Supreme Satyr

Chapter 391

Falling, falling freely, the beauty closes her eyes and gradually calms down. Maybe this kind of death is also good. There is no whole body, split, enjoy the pleasure of flying for a moment, and then disappear into dust.

Yunmenglong did a preparatory dive without delay. He jumped into a cunning dragon. He dived like lightning. First, he took out the beauty in his left hand, then picked up the falling linbaogini in his right hand, and paused in the air. The beauty held yunmenglong's bear waist tightly. Yunmenglong stood in the void, looking like a demon God. The beauty was intoxicated for a time and couldn't return to God.

The beauty rubbed her eyes and looked at Yunmeng dragon with a beautiful look. It was amazing. Yunmenglong is China's Superman, the real version of Altman. With a swing of his right hand, Lin baogini landed in the parking lot next to the post station like a feather.

Yunmenglong put her hands around the beautiful woman's slender and soft waist, soared against the wind, swam the dragon and startled the Phoenix, and the beautiful woman closed her eyes. She was afraid to open her eyes and find that it was a big dream, an untrue dream. This warm mind was like the sea and contained everything. This was the warmest harbor. The beautiful woman fell in yunmenglong's arms, her eyelashes danced, her mouth rose, and she smiled sweetly and happily, Beautiful as a child.

"Open your eyes, it's all right." yunmenglong's slightly hoarse voice is sexy and charming, penetrating the fog and provoking the beautiful woman's eardrum.

The beauty slowly opened her eyes. For a moment, the darkness was like a nightmare. The scenery became clear from fuzziness. She turned to look at yunmenglong. Zhang Junyi's beautiful face without any defects. He was looking at the beauty with a smile.

The beauty could not help blushing. She took a sip of the fresh air in the mountains, calmed her heartbeat and said, "who are you? Are you an immortal?"

Yunmenglong laughed and said, "ha ha, immortal, I'm not an immortal, I'm a God."

Beauty doesn't understand: "what's the difference?"

"Yes, God is one word less than immortal." yunmenglong smiled.

The beauty couldn't help getting angry: "I think you're more like a psycho."

Yunmenglong said, "others laugh that I'm too crazy. I laugh that others can't see through. Many people think I'm crazy, but they don't dare to say it."

The beauty tilted her head and looked at yunmenglong: "why don't you dare to say, are you very powerful?" the beauty looked naive like a child.

"Generally, I can cover the sky with one hand in Yunhai City anyway." yunmenglong said.

The beauty skimmed her lips and said, "brag. You look like a just grown-up kid. You talk nonsense with me, but you are really powerful. You can run so fast and fly. Who the hell are you?"

Yun Menglong said seriously, "in fact, I'm much bigger than my appearance. I'm a thousand years old."

"Ha ha ha," said the beautiful woman with a series of silver bell like laughter and a clear and melodious voice, "you're so funny."

Yunmenglong shook his head and sighed, "why do I tell the truth and others don't believe it?" yunmenglong asked the beauty, "do you know yunmenglong?"

"Huh? Cloud dream dragon?" the beauty looked thoughtful. Yunmenglong couldn't help being depressed. She expected that the beauty should immediately shine her eyes and say, "ah! Yunmenglong, the legendary handsome and invincible handsome man, national hero, leader of the underworld and the God of the army, I worship him."

As a result, the beauty said, "I don't know, but I seem to have heard of the name. What's the matter?"

Yunmenglong flat mouth, very depressed, his depressed voice depressed airway: "nothing, just ask?"

The beauty blinked her big eyes at Yunmeng dragon and said, "are you Yunmeng dragon?"

Yunmeng dragon was startled: "how do you know?"

"Hey hey, guess, I'm smart." the beauty smiled, her eyes bent, and her neat and white shell teeth exposed.

"Why do I think you have white eyes?" yunmenglong whispered.

"Annoying, how do you say people have white eyes?" the beauty pouted and was unwilling.

"If you pout again, I'll kiss you." yunmenglong suddenly said.

"Ah?!" the beauty was startled. At this time, she found that she was still leaning against yunmenglong's arms. She was so frightened that she quickly pushed yunmenglong away and stepped back: "Why are you so bullying."

"Who makes you so beautiful. Your mouth is so attractive." yunmenglong smiled.

"Hum, hooligan." the beauty blushed.

"Yes." Yunmeng longying said, "beauty, you seem to like blushing very much. It's like a tomato. What's your name?"

The beauty blushed again: "I'd like to blush. Can you control it? I won't tell you my name?"

Yun Menglong asked, "who won the game?"

"I won. Do you think my car reached the end first?" the beauty smiled cunningly and blinked at yunmenglong.

Yunmenglong couldn't help getting angry: "you're cruel. Well, if you don't tell me your name, I'll call you tomato beauty."

"Then you should tell me why the car didn't hit you?" the beauty looked at yunmenglong with a provocative expression.

Yunmenglong didn't think so. He smiled and said, "because I'm a God, have you ever seen a mortal drive a car and hit God?"

The beauty was stunned: "you... You cheat."

Yunmenglong smiled, shook his head and said, "that's it. I'm treating people in their own way. Tomato beauty, aren't you convinced?"

The beauty pinched her waist and said, "if you are not convinced, you are not allowed to call me tomato beauty."

Yunmenglong spread his hand and said helplessly, "what do I call you? I don't know your name."

The beauty has no choice but to take yunmenglong: "my name is Liang Xiaotong."

"Oh, Tong Tong." yunmenglong called shamelessly.

"Why are you like this? Are we so familiar? Don't call me that." the beauty is not satisfied with the title of yunmenglong.

"It's not a good name. It's better to call you Xiaobao." yunmenglong winked at Liang Xiaotong.

"You..." Liang Xiaotong really can't help taking this hooligan. These days, he's not afraid of those who don't want to die. He's not afraid of those who don't want to face. He's afraid of those who don't want to face or die. Liang Xiaotong breathed a sigh of relief: "you'd better call me Tongtong. Thank you for saving me."

"Tong Tong has something on his mind. Talk to brother Menglong. Maybe I can help you." Yun Menglong took Liang Xiaotong's small hand and sat down in the row chair of the post station. Liang Xiaotong didn't notice that he was stopped by Yun Menglong. When he wanted to take it out, Yun Menglong had let go.

"Alas, there's nothing I can do about you. How old are you? Let me call you brother. I'm 23 years old." Liang Xiaotong sighed.

"I said I was a thousand years old," said Yunmeng dragon.

"Aren't you an old Wang Ba, because you've been a king for thousands of years and a turtle for thousands of years?" Liang Xiaotong said.

"As long as you're willing to be my mother, what's wrong with me being an old Wang." yunmenglong looked at Liang Xiaotong affectionately.

"Oh, come on, you want to disgust me." Liang Xiaotong said with a strong smile.

"It's all right. You're used to vomit. Doesn't your boyfriend talk to you?" yunmenglong deliberately talked to her.

Liang Xiaotong's face darkened and his expression became sad. It was like the rising tide of the sea, rippling over yunmenglong's chest. Yunmenglong had a feeling of heartache. Her pupil is still so dark, but she has a broken heart and a broken heart. She has a pair of soul stirring eyes. Yunmeng dragon has the feeling of being hit immediately.

"Don't mention him, we broke up." Liang Xiaotong forced a smile and wanted to try to laugh, but when he smiled, the clear liquid overflowed his eyes and burst into tears.

Yunmenglong's face sank and said, "he bullied you. He told his brother that I cut Ya for you. He unloaded 3618 yuan and split him. He dared to make my pupils sad. You can't bear it. I can't bear it." yunmenglong was angry. He was bullied like a Buddha. But there's no way to kiss his daughter, Don't you all say that I'm worried about watching my daughter get angry at my mother-in-law's house?

Liang Xiaotong shook her head and said, "forget it, I'm just too disappointed in him. In fact, I love him very much..." speaking of this, she paused, sighed, and her eyes were full of despair.

Yunmenglong gently stroked Liang Xiaotong's powder back and said, "come on, talk to your brother. Let me see if it's worth it. Run out at night."

Yunmenglong's voice seemed to have an unspeakable magic. Liang Xiaotong believed him for no reason and relied on him. She looked at yunmenglong's eyes, like the eyes of a stream of clear spring. The blue silk was as exquisite as the sea, where there was encouragement, love and tenderness.

Liang Xiaotong didn't turn his head. He looked at the distant mountain like Dai and listened to the roar of the mountain wind and the lonely roar of wild animals. The desolate and vast cry penetrated joy and sorrow and despised life and death.

"We have been together for more than two years, and we have always had a good relationship. He is a racing driver, because he likes racing very much." Liang Xiaotong pointed to the LIM baogini and said: "He refitted the car for me. We were in New York together. I don't know why he suddenly came to Yunhai city. I didn't want to give up the car and brought it. I wanted to find him. We loved each other very much and he always kept it polite to me. The day before he came to Yunhai City, he asked me to go to bed with him... Um." She said these two words with difficulty, and then peeked at yunmenglong. Yunmenglong had a peaceful expression, smiled and listened quietly. Liang Xiaotong continued: "But I didn't promise. Although I always received an open education in the west, i... I couldn't do it. I think it was because I refused him. He was very angry, so he came to Yunhai city. I chased him. He pretended to admit his mistake. I was very happy and thought we could be together again, but he... He intoxicated me with wine , attempt... Attempt to rape me... "Liang Xiaotong said this and couldn't say any more. His head hung down and buried between his knees, crying.

Yunmenglong gnashed his teeth and scolded, "animals!" he forgot his virtue when scolding this. However, although yunmenglong is a rogue, he is a rogue with principles and connotation. At least he can't use such shameless means.

Yun Menglong patted Liang Xiaotong on the back and said: "Don't cry, Tong Tong. There are so many men in the world because a man like an animal is not worth it. Don't pick one at random according to your conditions. Why do you have to hang him from a tree? I'll help you clean up the boy and tell me his name. I promise he will kneel down and plead for mercy to you tomorrow, but don't forgive him and spit on him."

Liang Xiaotong cried for a while and looked up at yunmenglong. His beautiful eyes were swollen like walnuts. She asked, "why do men have to sleep with women? Do two people have to love like that? I don't want to give it to him. I only give it when I want to get married, but he..."

Yunmeng dragon was speechless: shit, why do men have to sleep with women? This question is really flat. Do men have to sleep with men if they don't sleep with women? Brokeback Mountain? Alas, the world is made up of men and women. Now most men are animals thinking with their Dick. They have a charming girlfriend. Of course, they have desire and of course want to go to bed? That's easy to understand. Why is sex called love? Because it is done by two people who love each other, it is called love! Unfortunately, it has become much more disgusting now. Many times, men and women go to bed just to vent their animal desires, while women are lonely, empty, or money! The long-term prosperity of the profession of prostitute can explain a certain problem. In fact, you don't have to get the wedding night to carry out the Duke of Zhou's ceremony. If you have feelings, it's nothing to let it happen naturally. But now people, hum!

Many things about going to bed don't deserve to be called love, because it's not done for love. It's almost like mating with animals. Why do you recruit prostitutes and find love? Shit, it's not that the bird can't stand being idle for too long. In order to vent, she lies on a strange woman to vent her excess energy and disgusting animal desire. After a thousand miles, the woman gets up and takes the money and goes away. Will the person left feel a burst of emptiness?

Yun Menglong is not a pedantic person. His sexual concept is very open, but he won't recruit prostitutes. Of course, he doesn't need that at all. There are so many beautiful women around him and he is deeply in love with him. If he goes to recruit prostitutes again, won't he take off his pants and fart? It's unnecessary? And hurt people.

"Every good thing in a man!" cloud dream dragon said this sentence for a long time.

Liang Xiaotong "puffed" a smile. When Yunmeng longan was lit, the beauty smiled through tears. It was really beautiful. The pretty face with pear blossoms and rain suddenly smiled, just like peach blossoms. It was sunny after rain, and the rainbow crossed both ends of the sky wall. The sun beat the haze and smiled proudly

"Don't forget that you are also a man," said Liang Xiaotong.

"I... I'm an exception." Yunmeng longyi stifled.

"Hehe, too. You can't kill a boat of people with one pole. I think you're really good. Make a friend." Liang Xiaotong said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of me? I'm a rogue. It's very dangerous to make friends with me." yunmenglong couldn't bear to remind the little sheep.

The little sheep tilted its head and looked at Yunmeng dragon and said, "will you? I think you're very good."

Yunmenglong sighed in his heart, "you sent it to the door yourself. I'm sorry if I don't eat."

"Ha ha, you really have an eye. Since you look up to me so much, I'll make you a friend." Yun Menglong smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Liang Xiaotong stretched out her catkin and let yunmenglong hold it. She smiled and said, "thank you today, otherwise I may not live."

Yunmenglong shook his head and said, "where is it? Why do friends say this?"

Liang Xiaotong said with a smile, "ha ha, good friend."

"Ha ha, good friend." the poor color at the bottom of yunmenglong's eyes flashed. Alas, what a simple child. How can you bear the disaster? Let's settle the matter for her.

In this way, Liang Xiaotong, a little sheep, sent himself into the tiger's mouth of Yunmeng dragon. When you get to the beauty in your hand, Yunmeng dragon will spit out. The answer is yes, definitely not!

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