Supreme Satyr

Chapter 329

As everyone knows, what is the sun and the moon? The sun is the oldest in the daytime. It has the final say that the moon is the world at night. Wife has the final say. When a woman gives a man face, a man has the final say, but once he gets home, he closes the door. That is the wife mean what one says. The only difference between the sun and the moon is that they never appear at the same time.

However, at this moment, the sun has covered more than half of the mountain, and only a few and a half are still dying. They have to show their faces when they say anything. They just don't go away. However, the moon can't wait. Half of them have risen. The holy and beautiful face of the moon forms a strong contrast with the blood red face of the sun. There is a chemical reaction between the brilliance of the moon and the afterglow of the sunset, There is another new brilliance, that brilliance, called back to the past!

In front of Yunmeng longan is his hometown of the Song Dynasty more than 900 years ago, Yunfu! Cloud dream dragon body huge earthquake, this place that has returned countless times in the dream is standing quietly in front of him, so peaceful and warm.

He thought he would never go back and never see the beautiful moon at that time. However, long Mengyun copied Yunfu for him, but those people and things can't be copied. In my ears, I vaguely remembered the soft words of apricot blue, my father's helpless scolding, my mother's angry doting, and the old beggar's nagging that iron is not steel. Everything was as clear as yesterday. The corners of Yunmeng dragon's mouth were slightly hooked up, and a liquid with a pH less than seven in his eyes rushed out, like the water out of the gate, I couldn't help myself.

Laugh and cry, the most painful!

Is it a mirage, a foreign land in a dream, a yellow flower of yesterday, or a castle in the air.

I can't go back. I can't go back anymore. Life is always so helpless. Even if you can turn over clouds and rain and look at the world, there are always things you can't do.

"Ah!" the cloud dream dragon roared up to the sky, and the sad voice went up to the sky. The clouds turned into Acacia tears.

The sun disappeared, the moon, the perfect face, so bright, but is she lonely?

Long Mengyun stood quietly beside yunmenglong, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and sighed softly: "a man doesn't flick his tears, but he hasn't reached the sad place! In fact, if Menglong is good enough, he may not be able to go back."

Yunmeng Longshu turned around and held Longmeng's shoulders cut like a knife with both hands. In his eyes, he burst into a vibrant look: "what are you talking about? I... Can go back and see apricot blue again? Aren't you lying to me?"

There was a faint sadness in long Mengyun's heart. She smiled bitterly and said, "Why have I lied to you?"

"How can we go back?" yunmenglong asked, gazing at longmengyun's beautiful eyes.

"Lord of the three realms, you are the only one who can save the world and the holy lotus world. At that time, it's up to you where you like to go and where you like to go." long Mengyun said faintly.

"Well, no matter what price I pay, I will become the Lord of the three realms!" the sadness of yunmenglong's wandering across the sea suddenly changed into an indestructible self-confidence. That self-confidence is strong enough to point directly at the people's heart. No one will laugh at his arrogance or his overconfidence. This is not a dream, but an ideal, which he must achieve, just for the lover in his heart and the most precious family affection in the world!

Yunmenglong looked from house to house, closed his eyes and recalled those happy fragments at the beginning. The corners of his mouth outlined a charming arc.

Came to the room of apricot blue, although things are different and people are missing, it seems that there is a faint fragrance on apricot blue in the air. Close your eyes and you can see her beautiful face. She smiled and said: Xianggong, you're back, you're back at last. Hold the cloud dream dragon tightly, tears fall like rain, don't let go!

This scene will eventually happen at some time in the future! Yunmenglong firmly believes, and longmengyun also believes.

Yunfu is like a totem. The untouchable part of Yunmeng dragon's heart is carefully buried in his heart. This is a sustenance, warmth and home!

Yunmenglong looks from room to room. Every corner and every item is exhaustive. He is so focused when he appreciates the beauty's body. Long Mengyun followed him quietly and let him know that there was someone around him. He was not alone. Everything is as like as two peas. If the family is not there, Yunmeng really doubts that he has gone home.

After reading all the rooms, yunmenglong turned around and gently hugged longmengyun. The two hearts stuck together, so close, so close, heart to heart.

"Thank you, wife, I love you." yunmenglong whispered in longmengyun's ear. His voice was choking.

All the hard work and efforts have been rewarded. Long Mengyun doesn't ask for anything. It's enough to have Yun Menglong.

At this time, Fenglei tiger is visiting the palace with Fengling and Lily sisters. Since entering the palace, several people's mouths have not been closed. The tiger's mouth is so big that it is not open enough, let alone the other three. The four people had a tacit understanding. When the stone gate was opened, they all gave a surprised exclamation: Wow!

Then when I walked inside, I began to wow. I would wow every place and no room, as if not wow was not enough to express the surprise of the four people. Lily is more reserved, but the small mouth of cherry is still a big mouth of walnut, especially Fengling. She is already careless, and the next sexy lip is a big mouth. In fact, there are not too many rooms. There are 100 rooms, no more or no less, but the styles of each room are different. There are elegant decoration, bright colors, Western layout, plain style, and a gathering of Chinese and Western cultures. There are many and many, and this golden palace can definitely be called a miracle in the history of architecture!

What's more valuable is that the antique calligraphy, painting and jewelry inside can be seen everywhere, and they are treasures. Any one thrown into the market is priceless. To let those collectors see the things here, they should ensure that they cry more than one. They can say that they have no regrets in this life.

Walking to the last room, several people were stunned: what fucking room is it? It's too big. It's a full 500 square meters. Moreover, the whole room presents an ambiguous crimson color. There is a special aroma in it. The aroma quietly penetrates into people's skin, which makes people feel hot and their heart beats faster. In the middle of the room, a huge lotus hammock is set around the roof. The hammock can hold at least four or five dinosaurs at the same time. If you sleep, you have to have 40 or 50 people. Next to it is a floor bed, which is as big and beautiful. It's absolutely no problem for you to dance and turn around. It's basically equivalent to a small basketball court.

On the four walls are the most advanced embedded LCD TVs. There are four on one wall. On the far right, there is a swimming pool. For the first time, I have seen that the swimming pool will be with the bedroom. The water in the swimming pool is crystal clear. The pool wall is made of pure gold, and the bottom is a kind of transparent crystal. There are glittering jade that can illuminate people on all sides. One person jumps down, Basically every angle of the body will be revealed.

In addition, there are some ingenious gadgets. The tiger has a dry mouth, Baihui lily has a beautiful face with spring, and her face is flushed. Even Feng Ling has two red clouds flying on her face.

Yunmenglong and longmengyun are coming in together. When yunmenglong sees it, shit, it's too arrogant and extravagant. It's simply immoral. Look at some beautiful women. Their faces are so beautiful that they are about to drip water. They can't help but move their forefingers.

"Tiger, what the fuck should you do? I have something to do." Yunmeng dragon turns sadness into desire. Damn it, if I don't kill four with one arrow today, how can Yunmeng dragon stop.

As soon as the tiger looked at the boss's licentious eyes, he knew what yunmenglong wanted. He looked at yunmenglong with envy and said goodbye to leave. Feng Ling seemed to know what was going to happen. She gently followed the wind Thunder Tiger and wanted to leave with her brother.

Yunmenglong looked at it and said with a smile, "I said my linger baby, what do you want to do?"

Feng Ling stopped, and the smile on her face was a little stiff: "ha ha, it's all right. You're busy. I'll go elsewhere first."

Yunmenglong moved and appeared beside Fengling. "Ah!" Feng Ling whispered. She was held by Yunmeng dragon and flew to the lotus hammock. The lotus hammock shook slightly and felt quite comfortable. Yunmeng dragon was like a spider sitting on it, and Feng Ling was the poor prey.

"You, what are you doing?" Feng Ling hugged her chest and asked in horror.

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "don't you know why? I threw you on the bed. What do you say I want?" yunmenglong said and leaned over slowly.

Once the pictures came to my mind one by one, with such familiar eyes and the same words. At that time, when she was most desperate, long Mengyun saved her. Now, who can save her?

"Ah..." Feng Ling suddenly uttered a shrill cry.

Yunmenglong was stunned. Feng Ling was like a wounded beast. Her delicate body trembled gently. Her face was hung with raging tears. Her eyes widened to blank because of fear. She was immersed in a kind of desperate sadness.

"Please, don't, please, don't..." Feng Ling's eyes were listless and her head kept shaking. She said these two unconscious words and repeated them constantly.

A trace of Love rises in yunmenglong's heart. What has happened to Fengling? Look at this reaction, isn't it eight or nine or ten? He gently hugged Fengling's delicate body and said softly in her ear: "good, Xiaoling good, not afraid, my brother is wrong. Don't worry, with me, no one can hurt you. I promise you, I won't touch your finger without your consent in the future."

Yunmenglong's words were warm and bewitching. Fengling fell into a harbor without wind and waves. Most of the shadow at the bottom of her heart was dispelled. She quietly fell asleep in yunmenglong's arms. Sleep so innocent and innocent, like a child.

Yunmenglong didn't have a relationship with anyone that night. Women are used to love, not to vent their desires.

He lay alone in bed, quietly looking at the broken diamonds on the roof like stars, and his thoughts extended across thousands of years.

Suddenly, a faint music that seemed to have nothing came into his ears. It was the sound of Xiao, the familiar sound of Xiao. Once upon a time, a fairy played the music when he was injured and laughed with you for 3000 times!

This atmospheric torrential music does not damage its charm at all under the playing of Xiao, and even has a sense of dust removal.

Yunmenglong got out of bed, swept out through the night and melted into the night.

The flute sound came from the top of the mountain. Yunmeng dragon and bird stepped up to the cloud, only counted, and then reached the top of the mountain. The wind at the top of the mountain rang and filled his clothes.

Under the moonlight, on the stargazing platform, there was a figure as graceful as an immortal. Her back was facing the cloud dream dragon, and she was focusing on playing the music.

Yunmenglong was in a trance. The plain figure lingering in the dream for thousands of years came back to life. It was thin, slim, long hair hanging smoothly, and white as snow. Was that the fairy in the nine world? Or the goddess of dreams?

Yunmenglong calmed his mood and whispered, "Qingyao!" his voice was a little hoarse.

The figure turned around, a pair of crystal clear eyes, lightly staring at Yunmeng dragon.

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