Supreme Satyr

Chapter 361

Yunmenglong shook his head: "forget it. I'm so wise and handsome as yunmenglong. I'm afraid I can't get a virgin. What's more, what if I'm not a virgin? Who doesn't have the past and who doesn't have love? As long as you follow me, the heart is pure and the body is pure."

Long Mengyun said with a smile, "just think so. You know, now every man can't get a woman, let alone a virgin. You've done so much harm alone. You can be satisfied."

"Hehe, are you satisfied? The great cause of picking up girls is endless, and your ambition is endless. Hey!" yunmenglong smiled and said in two voices: "by the way, Xiaohui, why didn't you go to work? Did you eat Katherine's vinegar, or did Xiaohui have your heart in spring?" yunmenglong leaned up with his bare ass and hugged longmengyun, with his hands on her towering and elastic ass, The mouth nibbled on her little earlobe, and gently poured ambiguous enthusiasm into long Mengyun's ears, fumigating the fine fluff in the ear canal.

"I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to listen to first?" long Mengyun's plump white rabbit fluctuated up and down, and her breath became a little short. She looked at yunmenglong's golden gun, and her clear eyes became a little blurred. When yunmenglong was secretly happy to succeed, long Mengyun's eyes returned to light blue and clear, and she took a deep breath and said.

Yunmenglong stopped to touch his hands. He also knew that longmengyun was serious. "Let's say the good news first, happy first and then worried."

Long Mengyun picked up the clothes that yunmenglong threw around under the bed one by one. His little wife usually put them on yunmenglong one by one. Yunmenglong enjoyed the warmth of the family and felt very familiar with it. Then long Mengyun took Yun Menglong's big hand, took him to the hall, pointed to a large plaque about three meters long and two meters wide, and said, "well, this is good news."

Yunmeng dragon went over to observe the large plaque higher than him. It was made of dark cyan wood. A sense of historical massiness came to his face. The frame was ice blue, just like Yunmeng dragon's cold and blue eyes. Yunmeng dragon's eyes emitted strong light. He noticed the painting. It was a flying dragon, with awe inspiring majesty and electric eyes. He looked at an island above the raging waves, The island is a seemingly Japanese society... What does that mean?

The inscription on the painting is vigorous and powerful, penetrating the back of the paper. It seems to have ardent expectations and deep hatred, as well as an atmosphere of torrential superior spirit: beautiful mountains and rivers, heroes should be like clouds and dreams! Small print is the chairman's name.

The heat in Yunmeng dragon's brain surged up, and he secretly made up his mind that RB would pay ten times the price. He suddenly turned around and looked at long Mengyun. His expression was serious, but for three seconds, he smiled and said, "this is my title of national hero? What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that according to the spy's report, because you have been against the black dragon club again and again, Rb has suffered huge losses this time. You have to swallow the sullen breath alive after losing your arms, because the way you kill them is really incredible. The black dragon club has listed you as the number one enemy now, and they will try every means to kill you." long Mengyun's face is not without worry.

Yunmeng Dragon God's love suddenly became extremely cold and cold. He suddenly laughed and said, "OK, soldiers will block it. Water and earth cover it. I haven't found them yet. They dare to provoke me? I really don't think life is too moist and life is too delicious. I'll let them know that I Yunmeng dragon is not easy to provoke."

Long Mengyun sighed: "The black dragon club is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The insidious and vicious of Rb people can be most vividly reflected from them. They are not afraid of coming to the Ming Dynasty. They are only afraid of playing Yin. You have so many women. In case any one is caught or... Alas, we must deal with it carefully. Or you can take their complete collection to the cangjiao hall, which is absolutely safe."

Yunmenglong thought and said, "it seems that we have to do so."

Long Mengyun suddenly smiled and said, "Menglong, when are you going to take office? I announced that you have been the chief executive for half a month. You haven't moved yet. The beauties of the company have been looking forward to you for a long time. Now the flowers have thanked twice. Won't you be so cruel to beauties?"

Yunmenglong sighed and said, "Oh, I'm busy. Now I have to learn shit gambling about the dragon and tiger gate and the army. Where do I have time to go to work? Take office immediately after the gambling God competition, OK?"

Long Mengyun said with a smile, "it's the same. You're a popular and busy man in Yunhai city. You've forgotten one important thing: picking up girls."

The two joked again. Long Mengyun went to work, while Yun Menglong flew to the longhumen hall with a plaque and hung the plaque on the main wall. It's quite different, * * * * personally named "national hero" , it turned out to be the leader of the underworld, the young owl and the invincible Godfather. Moreover, such a plaque is blatantly hung at the entrance of the underworld. It feels, uh, weird.

Then yunmenglong called Xue Piao, Fengling and Baihui sisters, took them to the cangjiao hall, and seriously warned them to be careful and let them live there in the future. Originally, Fengling didn't do it, yunmenglong slapped dozens of times, opened the flowers on Fengling's plump ass, then threw down a few people and left.

Out of the cangjiao hall, yunmenglong stood on the tall stone wall and looked at the white clouds in the blue sky. The roaring wind pinched the clouds into thousands of shapes. It was lovely. The wind in the mountains was bleak, and yunmenglong was in a trance. Yunmenglong thought of meeting Jin Bingying on the stargazing platform that night. It was like a dream. It was in a hurry and left no trace. It was sad for a moment I was overwhelmed by mountains and seas. I couldn't help thinking of the unique appearance of Jue Qingyao, which was as light as an immortal.

Suddenly, a roar of a giant beast that shook the valley rose out of thin air, cutting off the origin of yunmenglong's memory.

Yunmenglong regained consciousness and felt how the domineering cry pierced the sky, pierced the sky wall and shook the valley.

"Darling, what is this thing calling? It's really passionate. I have to go and have a look." yunmenglong muttered psychologically.

Yunmenglong looks for a voice. The sound seemed to be on all sides and in all directions. It seemed that the same sound sounded in every direction for a long time. From the deepest Xuangu, the mountains and stones were broken. Yunmenglong closed his eyes and a heat wave rose from the bottom of his heart, bearing due east. Yunmeng dragon opened his eyes and his divine eyes were like electricity. The sound came from the direction behind cangjiao Pavilion.

Yunmenglong's mind moved. His body was like a cold cloud, floating in the air. He stepped over the high stone wall and entered a thick, dense and sunless forest. The forest was just outside the forest in the mountain garden behind cangjiao Pavilion. There were dark winds and fleeting shadows, which looked like ghosts. Yunmenglong's art expert was brave and turned into a blue wave to fly through the forest. The speed was amazing and the leaves didn't touch his body. Through the woods, the quiet water spirit in Yunmeng dragon suddenly became restless, and the blood began to boil with the boiling water.

"Baby is good, baby is handsome, and my brother gives you cabbage..." yunmenglong began to sing the original song to coax Shuiling soul. This singing Shuiling soul immediately collapsed and became good. Although what he was about to encounter made him feel very crisis and scared, yunmenglong's singing was even better. Other people's singing is for money, and his singing is for death. In particular, the lyrics are disgusting to a tree. "Does brother sing well?" yunmenglong asked shamelessly. He pretended to be dead and ignored him. "I'll take it as your default." yunmenglong began to be shameless. At that time, he wanted to drown the bastard yunmenglong in the whole flood, but he knew it was impossible, so he had to give up his strong wish.

After calming the spirit of the water, yunmenglong took a deep breath and jumped onto the long stone wall surrounded by ancient vines. The ancient vines really looked very old. The leaves were bigger than people, and the edges of the leaves were white, like the old man's beard. The leaves were stacked one after another, making the stone wall airtight. However, there is only one place, where there is no cover of leaves. It is a hole with a diameter of more than 30 cm. The hole is not big, but the red light of the heat wave inside makes yunmenglong's blood boil. Yunmenglong knows that it is likely to be the divine animal Unicorn that Xiaohui said is trying to protect the mysterious fire god pill. I just don't know why it suddenly roared. Isn't it afraid of killing?

The hole is very small. You can hardly see the hole from the stone wall covered with pain. Moreover, the position here is so hidden. If the unicorn doesn't cry, it's difficult to find it here. There is a providence in the dark. Yunmenglong arrived here first. He stepped on a leaf of an ancient vine and looked inside at the hole. The hole was very deep. With the eyesight of yunmenglong, he couldn't see the bottom. The red light was auspicious and moist. It is said that Kirin is the ancestor of hairy creatures. It is said that Kirin, together with Dragon, Phoenix and turtle, is called the four holy beasts. Its status is only second to dragon. It is also a species that is glittering in the animal world, but the number is too small. Kirin has a unique horn and is extremely precious. It is said that Kirin horn is no less than ten Heavenly elixirs. For practitioners, especially fools who have been at that level for hundreds of years, a Kirin horn can break through. There are many so-called righteous people who want to be a bitch and build a memorial archway. Phoenix feathers are equally precious, so it is very insightful to use rare to describe something that is rare and valuable.

After watching for three minutes, yunmenglong decided to go in and have a look. It is said that if you don't go into the tiger's den, you can get the tiger's son. If you don't go into the Qilin's nest, you can get the xuanhuodan. This time, yunmenglong came from behind. Maybe you can get both the xuanhuodan and the Qilin horn. He poured his internal force into his left palm. His slender and shining hand was like the sharpest sword. He lightning painted far away. Everywhere he went, the stone turned into powder and rustled down. In a few moments, the hole had become a standard circle with a diameter of about one meter. Yunmenglong was very satisfied with his masterpiece. He broke down a section of ancient rattan. The ancient rattan was so tenacious that it was difficult to break down, but it was for others. For yunmenglong, there was no word "difficult" in his dictionary.

Yunmenglong did this to Kirin's cave. Maybe Kirin was furious and hid at the side of the cave. When yunmenglong went in, he swallowed his current wine and vegetables raw. Yunmenglong threw the ancient rattan into the cave to explore the wind, "whoosh!" the ancient rattan wandered into the cave with strong wind. Shit, the ancient rattan was originally wet. Who knows, it became a flame just one meter into the cave, and it disappeared three meters away.

"I'm Kao. Ordinary people don't immediately become roast suckling pigs when they go in. However, well, it's a large natural oven for roasting dog meat. Hehe, I'll discuss with brother Qilin later and let him hand it over to Dan not to kill. At the same time, I'll pull out his horn and give it to me as a mobile phone ornament. In addition, I'll let him squat in it and roast dog meat for me every day." Yun Menglong began to fantasize. He took Qilin as a puppy and kitten, It's a legendary beast with a high status. It's arrogant to some upper fairies and doesn't easily dump people.

In the dragon body of Yunmeng, there is a thick layer of water that is instinctively thickly distributed. The water is absolutely concentrated, but you can burn it with a single drop of fire. You can burn it for at least a year to evaporate. Yunmeng Dragon God was cool, turned into a blue light and flew into the cave. He made a hissing sound all the time. The white fog wrapped him. It was formed by the evaporation and condensation of the water on his body. After flying more than 200 meters, the hole suddenly opened. The heat wave was like a woman who hadn't seen a man for many years. She rushed to Yunmeng dragon without restraint. That enthusiasm was really hard to parry. Yunmeng dragon was calm, the colorful energy in his body was flowing, and the heat was reduced.

Before we could observe the beautiful scenery here, Yunmeng dragon felt a huge fire and lightning. Yunmeng dragon was startled. He turned his head and ran away. The huge fire followed Yunmeng dragon's ass. the water spirit of Yunmeng dragon was fighting hard. At this time, it had fallen in the wind. If there were no colorful holy powers, Without the mysterious and highly concentrated energy ball in his body, yunmenglong had long been burned into fly ash. In this way, yunmenglong seemed to smell the burning smell of his ass. his clothes had been burned by the fire and had faded. Yunmenglong was naked and full of passion. It's not fucking natural. How to integrate, his speed is fast, but the speed of the fire is also quite amazing. We have to find a way or be burned alive. It's really unfair and ugly to die.

Yunmenglong wondered what the fire group liked? It's a little difficult to be an enemy and fight it, and it's very hard. If you can't fight, you'd better be a friend. It's better to solve the enemy than to tie it up. Sing a song. If you want to sing, sing loudly. Yunmenglong began to sing: "ah, pretty girl, pretty girl, I love you, ah, ah, mouse, it loves rice, ah, Kirin mm, who do you love, love me if no one loves..." yunmenglong's disgusting lyrics and pirated music make people have the impulse to throw a knife to kill. However, the flame behind Yunmeng dragon seems to slow down. Yunmeng dragon is secretly happy that his heart singing works. Brother, I'm really a singer, oh, ha ha.

Yunmeng Longshi ran turned and said: "Look at you, you're so impulsive. Once people come in, you'll burn them and don't give them a chance to explain. Impulse is the devil. Don't be impulsive. I sing well. How about I sing another song for you? I'm very friendly. I'm just passing by. Come in and say hello and be a friend. Won't you refuse? If you refuse, I'll be very sad, It's really sad. It's broken and crumbling... "The Yunmeng dragon attached to Tang Monk's brother is making a long speech. The word" joy begets sorrow "is showing how heinous it is right at this time.

As Yunmeng dragon was talking, a huge shadow suddenly appeared on his head, but the shadow was not overcast at all. On the contrary, it was hot. Yunmeng dragon looked up and said, my God! A giant beast seven or eight meters wide opened its mouth and pounced down like Mount Tai. The monster looked really strange. There were some plum blossoms on its body. Yunmeng dragon thought of the sika deer. It was very floating The bright sika deer, with a long ox tail and thin scales on its body, glitters with gold one by one, shining people's mind. The best thing to see is the huge single horn on its head. It's long and sharp, with clear lines, and circles like ripples. This is the legendary unicorn? It's so beautiful. Yunmeng dragon just admires it and forgets that this guy is going to be The moment he killed, Kirin was three feet above the cloud dream faucet. The flame on his body flashed a holy light, but no matter how holy it was, it was also fatal. The cloud dream dragon was not a moth. At this time, he had to put out the fire. The most annoying thing was the fire from Kirin's mouth. The flame came to his face. The cloud dream dragon hurried to the beginning of the side, otherwise it would not be disfigured. The cloud dream dragon depends on his face Dinner.

"Shit, you deceive people too much. You can beat me, but you can't beat me in the face!" Yunmeng dragon was angry. He stretched out his two arms and held Kirin's forelimbs. Yunmeng dragon was surrounded by fire. Although he knew he was defeated, he was still fighting in a desperate corner. Otherwise, Yunmeng dragon would be ripe. Braised Yunmeng dragon is not a good dish. Yunmeng dragon avoided the fire from Kirin and did not lose to Sanwei real fire. While spiraling, gossip, straight line, triangle and circle Qi energy of seven shapes such as shape and diamond is injected into Kirin's body. The Kirin's skin and bones are harder than King Kong. Grandma seems to have no pain. The colorful energy that yunmenglong has always been proud of can't work, which makes him very frustrated.

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