world is striving for glory. How can it be described as extraordinary?"

"Ha ha," Li Xuanyi laughed heartily, revealing a row of snow-white and neat teeth: "Menglong can really talk. No wonder Mengyun loves you so much. I've coveted this villa for a long time. She won't sell it for how much money I give. Now it's really a deep love between sister and brother. They were relieved. Yunmenglong offended Li Xuanyi, Isn't this death? Although he is the boss of longhumen and the head of the military region, he is not enough to see compared with Li Xuanyi.

"Sister Yun is really right to my little brother. My little brother should hold grass and tie a ring to repay." yunmenglong thought in his heart: "my little brother should repay with * * *!"

After greeting, Tan Yaoxi came over and shook hands with Li Xuanyi: "how's your father? It was half a year ago when I saw your father last time. It's really enviable to think of your father's style."

"Thanks to mayor Tan, my father is all right." Li Xuanyi smiled.

Then those gentlemen and ladies flocked to Li Xuanyi and greeted him warmly and flatteringly. That look was really disgusting. Li Xuanyi was treated like a different person from him. He was just polite to him. In fact, he still despised and despised him as a rogue leader and a little white face who lived and ate by women. Yunmenglong looked at Li Xuanyi's face with an appropriate smile. He was like a fish in water in the crowd and played with the wind and water. He was a little impressed.

He sneered: "you hypocritical and disgusting things, I want you to kneel at my feet and beg for mercy like a pug sooner or later!"

"Menglong, you seem hostile to childe Li?" longmengyun pulled him to a corner and whispered.

"Is this boy interested in you?"

Long Mengyun's beautiful eyes looked at Yun Menglong with a smile and said nothing.

"Why are you looking at me like that? My face is blooming?" the cloud dream dragon sword eyebrow was slightly tight.

"Aren't you eating?" long Mengyun's heart is very sweet: the young master even eats other people's vinegar for me.

"Yes, I'm jealous. This little white face is not a good thing at first sight!" Yun Menglong hated.

"Ha ha, you are so cute," long Mengyun giggled. His colorful branches trembled and glittered. The wolf gentlemen around couldn't help brightening their eyes and stared at long Mengyun's towering twin peaks. Long Mengyun pinched Yunmeng's nose and said, "do you look more like a little white face?"

Yunmenglong blushed, became angry and whispered, "do you want me to get you right, but you don't wear underwear. Be careful that the spring light leaks out."

Long Mengyun blushed on his face, unconsciously pulled his skirt, looked at him angrily and said, "don't talk nonsense, there's still business, when it's finished..." long Mengyun gave him a charming look, and yunmenglong couldn't help but move his fingers. It's what the fuck is called Meigu born, a charming goblin who doesn't pay for his life.

Those gentlemen and ladies boasted about how awesome they were and talked about the financial crisis, the economic crisis, the Dow Jones index and land stocks. Hearing yunmenglong yawn, he wanted to sleep.

At this time, Chu Jingfeng came. He and yunmenglong whispered, "boss, if the commander can't come, let me come. Are you okay?"

"Do you think I have something to do?" yunmenglong asked, "nothing happened to the military headquarters?"

"The boss has great powers. Naturally, it's all right. Brothers are just worried. The military headquarters is fine. The commander is a little upset recently. We have to wait for you to solve it. Let's go back and talk about it in detail."

"Brother Chu is here too? I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm all right." Li Xuanyi stood up and said with a smile.

Chu Jingfeng was stunned and said with a smile, "thank you, childe Li. Everything is fine."

"Do you know him too?" yunmenglong frowned. This childe Li is too divine. His face is greater than innocence.

"He solicited me a few years ago, but I refused." Chu Jingfeng said faintly.

Then came several underworld leaders in Yunhai city. They respectfully called yunmenglong Lord, which made yunmenglong earn some face. But they were as surprised as Li Xuanyi and said, "isn't this childe Li? I'm lucky!"

Even Xiao He, the police chief who came later, saw Li Xuanyi with a dirty expression. Yunmenglong wondered: isn't his father in Hong Kong? As for this picture of virtue?

Chu Jingfeng and Yun Menglong sit in a corner and talk about the army. Chu Jingfeng suddenly said, "boss, do you know who will come today?"

"Who?" the cloud dream dragon raised his eyebrows.

"Your father-in-law," Chu Jingfeng said with a smile.

"What father-in-law?" yunmenglong frowned.

"It's your father-in-law's father-in-law, Dai Daier's grandfather, Li Tiancheng."

Chu Jingfeng's voice just fell, and the voice outside raised: Master Li, the richest man in the cloud sea, arrived! An old man with white hair and beard, Hefa Tongyan and a hale and hearty look came in with strong steps.

"Mr. Li, why did you come in person? I just want to tell you that you can just send someone." long Mengyun went up and took Li Tiancheng's arm.

"Let me see my grandson-in-law. Dai'er has always praised Menglong for being so good. The old man also comes to see the living treasure in my baby granddaughter's mouth." Li Tiancheng is in good health and has a loud voice.

Yunmenglong was flattered. He hurriedly got up to meet Menglong and said, "Sir, you really killed Menglong. Dai'er, the smelly girl, asked you to run here. You want to see me, but in a word, Menglong rushed to listen to your teachings."

Li Tiancheng started from scratch and worked hard for decades to make his own world. He read countless people. Now when he saw yunmenglong, he couldn't help comforting Lao Huai: "the dragon and Phoenix are among the dreamers. I'm relieved, old man. Dai'er's blessing. If you don't mind, call me grandpa."

Yunmenglong can't be on the road at this time, even though he is a 1000 year old hooligan. "Grandpa!" the cloud dream dragon shouted really sweet.

"Ah!" Li Tiancheng's face was full of happy smiles in the texture depicted by years like a knife.

"My uncle is old and strong. I'm very happy," Li Xuanyi said to Li Tiancheng.

"Alas, the years are unforgiving. In those days, your father and I stayed in the sea of clouds and the other went to Hong Kong. Now your father is far behind me. I'm ashamed to have the same name as your father." Li Tiancheng sighed.

Li Xuanyi said with a smile, "uncle is really talkative. My father always says that uncle is a gentleman and has excellent skills. Many places are worth learning from him."


Yunmenglong decided to change his strategy. Li Xuanyi ate everywhere. He was panting. He was dying with him. It was unwise to be an opponent. It's too full to fight against such murderous and funny people. I don't think my life is too moist. I want to find some blow. So let's be friends first!

Everyone sat on the sofa. Long Mengyun went to the middle and said, "now, I have something to announce to you!"

Everyone put down their glasses, closed their mouths and looked at long Mengyun quietly.

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