Supreme Satyr

Chapter 356

Zhou Yihong's eyes were like water. He looked at Jiang Tang as if Zhou Yihong was a beautiful girl and Jiang Tang was a handsome man.

Jiang Tang's pretty face is slightly red, and his snow teeth like a Chamberlain gently bite his lower lip and think about whether to agree. Zhou Yihong's gambling can only be described in four words: unpredictable. Although Jiang Tang was famous under him, she didn't cover the thousand hand Guanyin. What's more, she didn't use her unique gambling skills. Did Zhou Yihong hide it? When two people compete, they should win or lose by half. Jiang Tang could not decide for a moment.

Yunmenglong looked lazily at Zhou Yihong and said, "I said, handsome Zhou, what's the matter with your gambling kiss? If Jiang Tang loses, will he kiss you, me or the vendor?"

Zhou Yihong smiled and said, "well, naturally, who won Tang Xin, Tang Xin will give the kiss to who. If I win, I can give the kiss to long Shao. After all, this is the territory of long Shao. How dare I take the lead here?"

Yunmenglong laughed and said, "handsome Zhou is really generous, and he is a well deserved hero who knows the current affairs. Do you mean that this kiss is mine anyway?"

Zhou Yihong nodded and said, "it should be so. I'm sure boss fan won't fight for this kiss with his boss."

Yunmenglong looked at Fan Shan. Fan Shan immediately said, "even if you give the hawker another ton of bear heart leopard gall, the hawker doesn't dare to win the beauty of the boss. Moreover, the Hawker's gambling skill is very low. He doesn't dare to think about winning, that is, just count up."

Jiang Tang didn't like it: "what are you doing? When I am Jiang Tang, is it a gift? Just send it. According to Stephen's words, whoever wins me will..." then shut up and glanced at the crowd. The meaning is obvious. I will kiss whoever wins me. She said to the Dutch official, "shuffle and deal."

The Dutch official looked at Fan Shan and nodded. He began to take out a pair of cards and said, "this is a Phnom Penh card imported from Germany. It hasn't been unpacked yet." after that, he tore off the package and handed the poker to several people: "you can check it."

Jiang Tang looked at it and nodded to say it was OK. The vendor and Zhou Yihong also said it was OK. Yun Menglong took the poker and looked at it slowly, one by one. It seems that each poker is a national beauty.

The three waited patiently. Yun Menglong handed the poker to the official he and said, "I don't know if there is a problem."

Three people:

He Guanxin: what are you doing for so long!

"Can we start?" the charge official asked politely with a slight bow.

"OK! Let's start." the three looked at each other and spoke at the same time.

"Wait." yunmenglong's voice seemed very abrupt.

"What's the problem, long Shao?" Zhou Yihong said.

"Yes," Yun Menglong rubbed his hands. He looked very cramped. He looked at Jiang Tang and Zhou Yihong, like a little daughter-in-law.

"What's the problem, long Shao, but it doesn't matter." Zhou Yihong stretched out his hand and said generously.

"What is Soha?" the cloud dream dragon whispered.

"Ah?" the three exclaimed at the same time.

"You don't know what Soha is?" Zhou Yihong stared at her beautiful eyes, which were as clear as gemstones and beautiful as envy.

"Ah? Why do I know what Soha is?" asked yunmenglong.

Jiang Tang remembered that yunmenglong was a bird and a super thunderbolt invincible rookie. I blame Zhou Yihong, a dead man. Why are you wandering in the sea of clouds? Isn't this adding to the chaos? The second ancestor was also a figure who feared that the world would not be chaotic.

Soha is a very handsome way of gambling. Don't you see that most of the last decisive battles in Hong Kong over the past 20 years are Soha. In reality, the God of gamblers competition is also based on Soha. Think about how handsome it is to launch a mountain of chips in front of you and say, "show what!" Damn it. The most handsome and powerful is Fage's appearance in the God of gamblers. It is not only the beginning of film gambling, but also a milestone. It can't be surpassed and high above. Of course, Huazai's gambler and Xingye's gambler are also very different, but they still lose a little bit in momentum compared with Fage's God.

Jiang Tang briefly talked about the basic rules and playing methods of Soha. Then Jiang Tang, Zhou Yihong and Fan Shan, the three gambling experts, practiced with yunmenglong, a fool, to let yunmenglong know what is flush, what is four, and what shit is not.

The design size is black and red plum square, that is, spades are the largest, hearts are the second, plum blossoms are in the season, and diamonds are at the end. This cloud dream dragon has been recognized for a long time. It's really a gambling mania. The mania here is not obsession, but an idiot.

"Well, let's start." yunmenglong sat precariously and said confidently. He didn't know when he had a piece of chocolate in his mouth, and his hair hadn't been combed back, otherwise he really thought he was a gambler.

The Dutch official was about to shuffle the cards. Jiang Tang said, "well, let's each shuffle the cards once, okay?"

Zhou Yihong said with a smile: "I naturally have no opinion on the proposal of Tang Xinda beauty. I think boss long Shao and fan have no opinion. Ladies first. Now we'll wait and see the great move of thousand hand Guanyin."

Jiang Tang was also impolite. Yingying got up and picked up the poker and said, "it's a shame." after that, he put his hands together. Between the poker button and his palm, the treasure looks solemn, such as * * * *. Qianqian's fingers slowly bloomed like a lotus. Fifty two playing cards were flying in the air. They were spinning in the air. Like a top, they didn't fall down. For a full minute, Fan Shan's eyes were a little sour. At last, let alone the face of the card, the colors were blurred. Then Jiang Tang's hands were empty, like butterflies, and his snow-white arms turned into thousands of shadows. The 52 poker cards seemed to turn into 52000. They danced and rolled. Jiang Tang's white and slender hands turned into thousands. The wind swept away the fallen leaves and grabbed the dancing poker. Jiang Tang's pretty face was like jade, his expression was precious and moist, and all living beings were universal. The Sanskrit chorus sounded in the hearts of the three!

Yunmenglong was absorbed. He saw that the 52 cards fell into Jiang Tang's hands one by one. The order of each card was very clear. Zhou Yihong also instantly replied to Qingming, but he only remembered half of the order of the cards. Fan Shan was the worst. Although he was vigilant, he also looked at it. When he replied, the poker had been neatly put on the gambling table. Although he didn't see it, there was no sense of frustration in his heart. The means of thousand hand Guanyin was so easy to see through.

"Pa Pa Pa!" Fan Shan clapped and laughed, "thousand hand Guanyin really deserves its reputation."

Zhou Yihong looked at Jiang Tang with a smile: "Tang Xin, your Tiannvsanhua is more refined."

Jiang Tang smiled and said, "Steven, you're welcome."

Yunmenglong was an idiot and said, "Tang Tang, you are so beautiful, especially the extraordinary appearance just now, which makes me want to burn."

Jiang Tang's pretty face flushed and flew away. She looked at yunmenglong angrily and thought how could this person be like this? She can think of going there at any time. She's really a hooligan. He said to the dealer, "please deal."

Yunmenglong knows the order of each card, but he can't win, otherwise it will inevitably arouse Zhou Yihong's vigilance, so he has been following blindly. After a few rounds, there are less than 2 million chips left in front of him. The peddler only had about 3 million yuan. Yun Menglong's money was won by Jiang Tang, and the peddler's money was in Zhou Yihong's hands.

When it was Fan Shan's turn to shuffle, he just used the technique to wash the poker quickly. Of course, it was inferior to the Tiannvsanhua.

That round was very boring. Yunmenglong was lucky to win back 3 million. Of course, the vendor deliberately lost to him. Everyone knows everyone's cards, so the big cards give out chips, while others don't follow. This round, except for the vendor stepping down, yunmenglong won 3 million, and the chips in front of Jiang Tang Zhou Yihong are almost the same.

"You should carefully watch Zhou Yihong's technique." Jiang Tang whispered.

Zhou Yihong picked up a pack of cards at random, threw the whole box into the air, and then waved it out with his left palm. The poker inside burst out. Phnom Penh flashed brightly under the crystal lamp. They were neatly arranged in the air. Zhou Yihong turned over with a somersault. He stepped on the Poker step by step, breaking through the void with small steps. The poker was about to be obedient to the somersault cloud of the monkey king, Not naughty at all, he obediently moved to Zhou Yihong's feet and let him walk in the void. Zhou Yihong stood with a negative hand. The cards flew out of his feet and lined up in front of Zhou Yihong. Each card became four or five times bigger. The blind man with clear color points was about to see it. Then Zhou Yihong fell on his seat and poker fell on his hand. Zhou Yihong pushed the poker in front of the Dutch official, smiled and said, "deal the cards."

"Wait a minute, I want to cut cards." yunmenglong suddenly opened his mouth. Yunmenglong noticed that the order of those poker changed during the tenth of a second, and he remembered it, because the speed was not enough in his eyes. Jiang Tang also saw it, but Zhou Yihong's wisdom was foolish, and she could only see one-third of the final changes.

Zhou Yihong was stunned for half a second. His eyes flashed cold. He smiled and said, "please help yourself, dragon."

Yunmenglong seemed to say to himself, "shit, it's fun to see you cut cards. Brother, I'll cut cards too. Where can I cut them? Alas, I'm so worried. It's good if it's a cake." yunmenglong hesitated while holding the cards. "Forget it, just cut them. It's fun anyway." yunmenglong closed his eyes and drew the cards, Zhou Yihong's eyes narrowed. He looked at yunmenglong deeply and thought deeply.

The result was very unexpected, or very unexpected to Zhou Yihong. Yun Menglong lost more than 5 million times.

Yunmenglong, who lost his light, was very upset. He shook his head and said, "Alas, I can't blame the society. I can only blame my poor learning. It's a pity that I don't even have a chance to Soha."

Zhou Yihong was amused: you're not good at art. Who did you learn art with?

The two lost and won. They faced off for a long time.

Yunmenglong said, "Hey, do you want people to shuffle? You've all washed it, and I'll wash it, too."

Jiang Tang nodded with a smile. Zhou Yihong also smiled and looked at Yunmeng dragon. Yunmeng dragon's every move was unexpected, but it was natural and soft. Yunmenglong looked at the two people smiling at him. He always felt that they were so like parents looking at naughty children lovingly? Shit, that's funny.

Yun Menglong deliberately opened the poker and clumsily wanted to learn from Jiang Tang. He clasped the poker in the palm of his hand and threw it into the sky. The poker didn't look good at all. It was like Harry Potter riding a broom for the first time. It was very embarrassed. Yunmenglong grabbed the cards at random, and more than a dozen of them fell on the carpet. Yunmenglong picked them up and put them on the table casually: "the cards are washed, you start." Yunmenglong is not like an anti dog. He should be ashamed to lose talent, but people finally asked, "did I look handsome just now?"

Jiang Tang and Zhou Yihong simply pretended to be deaf. They coughed and began to play cards. Yunmenglong saw that they didn't answer, so they asked Fan Shan, "was I handsome just now?"

Fan Shan nodded affirmatively: "handsome with stars and moon!"

"OK, I'll take you as an apprentice." Yunmeng's Dragon language is not amazing and dies endlessly.

Fan Shan couldn't believe it and opened his eyes: "what?"

"Didn't you hear that? Forget it." Yun Menglong said casually.

"No, no, I heard it. The master is up. Please accept the disciple's worship." Fan Shan knelt in front of Yun Menglong.

"Get up, peddler, come and see Tang Tang duel with handsome Zhou." yunmenglong doesn't know when he has sat next to Jiang Tang. The peddler got up and sat down next to Zhou Yihong. Zhou Yihong's card face is hearts 10, J, Q, K, while Jiang Tang's card face is spades 10, J, Q, K. The rare flush card face really looks too dramatic. To tell the truth, there is no such idiot shooting method in TV and movies. Is their card face too beautiful? In fact, it's yunmenglong's fault. The card he washed is such a virtue. They are also very helpless. It's the bottom card. They both cook dumplings in a teapot - they know it well.

"Well, well, you fight like this, the flowers have thanked eight times. Such a beautiful card face, Soha." yunmenglong excitedly launched all the chips for Jiang Tang, more than 20 million! The move was really handsome. Jiang Tang had no time to stop it. Yunmenglong had pushed out her chips. It was hard to recover. Jiang Tang wanted to cry without tears. Originally, she had a better chance to win, but yunmenglong pushed out all her hopes and pushed her kiss to Zhou Yihong.

Zhou Yihong stood up and said with a smile, "long Shao is really heroic, and I Zhou Yihong will accompany him to the end." after that, the sleeves were put, and the red and green chips were scattered on the gambling table: showhand!

"Long Shao is a little worried this time. In fact, I may not win the fight, but now..." Zhou Yihong slowly picked up the bottom card, turned it over and was still on the table. It was a heart a, flush, 10, J, Q, K, a! Jiang Tang has only one chance to win him, that is, the card is spade a, but she knows, no, Zhou Yihong knows this, and the hawker knows it, yunmenglong?

Jiang Tang said expressionless, "I lost."

Yunmenglong said, "you didn't look at the cards, how did you lose." then yunmenglong picked up the cards and fell on the table!

A big spade a, shocking, smooth, miraculous, lying on the table!

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