Supreme Satyr

Chapter 417

Li Xuanyi put down his glass, narrowed his eyes and looked at yunmenglong for a while. Then he said: "Naturally, Menglong will not go to Las Vegas alone to participate in the God of gamblers competition. Even if you want to participate, you may not be qualified. The elites of various countries and real gambling experts participate in the God of gamblers competition. From today's perspective, Menglong's gambling can't be described in a high word. It's God, really God. However," Li Xuanyi said "Before, Mengyun said that Menglong couldn't gamble. At that time, I wanted to ask Menglong to play mahjong with me and some old men and introduce some gangster heroes to Menglong. Mengyun wouldn't cheat me on this?"

Yun Menglong took up his glass and drank it. He blinked and said, "yes, I didn't know how to gamble before. I really made up for it recently. After learning this, I realized that I really have the talent to gamble."

Li Xuanyi shook his head: "In fact, Monroe has not only talent, but also luck. Your luck can really make Bill Gates jealous. Of course, you create a lot of luck yourself. For example, your apprentice, who is the son of the British royal family. Although he is a dandy, he has to say that he is a very attractive person. Frankly, I don't see Monroe at all It seems that Menglong is transparent and simple. Others look at crystal in the fog. It seems transparent, but it is always hazy. In fact, Menglong has everything in common. Menglong has reached the peak in martial arts and cultivation. Learning gambling is naturally a million times faster than ordinary people. Vision and knowledge are the most difficult to learn, but Menglong has already had the top vision, Eye speed, hand speed, memory and psychological quality do these Menglong still need to learn? As long as they know the rules of gambling, Menglong can already be a master. Find a few real masters to bet hundreds of them. If you get familiar with them, Menglong will not be far from the God of gambling. "

Li Xuanyi talked about yunmenglong's situation as if he had seen it personally. The analysis was thorough and penetrating. Yunmenglong stared at Li Xuanyi, and the radian of the corner of his mouth suddenly enlarged. Yunmenglong suddenly said, "brother Xuanyi sees me clearly and hears the cold on my head. Now I suddenly have an idea. Can brother Xuanyi guess?"

Li Xuanyi lifted her eyebrows slightly and leaned forward: "Oh? Menglong doesn't want to kill me?" Li Xuanyi stared at yunmenglong's blue eyes and said slowly: "It's true that Menglong's current accomplishments are not difficult to kill me, but if you kill me, it won't be good for Menglong. If I say these words to others, it will be taboo and kill people. But is Menglong such a person without tolerance? In addition, talking to Menglong is taking Menglong as a friend."

Yunmenglong laughed and said: "How could I? How could I kill you? It's a pity to kill dragon and Phoenix among brother Xuanyi. Besides, I yunmenglong is jealous of virtue and ability and set up friends. You treat me as a friend and I treat you as a friend. To say the least, even if I turn against brother Xuanyi one day, I think it's interesting to have brother Xuanyi as an enemy. My idea just now is that I want to go to the bathroom "By." Yunmenglong actually killed Li Xuanyi. The existence of an unfathomable person who knows you so well is a disturbing thing. However, he immediately gave up the idea. There must be a reason to kill people. You can't kill people because you hate people. There are many people to avoid in the world. Do you want to kill them? Besides, there's no way to kill them all. They're not lambs. If you want to kill people, they will Let you kill me?

Li Xuanyi breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he felt a vague and unpredictable killing intention from Yunmeng dragon, which was purely an expert's intuition. Intuitively, Li Xuanyi knew that if Yunmeng dragon killed him, he would never escape. He didn't understand how Yunmeng dragon could have advanced cultivation after not seeing him for a long time. So far, Yunmeng dragon has been far different from the last time he met. He said "I thought Menglong was going to kill me. It scared me. Please help yourself. The bathroom is over there." Li Xuanyi pointed to a position.

"After drinking a lot of wine, of course we have to go to the toilet. We'll talk when we come back." Yun Menglong said, got up and went straight to the toilet.

When he got to the toilet, yunmenglong turned on the tap and dialed Lin wanruo: "pay more attention to Li Xuanyi. Why did he suddenly come to Las Vegas? I don't believe he came to cheer me on."

"In fact, he wants to kill you. You're not familiar with Las Vegas. You're a river dragon here, but the strong dragon doesn't pressure the local snake. Li Xuanyi has a lot of power here. He has a casino here. You should be careful." Lin wanruo really knows everything.

"Don't worry, now he doesn't want to kill me. I just showed my murderous spirit to let him know and frightened him. Now he won't touch me, and he will consider how to get along with me. There's not much time. I can't waste time here. In the afternoon, LAN hengyuhuan must threaten Qiqi. Go and prepare first." With that, yunmenglong hung up the phone. He turned off the tap and went out of the toilet.

Returning to his seat, yunmenglong said, "where did you say just now? Let's go on."

Li Xuanyi has recovered his elegant and indifferent appearance. He pondered and said, "in fact, LAN hengyuhuan asked me to come to Las Vegas."

"Oh," yunmenglong didn't have any big reaction, but his drooping eyelids moved: "then?"

Li Xuanyi sighed and said, "maybe you've already guessed. In fact, I came up with the idea of Jin Suying seducing you."

Yunmenglong nodded and said, "that's reasonable. I also said that when Lanheng demon understood me so well, I would be moved to cry. I think only brother Xuanyi knows me best. You know I won't leave her to gamble alone, so I let her seduce me naked."

Li Xuanyi smiled bitterly and said: "In fact, I had a good relationship with LAN hengyuhuan before I met Menglong. Although he is a little evil, he is not a mean person. You know, we businessmen can't have nothing to do with their Green Gang. I didn't want to give him advice at first, but he told me that LAN hengyubin invited you to deal with him. LAN hengyuhuan can go as long as he wins the gambler I do business with LAN hengyuhuan. Naturally, I want him to be in the top position. If LAN hengyubin is in the top position, I will lose tens of billions. Businessmen want to see interests. I hope Menglong understands. "

Yunmenglong continued to nod: "well, I understand this. I think brother Xuanyi is the one who needs to launder money for lanhengyuhuan. My friendship with me is not worth billions, so I don't blame brother Xuanyi. I have to do this. I'm surprised that brother Xuanyi can be so frank."

"Thank you very much. I appreciate your understanding, not that you don't kill me. Just now I felt your killing opportunity. Sometimes it's better to be frank with smart people." Li Xuanyi said, "the cooperation between underworld and businessmen is nothing more than money laundering and trading. Menglong is also an underworld, which is of course clear." after a pause, Li Xuanyi said: "I know that LAN hengyubin's invitation to Menglong must have given Menglong a lot of benefits. I admire him very much. He is smarter than LAN hengyuhuan. He has great vision. LAN hengyuhuan once said that he is afraid of only two people in the world. One is his father and the other is Menglong you. You are the enemy of LAN hengyuhuan. I can't think how he can win you. I think he must be gambling in the afternoon What he is most afraid of is meeting you on a narrow road. However, yunmenglong I know is not the kind of person who is at the mercy of others. Besides, Menglong should also know that LAN hengyubin, an owl, has suffered a great loss in order to let you compete. Do you think he will be willing to be a gangster like him? If he becomes big, the Green Gang will be unified. I'm afraid he will deal with you at that time With all due respect, yunmenglong's current power can't be compared with that of the youth gangs who have led the underworld for hundreds of years. How can others sleep on the side of the bed? This is inevitable. "Li Xuanyi analyzed.

Yunmenglong crossed his legs and said, "I don't insist on doing things. I know what brother Xuanyi said, and brother Xuanyi really knows me. I just hope brother Xuanyi can always be my friend, not my enemy." yunmenglong took a mouthful of foie gras and said, "I still think big black dog meat is delicious after eating western food for a few days. Alas, speaking of big black dog meat, I miss my master." Yunmenglong sighed, looked up at Li Xuanyi and said, "brother Li is worried. I'll try my best to help brother Li. Hey hey, as you said, two tigers in a mountain will fight each other. It's better to let them fight. It's also good for us to be the audience. But the gambling God, well, who doesn't covet me? Let it be."

Li Xuanyi frowned slightly. He also ate a mouthful of foie gras and said, "I heard that Ling Xueqi, commander of Ling Da, is in the hands of LAN hengyuhuan. What should Menglong do if he threatens Ling Xueqi? He knows that I have a friendship with you, so he doesn't let me know where Ling Xueqi is detained, otherwise I can help Menglong."

"This problem is also my biggest headache." yunmenglong scratched his head. "Forget it. Soldiers will block it. Water and earth cover it."

At this time, yunmenglong's mobile phone rang. It was LAN hengyubin.

"Long Shao is famous all over the world today. I see the right person. Long Shao can have time to meet." Lan hengyubin's kind voice came out.

"What is famous all over the world? Go to the Canghai to catch a bastard and ask him if he knows yunmenglong. He absolutely doesn't know." yunmenglong said with a smile: "ha ha, I have time. I have nothing but time." Yunmenglong scolded in his heart. Your uncle asked if he had time. Of course, you asked me to go. In the afternoon, it might be a war between me and your goblin brother.

Hung up the phone, yunmenglong looked at Li Xuanyi helplessly, spread out his hand and said, "sorry, brother Xuanyi, Menglong has to leave. LAN hengyubin is looking for me."

Li Xuanyi stood up, stretched out his right hand and said, "Menglong, please help yourself. Business matters. When you're done gambling, we'll have a few more drinks."

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "OK, that's it. It's really troublesome to pay for those people outside." yunmenglong deliberately shook his head.

"Menglong is busy. I'll pay the bill for you." Li Xuanyi said with great cooperation.

"What a good boy!" said Yunmeng Longxin. "I'm so sorry. I'll pay you back another day."

Li Xuanyi said, "OK." in fact, he also knows that yunmenglong doesn't know which day to change. Maybe yunmenglong will remember that he still owes Li Xuanyi some money on the day of the end of the world.

Yunmenglong sneaked out through the back door, otherwise he would not have to be seen by the reporters and the people who were eating and drinking. At the back door, Jiang Tang sat in a silver Cadillac waiting for yunmenglong. Yunmenglong flashed. He was already in the co pilot's position, and Jiang Tang couldn't see how yunmenglong came in.

"Kao, I have to take this evil car again. Once I enter such a narrow space, I feel lack of oxygen." Yunmenglong said heartlessly. These millions of famous cars are not covered. It's very comfortable to sit inside. There's nothing wrong with sleeping in bed. There are air fresheners inside. They have good performance. They don't make any noise or bump when driving. Moreover, they are sound insulation facilities. Sleeping in them is no different from sleeping in bed. Yunmenglong has to say that he's uncomfortable. Isn't this lying?

"Lack of oxygen, that's great. It's good to suffocate you." Jiang Tang said angrily.

"Oh, what's wrong with my tone? Do you want to be a widow or what? Where are you going to cry when your husband suffocates?" yunmenglong said.

"Hum, who is your wife? When you die, there are a lot of beautiful women crying. Do you still need me? Are you happy today?" it was obvious in Jiang Tang's tone that Jiangxi authentic rice vinegar was called sour.

"Tang Tang, baby, you've tasted it. Hehe, I haven't been intimate for a long time. Come on, give me a kiss." yunmenglong leaned over his face and wanted to kiss.

Jiang Tang tilted his head: "I don't want it. You kissed so many beauties. Why did you kiss me?"

Yun Menglong twisted Jiang Tang's small head with his hand and said fiercely, "don't drop the oil in the oil tank. You can return the oil." then he kissed Jiang Tang down. Jiang Tang closed his eyes, shrunk his neck, and closed his lips to prevent Yun Menglong's big tongue from crossing freely. Yunmenglong put out a hand, extended it from the hem of Jiang Tang's collar, put it into her bra and pinched her full jade rabbit.

"Ah..." Jiang Tang shouted, his mouth opened, and yunmenglong's tongue passed smoothly, as if it were a wandering dragon. Jiang Tang spits out his small tongue, and is sentimental with yunmenglong, with disordered nasal breath and sweet body fluid. After a while, Jiang Tang was out of breath. She looked at yunmenglong with beautiful eyes. Yunmenglong's hand was still moving in her clothes. Jiang Tang pushed yunmenglong away when he put his hand into her skirt.

"Tang Xin, my Tang Xin, let's do it here." yunmenglong pinched Jiang Tang's cherry like chin and whispered in a sexy and charming voice.

"No, no, not here. You... You have to see the boss and have a game in the afternoon. If you really want to, wait until you win the God of gamblers..." Jiang Tang said these words that made her very shy. At last, her voice was as thin as mosquitoes and flies.

Yunmenglong also knew that it was inappropriate here and now. He restrained his mind and said, "well, my baby, remember your words. Let's go to see LAN hengyubin first."

LAN hengyubin lives in a villa not far from Caesar's palace, which is a luxury villa area. According to Jiang Tang, the house price here is 100000 US dollars per square meter, which is very expensive. Only the real rich will buy the villa here. This is the most convenient and luxurious place in Las Vegas. The most famous casinos, hotels and entertainment places in Las Vegas are nearby. Several villas here are private clubs of the super rich for the rich to have parties.

The car drives into the gate of the villa group. There is another world. There are mountains, water, shade of trees, pleasant fragrance of flowers, clear springs and waterfalls. The air is much fresher than the outside, which makes people feel like a paradise and a village. The tranquility inside is very precious, because walking out of the gate of the villa group is lively and noisy. This building is a little incredible.

Lanhengyuhuan's villa is in the middle of the golden zone, which is also the most expensive place. After yunmenglong went in, it was a wide hall with hundreds of square meters. The floor of the hall was inlaid with white jade. There was a gentle coolness when stepping on it. It was particularly precious in this hot and dying Las Vegas. There were ten white marble columns with a diameter of more than three meters in the hall, on which were carved Ten Views of the West Lake. The crystal chandelier at the top of the hall is exquisite in shape. You can see that the price is not cheap. There are holy court murals on the wall of the hall. The characters on it are lifelike and are as big as ordinary people. It seems that those people are alive and busy walking in the hall one by one. Therefore, such a hall will not appear empty in this wonderful feeling.

LAN hengyubin waited for yunmenglong in a room on the second floor. Yunmenglong went up by himself. The second floor has always been a restricted area. LAN hengyubin rarely lets people go up. Jiang Tang has been with LAN hengyubin for seven years, but he never knows what it looks like. She's waiting down there.

After Yunmeng dragon went up, he was stunned. What a familiar scene it was. He couldn't help crying. When he entered the room where LAN hengyubin waited for him, his blood surged all over his body for a moment, his eyes were black, and he almost fainted. This room is as like as two peas in the princess's house. The furnishings and objects inside are all the same! I still remember that in that big wooden barrel, the moon beauty turned upside down all sentient beings after taking a bath, as well as their fiery passion. On that bed, the moon's gentle and charming cry, secretly flattering, and her silly face said: "you... Rape me, be gentle." "brother Tian, the moon missed you so much, and the moon thought she would never see you again!"


How is that possible?

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