Supreme Satyr

Chapter 347

"World gambling God competition?" yunmenglong repeated, and then looked at LAN hengyubin: "mind my bird?"

Chinese mainland Chinese mainland has never had what kind of gamblers. If you become the world gambler, you will create a sensation. At that time, our casino will be born again. He must have made a lot of money. "Lan hengyubin smiled like a little fox.

"Why should I go? Is there no one in your Shuo Da Qing Gang?" Yunmeng dragon doesn't want such an ethereal thing. Shit, the world gambler! If I'm still interested in participating in the world girl picking contest and winning the championship, is it a gambler? I'm a gentle man. I only pick up girls and don't gamble. The key is not to fuck!

"To win, you have to win beauty, win brilliance and win out. Now you are the only one who can do this." Lan hengyubin said very seriously.

"I'm dizzy, brother. You're so big that you're not afraid to kill me? Although I'm arrogant, I'm not arrogant enough to think that I'm not a rookie level, I can become a master in a week and win the reputation of gambling God." then I looked at LAN hengyubin on guard: "Do you have any conspiracy? Tell me the truth quickly. If you don't tell me, we'll announce that one shoot and two break up this time. Cooperation will become sitting together, sitting together, drinking and chatting, and then say good bye forever! Cooperation with an old fox like you is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. I'm very upset." yunmenglong put on a red alert.

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly. First of all, except you, other representatives are real experts in gambling in various countries. As the saying goes, know yourself and know the enemy. They must have studied everyone's gambling style, that is, the style and characteristics of gambling more than a thousand times. But you, a blank, can't be studied at all, so you are a cold door, a cold door, and you are dying cold LAN hengyubin smiled treacherously. He was not like a world-famous Mafia leader at all. He was more like a businessman, a black hearted businessman. "If we bet heavily on you and you win, our casino will have at least one tenth of its capital. I can't say that it's OK to say more than two billion dollars. In addition, there will be a qualifier that day. France lost the world cup and France was wronged. There will be a war of revenge that day. At that time, France and Italy will fight again. The winner is unknown. I don't know In the past, we can control the results of the game by some means. That's another big deal. In fact, making a lot of money mainly depends on the cold door. No suspense gambling is meaningless. Do you know who is the favorite to win the God of gambler competition? "Lan hengyubin looked at yunmenglong with a confident smile.

"Who?" yunmenglong was completely led by LAN hengyubin.

"There are two hot spots this year, one is my brother, the other is Matsushima Youmei, known as the Japanese female gambling God, which is an absolute beauty." Lan hengyubin sighed.

"Shit, your brother's human demon is also going, and it's still the favorite to win the championship?" yunmenglong opened his eyes. He carefully examined LAN hengyubin for a while and nodded: "You're so insidious. I know what you're up to. You can't beat me if your brother fights, so you set up such a poison plan and let him humiliate me on the gambling table. People say that he is the most poisonous woman. I don't think you're vague at all." Yun Menglong scolded himself.

LAN hengyubin cried and laughed: "is long Shao's imagination too rich? To tell you the truth, I'm a little selfish, but I don't want my brother to humiliate you at the gambling table, but I want you to defeat him at the gambling table. In fact, I shouldn't have said something to you, but I'd better say it in order not to let long Shao misunderstand."

LAN hengyubin leaned against the soft sofa, lit a cigar, took a deep breath and said: "Although I'm the leader of the Green Gang, I'm not stable. Godfather let us fight for power. He doesn't interfere. If my brother wins the gambling God competition this time, I won't protect my position. I found out what he lost to you. He didn't say a word himself. That's the real purpose of me coming to you. Although my brother and I can fight for power, we can't do it directly, I can only fight in secret. However, I have been preparing to build the largest casino in Yunhai city for two years. This is really a treasure land. I just didn't expect you to uproot the power of our youth gang here, so I can only cooperate with you. I will invest 80%, but only 20% of the shares. The chairman is yours, and all operations are up to you. This condition is rarely returned Satisfied? "

LAN hengyubin offered attractive to death conditions. He only invested 20% of the capital, but he could account for 80% of the shares. It was almost the largest gambling city in the world. The profit was unimaginable. Yunmenglong was moved. Anyway, if he could win, everything would be there. Although he lost, there was no loss. Moreover, yunmenglong was unhappy with LAN hengyuhuan, plus one Japanese beauty, the temptation is great. For beauty, there are no geographical boundaries. Yunmenglong's dream is to defeat Matsushima Youmei on the gambling table first, and then defeat her in bed, completely defeat her!

Yunmenglong stood up and said, "well, since bin Shao is so frank, I'd better obey my orders. However, don't hold too much hope for me. I have to learn gambling from scratch. These days are too short, and I can only do my best. By the way, I ask a question, why don't you go to the gambling table and PK your brother in person?"

LAN hengyubin shook his head helplessly: "You still don't believe me. We are all smart people. I won't cheat a smart person. My brother is really a genius in gambling. Since I know I want to lose, why should I make a fool of myself? In addition, my brother represents Singapore. I'm also a Singaporean. I can only bet on you to make you the first world gambling God in the mainland. There's a lot of opportunities Let go. Hey, my brother's gambling skills are superb, but long Shao seems to be his nemesis. At the same time, long Shao is also a nemesis of women, so I firmly believe that you are the God of gambling this time! "

"Shit, you really have more confidence in me than I do in myself. Don't worry, I'll try my best to live up to my expectations." Yun Menglong nodded.

"Well, it's getting late. I'll find someone to help you with gambling. You'll be absolutely satisfied with that person. I wish us a happy cooperation and unlimited future!" Lan hengyubin blinked and smiled.

"Binshao is really a gifted strategist. In those days, Su Qin and Zhang Yi were not as good as them, which made me itch for such a person without desire." yunmenglong smiled.

They stood up and held two clean and powerful hands together. The cooperation between the two owls is really expected.

Yunmenglong and longmengyun sent them away. Those people will find some gifts in their car. Those gifts were carefully prepared by yunmenglong, or longmengyun helped him. Everyone's hobbies and private affairs were clear. Yunmenglong had sent someone to inquire about them earlier, so everyone will be surprised because they didn't see when the gifts were put on the car and they were full Because gifts are what they want most!

Both grace and power, both hard and soft, yunmenglong ate everyone to death!

It's night. Yunmenglong and longmengyun are doing things that are not suitable for children and suitable for husband and wife.

Just as long Mengyun's spring love was flooding and yunmenglong was about to walk on his sword, the mobile phone rang untimely. Yunmenglong grabbed it and saw Ling aopeng's.

As soon as yunmenglong's body stood up, longmengyun's delicate body trembled, and the moving breath filled the air.

"Dad, what's up so late? Menglong is doing great things." yunmenglong said lazily.

"Menglong is bad, those RB pirates have run away!" Ling aopeng's anxious voice came from his mobile phone.

"What?!" Yunmeng dragon's body shook and stopped.

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