Supreme Satyr

Chapter 332

After hanging up, yunmenglong said to longmengyun, "Xiaohui, come with me. I'm afraid I can't do well alone. To tell the truth, although I ate the water silly spirit, I'm still a little uneasy. In case I accidentally bury the fish's belly, it's not fun."

"Well, OK, I'll call the company and say we'll start right away." long Mengyun nodded.

Feng Ling was very embarrassed about what happened yesterday. When she heard yunmenglong calling sister Yun Xiaohui, she stared round her eyes: is sister Yun's nickname Xiaohui? How can this smelly rascal and little boy call sister Yun Xiaohui? Sister Yun is still happy? Feng Ling looked at Yunmeng dragon and longmengyun with her wonderful eyes and came to a conclusion: they have an affair!

Shit, the female tiger of the wind family is a little late. They are more than ambiguous. There are all the facts, which is the objective fact, that is, the baby. Feng Ling mainly didn't think how sister Yun, such a high-ranking ice beauty, could be so affectionate and obedient to a little hooligan. She was a little, uh, like yunmenglong, but she was far away from longmengyun. She just couldn't understand why long Mengyun paid so much for yunmenglong. First, she kept sleeping and eating and took meticulous care of yunmenglong. Then she invited all the dignified people in Yunhai city to a party. She also named his best villa yunlongge. She also built a momentum for him to become a popular figure in Yunhai City, and gave him a high position as the CEO of Long's enterprise, Even more, he built such a miraculous palace for him. Is yunmenglong the illegitimate son of sister Yun? No, sister Yun is so pure and clean. I haven't heard that she has had an affair with anyone. Did yunmenglong give sister Yun psychedelic drugs? It's impossible. With this little rogue, how can he compare with sister Yun's foresight, planning strategies and high skills? Is it

"Fengling, last night, er, I'm sorry." yunmenglong interrupted Fengling's guess and hypothesis.

"Ah! What?" Feng Ling raised her head, just facing the deep blue and charming eyes of yunmenglong, her pretty face was hot and dropped her head. It's rare for Feng Ling to be so shy.

Yunmenglong saw that Fengling didn't listen and looked at her look. She knew that she was guessing about the relationship between longmengyun and him. So I decided to tease her: "I said, I regret not having sex with you last night!"

Feng Ling was stunned. She picked up an emerald horse next to her and threw it over: "go to hell!"

"Ha ha," yunmenglong smiled and indirectly stopped Yuma's way: "be careful, it's broken. It's very valuable. It's estimated that I can't buy it after selling you. However, how can I be willing to sell you? You're mine, sooner or later, that is, in the morning and evening. Brother, I'm not free now. When I come back in the evening, you'll take off all your clothes and wash them. Wait for my brother's luck."

"Son of a bitch, I'll kill you!" Feng Ling threw those antiques, crystal balls and knives.

Yunmenglong calmly and easily caught everything. While catching it, he said, "Alas, this smelly girl is really a black sheep. These things are treasures. No, I have to flash. I think you have to tear down my palace."

After saying that, the breeze rolled up and disappeared. Yunmeng dragon's voice vaguely came from the air: "remember, you should be naked. If you come back and see you wearing clothes again, don't blame your brother for spanking you." then he said to longmengyun: "sister Yun, I'll go first, and you'll come later."

Fengling was so angry that she stamped her feet. Baihui Lily pursed her mouth and smiled. Fengling's eyes stared: "what are you laughing at? Be careful to lose your teeth!" the two people looked at Fengling's crazy look, stopped laughing, turned around and left. When Fengling couldn't see it, they continued to laugh. Feng Ling was so angry when she heard their laughter that she secretly vowed to cut yunmenglong off!

Ten minutes later, yunmenglong and longmengyun came to longhumen one by one. Fenglei tiger sat on the tiger skin seat and drank brandy depressed.

"Tiger, what are you doing? Someone owes you money and doesn't pay it back?" yunmenglong frowned.

"I am melancholy?" the wind Thunder Tiger took a sip of brandy.

"Melancholy what? Melancholy what if the Third World War broke out?"

"No, what do I call you after melancholy?" sighed the tiger.

"What's so melancholy about this?"

"Do you call me your boss or your brother-in-law? My poor sister certainly didn't escape your clutches last night. You'll know it by looking crazy. You should take good care of Xiaoling in the future. In fact, she... Alas, that's not the case." Feng Leihu shook his head and looked sad on his face.

Yunmenglong suddenly felt like swallowing a feathered duck egg: "I... shit, please have time to read more books. Mom is crazy and energetic! Besides, how do you know I've cracked your sister? I'm such a hooligan?" yunmenglong asked at the end, and was depressed.

"Well, yes, you are such a hooligan." Feng Leihu is very sure, very firm, very sure.

Yunmenglong was speechless. He turned and asked longmengyun, "Xiaohui, do you think I look like a hooligan?"

Long Mengyun shook his head: "No."

Yunmenglong was very happy: "Xiaohui, your eyes are burning."

"You are a rogue," long Mengyun continued.


"It's very cold at the top. I'm handsome and handsome. Jade trees face the wind. With a compassionate heart, I devote my limited life to the great cause of picking up girls, so as to give birth to a dozen talents for socialist modernization, revitalize China and raise the prestige of our country. How can no one understand my noble sentiment of serving the country and the people? Is it true that heaven envies talents?" yunmenglong is very, very, He sighed disgustingly.

"Boss, you really didn't take my sister's what?" the wind Thunder Tiger remembered what yunmenglong had just said, grabbed yunmenglong's arm and asked.

"Of course not. Although I am a hooligan, I am a hooligan with culture, morality, principles and character. I always think that the girls who are forced to twist the melon are not sweet, and the girls who are forced to bubble are not satisfied. I want them to automatically throw themselves into the arms, be convinced and follow me wholeheartedly. In the Song Dynasty, I was an adulterer, a adulterer who stole people's lives and hearts. Every woman I have been adulterated is looking forward to me Come again, is this the best among hooligans and the sage among licentious thieves? "Yunmeng dragon has a long body and stands in heaven and earth with a negative hand, with a proud temperament.

"Boss, my admiration for you is like Taotao..." Feng Leihu is about to flatter.

Yunmenglong then said, "but it will happen sooner or later to circle and fork your sister."

Wind, thunder and tiger stopped and looked at Yunmeng dragon. They squeezed out a few words between their teeth: "you beast!"

"Thank you. Where's shuisha?" yunmenglong said.

"Boss, I'm here." whew, shuisha appeared in front of yunmenglong.

"Shit, you want to scare people to death. Come out slowly in the future. Don't come out with such a roar. People will be afraid." yunmenglong touched his chest.

"Yes, master, I'm wrong." water fool was dejected and subdued.

"Well, let's talk about how things are going." yunmenglong waved his hand.

Shui silly fumbled in his arms for a long time and found a map on which he drew artillery, radar, sentry posts, changing time, places where hostages were held, and caves for treasure collection. Even shuisha painted the face of the pirate leader on digua island.

Shuisilly talked for a long time, and yunmenglong finally understood. Alas, this expression ability depends on, that is, a person as smart as yunmenglong and longmengyun. It's estimated that a third person will die of anger. Shuisilly is so tired that no one will understand. At least the tiger looks ignorant, confused and ignorant.

Yun Menglong picked up the portrait of the pirate leader, looked at it and asked Shui silly, "is this the pirate leader?"

"Yes, master."

"Shit, at the sight of this obscene and licentious appearance, Rb people are so creative that no other country can grow this virtue. Well, you go down." Yun Menglong waved shuisilly back.

Shui silly made a 90 degree standard bow and went back out.

Yunmenglong pondered for a moment and said to longmengyun, "sister Yun, what do you think?"

"One o'clock in the morning." long Mengyun only said four words.

Yunmenglong smiled and said, "it's Xiaohui. As expected, it's very intelligent. It's just what I want. I'll need Xiaohui to accompany me at that time."

"Dare not obey orders!" long Mengyun said with a smile.

Wind Thunder Tiger shook his head. I don't know what riddles they played.

Then yunmenglong went to Canghai to try his skills first, and longmengyun went back to the company. The tiger took care of the dragon and tiger gate, and everyone performed their respective duties.

The beauty of the sea lies in its vast expanse, clear water and many fish. Yunmenglong stood by the sea, breathing the fresh air with salty taste, absorbing special particles in the air and turning them into its own energy. Raise your hand to catch birds and bend down to the bottom of the sea!

The cloud dream dragon roared and soared in the sky like a ROC. The seagulls were shocked and wanted to escape. The cloud dream dragon pinched one of its fingers through the soft feathers of the seagulls and landed on the sea like walking on the ground.

The waves roll and roll, and yunmenglong keeps pace with them. He is like the waves. This feeling of melting into the sea made him very excited. The sea will be their back garden in the future. How do you like to play, how do you play. The energy, water and spirit are really extraordinary.

Yunmeng dragon cheered and drilled into the sea. The water depth was thousands of meters. Yunmeng dragon walked on the seabed. He was calm, didn't feel any pressure, and his breathing was still smooth. He didn't use his internal force at all. He only relied on his intuition. Beautiful corals, dark seabed plants and deep-sea swimming fish roamed back and forth in groups. A lantern fish glanced at him as he strolled past and wondered what kind of fish it was. Why did it look so strange? This deep-sea fish has never seen anything in the world, just like a frog watching the sky.

Yunmenglong played deeply and shallowly for more than an hour. He pulled out the shark's beard, touched the tentacles of the octopus, sat on the back of the whale and rested... Finally, he saw a very kind dolphin. The dolphin stared at him with clear eyes.

As soon as the cloud dream dragon is excited, can dolphins also have feelings? Am I funny? Have I been flooded with sea water?

Yunmeng dragon scratched his head and suddenly remembered that the dolphin mm was the dolphin who saved his life at the last moment a few days ago.

"Hello, dolphin mm. I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you? I miss you very much. You've reduced it." Yun Menglong doesn't know how to say so.

The dolphin tossed her tail fin, turned her head, closed her eyes slightly, and looked quite pinched.

Yunmenglong Juhan: isn't she shy? Is she in love with me?

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