Supreme Satyr

Chapter 400

Xiao Yating breathed heavily, her chest fluctuated violently, and the two jade rabbits jumped out of the attractive dance steps.

Yunmenglong pushes Xiao Yating to the wall, and her big mouth is about to kiss Xiao Yating's small mouth. Xiao Yating is surprised and tries to push yunmenglong. Yunmenglong fixed Xiao Yating's lower body, which made her learn Taekwondo for eight years useless. Even if it was not fixed, how could she kick yunmenglong? Yunmenglong pressed Xiao Yating's lower body in the same position. His hands pulled Xiao Yating's hands into a word and pressed them against the wall. In this way, Xiao Yating's already plump chest looked more majestic. Yunmenglong looked down along the collar. The gully was deep and the faint fragrance came to his nostrils. Yunmenglong had the most primitive reaction.

"Hmm?" Xiao Yating groaned. She was overwhelmed by the feeling of electric shock. She began to twist her body to get rid of yunmenglong's bullying. Unexpectedly, this twist made the two mature carcasses close contact and friction with each other, just like Xiao Yating teasing yunmenglong.

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "OK, xiaotingting, you are very talented. Keep twisting."

Xiao Yating was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole in the ground and drill in to be a neighbor with her mouse brother. She was too frightened to move again, but a string of current came along yunmenglong's lips, and there... Hot, hard

Yunmenglong's kissing skill is not the best in the world. Whoever dares to compete with him must be cut to death. Xiao Yating is a little daughter. After kissing for a moment, Xiao Yating's sideburns were scattered, her cheeks were stained with red clouds, she was panting and weak. If she didn't lean against the wall, she would be paralyzed like a pool of mud.

"Are you all right now? Just now I saw you gasping so violently and knew you were short of oxygen, so I don't care if you scolded me for giving you artificial respiration. I'm so tired. Don't thank me yet." yunmenglong looked at Xiao Yating jokingly and said with a smile.

Xiao Yating stared at yunmenglong and couldn't say a word.

"I'll take this wordless thanks. Goodbye." after saying that, yunmenglong turned and left.

Xiao Yating leaned her back against the wall for a long time, and her eyes kept looking at the back of Yunmeng dragon, as if thoughtful.

The helicopter flew for about 23 hours, almost a day and night, and finally reached the destination of this trip, Las Vegas! Summer here is a typical desert climate. The temperature at noon is often as high as about 38 ゜ and the temperature at night is relatively cool. There are often thunderstorms, and the temperature is above average. On the whole, the climate in winter is mild and suitable, and the average temperature during the day is about 15 ℃. Although very hot weather occasionally occurs, spring and summer are still the most pleasant seasons. The time in Las Vegas is 16 hours slower than that in Beijing, that is, the time difference is 16 hours.

When the plane flew over the vast barren desert, it seemed to be in the position of a god of death. The yellow sand was endless, which made people despair. Thanks to the fact that it was evening when it flew over the desert, the yellow sand was covered with a layer of blood by the sunset, which looked so tragic. When night falls and dusk falls, yunmenglong sees a small piece of light in a huge darkness. The light is like a light guiding the course in the night, unique and bright in despair.

That is the only oasis in California's endless desert, Las Vegas, which is the first of the four largest gambling cities in the world.

For the past 23 hours, Shui silly almost said nothing. He has been sleeping like a dead body. If Yun Menglong hadn't said he wasn't dead, the waiter would have thrown him out along the plane as a UFO. That's also a kind of celestial burial in a special sense.

Lin wanruo said a few words occasionally, but it didn't matter. Yunmenglong asked her, "do you like green pepper?"

Lin Wan lowered her eyes. Her long eyelashes covered a shadow. She couldn't see what she was thinking. She said in a cold voice: "I don't like it."

Yunmenglong giggled: "I don't like it either." that's because he watched an episode of crayon Xiaoxin on the plane. The garbage boy wanted to soak a 17-year-old girl. That's what he asked. Sister, do you like green pepper? Then I laughed shamelessly and debauchery. I don't like it, ha ha. Yunmenglong's strong imitation ability can confuse the false with the true. Although this sentence he learned from Xiaoxin did not have any impact on Lin wanruo, it brightened Xiao Yating's eyes. Dai'er smiled and bent her eyes, and Jiang Tang smiled. LAN hengyubin shook his head and sighed, thinking whether yunmenglong was an idiot?

Yunmenglong scolded Xiao Yating when he had a chance, and then took the opportunity to eat her tofu. In the end, Xiao Yating wanted to take the initiative to kiss. Finally, if yunmenglong said two words of flirtation, she wouldn't be used to it.

Finally, when it was almost time, yunmenglong calmed down and his expression was as peaceful as water, that is, he saw the slag beautiful night scene of Las Vegas, and his expression on his face was like eternal granite. The night view of Las Vegas is so beautiful that it's a mess. It's so beautiful that it's indescribable and moving. It's so beautiful that there's no ancient city before and no city after. It's just that yunmenglong is not interested in this beautiful casino.

"The United States claims to have three major gambling cities: Las Vegas, Atlantic City and Renault city. Las Vegas and Renault city are located in Nevada, while Atlantic City is in New Jersey, close to the rough Atlantic Ocean. Las Vegas ranks first. It is a paradise. It is an oasis in the desert of California. To tell the truth, if there was no Las Vegas, Nevada would be Nothing. Reno city can't compare with Las Vegas. The development here can be described as a rapid development. Of course, the most developed is the gambling industry. Look at the buildings here, more than half of them are casinos. The people who open casinos here teach a wide range of people. Nevertheless, everyone has a certain background. For example, taogambling hall is opened by the Stephen family in New York, that is, with you Steve Zhou and Zhou Yihong, who are known as the most beautiful men in the world, made a bet. Zhou Yihong is not a simple man, but he is not bad. At least he has vision. He is more frank and not as hypocritical as his father. "After stopping the plane at the private airport in Las Vegas, yunmenglong sat next to LAN hengyubin. The driver is a foreigner, very handsome and strong, His muscles were swollen. At first glance, he was a family member. He was very focused on driving and must not understand their conversation.

There are only two people sitting in the extended super luxury Lincoln, one is LAN hengyubin and the other is yunmenglong. Such a car, in Las Vegas, can only cause a slight sensation. Of course, the six Mercedes Benzes that followed were also impressive. After all, there are many rich people, but there are not many people who make so much publicity. LAN hengyubin introduced Las Vegas while pointing to the crowds and buildings outside.

Yunmenglong nodded, only oh.

"Las Vegas has the most beautiful prostitutes in the world, and beauties from all over the world come here to be prostitutes. This is not that life forces good people to become prostitutes, but that they are cheap and willing to degenerate. After all, there are too many rich people here, and everyone's wealth is hundreds of millions. Let's put it this way, any billboard fell down and killed ten people, including six billionaires and three multimillionaires , only one is not a rich man. The rich here rarely make too much publicity. Long Shao must be surprised that I make so publicity, isn't he? "Lan hengyubin said with a smile. He spoke slowly and persuasively.

Yunmenglong smiled and shook his head. "It's nothing more than to attract someone's attention and let him know you're coming. Is there anyone else besides your brother?"

LAN hengyubin laughed: "Talking to smart is fun. At this time, Xiao Huan must know that I'm coming, and he must find out that you're the one who came with me. Of course, he can't guess that I asked you to participate in the world gambling God competition on behalf of the mainland. So he will suspect and think that these emotions are very negative things. It's very helpful for you to win the competition. Sometimes, experts fight and win Between the lines. It's enough to disturb his mind. "

Yunmenglong was surprised to see those entertainers on the street. He asked, "what are these people doing?"

LAN hengyubin looked and said: "This is a reserved program in Las Vegas. It is also a must see program for every customer or gambler who comes to Las Vegas. Don't underestimate these people. They are ugly and look very humble. In fact, they are all experts. They have all kinds of card playing skills, dice technology and various gambling technologies, which are eye opening. Do you want to go down and have a look ?”

"Oh, I think I'd better forget it. I'm not interested in this. It's about that. Cough... Prostitute, can binshao say more?" yunmenglong said with a twist.

LAN hengyubin looked at yunmenglong with wide eyes and said, "no, brother, are you going to whore?"

"Shit, which ear of yours heard that I was going to go whoring. Everyone is familiar. They accuse you of slander like talking nonsense. I just want to know more. Where are the girls more beautiful?" Yun Menglong said. Finally, his expression and voice were seriously consistent. They were all so licentious.

LAN Hengyu bin looked at the cloud dream dragon and said, "how do I know?"

Yunmenglong looked at LAN hengyubin and said, "really?" his tone was full of disbelief.

"Of course it's true. Am I that kind of person? How can I go to that place?" Lan hengyubin said.

"I think you are. As the saying goes, you know your face and don't know your heart. You look like a wolf with a big tail. Who knows if you are as romantic as me. Come on, it's not enough, brother. It's lucky to share. I know you often secretly go whoring." Yun Menglong laughed more debauchery.

LAN hengyubin smiled helplessly: "long Shao, you're still in the mood to joke at this time? It's just a matter of one sentence that I want women. There are all kinds of women. Do I need to go whoring?"

"Exciting," replied Yun Menglong.

"Exciting fart, prostitutes are not safe now. Maybe someone has AIDS or something. You'll have to be infected with three sets. It's no use crying to death." Lan hengyubin said.

Yunmenglong has a certain understanding of AIDS. He no longer thinks that AIDS is a delicious thing. He nodded and said, "yes, brother, I hate those things made of rubber. It lacks a sense of reality. Is it a set or you? So my principle is: come directly to have sex and never wear a set!"

LAN hengyubin doesn't want to be too entangled in this issue. Talking about women, he is really not an opponent. He points to a hotel and says, "do you know how much the hotel here costs for one night?"

Yunmenglong shook his head and said, "I'm not very clear. What's the matter?"

"This hotel is a three-star hotel, which is as good as those five-star hotels in China, but it only costs 500 yuan a night, which is still RMB. The five-star hotels in China cost tens of thousands." Lan hengyubin said.

"How could it be so cheap?" yunmenglong said in surprise, "isn't that to lose money?"

LAN Hengyu Bin said with a smile: "Long Shao, do you think these hotel owners will lose money? Of course not. Most people come here for gambling. Of course, some come here for sightseeing, just to feel the style and style of the world's first casino. At this time, they live in hotels. The hotels here are so cheap that people certainly like to stay. But the hotels here have almost the same layout, The lobby on the first floor is the casino, and the second floor is the accommodation room. If you want to go to the second floor, you must pass through the first floor. Colorful banknotes are changed into bets, the crisp collision sound of those red and green circular small cards symbolizing money, the cry of people coming and going to win money, the heartfelt smile on their faces, the rotation of roulette, and the crash of slot machines , with the strong visual stimulation and auditory stimulation, there are several people who can't stand the impulse to gamble, but once they change the bet, it's a bottomless pit. Most passengers will lose all their money, leaving only a pair of underwear. People are blind, and this atmosphere is the easiest to stimulate people's luck and greed. They think, If others can win, why can't I? If I win, I'll send it? The result is indeed sent, and it's out of control. If I lose, I want to get back, continue to lose, continue to think, continue to gamble, and in the end, there's no gambling. "

"Shit, people's hearts are not enough. Snakes swallow elephants and can't blame others. However, don't you live for a while and don't gamble?" asked yunmenglong.

"Of course, there are also such people, but the number is very small. The hotel also has tricks for such people. They will find out which guest has stayed for three days and hasn't changed his bets, and then give the guest bets ranging from 1000 to 3000 dollars. The person who sends them will politely say, sir, isn't it a waste of coming to the casino without gambling? This is what our boss gave you Bet. Go down and try your luck when you have time. Of course, if you really don't want to bet, we won't force you. You can change your chips into money and take them away when you leave.

In this case, 99% of the person gambled, holding chips in his hand. When he slept, there was the sound of chips crashing in his ears, so who wouldn't collapse? Besides, the chips in his hand were given away for nothing, and he won't lose if he lost. In case of winning, he made him gamble. As a result, he lost all his chips. At this time, gambling addiction was seduced, gambling addiction and drugs Addiction has the same effect. Once it comes up, it really kills people. There is no other way but to suck and gamble. In this way, the goal of the owner of the hotel and Casino has been achieved. Therefore, this is the reason why many casinos selling dog meat with sheep's head exist. "

LAN Hengyu bin paused and said, "in fact, some people take money away. That kind of person is either a genius or has received such lessons. Of course, there is another funny situation I have seen."

Yunmenglong's interest was aroused. LAN hengyubin seldom talked like this. Yunmenglong asked, "what is it?"

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