Supreme Satyr

Chapter 369

"No?" the cloud dream dragon frowned. "Are you sure?"

The ghost emperor made his debut by shooting people: "Elder martial brother, we can give you whatever you want, but Kirin can't do it unless you kill us. I was hurt in the battle between good and evil hundreds of years ago. For hundreds of years, every rainy day, my muscles and veins have been invaded by cold. The slightest cold pierces my heart and bones. That kind of inhuman pain and torture is unbearable. Only the unicorn of Kirin is the most powerful Good medicine guide. Kirin is the most Yang thing in the world. Its Yang fire is purer and stronger than Sanwei real fire. It is the best thing to expel cold poison from me. I have been suffering for hundreds of years and don't want to continue suffering. "

Yun Menglong looked at the ghost emperor and said, "younger martial brother Xiaocao, although you have been in pain for hundreds of years, people's Kirin is an ancient beast. You have been lonely for tens of thousands of years. Why don't you say that you can't be so selfish? If you get cold poison, you will cut others? Don't you want to base your happiness on the pain of others? How can you do this? We are good..." Yunmenglong just wanted to say that they are all good people. Suddenly he thought that he is a leader of the underworld. Is there a good person in the underworld? Isn't it bullshit to say that he is a good person? The ghost emperor is not a good person. He has been a great devil who has been talked about by righteous people for hundreds of years. If this devil is a good person, there are no bad people in the world.

"Cough," yunmenglong coughed to cover up the past and continued: "Killing Kirin will be damned by heaven. Besides, other people's Kirin is not a plant, but also has brothers, sisters, relatives and friends. What should you do if you eat Kirin? Her brothers and sisters, father, mother, husband, son, daughter and lover? People will be very sad if they compare their hearts with each other. Anyway, they are also ancient gods. You should give some face, huh? Your cold poison should not be difficult Governance, let the master borrow an alchemy furnace to refine you for seventy-seven or forty-nine days. What do you say? "

The ghost emperor said in a loud voice, "I'm dead."

"Hehe, you're smart. You're dead. But if Shifu steals hundreds of his elixirs and gives them to you, won't you get rid of the disease?" Yun Menglong regards the alchemy room of the great old gentleman as a broken temple. He thinks anyone who wants to enter can enter.

"That's a good idea," the ghost emperor nodded and looked at Wei Ya. "Master, please come."

Wei Ya shook her head: "I don't want to go to heaven. Last time I flirted with the alchemy boy of the supreme Lao Jun, the old guy was very angry with me. I'm afraid I can't steal the pill, but I'll be trained into a fairy pill by the supreme Lao Jun."

"Shit, Hua'er, you're the eldest son of Lao Jun's Alchemy boy. You really don't cover it. But isn't the alchemy boy a man? Haven't you seen your sexual orientation upgrade in a thousand years and learned a brokeback mountain with pop." yunmenglong was startled. He stared at Wei Ya and said.

"Bullshit, Shifu, I saw that the alchemy boy was tender and smoother than the little girl's face, so I couldn't help but pinch him and ask him what cosmetics he used and how to maintain it. As a result, the dead boy shouted" hooligans, indecent manners! "And scared me to escape to the heaven. The immortal broke the law of heaven in private. I have been living in the cold cloud mountain for five or six hundred years It's almost a savage. No, it's a wild God. "Wei Ya said. Finally, he felt infinite indignation, infinite sigh and infinite grievance.

Yunmenglong comforted Wei Ya and said, "Hua Hua has wronged you, but it doesn't matter. Your happy life is about to begin. There is no good world in heaven. We can't eat big black dog meat and pick up girls. You go back with me. We eat big black dog meat and pick up girls every day. When we go back, we'll watch porn together. Shit, speaking of porn, I haven't seen it yet." Yunmenglong scolded secretly. He looked at Wei Ya with a blank face. It was obvious that he had no concept of porn. He continued to explain: "Porn is the process of men's and women's sex. It is filmed for people to observe and learn. Most young men are satisfied with their curiosity and start watching. As a result, they can see that their bodies have a subtle reaction. Since then, they fell in love with porn. They got out of control and couldn't extricate themselves. They began to collect porn madly, from the United States, Europe, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Mainland China , human, animal, same-sex, Shuangfei, * *, "yunmenglong is right in analysis. He looks like a porn expert. Who knows he hasn't seen one. The old beggar is elated and yearning.

"If you want to talk about porn, you have to talk about Hong Kong's beauty. Unlike Japan's, women are disgusting, and men are ugly and frightening. That's all. Damn it, you have to make a big code print to block private clothes. RB's fools are stingy and don't appear on the table. They make people feel depressed and suffocating. But then again, you want to see SM , the temptation of uniform is really the most authentic of Rb. Because this is an old line, Rb is a country of metamorphosis and shamelessness, and it is certainly easy to shoot sexual abuse. "Yunmenglong continued to analyze porn with his non professional perspective from hearsay.

I've seen two yellow jokes. One is about China and the other is about RB. It's quite classic. The Chinese one is like this. On the wedding night, the husband asked his wife, "does it hurt?" the wife: "well, it hurts." the husband: "then, don't come?" the wife: "don't..."

Japan is more classic, depicting RB people's metamorphosis incisively and vividly. The daughter asked her father, "cool?" the father said, "cool." the daughter said, "my brother said cool yesterday." what a fucking metamorphosis. It's incest. It's worthy of Rb people. It's shameless indeed.

"After satisfying their curiosity, young people who watch porn begin to learn the above skills and actions. Finally, they learn that a large number of people have no object to implement, so they can't help but have no place to vent. This is the real hero's useless place. They can't hold back. They have to play the plane while watching porn and solemnly hand over their first and Nth times to their own friends Left hand or right hand. In the future, porn has become a must see before they fly. Some young men have girlfriends and try to play porn to each other with an obscene smile. When the woman says she hates it, she can't help watching it. As a result, men can succeed when they see that their desire is burning and their lower bodies are flooding. Now many college students get their girlfriends for the first time. Porn, That's an accomplice of all evils. It's natural to get a woman's first time, the second time, the third time and the nth time. Therefore, a woman's first time is the most difficult to conquer. Once conquered, it's easy to occupy again. A woman's body and mind are dedicated, and she's over. A fool in love, but a woman is very stupid. There are other teenagers watching porn, such as The more evil ones have no object to vent their anger and are unwilling to have sex with their own hands. They will force them to use their parts above the thigh and waist to greet the same part of a woman. After they are happy, the woman is basically destroyed, and the man is also destroyed. They will be invited back by the police to drink tea for three or four years. This is rape in the usual sense . most of the rapes are triggered by pornographic novels and pornographic films. In addition, some are not too evil. If they need it again, they will pay for it. Women can be solved with silver. "Yunmenglong's analysis is really penetrating, which makes the three junior brothers and Wei Ya open their eyes and forget about Qilin. Yunmenglong has not been complacent, so his voice is full of details. No one can hear it except the three demons and the demon sect Wei Ya. In fact, yunmenglong is not afraid to be heard by others. He is only afraid to be heard by Jin Bingying. If the fairy hears him, he will not sing in the future. Jin Bingying thought he was talking about justice. Unexpectedly... This is the heart of fairies and the belly of hooligans.

Those people who are right and evil suddenly shake hands and make peace when they see the devil and non devil who have just come to fight each other, and it sounds like the flood has washed into the Dragon King Temple, and their families don't know their own people. At this time, the combination of good and evil may be who will suffer. So they all talked about porn in yunmenglong. When they heard it, they quietly left. In fact, everyone knows that they are just too lazy to take care of these waste snacks.

Huo Wuyuan thought about it for a while, and his flesh body probably couldn't beat everyone. It seems that the fire treasure that is more powerful than his red Yan spirit has no chance with him, but the young man with energy and water spirit is worth pondering. Huowuyuan's IQ is better than water fool. After thinking for a long time, he didn't know what to do. Later, he thought of looking for the young emperor and princess, so he left depressed. Yunmenglong was relieved to see fire Wuyuan go. Yunmenglong took other people's hands short, but he turned shuisilly into an idiot bodyguard.

"In fact, this porn film is nothing more than those actions. It is stereotyped and there are too few creative actions. It can't compare with my Taiji Heart Sutra at all. However, its popularity and popularity shows its unique charm. Among today's college students, who haven't seen a film, of course, refers to boys. Girls also watch most of them. What they haven't seen is either pretending or daring. It's really amazing There are so few upright and pure people. In fact, it's nothing to look at. It's a process of growth. Everyone should understand the relationship between men and women. What don't you look at such a vivid and moving textbook as porn? The first time you see porn is to satisfy curiosity, the second time you still satisfy curiosity, and the third time you meet lust. The charm of porn has nothing to do with men, it only lies in women People's face, figure, bed cry, whether Mimi is bowl shaped, pear shaped or bamboo shoot shaped, and whether there is much water, etc. that's what men like to see most. However, this thing also has aesthetic fatigue. At the beginning, as long as you take off your clothes, you'll be interested in what you make, and the final demand is high. Picky, it's very difficult to find a good porn. The key is now In the flood of porn, another porn has n names. You've worked hard to download it. Look, shit, it's the one you saw yesterday! Such things happen one after another. In addition, watching too much of this thing also hurts your body. How tired you say you're always holding a gun? But it's hard to feel it when you watch too much. It's really a long-awaited * *. "

Yunmenglong cleared his throat and blinked at Wei Ya: "although watching porn is not as exciting as watching the scene, it's better to eavesdrop on the roof than someone in the middle of the night, isn't it, master?"

Wei cliff had a red face and knew that Yunmeng long had discovered his eavesdropping. He said with a dry smile, "that's that."

"Elder martial brother, who is so boring? I'm an idiot to go to the roof and eavesdrop on other people's houses in the middle of the night." said the evil god.

"Well, who is there? I'm just giving an example." yunmenglong looked at the evil god with a smile and pointed to Wei Ya with his eyes.

When the evil god looked at Wei Ya, his face was red and white, uncertain. "It's not Shifu, is it? It's terrible."

Yunmenglong didn't give the evil god a chance to make up for his mistakes. He continued: "master, you go home with me. I'll buy you tens of thousands of plates. Let's enjoy it slowly. While eating dog meat and watching porn, it's cool!"

Wei Ya's forefinger moved greatly. He rubbed his hands and asked, "where can I buy this kind of thing? It's illegal to sell spring palace pictures in the Song Dynasty."

Yunmenglong said with a smile: "you don't have to worry when you are old. There are porn sellers in Yunhai city. If you dress up and go to the street, someone must pull you aside and ask, master, what kind of dishes do you want... Ha ha."

"Let's hurry." Wei Ya can't wait.

"It's no problem to go, but the unicorn..." yunmenglong lengthened his voice, looked at Wei Ya and looked at the three demons.

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