Supreme Satyr

Chapter 384

Although little Qilin fell down, the result was still white. Yun Shiren still made Yun Qi roast two big black dogs inhumanely. After the roast, after the two had a big meal, the height, length and weight of the little Kirin tended to rise, and it was quite obvious that it was obvious at a glance. At least yunmenglong couldn't fit the little Kirin in his pocket.

Kirin is a divine beast. There is no such legendary thing in modern people's consciousness. He has no concept of this. He can't walk around behind him? Yunmenglong was melancholy.

As the saying goes, taking people's hands is short and eating people's mouth is short. Of course, Wei Ya is ashamed of what he takes and eats. Although he is thick skinned and shameless, he can only bow to the downwind and lament that he is inferior to the hooligans who are more thick skinned and shameless than him.

Wei Ya took out an ancient lady to embroider for ailang and handed it to yunmenglong.

Yunmenglong took over and looked at it, frowned and said, "Hua Hua, is this a love token given to you by a nun?"

Wei Yabai glanced at yunmenglong and said, "what you're talking about is fart. This is heaven and earth. The space inside is infinite. It can also be said that there is another world inside. You can put anything you like but it's inconvenient to carry. For example, you can put the little Kirin inside and take it with you."

Yunmenglong picked it up and smelled it. A faint fragrance seemed to exist, like sandalwood, lotus, and even more like the body fragrance of a fairy. Yunmenglong fainted. He said, "flower, can this pretend to be a big black dog?"

Wei Ya nodded again and again: "of course."

Yunmenglong said, "can you put a beauty?"

Wei Ya thought about it. He didn't let it go before. He didn't expect it. Only the best rogue like yunmenglong would think of putting a beauty in it!

Wei Ya nodded while drooling: "yes, definitely."

Yunmenglong saw the licentious expression on Wei Ya's face and his disgusting saliva. He knew that the old rogue was fighting in bed with one or n beauties in YY, or heaven and earth.

"Isn't it ugly for a beauty to be with a dog and a unicorn? Is there oxygen in it? Will creatures suffocate in it?"

Wei Ya shook his head and said, "you're too worried. The so-called heaven and earth means that there is heaven and earth inside. The space inside is crisscross, hundreds or even countless. They won't fall in one space. As for oxygen, it's easy to say. Wouldn't it be good to plant some flowers and plants in it?"

Yunmenglong and Dai Ming have also stayed for some time, so they have some superficial knowledge of biology. He said, "but how can the plants carry out photosynthesis? How can they produce oxygen without photosynthesis?"

Wei Ya nodded and said, "well, this problem is more constructive, but I need to repeat it again. It's called heaven and earth. Heaven and earth is heaven and earth. Of course, there are its sun, moon and stars. Don't worry so much. Put the Kirin in."

Yunmenglong said good, picked up the little Kirin and stuffed it into heaven and earth, but the mouth is so small, how can it be stuffed into it? Yunmenglong glanced at Wei Ya, who was smiling like an idiot.

Yunmenglong was very depressed and turned his eyelids: "what are you looking at? I haven't seen such a handsome guy, have you? Look at the charge again."

Wei Ya jumped up and knocked Yunmeng dragon's head and said, "Why are you so sb? You can't read the formula."

Yunmenglong jumped higher, took a bone and knocked down on Wei Ya's head: "I went to your uncle, and you didn't tell me what the formula is. How do I know when the formula is?"

Wei Ya touched the prominent part of his head because of the impact of the dog's bone and said, "Oh, yes, I haven't told you yet. Alas, I'm so confused. The formula is just one word, big."

Yunmeng dragon fainted for two seconds, and the oral muscles vibrated: "big!"

Heaven and earth immediately Shua. It's so big that one person is more than tall, and the hole is big enough for small Qilin to go in. Yun Menglong threw the little Kirin inside, turned and asked Wei Ya, "Hua Hua, there's another formula, isn't it?"

Wei Ya nodded: "you are so talented."

Yunmenglong: "shit! Idiots know."

Yunmenglong installed the reluctant little Kirin and put the heaven and earth in the way of Wei Ya. If you want yunmenglong to do it, you must throw it in your pocket. Maybe you'll lose it one day.

Yunmenglong took Wei Ya to the school field of the 305 Corps. The 305 regiment is now the largest regiment in the army. Many soldiers of other regiments come here with admiration. They are elites. Other regiments dare to be angry but dare not speak. After all, yunmenglong is a rogue and an arrogant rogue. They can't make a small report. First, they are afraid of being known by yunmenglong to secretly retaliate, and second, Ling aopeng regards yunmenglong as his own son, You go and tell me that his son is not, don't you want to die? In addition, Chu Jingfeng has been training according to yunmenglong's method, and the strength of the 305 Corps is immeasurable.

"Eh? Dad, why are you there?" yunmenglong saw Ling aopeng, who was not angry and was as quiet as Yuanzhi.

"Hahaha..." Ling aopeng said with a forthright smile, "I heard that the person who came with you is your master, and he is full of magic powers. It's also from him that you like to eat dog meat. Of course I want to have a look."

Ling aopeng's tiger eyes were shining. He turned to Wei Ya and inadvertently glanced at him and said, "Shenhua is introverted and returns to nature. Sure enough, I'm an expert. I'm ling aopeng, commander of the three armed forces. Who's the master?"

Wei Ya had no God in his eyes. He only looked at Ling aopeng faintly. Ling aopeng felt as if he was standing in front of Wei Ya naked, but Ling aopeng was awe inspiring and his face remained unchanged. Wei Ya said with a smile: "I heard that commander Ling is as evil as hatred. He commands the three armies and fights all over the world. He has admired it for a long time. But people in the countryside have never met. It's lucky to see him today!"

Yunmenglong hugged them and said with a smile: "I said you two old things, don't be disgusting here. Everyone drink well in the evening. I cook. Hua Hua must want to see my cooking?"

"No less roast dog meat?" Wei Yaling and aopeng said in unison, then looked at each other and laughed.

Yunmenglong was stunned and said with a smile, "of course not. It's another dog meat feast in the evening. Hehe, if you don't get drunk, you can have a good meal and drink heartily."

After making an appointment, Ling aopeng said something and left first. Wei Ya couldn't help admiring the knowledge and interest of the person in power. His eyes were in charge.

Yunmeng Longyang said: "brothers, this is my master, Wei Ya. From today on, he is your new leader. We retire to the second line." speaking of this, the 305 regiment is boiling. Although the leader is sinister, cunning, lecherous and shameless, and makes the army like a triad society, he is really good to his brothers. He is popular and spicy, They have money, girls and skills. They have sold their lives to the rogue boss for a long time, but he is going to resign suddenly. How can these soldiers stand it.

"Boss, don't leave us. We don't want you!" Su Qi said first.

"Yes, we don't want you." others echoed.

Yunmenglong raised his hands and pressed down falsely: "you misunderstood me. I'm still your boss. Saying that he is the leader is just to give him a duty and let him teach you at ease. In fact, the real power is still in my hand. Alas, why do you have to force me to tell the truth? How embarrassed?"

The soldiers showed a suddenly realized expression: "it's really shameless to be the boss."

Wei Ya was depressed: "shit, even so, you don't have to express it so naked? At least I'm also a fairy. Can't you give me some face?"

Yunmenglong laughed: "Hua Hua, you are becoming more and more lovely. You and I have not been honest and sincere. How many years have we been in love? A thousand years? I'm hypocritical. Isn't it unnecessary to fart without taking off my pants?"

Wei Ya flattened his mouth: "it seems that we haven't seen each other for more than 900 years. Where can we start the feelings of these 1000 years?"

Yunmenglong said with a smile: "time is always lost. On the contrary, your feelings for me have not increased with the passage of time. For so many years, I believe that you miss me a little and will not lose to me. For you, my thoughts coexist with breathing. When I breathe, I miss..." yunmenglong said with deep affection, and his eyes are like an old lover I haven't seen for many years, Look at the goose bumps on Weiya. They're killing themselves.

Wei Ya feels convulsions in his stomach. He has a feeling that if yunmenglong continues to talk, he must return the delicious dog meat he has eaten for a while. In that case, the dog meat will no longer be delicious! Reach the peak of perfection, has the final say. Then, Wei Ya hurriedly extended his hand and interrupted the Yunmeng Dragon: "stop and stop, and you haven't seen it for so many years. You have not seen any other skills. What's more, the disgusting person's ability is even more serious. Can't I do that? I'm a grandson. You are my uncle. You have the final say, I just ask you to stop disgusting me."

Yun Menglong said happily, "yes, those who know current affairs are heroes. Isn't it unreasonable for immortals to be ignorant? I won't talk nonsense. You can teach your brothers to practice in the future!"

Yun Menglong continued to say to the soldiers of the 305th Regiment: "brothers, I'm going to make money. For our world, for our brothers to have a house, a car and a girl bubble, the boss wants to leave for a period of time. Don't think too much of me. You should study hard with the master, strive to achieve positive results and rise as soon as possible."

Yunmenglong's words were unintelligible and without warning. The soldiers were confused and thought: isn't the boss funny? What's going to fly up as soon as possible? Have you read more about journey to the west, or have you read more about Xiuzhen novels?

Wei Ya suddenly flew into the air, invited a floating cloud from the horizon, and then sat up, soft, continuous, very comfortable. The soldiers looked silly. They were shocked and suspected of a dream!

Wei Ya said, "do you want to sit on clouds like me?"

The soldiers shouted excitedly, "yes!"

Wei Ya said, "if you want to follow me to practice Taoism well, we will become a true army, invulnerable and as fast as lightning."

"OK!" the soldiers were more excited. This is yunmenglong's master, the boss's master. It's better to learn from his master than the old university, isn't it?

"The first is to build a foundation. Building a foundation requires everyone to be abstinent for at least three months." Wei Ya said.

"Ah? Isn't it?" the following immediately lamented everywhere and had a lot of opinions.

Yun Menglong wiped the cold sweat beside him, and was secretly pleased: "Hey, thanks to my lack of cultivation, otherwise my beautiful girls would not have to live alone?"

Although everyone was dissatisfied, protested, depressed and melancholy, the first Xiuzhen rogue army came to the stage of history and played an indelible role in the world of yunmenglong.

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