Supreme Satyr

Chapter 428

"Shit, you're disgusting. It's not worth your life. Why don't you beg me? Beg me to die. Well, my life is here. If you have the ability, you can take it!" Yun Menglong scolded.

"I naturally want your life, but I think it's better for me to take your woman's life first. It's very helpless and painful to watch my beloved woman die in front of me. I like watching others suffer. Do it." Lan hengyuhuan's last sentence was undoubtedly said to the two shadows.

Yunmenglong's understanding of LAN hengyuhuan has reached a point where he needs to know more than his own father. The boy's insidious and vicious must have operated on Qiqi first, so just before he said to do it, his Yuanying has left his body and flew to the dark shadow at the speed of one tenth of the speed of light.

"Eh?" a question sounded behind LAN hengyuhuan.

"Ah, ah..." two short screams sounded, and the two shadows lay on the ground and disappeared into the darkness. Yuanying grows two wings and holds up Ling Xueqi to fly back. Without saying anything, xuesha took out a machete and split into the air at Yuanying. Yuanying looks like a baby a few feet tall, but his eyes are like electricity. He looks at xuesha and emits two golden lights. With a "pa" sound, the machete becomes a broken knife. Xuesha will become a broken person if it is not on the side of his body.

Yunmenglong stepped on the ground with his left foot like a rocket towards Yuanying. Yuanying bumped into yunmenglong and hid in yunmenglong's body. Ling Xueqi's delicate body fell into yunmenglong's arms. He held Ling Xueqi and fell gently, like a feather. Yunmenglong gazed at Ling Xueqi's beautiful eyes affectionately. Ling Xueqi's beautiful eyes were full of glittering pearls, his mouth trembled and wanted to say something.

Ling Xueqi's jade appearance has been reduced a lot. There are tears full of affection in her eyes. Yunmenglong unconsciously hugs Ling Xueqi's delicate body, exquisite, convex, soft and fragrant, but it is lighter.

"Qiqi, you've lost weight." yunmenglong had a pain in his chest.

Ling Xueqi lay in yunmenglong's arms. Hearing yunmenglong's words, she looked at yunmenglong's unblinking eyes and blinked. The Pearl slipped down the corner of her eyes.

"Brother Menglong, is it really you? I thought I'd never see you again. You finally came. You finally came. But why did you come? Don't you want Qiqi? Qiqi will be good and stop fooling around. Don't you leave me again?" Ling Xueqi tried her best to hold yunmenglong, as if she was afraid that yunmenglong would leave her.

"No, I won't leave Qiqi, never." yunmenglong felt a pain in his heart. He lowered his head and kissed Ling Xueqi's sweet lips.

"Pa Pa......" Lan hengyuhuan clapped his hands: "you two are really affectionate. I'm moved by you and me. Frankly, I'm sorry to interrupt you. However, LAN hengyuhuan paused and said: "Time seems to be running out. Miss Ling doesn't have any decent accessories, so I gave her a time bomb newly developed by American bomb experts. Didn't you hear the sound of 'tick, tick'?" Lan hengyuhuan pressed another red remote control.

"Tick, tick..."

At this time, Yun Menglong saw a time bomb under Ling Xueqi's neck. There was a small display with a string of red numbers on it. The display on it was' 4, 59, 50 ', that is, there were more than four minutes and 59 seconds before the explosion.

"In five minutes, your beauty will become a dead person. Not only the fragrance will disappear, but also it will be broken into powder. Not only that, everything around her for hundreds of meters will be buried with her. If brother Menglong doesn't want to give up the beauty, I'm afraid he will go to the yellow spring together. Of course," LAN hengyuhuan played with the remote control in his hand and looked up at yunmenglong: "I'm sorry I won't give you a chance. As long as you can get the remote control back within five minutes, you can save your beauty."

"Shit, you're really ten thousand times more poisonous than snakes and scorpions." yunmenglong scolded angrily.

"Thank you!" Lan hengyuhuan smiled like a flower.

Yunmenglong took out the heaven and earth bag and shouted, "son, come out to me."

"Boom!" with a loud noise, a giant Unicorn sprang out. It landed next to Yunmeng dragon, shook its tail and looked at Yunmeng dragon.

"Watch your mother, if anyone dares to get close, you will burn to death!" yunmenglong ordered.


Kirin craned his neck and spewed out a few meters long flame to demonstrate.

"Hum, it's this radiated Sixiang that made me lose the game and asked you to change my cards. Now I want to fry it and eat it when I see him." Lan hengyuhuan was very upset when he saw Qilin.

"Come on, let martial uncle see if your skills have improved and check it for your master." yunmenglong stretched out a hand and spread out his five fingers. There is energy flowing above his palm.

"Heaven and Earth Dragon seven sabres!" Yunmeng dragon shouted.

Colorful spiral sabre, Taiji five elements sabre, magic robbery big ghost sabre, Bagua soul separation sabre, sword heart Tongming sabre, miehuang Zhenlun sabre, Shenglian kill sabre, with half ice and half fire Qi mask, run to LAN hengyuhuan and others like lightning. These seven or eight sabres have been polished by yunmenglong again, more pure and more powerful.

"Evil gorgeous charm dance!" LAN hengyuhuan stepped through the void step by step and jumped out of the beautiful dance steps in the mid air. The void turned into a stage. Crows and Datura appeared everywhere. The colorful spiral sabres burst into colorful light and turned into countless light sabres. The fragrant Datura and yaah ghost crows were broken into pieces. The Tai Chi invisible Sabre takes Tai Chi as the limitless, and the limitless and ultimate move is more and more away from LAN hengyuhuan Near, it became more and more huge, as if to cut through the gourd building and divide the gourd building in two from the middle.

The devil robbing big ghost knife slashed into the air at a person behind LAN hengyuhuan. The ghost spirit was vertical and horizontal, and the ghost cried and howled. The man looked up at the devil robbing big ghost knife, "eh", stretched out a hand and grabbed it. The ghost spirit awe inspiring invisible knife was held in his hand, made a "Ding" sound, and disappeared in an instant.

Yunmenglong was stunned. He felt the overwhelming evil spirit on his body and a kind of ghost spirit from Jiuyou ghost region. He was dead and haunted by fierce ghosts. That magic Qi is very familiar. It seems to come from the same source as the magic Qi on Shui silly. This magic Qi almost destroyed the balance of gossip energy in his body. He has an instinctive resistance to this magic Qi.

The sword moves with the heart. The miehuang Zhenlun sword displays the peerless sword technique of the miehuang demon clan. The Shenglian kill knife splits out lotus flowers. There is only one target. The one wearing a black silk robe doesn't know whether he is a person or a ghost.

The eight trigrams soul separation knife drew a circle in the void, and the explosion of "Dong Dong" continued. The platform made of unknown alloy that the five people were standing on disappeared in an instant. If the blood killing hadn't been under the protection of the ghost man, it would have become the soul downstream of the knife.

The other two are fighting against the sword heart Tongming Dao. The sword heart Tongming Dao uses the highest mind method of Cihang Jingzhai. The sword heart Tongming enters the sword and plays chess with the sword. It is fast and slow, open and close, and thousands of miles in the sky. Although they resist hard under this sword method, they won't lose for a while and a half.

The most powerful thing about this heaven and Earth Dragon seven sabres is nothing else, but the endless torture of * * * * *.

The sword Qi entered the body. Except LAN hengyuhuan and the ghost man, half of the other three people fell into an ice cellar, and half of their bodies were burning with pain.

The ghost spirit gloomy man stretched his hands like hell's claws and held two gas knives. Then they collided and roared. The emperor's evil spirit and holy lotus energy either square or round penetrated into the man's muscles and veins. The man's muscles and veins were smothered, burning and cold. He snorted. The evil spirit ran through the muscles and veins and nothing happened immediately.

"Sure enough, who are you? How can you rob me?" the ghost man asked in a deep voice.

"I'm the wild wave water evil spirit, and you are also the four evil spirits of magic robbery? Which one are you?" yunmenglong pretended to be the wild wave water evil spirit.

"Are you ah Bing? I'm a ghost!" there was a trace of emotion in the ghost voice.

"Ah GUI, why are you here too? Who else is here?" Yunmeng Longtao said.

"No," the ghost spirit evil spirit frowned, "you just flew into my energy knife. How can you have the energy of the holy lotus man?"

"Mr. ghost, don't listen to his nonsense. This boy is best at ghost talk. Let's kill him together, and then I'll give you what you want." before yunmenglong answered, LAN hengyuhuan said first.

"Lanheng kid bullied the teacher and killed his ancestors. He always wanted to kill your martial uncle. It's unbearable to be born and familiar. Ah GUI, we are both evil spirits. Although we don't agree at ordinary times, we shouldn't kill each other in front of others. Give people a laugh?" yunmenglong said to the ghost spirit evil spirits.

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