Supreme Satyr

Chapter 420

"The son of the godfather of the Mafia, the head of happy city, I yunmenglong have eyes, don't know Taishan, disrespectful." yunmenglong stretched out his hand.

Wolff's thin face has a layer of graceful light, which is a temperament nurtured by the cultivation of a large family. His eyes are cold when he looks at others, but he has an appreciative light and temperature when he looks at Yunmeng dragon. His voice was low and hoarse, and there was a feeling that people were cold to the bone. Yun Menglong looked at his pale and slender hand, which was a pair of hands to kill thousands of troops.

"Cloud is an incredible person with excellent gambling skills. Who can win such a good card as Hu in the casino, especially the last move to catch the moon at the bottom of the sea? I was convinced." after a pause, he said: "my martial arts are superior. I just saw cloud's palm. I only know two people who can play that palm. Cloud is one." wolf sincerely praised.

"Mr. Wolff is flattered. Yunmenglong's last Kung Fu is worthless." yunmenglong said modestly.

"Just call me wolf. I prefer this name." wolf said, pointing to the unconscious Jin Suying in yunmenglong's arms, "does Yun want to save this woman?"

Yunmenglong glanced at the comatose Jin Suying and sighed: "she is unkind. How can I be unjust? Thank you brother wolf today. I still have a game later. I can't get away."

"I understand. Go ahead and give Kim Su Ying to me. I'll take her to the best hospital. Don't worry."

"Well, I'm sure I can rest assured if the future godfather of the Mafia." yunmenglong smiled and handed yunmenglong to a strong man wearing sunglasses next to Wolff.

"I want to make friends with Yun. I don't know if cloud gives face. You are the first friend I want to make, and I have few friends except you." Wolff said, with a kind of loneliness in his voice, as well as the loneliness of the noble wolf king.

"We are already friends, aren't we? Otherwise, how could I bother you so much." yunmenglong smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Ha ha, my friend." Wolff smiled. The director beside him was surprised. He followed Wolff for five or six years and saw Wolff's smile for the first time.

Wolf's eyes were soft light, and the corners of his mouth opened, revealing snow-white and neat teeth. The wolf's smile is also very beautiful.

"Well, I won't say much. I'll prepare for the game first. After the game, I'll have a good drink with brother wolf." yunmenglong said.

"Goodbye, friend. May you succeed. I'm waiting for your good news."

Yunmenglong smiled and walked out of the happy city. After going out, he didn't hear a conversation, which took place in the kitchen of happy city.

"He's the bastard who makes a mess and makes me feel bad about eating fish. Brother, I'm very angry." a crisp female voice said.

"So what?" a simple man said.

"The consequences are very serious." the crisp female voice sounded angry.

"And then?" the man sounded like an idiot.

"Go, follow him." the female voice made a quick decision.

"But those who caught us..." the man hesitated.

"Fart, those fools hate it. That boy was so funny just now. I want to play with him." the female voice replied disdainfully.

"Well, I also like playing. You've eaten almost all the fish in all the hotels here, and I've eaten almost all the ribs here. It's not fun here. Let's go with this man?" the male voice thought for a while.

"Yes. OK."

"Whoosh" a small figure flashed across

Yunmenglong went to see Ling Xueqi first. Ling Xueqi was arranged in a five-star hotel, where yunmenglong asked Chen Shaoyang to open two rooms. No one knew the arrival of Chen Shaoyang. She was still sleeping, and her eyebrows were like a distant mountain, but she frowned tightly, as if she had infinite troubles. Yunmenglong looked very distressed. He whispered, "Qiqi, it's all right. I'll accompany you after my brother's game." then he leaned down and kissed Ling Xueqi gently on her forehead.

After that, Jiang Tang, the Royal stylist, dressed yunmenglong. Three minutes later, yunmenglong took on a new look. A tailored Armani suit sets off yunmenglong's long and jade figure. In fact, it is also appropriate to describe yunmenglong with a convex front and a cocked back. However, the convex front is the little brother, but the cocked back is the ass. yunmenglong's hips are sexy, large, round, elastic, round and full, which are enviable and coveted by people. To be exact, they are envied and coveted by women, I wish I could cut off Yunmeng dragon's ass and change it to the same position.

Yunmeng dragon in a suit is like a jade tree facing the wind. He is handsome in a mess. He has an elegant smile on his mouth and a gambling God ring on his hand. His hair is still combed to the back. The gambling God's shape is quite classic. On Yunmeng dragon, it has surpassed the classic! Xiao Yating and other beauties still have bright eyes. They think this guy is really stylish. It's a big loss for the duck world not to be a little white face.

Yunmenglong took Xiao Yating and Jiang Tang to the casino. Dai dai'er said she would stay and take care of Ling Xueqi. Yunmenglong knew that she was guilty and that they were sisters, so he nodded and agreed. Then he asked Chen Shaoyang to be careful and get familiar with the information given to him and

As for Lin wanruo, she has been waiting at Caesar's palace. She left a message to go first. She doesn't know what the hell she's doing.

Gamblers and people in Las Vegas spontaneously beat a long line, waiting for their God, Yunmeng dragon. When the familiar extended Lincoln appeared at the corner, thunderous applause rang out for tens of miles. Yunmenglong got out of the car, smiled and waved to people around. He looked like a wolf with a big tail. Yunmenglong seems to be a natural eye-catching person. He can handle this big scene with ease. Whenever his face turned in one direction, the crowd in that direction would burst into loud cheers.

Now the odds of yunmenglong outside are one to one, while LAN hengyuhuan has fallen to one to two, which shows that everyone is optimistic about yunmenglong. They are optimistic about yunmenglong, but they don't necessarily think that yunmenglong will win. After all, the last game was too strange. Where did it happen that they had been holding good cards all the time? It seems that yunmenglong's character continues to explode, accompanied by the elder brother of God and the elder sister of the goddess of luck. After all, LAN hengyuhuan's gambling has long been famous in the gambling industry. His gambling style is just like his people. He is evil and cruel. He eats people without spitting bones. In the gambling industry, many people talk about changing blue. Whether yunmenglong can win him is still unknown. However, the people here are crazy, and the behavior of the madman is not rational, let alone speculate with common sense. Therefore, the external odds can not be a judgment index. Who gambles with whom in this game is unknown.

Many viewers went in with yunmenglong. They were surrounded all the way. The smile on yunmenglong's face was almost stiff. That muscle was the most tired in the past two days. He had to laugh every day, like a flower maniac, very white eyes. But these days, public figures have to learn from the big tail wolf. Who dares not laugh when facing the camera and fans? Who doesn't laugh and write to the reporter? They say you play big cards and you don't have self-cultivation. Sometimes, the written sword is more powerful than the real sword, but journalists and the media can't afford to offend. Yunmenglong also smiles, but he is not afraid of the media. He thinks that only a smile can be worthy of people's pursuit. The people who pursue him are much richer than the people who pursue stars. If you pull out ten people, there are three murderers. Two are already high-level in the underworld, four are the big boss of an enterprise or the childe of the big boss, and the remaining one is a professional gambler.

What's the name of yunmenglong's fans? Learn from the super girl in China. It's called Yunsi. It's not fainting.

At nine o'clock, the game begins.

The beauty presided over wearing the most popular tassel silk skirt just airlifted from France. She was sexy and charming. She said generously: "welcome to the four in two competition of the God of gamblers competition. Now please calm down." her eyes moved, and the audience in the audience was still very quality, They closed their mouths and stopped their actions within three seconds after the host said this sentence. Time seemed to freeze.

"Thank you, there's another episode before the draw. We welcome the superstar Miss Britney Spears to sing the song she wrote for Mr. yunmenglong all night, youaremygod!" the beauty host said with a bright smile.

"Wow..." applause, cheers and whistles were heard one after another.

The lights on the stage dimmed, and people's eyes fell into darkness. When the lights flashed again, there was already one more person on the field. She was wearing a pink cute dress, beautiful straight legs, playful boots, and a hairpin with a bow tied on her head. The round two jade rabbits squeezed out a deep cleavage, which overflowed with fragrance. It was Britney Spears. At this time, no one said that she was cheap, no one said that her old cucumber was painted with green paint to make it tender, and no one said that her bitch wanted to set up a memorial archway to make it virgin. Everyone was very moved. Although Britney Spears did this to restore her declining popularity and hype, her pious look at yunmenglong still moved everyone.

"Yun, can you come and let me see this son for you!" Britney Spears's chest fluctuated and her eyes were full of expectation, looking at the cloud dream dragon. Like a woman waiting for her lover's proposal, her mood is uneasy and excited.

Yunmenglong sat under the stage and couldn't understand what Britney Spears was saying.

"Go up, nerd!" Xiao Yating pushed Yunmeng dragon.

Yunmenglong stood up and walked up slowly. He stood in front of Britney Spears, scratched his head at a loss, and then showed a silly smile.

Britney Spears looked into Yunmeng dragon's eyes and stared affectionately. She took Yunmeng dragon's hand, lifted Fang's lips and began to sing. The soothing music complements Britney Spears' natural voice. Everyone calms down, closes their eyes and feels the kind of worship and appreciation from the heart, the kind of love in the depths of the soul.

Only when you move your own song can you move others!

There is no doubt that Britney Spears' song is a success. Yunmenglong can't understand the lyrics, but he can understand the feelings inside. Hooligans are not stones, but they will also be moved. When singing to the climax, the music stopped. Only the Ding Dong like spring water was mixed sometimes. The whole audience was silent. Even LAN hengyuhuan sat quietly listening to Britney Spears. In the vast space of Caesar's palace, Britney Spears' voice of irrigation with life and soul echoed. The strong penetration penetrated the sky wall, the void and the softness in everyone's heart.

It's the resonance of the soul. Otherwise, why can't the whole audience help singing with Britney Spears?

"Youaremygod, youaremyngel, myloveforyouisforever (you are my God, you are my angel, the love I give you is withering and the stones are rotten and the sea is changing)..."

... this sentence is sung repeatedly, everyone's love is so naked, so expressed again and again, and what is running in yunmenglong's heart is an endless warm current.

At the end of the song, Britney released yunmenglong's hand and knelt piously on the stage, with tears streaming down her face and beautiful eyes.

The whole audience was filled with tears and excitement.

"I love you!" Britney Spears said these three words to Yun Menglong with a microphone in broken Chinese when the song stopped and the music stopped.

Yunmenglong was stunned for a moment, then opened his arms and held Britney Spears in his arms. Britney Spears cried wantonly, crying like a child. Over the years, she suffered all kinds of grievances, but she didn't complain, stubbornly didn't cry, but fell again and again. Now, she cries in Yunmeng dragon's arms, crying all her grievances and sorrows at once, regardless of her image.

Applause resounded through the audience again for a long time. At that moment, who closed the door of time, eternity came, and the child couldn't go home.

Do you dare not lose your soul?

Yunmenglong quietly wiped away the moisture from the corners of his eyes. Sometimes feelings can be so pure as water.


Just like when Jordan retired from the All-Star game, when Marilyn Kelly sang the hero (hero), the whole audience sang a chorus. Everyone knows that the song is for Jordan, Michael Jordan, the God of basketball and flying Jordan. His retirement is an incalculable loss for the NBA! At the end of the song, Marilyn Kelly knelt on the stage, worshipped and wept. The audience shouted Michael and then wept silently.

At 9:30, all the talents recovered, and yunmenglong also recovered his usual natural and unrestrained appearance. When the four drew lots, Zhou Yihong whispered to yunmenglong, "I found out Ling Xueqi's whereabouts and sent someone to watch. Did you save people around two o'clock in the afternoon?"

Yunmenglong pretended to be a fool and said, "I don't know. Have you found Qiqi? Where is she?"

"She was transferred to a more secret place by LAN hengyuhuan, but I'm afraid he threatened you with Ling Xueqi's life today. Have you ever thought about what to do?" Zhou Yihong said.

"Cold mix!" Yun Menglong blurted out.

What's the name of a saying? The brave win when they meet on a narrow road, or the enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, or the enemies don't gather. Yunmeng dragon and LAN hengyuhuan are doomed enemies, which is irreconcilable, at least for now.

"The result of the draw, Mr. Zhou Yihong vs. Miss Matsushima Youmei, Mr. yunmenglong vs. Mr. LAN hengyuhuan!" the host announced the result of the draw.

Yunmeng dragon and LAN hengyuhuan looked at each other, lightning and thunder, killing machine boiling. The powerful cyclone centered on yunmenglong and lanhengyuhuan spread throughout the venue. What a thrilling and wonderful duel between the top two experts will be. They are looking forward to

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