Supreme Satyr

Chapter 393

The visitor was Dai Daier, who was captured by LAN hengyuhuan. Dai Daier lost a lot of weight and her temperament was more refined. She held Yunmeng dragon tightly, as if she had exhausted all her strength in life, as if she was afraid of Yunmeng dragon flying away.

"Brother Menglong, brother Menglong, dai'er misses you so much, dai'er misses you so much..." Dai Daier murmured, and the crystal tears fell down, hurting yunmenglong's heart.

Yunmenglong put his hands around dai'er's delicate body, stroking up and down, stroking the lost sweetheart, infinite sigh, unbearable heartache.

"Dai'er, you've lost weight..." yunmenglong choked.

Dai'er looked up at yunmenglong with tearful eyes and asked, "brother Menglong, do you miss dai'er? Dai'er misses you so much, day and night, all the time, all the time, every minute, every second. She can't eat or sleep. When she thinks of you, she smiles happily, but tears flow down with laughter. Dai'er really misses you and loves you..."

Yunmenglong looked at dai'er's beautiful and flawless jade face, listened to dai'er's charming love words, felt a pain in his heart, picked up dai'er's small face, bowed his head and kissed dai'er's sweet lips. Dai'er's lips are as delicate, soft and fragrant as flowers, with a cool breath. Yunmenglong savors them carefully and tells her love and thoughts for this infatuated little beauty with her actions. Dai'er closes her eyes and caters to yunmenglong's kiss. The moment yunmenglong's lips cover dai'er's lips, dai'er's suffering becomes worth it, just for that kiss, Even if it's Yunmeng dragon, what's the harm? Time lost its meaning at that moment.

They kissed the sea into a mulberry field. Time hung on the horizon, dried into a thin shadow, shaking. A moment is eternity.

After kissing, yunmenglong looked around. He only saw longmengyun standing at the door with a smile and quietly looking at yunmenglong. His eyes were full of tenderness across the sea.

"Dai'er, where's Xueqi?" yunmenglong asked the question in his heart.

"Sister Qiqi, she, sister Qiqi, she's still in Las Vegas?" dai'er wanted to cry again when she heard Xueqi.

Yunmenglong frowned and said, "why? She's angry with me and doesn't want to come back?"

Dai'er immediately shook her head like a rattle: "no, no, sister Qiqi thinks of you like me, but LAN Heng doesn't let people go, sister Qiqi can't come back."

Yunmeng dragon's sword frowned into two tangled little snakes. His voice was cold: "Lanheng bird man dared not let people go. He's looking for death!"

Dai'er said timidly, "in fact, LAN Heng... He's not too bad. He's not bad to us. It's just that sister Qiqi has been scolding him for being a demon. He's angry and won't let sister Qiqi go."

Yunmenglong looked at dai'er in surprise and said, "is he a dead man demon? Look at his virtue, a man, who wants to be a disgusting man, not a dead man demon. What do you think? It seems that Lanheng bird released you?"

Dale whispered, "well, yes, he asked me to come back and tell you."

Yunmeng longxuanmei said, "tell me what?"

"He said, don't take his master to pressure him. He doesn't eat this set. If he has the guts, he will personally come to Las Vegas to save sister Qiqi, otherwise he will be a coward." Dai Er said softly, and then secretly looked at yunmenglong for fear that he would be angry.

Yunmenglong smiled angrily, "what a Lanheng demon. Well, let him wait and see how I kill him! Hum!"

Yun Menglong's eyes suddenly changed color when he hummed. The left side was as red as blood, and the right side was as white as crystal. He was full of momentum. The cold air came out of his body like a broken sword. He was sharp and evil. The gossip in his body became red, and Yuanying also took red as the main color. Dai'er was scared to step back. Long Mengyun's look changed slightly. She took a step forward, blocked dai'er behind her, and whispered, "Menglong!"

Yunmenglong's body was shocked and his soul trembled. He was almost possessed. He thought of Wei Ya's saying that he couldn't move his internal power. It seems that he was almost possessed by his internal power. Yunmenglong recovered, and the cool air reached all parts of the body through the spirit of heaven. The magic color of yunmenglong's eyes faded, and his body recovered its original natural and unrestrained state.

Yunmenglong walked up to dai'er, gently hugged her and said, "I'm sorry, dai'er, did your brother scare you?"

"It's all right. Dai'er was angry because she knew that Menglong's brother was eager to save Xueqi's sister." Dai Daier shook her head gently and said wisely.

Yunmenglong hugged Dai Daier on the left and longmengyun on the right, and entered the house together.

After a day of tossing, Yunmeng dragon was also tired to death. Long Mengyun served him to take a petal bath. Yunmeng dragon just wanted to moan comfortably. Yunmeng Longxing's eyes are half closed and thinking about things on his mind. The recent events are unimaginable and thrilling. He can't explain many things.

Long Mengyun's catkins slowly knead yunmenglong's muscles. Yunmenglong's strong muscles are full of explosive power and man's charm. Xiao Hui just stroked them, but there is no lust at the bottom of her eyes. She is a woman who knows how to observe words and colors. She can see that yunmenglong has something on his mind. Now, although the gift of the Duke of Zhou is big, it is a little untimely.

"Menglong, what's on your mind?" longmengyun asked with concern while massaging yunmenglong.

"Xiaohui, I was playing with Hua Hua today and almost killed him. I beat him with a magic whip. As a result, I almost stopped cooking and got a lot of energy flow. Now it's a blessing in disguise, which is better than before, but I can't figure out its nature. Just now I almost fell into the devil? Hua Hua Hua said I shouldn't use my internal power, but I'm afraid you're in a hurry, so I used it As a result, you can see it. "Yunmenglong has absolute trust in longmengyun, and he knows that longmengyun is inferior to him in both attainments and knowledge. Moreover, this woman is as intelligent as the sea and as calm as the abyss. Yunmenglong relies on her in his heart.

Long Mengyun frowned slightly: "Alas, the whip is one of the three major offensive weapons other than Kyushu artifact. Can you control it? Thanks to Wei Ya? But you are really blessed with misfortune. You don't have to worry about being possessed by evil. If you don't use energy at first sight, you won't show such a thing. Now you should talk more with your Yuanying and let him take good care of your internal medicine The energy gossip in the dirt. I think you'll recover in a few days and go to a higher level. "

Yunmenglong nodded: "then I'll rest assured, Xiaohui." yunmenglong called affectionately.

Long Mengyun raised his head, looked at Yunmeng long Junyi's face and said, "hmm?"

"It's nice to have you. You are really my good wife and mother." Yunmeng Longdu said.

"Ha ha, silly boy, am I so old?" long Mengyun laughed with a fluttering smile, and the white rabbit in front of his chest jumped off and danced the most charming dance steps in the world. Yun Menglong's second brother immediately expressed a strong desire.

"My wife is always young, charming and beautiful in my heart. My wife..." yunmenglong stretched out his magic claw and held a white rabbit in his hand. The greasy and plump touch made yunmenglong's desire burning.

Long Mengyun is very clever. Of course she knows what yunmenglong wants. She gently puts yunmenglong's other hand on her soft white rabbit and whispers, "husband, Xiaohui will give it to you whenever you want it, but think about it. You can either now?"

Yunmenglong trembled slightly and stopped. He looked up at longmengyun and said, "wife, do you love me?"

"I love you more than everyone else. As long as you like, I am willing to be the enemy of the whole world. As long as you feel right and wrong, I will accompany you. Even if people all over the world leave you and are the enemy of you, I will always stand by your side and face you together." long Mengyun said slowly.

Yunmenglong took a deep look at Xiaohui, hugged Xiaohui's delicate body and held it in his arms. Yunmenglong said, "what do you want for your wife?"


To say that yunmenglong is a good man, there must be no objection from many people. To say that yunmenglong is a big hooligan, there must be no objection. The best hooligans are also the best men. The so-called hooligans are lecherous and have a good way of prostitution.

Yunmenglong is lying in the middle of the big bed, surrounded by longmengyun and Dai Daier. Yunmenglong habitually puts his hands into their pajamas, holds their white rabbit and sleeps like a child. Dai Er was afraid of yunmenglong and her circle and fork. As a result, yunmenglong kissed the corner of her mouth, her hair, her forehead, her eyebrows, and then went to sleep with them 。

Sometimes, all a woman wants is a hug and a kiss.

Dai dai'er doesn't want to do that with Yun Menglong, but she wants to do it first. She feels sorry for Ling Xueqi. She's not sister enough. Yun Menglong also knows that he should cultivate his morality and stay in the green mountains these days. He's not afraid of no firewood. It's not urgent. At present, what Yun Menglong wants to do is to practice gambling and make LAN Hengyu jump around, so that he can be arrogant and disrespectful to his martial uncle Deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors!

Holding the two, yunmenglong slept safely and steadily. Longmengyun stared at longmengyun's familiar firm, handsome and serene face and said silently: "Young Lord, you must live well. If you can, I am willing to bear the responsibility of crushing people. However, I believe that you will lead us to counter attack the devil and rob the stars. You will protect the universe and beat the magic emperor. I will help you. Even if you die, I will be with you."

Dai'er didn't fall asleep either. She prayed in her heart: "may brother Menglong be happy and healthy forever." then she slept so deeply for the first time in many days. The black and sweet dream is boundless, but there are yunmenglong's uninhibited figure and a faint evil smile. The place with brother Menglong is heaven, even if she never wakes up.

The three of yunmenglong slept until the sun rose. Everyone was very tired. This sleep put the fatigue out of the sky. When he got up, yunmenglong was like a rabbit. BEI'ER was happy. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone and said, "Tang Tang, baby, why did you go these two days and don't come to me? Did you go on a date with Steven?"

"Come on, you'll sue the wicked first. The master said you didn't look for me and didn't let me bother you. You don't know how much people miss you, heartless rascal." Jiang Tang scolded wrongfully.

"Oh, I know I'm wrong. Don't be angry, baby. Wait for me in fuguiyun in half an hour." Yun Menglong said.

"OK, wait for you." Jiang Tang hung up the phone.

"Brother Menglong, are you leaving me again?" dai'er stood at the door and looked at yunmenglong wrongfully.

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