Supreme Satyr

Chapter 436

Las Vegas is a city of desire and a city of sin. But on this day, it is a place full of happiness and joy.

On the street, people all looked very happy. Young men seemed to want to marry a wife and young women seemed to want to marry a husband. The old man and the old woman finally found their son who had been missing for many years. In short, it is happiness. That kind of happiness comes from the heart. It turns up from the depths of the bones, reflects on the face, Prys and bends the corners of the mouth and rubs into the eyes.

On this day, Las Vegas carnival, never closed casino announced the closure of the day, even the traffic police are off duty, only the fast divorce channel is still crowded. A couple of men and women stroll on it with a happy face. They don't want to divorce anyway. Therefore, they did not go to divorce, but to get married. Divorce channel temporarily guest starred in the role of marriage channel.

Whether you are American, British, German or French, as long as you are human, your mouth will only talk about three things. There is no doubt that the protagonists of these three things are the great rogue gambling God, lucky Superman and Yunmeng Longyun, who are popular all over the streets of Las Vegas.

These three questions are. First, there are two gamblers in this competition. We won a lot of money. It's said that it's a game controlled by yunmenglong. Is it true? Second, it is said that there are extraordinary special feelings between the two gambling gods. Does our great gambling God have the goodness of Longyang? Third, it is said that the last card that yunmenglong didn't open is his picture, which says "your mother's surname". Is it true? Is he really so divine?

The answer to the first question agrees, that is, of course!

The answer to the second question is different. Some people, well, to be exact, are those who have some different sexual orientation. To put it bluntly, they are homosexuals. They are exaggerating the pure male male relationship between yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong, positioning their relationship as the most touching love of Brokeback Mountain at the beginning of the century. In contrast, there are some beautiful women. Imagine that a woman would like super handsome guys like yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong to be gay? So they firmly oppose this absurd statement. They don't think it's impossible, but it's a pity. In order to clear yunmenglong, there are some great women. Well, as for their career, don't say it. They have professional privacy. Do you have to listen? Okay, I said, it's a prostitute! They proved that yunmenglong was a real man. They said that yunmenglong made them cry all night one night and hoarse the next day. Most of them have no opinion on this. They say that yunmenglong likes men or women, even men and women. That's his freedom, and we have no right to intervene. Moreover, whether he likes men or women, we like him as much, because he is our lucky star and brings us laughter and wealth.

The answer to the third question is also very uniform: pure nonsense.

Yunmenglong was also in a good mood when he saw the sea of people all the way. He turned and asked Jiang Tang, "Tang Xin, these people are so happy. What festival is this? Is it their most important holiday Christmas?"

Jiang Tang looked at Baiyun Menglong angrily: "go, Christmas is December 25. It's only September. Where's Christmas? If you want to ask why people are so happy, you have to ask you."

"Ask me? How do I know? If I know, I don't have to ask you." yunmenglong scratched his head.

Jiang Tang looked at yunmenglong with a smile, and then stopped in front of a newspaper retail stall. Shake down the car glass and say to the uncle who sells newspapers, "give me the newspaper just released at noon."

The uncle said, "what a coincidence you came, miss. I still have one here. It's the last one."

Jiang Tang bought a newspaper, threw it to Yun Menglong and said, "look."

Yunmenglong looked at it and immediately got a big head. He smiled bitterly and said, "although I don't understand bird language, you don't have to be such a poor man, do you?" the newspapers are all in English. How can yunmenglong understand it.

"Hehe, I'm sorry I forgot it. Ask the boss when you see him. I can't read it to you now." Jiang Tang seems to dodge in his eyes. Yunmenglong knows that Jiang Tang doesn't want to read it. They drove an ordinary taxi, which was Hans's. Hans is excited to test drive. The car is Rolls Royce from Jiang Tang. At first, Jiang Tang said that when he traded Rolls Royce for his car, he thought he was dreaming. It turns out that everything is true.

LAN hengyubin's call to yunmenglong won't be as simple as eating. The drunken man doesn't mean wine. This is quite reasonable. Wine has developed for thousands of years and has lost its own significance. Today's wine is a medium and a means! Many cooperation projects and relationships are established at the wine table. Especially in China, wine has formed a culture. Even to the point of doing nothing without wine. So Yunmeng dragon came alone. He believed that LAN hengyubin would not hide all the birds and bow, and would not send him to the west to count his feet with brother Tathagata after he had finished his brother. Even if it's a Hongmen banquet, why should the cloud dream dragon be afraid?

"Hahaha, Menglong, you finally came, but I've been waiting for a long time." Lan hengyubin's laughter spread in the air from the moment Jiang Tang opened the door.

"Hehe, listen to bin Shao laughing so happily. Did he win the lottery?" yunmenglong teased LAN hengyubin.

"How can hengyubin take it to heart? You are the one who really makes me happy! The moment long Shao won, I called to book the Huangting hotel. Did you find that there is no outsider here? The twelve story Huangting hotel belongs to Menglong today. I can buy it for you at any time as long as you like." LAN hengyubin said boldly.

"In that case, deference is better than obedience." yunmenglong smiled faintly.

The expression on LAN hengyubin's face remained the same, but there was an imperceptible jitter in the corner of his eyes. The instantaneous contraction of his pupils was only one thousandth of a second. Yunmenglong couldn't see it if he didn't pay attention. LAN hengyubin didn't expect yunmenglong to promise. This Huangting hotel is not something that can be bought for $18 million. Yunmenglong agreed rudely. Don't you know how short it is to take people's hands?

"Menglong likes it here, so I'll give it to you, but who do you want to keep to manage the hotel? Do you want me to find some people for you?" Lan hengyubin kindly suggested. In fact, this Huangting hotel is his industry. Hotels are sometimes like brothels. They can receive a lot of news. They are also one of the sources of news circulation all over the country. In particular, this kind of high-end hotels can be explosive if any news is revealed. It goes without saying how much money LAN hengyubin earned by this hotel, mainly because its value does not lie in money. The genuine crown prince of the Great Green Gang is the person who will talk to the Green Gang right away. A small hotel doesn't care. It's just a pity to give it away.

"No, I'm sorry to ask you to spend money. How can I ask you to find someone to help me." yunmenglong said shamelessly. If I'm really sorry, I won't even ask for it. Where can I get so cheap and sell well. If yunmenglong wants to stand in Las Vegas, he must first have a base, not an underground party. How can he have no decent place? How much does it cost to buy a good place. The Huangting hotel is first-class in both geographical location and decoration. It is also good as the stronghold of yunmenglong Las Vegas. Therefore, LAN Hengyu bin deliberately became a real joke. LAN Heng boy can only secretly sigh that he has met with immorality, and secretly make up his mind that he can't give anything to yunmenglong in the future, because he will. He raised his understanding of yunmenglong to another level.

Will there be trouble in yunmenglong's territory? Dare! The prestige of yunmenglong in Las Vegas is even greater than that of the president of the United States. Those gamblers may not dump the president of the United States, but they definitely offer yunmenglong the same as their ancestors. Here he has Hans, a young man who is very honest, stingy and economical, covered by Zhou Yihong, and Wolff, the son of the Mafia Godfather. In addition, this was originally LAN hengyubin's territory. Who dares to move his fingers? Don't talk about your fingers. I'm afraid you can't even think.

"Well, I'll give you the title deed and ownership certificate of the hotel another day. Then you sign and here is yours." Lan hengyubin nodded.

"Bin Shao is so generous. Has your Godfather made you the only boss of the Green Gang?" yunmenglong asked. He was also very concerned about his son's news.

"Not yet, but it will happen sooner or later." Lan hengyubin shook his head.

"Isn't it too early for you to be so happy? Your brother is not a fuel-efficient lamp. How can he let you succeed easily." yunmenglong kindly reminded.

"Of course I know. I don't understand my own brother? I'm happy because Menglong taught him a lesson for me and made him suffer a lot of losses. He was not as strong as me, and he lost a lot this time. How can he fight me?" Lan hengyubin smiled.

Yunmenglong deliberately frowned and said, "what do you want to do, let your brothers kill each other."

"Godfather is far sighted and unpredictable. I don't dare to guess, but I believe Godfather must have his deep meaning." Lan hengyubin sighed.

Yunmenglong heard LAN hengyubin's fear of his son, but there was also an imperceptible resentment. He wanted to blame, but he didn't dare to blame.

Yun Menglong patted LAN hengyubin on the shoulder and said, "today we won't get drunk and celebrate the success of our plan."

The two had a toast. LAN hengyubin put down Louis XIV of France in 1988. His beautiful eyebrows tightened slightly and said, "can you tell me how to separate yourself, save your beauty on the one hand, win the gambling God on the other hand, and let Zhou Yihong be the gambling God?"

Yunmenglong knew that LAN hengyubin would ask, so he told the story again, but he said that the two gambling gods he created were Zhou Yihong's conditions. That's why Zhou Yihong wants to be a gambler!

"Long Shao killed two birds with one stone. His first practice was like an antelope hanging its horn without trace. Do you know Menglong? I still have good news for you?" Lan hengyubin praised yunmenglong.

"Oh? All ears!" yunmenglong approached LAN hengyubin with great interest.

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