Supreme Satyr

Chapter 371

Yunmenglong picked up the shining black fire god pill, which looked nothing like the legendary fire god Zhu Rong's three souls. After watching it carefully for three minutes, he said: "This is the xuanhuoshen pill. It's too short for the table. I'm sorry for its reputation. I thought it was too tall, colorful, glittering and arrogant. As a result, it looked so modest. I don't need Qilin's life-threatening protection. No one will pick it up if you throw it in the street."

Wei Ya shook his head and said: "You don't understand. Real awesome characters don't look so awesome. Most of those who look awesome are bluff and don't know how to be introverted. An expert doesn't know how to be introverted, and he is always inferior. Look, Shifu, I'm not like an expert? But I'm an immortal, and my skills are thorough. So are the gods. Many gods don't look so good It's magnificent and gorgeous. Look at the whip and Kunlun mirror in your arms. Which one is more beautiful. After all, these sacred objects are not used for viewing. It's a kind of blasphemy to use them. If you want to see them, you'd better buy some pots of flowers. "

Yunmenglong thought for a moment and nodded, "what Hua Hua said is very true." then yunmenglong laughed: ha ha ha

Wei Ya was puzzled by yunmenglong's sudden laughter and couldn't feel his head at all. He thought that the Buddha picked flowers and Gaye smiled. Gaye's epiphany was so implicit. Seeing yunmenglong laughing so wildly, it was more like winning the lottery. He was too excited and crazy.

"Menglong, what are you laughing at?" Wei Ya asked.

"Hehe, Hua'er, do you think my three younger martial brothers are really here for Kirin horn?" yunmenglong said with a smile.

"No, they must be for xuanhuoshen pill." Wei Ya shook his head.

"Yes, they took elder sister Kirin for the mysterious fire god pill. Because elder sister Kirin destroyed the cave, they thought elder sister Kirin swallowed the mysterious fire pill into the Dantian, so they couldn't wait to go. If they couldn't find the mysterious fire god pill in the end, would they be crazy? Hahaha..." speaking of this, yunmenglong laughed again.

Wei Ya was stunned and thought of the depressed expression of the three evil gods. He laughed with yunmenglong.

Yunmeng dragon took no time to get it. He killed a few birds with one stone. When he met Wei Ya, the master of the demon sect, who had not been seen for thousands of years, he got the secret script of evil gods, the whip, the Kunlun mirror, a unicorn pet, and the mysterious fire god pill at the beginning of the fire source of heaven and earth. Ha ha, he was so lucky. As for the three demons, they had bad luck and lost several treasures. They were fooled by Yunmeng dragon, which made chickens fly and dogs jump Kam, I didn't get the xuanhuoshen pill in the end. It's really a double whammy.

The two people laughed back and forth, their internal organs twisted, and tears came out of their eyes before they slowly stopped laughing. After stopping laughing, yunmenglong looked at the little Qilin and said, "this bastard can really sleep. We laugh so much that he can sleep smoothly."

Wei Ya said, "hehe, this little Kirin is like you. He has been too lazy to die since childhood." Wei Ya couldn't help but open his mouth when he remembered yunmenglong's childhood.

"Shit, am I lazy? I think I'm diligent." yunmenglong said sadly, "by the way, Hua Hua, what should we do with this mysterious fire god pill? People say that it's a crime to bear the blame. People will covet such a baby around. I'm not afraid of those bastards. I just think it's troublesome."

"It's all right. If you eat it, others can't grab it." Wei Ya said carelessly.

"Ah? No, it's edible?" yunmenglong was startled.

Wei Ya grabbed yunmenglong's wrist, pinched his muscles and veins and said, "hehe, what else can't you eat with me? This xuanhuoshen pill is a divine thing. Ordinary people's body can't bear it, but your body's toughness and strength are definitely higher than any creature on earth. As I said, you are a genius." Wei Ya frowned slowly, and he said slowly: "There are many different energies in your body that occupy your elixir field. Your life is good. The elixir field is about to become a separatist regime. Good and evil are both good and evil. It's not good or evil. But it's not a matter. Once the balance is destroyed, your five internal organs will be in chaos. Your five internal organs are a big battlefield. I'm afraid you will bleed and burst."

Yunmenglong was startled: "shit, Hua'er, don't alarmist. I'm so handsome and won't die so ugly?"

Wei Ya reaches out and grabs yunmenglong's wrist. Yunmenglong wants to hide and run, but he can't escape and run. The invisible bondage is more than a thousand times stronger than the bondage of evil gods. Yunmenglong gives up resistance and allows Wei Ya to explore his internal organs through his muscles. "Just say, scare me to death. Do you still have dog meat?"

Wei Ya ignored him and said, "don't worry, you won't die with me. At least you won't die until I eat enough dog meat." Wei Ya honestly added.

Yunmenglong silently compared his middle finger and cordially greeted Lao mu of Weiya in his heart.

"You boy got all the internal power of the past demon sect masters. It's not simple. Did you get it from Kuihua's treasure book?" Wei Ya explored several familiar internal power. That evil and huge energy surged in a corner of Yunmeng longdantian.

"Yes, it's a waste of resources if you don't become a miracle doctor," said yunmenglong, who seemed to admire.

"I am God, but doctors are lack of interest. Doctors have parents' hearts, but I ask myself that I have no parents' hearts. The reason is that I have been single all my life and have no children, so I have no parents' hearts. Only for Menglong, I am my own son. If doctors have parents' hearts for patients, the people will be lucky. If doctors in the world are for themselves and money, there will be thousands of people The people are suffering. "Wei Ya then sighed: "God is superior. He is more selfish than people. You will finally know that the way of heaven is ruthless and selfless. Heaven and earth are unkind and take everything as a ruminant dog! Eh? It's incredible that there is a spirit of water at the beginning of chaos in your inner organs. In this case, eh... Water and fire can't be tolerated. Water and fire grow together. The mysterious fire god Dan and the spirit of water spirit account for half of the country, so your Dan The field is like a gossip. Water is Yin and fire is Yang. Energy can be self-sufficient, endless and endless. The messy energy in your Dantian can also be well integrated. Fire extinguishes all things and water melts all things. Ha ha, your boy is really a favorite of heaven. "Wei Ya laughed and looked very happy.

Yunmenglong was confused, but yunmenglong was extremely smart and knew that it was good to eat the xuanhuoshen pill. So when Wei Ya laughed to the climax, he threw the xuanhuoshen pill into the air and opened his mouth. The xuanhuoshen pill slid along yunmenglong's mouth, across his esophagus and into the Dan field.

Wei Ya stopped laughing. He opened his mouth and looked at Yunmeng dragon as if he were looking at an idiot.

"What's the matter? Why do you look at me like I'm dead?" yunmenglong felt inappropriate.

"What about the mysterious fire spirit?" Wei Ya said.

"Yes," replied Yun Menglong.

"What?" Wei Ya couldn't believe it.

"Eat." yunmenglong repeated.

"You... Idiot, when did I let you eat?" Wei Ya scolded.

"Shit, didn't you just say let me eat?" yunmenglong said depressed.

Wei Ya jumped up, took Yunmeng dragon and flew to the sea. While flying, he said, "I let you eat, but I didn't let you eat like this. Alas, I'm so worried. I hope you won't be burned into fly ash. You big black dog that has been roasted for so many years should finally be punished."

"What report... Ouch!" before the word Ying was exported, a burst of burning colic rose from the Dantian and instantly spread to every cell. Yun Menglong felt that he had become Bruno burned on the cross, and every cell burst out flames. The feeling of burning his body with fire was really fucking worse than burning his body with lust.

"Ah..." the long shrill cry that cut through the sky wall came from yunmenglong's mouth. The scream of yunmenglong came from the bottom of longmengyun's heart. Her pretty face turned pale. She stood up, opened the window from the 32nd floor and flew out.

The strong flame spewed out, and yunmenglong became a fireman. The blue flame burst out around him, and one of his black hair turned white in an instant. It was strange that the white hair was not burned to ashes by the flame. Little Qilin woke up after being burned by the fire, but it didn't seem to feel a trace of pain. On the contrary, it was very useful. He stretched his waist and held yunmenglong's fingers with his small claws Clear red eyes looked at Yunmeng dragon puzzled.

Wei Ya felt the powerful power of the ancient divine fire. Although he was an immortal, he also felt a burning pain.

"Menglong, call the water spirit spirit quickly and let it resist the fusion of xuanhuoshen pill." Wei Ya said in yunmenglong's ear full of fire.

When they flew all the way, no matter how wet or dark the trees and shrubs would catch fire, and the fire would spread forever. If Wei Ya hadn't thrown his sleeves to put out the fire, lengyun mountain would have to become flame mountain.

Wei Ya's voice penetrated the flame and penetrated into yunmenglong's ears, as if it came from the void of nine days. Yunmenglong issued the will, and the water spirit struggled to resist and melt the powerful and unparalleled flame. The fierce nature of the dark fire spirit was aroused, and the fire tongue ran around, and the fire started to burn, and the fire was boiling. The water spirit was also a tenacious person. Although it was gradually defeated, it was still struggling to resist. Then it fought against the power of the dark fire spirit The amount gradually increased. The past masters of the demon sect shouted, "fuck, I'm dead..." Joined the camp of Shui Ling soul. Yunmeng dragon's internal power is quite strong. He knows that the master is in trouble and runs up regardless of life and death. The saying that good and evil do not coexist is completely overturned in Yunmeng dragon's viscera, and Su Qingyao's internal power left in Yunmeng dragon's Dantian is also on the side of Shui Ling soul. The flame of half of Yunmeng dragon's body gradually extinguishes, and finally takes the central line as the axis of symmetry, Yunmeng dragon is evenly divided into two parts. One part is suffering from fire and the other part is suffering from cold air. This scene is really weird and weird. In fact, at this time, xuanhuoling still has the upper hand. Thanks to little Qilin, he is forgetting his feelings and devouring the flame on Yunmeng Dragon happily.

When he finally reached the sea, Wei Ya kicked Yunmeng dragon down. Yunmeng dragon didn't have time to care about Wei Ya kicking him. He opened his arms and shouted excitedly, "sea, I fucking miss you."

"Plop!" with a sound, a human shaped burning object smashed into the water, arousing about ten feet of water spray, but when the water spray rose to half, it turned into water vapor and disappeared without a trace.

When yunmenglong got into the water, he seemed to have returned to his hometown. The spirit of the water was like a fish in water. He was in great spirits and led all the forces to resist the attack of the fire. Yunmenglong swam everywhere. He hurt. Even on the cold sea floor, the flame on yunmenglong's body still didn't decrease. If the past swimming fish came to make do, they had to be roasted. Yunmenglong walked around the sea like a flame, In a few minutes, yunmenglong wandered more than ten miles. The area he swam across was full of flames on the sea.

After a long time, the two forces were in a stalemate. At this time, I didn't know where to jump out of a peacemaker. The peacemaker was both gracious and powerful. The two forces decided to shake hands and make peace.

Yunmenglong rushed out of the sea, and the scales of the unicorn armor reflected the light of the sun, which was extremely majestic.

"Menglong, are you all right?" longmengyun said anxiously.

Yunmenglong turned to see her, shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm fine, Xiaohui. Why are you here?"

"I... ah! Your eyes." long Mengyun just wanted to say something, but he was shocked to see yunmenglong's eyes. I saw the two eyes of Yunmeng dragon, one with dazzling red pupil, just like a burning flame, as if it could burn everything; And the other one, white crystal pupil, heavy snow, cold!

"What's wrong with my eyes?" asked yunmenglong.

Wei Yafei came forward and saw yunmenglong's eyes. He was stunned. He said to himself, "is it the ice and fire pupil of Jiuyou demon God?"

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