Supreme Satyr

Chapter 396

"Where, compared with the master, the peddler's little skills are really not worth mentioning." the peddler shook his head.

"Have a chance to compete." yunmenglong said with a smile.

"Please give me more advice." the vendor bowed his hand.

The two coyotes smiled at each other, so knowing and so licentious.

"Yunmenglong, do you still learn gambling?" Jiang Tang's voice came from outside.

"Eh? Didn't you go to the bathroom?" the vendor said strangely.

"What you said is fart. You just went to the bathroom." Jiang Tang spat.

Yunmenglong remembered that he had come to learn gambling. He shouted, "I know it's wrong. Tang Tang, come in and I'll learn."

"Well... Then promise us you can't see any more..." Jiang Tang said intermittently. Yunmenglong saw Jiang Tang's pretty face across the door and turned red to his ears.

"Well, I promise you, if I don't have your consent, I'll have sores on my head, pus on the soles of my feet and ulceration all over my body. I'll be gang raped night and night by 180 of the ugliest women in the world until I'm shaky and incomplete," Yun Menglong vowed.

"Shit, master, what are you looking at, so that you made such a solemn and tragic poison oath." the vendor was shocked.

"It's nothing for you. Just stay there," said Yun Menglong.

The peddler went to the corner to play poker. Jiang Tang and Nie Lingyun heard yunmenglong's oath that his hair was so poisonous, so they believed yunmenglong and came in. They didn't know that yunmenglong didn't believe that the oath would come true, so he would catch the opportunity and look twice. They were almost burned.

Jiang Tang sat down and said to yunmenglong: "In fact, not to mention that you can see things, your card counting ability is enough to deal with the charge officer in the gambling God competition. I'm just afraid that someone will ask for a reshuffle. Although my technique is good, it's far worse than the master's brother, so I only got 30 pairs of poker for you to practice together. If you can really remember my 30 pairs of cards, you really don't have to be afraid of him. Forget it , let's talk about it then. You can always surprise people. I'm optimistic about you. Now you need to practice * * * skills. Every master of gambling is a good hand at shuffling. It takes me 12 years to practice this technique before I can play cards Got the title of thousand hand Guanyin. "

With a smile, yunmenglong picked up a pair of poker. His Yuanying was very happy, as if he saw his long lost son. Yunmenglong had a feeling that this poker had a life, which was an extension of his life and a part of his body. Poker was him and he was poker.

Am I a poker player? I am! The realm of Jue is. In fact, Yunmeng dragon has already surpassed it.

Yunmenglong opened his hands, and the poker danced in the void. His body twisted strangely. They changed the order, but the changing speed has exceeded the limit that human beings can distinguish. Each poker is changing, one is changing 52, 52 is changing how much? Jiang Tang and Nie Lingyun are dumbfounded. Finally, they don't know the color, but they are just white and fast in front of them The scene of fast conversion. Yunmenglong smiled and said, "stop."

Fifty two cards were obedient and stopped in the air, standing straight one by one.

The cloud dream dragon said again, "enter."

The pair of poker jumped into yunmenglong's pocket. Yunmenglong took out the poker, put it on the gambling table and crossed it. Yunmenglong pointed to a card and said, "what's this one?"

Jiang Tang and Nie Lingyun looked at each other. They stood for a long time, shook their heads and said, "I don't know."

Yunmenglong said, "spade ace!" he turned over the card and it was spade ace. Yunmenglong put his hands on the gambling table and said, "who says shuffling doesn't depend on talent? I tell you, it depends on it!"

Yunmenglong seems to be the God of gambling!

Yunmenglong is so changeable that his dreams are hard to reach. He is as flexible as a wandering dragon! How can such a man overcome? His gambling skills are so superb that who can believe that he is just a rookie who gambles for less than a week.

It was Nie Lingyun who came to teach yunmenglong to shake the color cup, but in the end, it turned around.

"Yes, that's it. When you hold the color cup, you have to concentrate. What you think is that the color cup is connected with you. You can completely control it. You can shake out what points you want. Moreover, you can't be controlled by others. Use your hand, your mind, your hand is your mind, and it is invincible." Yunmenglong held Nie Lingyun's hands and encouraged him.

Nie Lingyun nodded endlessly and her eyes were full of energy. She was like an obedient primary school student, seriously studying the knowledge taught by the teacher. She raised the color cup, shook it for a long time, then buckled it, turned it over, and six six! Nie Lingyun jumped up happily: "Yeah!" Nie Lingyun made a successful gesture.

Jiang Tang sighed when he saw it. People are more angry than others. After learning gambling for more than ten years, he can't compare with a rookie who only knows what's going on in gambling for a few days. Now the rookie has taught experts. Isn't it a fantasy? Jiang Tang shook his head secretly and couldn't cry or laugh. She thought: "Oh, Yunmeng dragon, Yunmeng dragon, who are you? A man like a fan, always surprises people."

Nie Lingyun looked at Yunmeng dragon admiringly and said, "you know, I've never controlled six dice so arbitrarily. In the past, there were five dice at most, and I'll fail. Now I can control six dice according to what you say. Thank you. You're a genius."

"Don't just talk in words. Thank you. You have to take action?" yunmenglong said with a smile.

Nie Lingyun's pretty face was slightly red. She put her lips together and kissed yunmenglong's face. She bowed her head and whispered, "it's down. I've never kissed a boy on my own initiative?" her ears were red.

"It's the tenderness of your head down, just like the shame of a water lotus. It's the bone eating of your sweet lips, which makes my heart palpitate endlessly." yunmenglong whispered.

Nie Lingyun couldn't have heard such love words. If Jiang Tang hadn't been present, she would have been ashamed to death.

Jiang Tang was upset. She was sour and said, "Hey, yunmenglong, that's enough. I've just had dinner. It's not good for less disgusting people. I let you practice gambling, not to pick up girls."

Yunmenglong walked over, hugged her and said with a smile, "beauty, what's the taste?"

"Yes, why not?" Jiang Tang said with a stare.

Yunmenglong didn't expect Jiang Tang to admit that he was jealous so generously. He couldn't help being stunned, and then kissed Jiang Tang's small mouth.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Tang's mouth was blocked, and she spit out this sentence with difficulty.

Yunmenglong broke through the beichi gate of Kaijiang Tang, captured her incense letter, sang the song of triumph, and pulled her back to her territory to taste it carefully.

For a moment, yunmenglong let go of Jiang Tang, who was almost suffocated. Jiang Tang gasped and the white rabbit fluctuated violently. She stared at yunmenglong and couldn't speak.

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "honey, are you satisfied now? Lingyun takes the initiative to kiss me, and I take the initiative to kiss you?"

Jiang Tang stared at yunmenglong for a moment and suddenly smiled. She shook her head and said with a smile, "you hooligan, there's really no way to take you."

These three days have almost passed like flying. Sometimes time is like a white horse passing through the gap. When you turn around, thousands of sails have passed, and a hundred years have passed. Yun Menglong has never left the rich cloud for three days. He has been practicing gambling, shuffling, listening to, recording, cutting cards, and practicing with the hawker Jiang Tang Nie Lingyun. He never sleeps. When he is tired, he flirts with two beauties, takes advantage of them, and eats tofu. The two are willing to cooperate under tolerable circumstances. Their feelings are increasing day by day. Who doesn't like yunmenglong, such an excellent talent, or such a top-notch hooligan?

Yunmenglong took the time to get through Ren Du's second pulse of the peddler and taught him a lot about lightness skills and fighting. On the third day, when the peddler walked back like flying, he cried loudly with yunmenglong in his arms. He wiped the complex liquid mixed with tears on yunmenglong's pants and said, "master, you are my father."

Yunmenglong kicked the vendor away: "go, you think beautiful!"

Nie Lingyun also took yunmenglong as her teacher and learned gambling. Hehe, a hooligan who had only learned for less than three days actually put away his apprentice. This made Jiang Tang laugh for two days. Also, isn't this the great myth of sliding the world? However, the purpose of beauty apprenticeship does not necessarily lie in learning skills. To say the least, do you have to learn gambling? You can learn something else, such as Kung Fu in bed... It's just an example, nothing else.

The three accompanied yunmenglong in the actual battle. Every time, yunmenglong killed all sides and manipulated all sides. The hawker lost his ass.

On the last day, Zhou Yihong suddenly visited. Zhou Yihong and yunmenglong PK lost completely.

Zhou Yihong shook his head and said, "I just learned this. It's just right to use it on brother Menglong. However, brother Menglong's style and gambling skills are admirable, especially your eyes. People can't see it at all."

Yunmenglong also shook his head: "brother Zhou let Menglong. Menglong has little skills. How can he ascend the hall of elegance?"

Zhou Yihong got up and said, "Menglong's words are bad. I really want to sigh that since Menglong was born, why did he give birth to Zhou Yihong? If brother Menglong participates in the gambling God competition, I'd better quit directly."

"Brother Zhou is over praised, but Menglong really wants to participate in the gambling God competition." yunmenglong smiled.

"Ah?" Zhou Yihong's look changed slightly, and he returned to his normal color in a moment: "no wonder it's said that the representative of the mainland has not been determined. It must be brother Menglong? Hehe, I can foresee that the gambling God of this session will be brother Menglong."

Yunmenglong shook his head and said with a smile, "the number of wins and losses is unknown. Brother Zhou is in love."

Zhou Yihong looked at the time and said, "I'm going to say goodbye to brother Menglong this time. I'm very happy to know the dragon and Phoenix among the people like brother Menglong this time. It's a pity that I can't drink and enjoy the wind and moon. When brother Menglong comes to Las Vegas, Yihong must do his best as a host. Goodbye."

Yunmenglong laughed: "brother Zhou, you're welcome. See you in Las Vegas."

Just as Zhou Yihong wanted to go, he stopped and looked back and said, "brother Menglong, the highest level of gambling is to subdue people without fighting. I can't reach this level. I hope brother Menglong can do it and let me see the style."

Seeing Zhou Yihong off, Jiang Tang said to yunmenglong, "Menglong, the master wants to see you."

Yunmeng dragon stood up and said, "well, the one who should come is finally here. Where is he? I'll see him."

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