Supreme Satyr

Chapter 439

"What's the difference? Is Mr. yunmenglong entertaining me?" Zhongtiao Luzi's face was extremely gloomy.

"Of course it's different. If I win, you have to castrate yourself and cut off your little brother by yourself. If you win, I can help you. As soon as the knife comes out and the silver light flashes, you'll become a disabled person. Of course, if you have no children and no children now, you'll have to cut off your children and grandchildren. You don't have * * * and your name will have to be changed to white bar and no chicken." Yunmenglong explained very seriously.

"Let me be fair." the evil god suddenly stood up and said.

"Oh, younger martial brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why are you here? I miss you so much." yunmenglong pretended not to see the evil god just now. He enthusiastically came forward and took the evil god's arm and smiled.

The evil god showed a sincere smile: "elder martial brother's style is better than in the past. Younger martial brother, I'm very pleased. Master, is he all right?"

"Younger martial brother, he can eat and sleep. He often mentioned you to me. Speaking of you, he said, 'you are very naughty and like to joke with people. For example, if he stabbed you behind your back one day, it would be fun with you.' I didn't believe it at that time. It turned out to be true." yunmenglong laughed more happily.

The evil God smiled and twitched the muscles in the corners of his eyes. "Ha ha, elder martial brother is really funny, but I admire his adaptability and his mysterious fire. I also said that we couldn't find the mysterious fire pill. Fortunately, we refined the Kirin into several pills. Although we can't compare with the mysterious fire pill, at least everyone has a share and didn't hurt the feelings of the elder martial brother. Here, elder martial brother, this is yours." The evil God smiled and handed yunmenglong three red pills the size of longan. The pills looked like the blood and tears of a unicorn beast. Yunmenglong's heart tightened.

Although yunmenglong knew that the unicorn beast would die, he was still deeply grieved by the evil god. If the little Unicorn hadn't been in the heaven and earth bag, he might have rushed out to burn the evil god. Today's yunmenglong has learned that happiness and anger don't take shape in color. He doesn't care if the evil god turns him into an army. However, he has secretly vowed to roast the three evil gods sooner or later and feed little Qilin to avenge his mother's being eaten.

Yunmeng dragon's face did not change at all. He took the pill with a smile and put it in his pocket and said, "thank you, younger martial brother. Who did you come with this time? My good martial nephew or these little Japanese?"

"Of course I came with Yuhuan. I heard that the black dragon club would be bad for senior brother, so I followed him immediately." the evil god coughed and said, "Yuhuan, come here and meet your senior brother."

LAN hengyuhuan was very reluctant to pinch to yunmenglong and shouted, "martial uncle."

"What? The voice is too small to hear. You didn't eat?" yunmenglong deliberately tilted his head and said.

"Martial uncle!" Lan hengyuhuan took out a horn from somewhere. He shouted directly to yunmenglong's ear.

Yunmenglong scratched his ear, but it was still buzzing. If he hadn't been prepared, he wouldn't have broken his eardrum.

Yunmenglong touched LAN hengyuhuan's head and said with a smile, "the child is really good. The horn is also very chic. Let me have a look."

LAN hengyuhuan handed the horn to yunmenglong and immediately jumped back to prevent yunmenglong from retaliation.

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "Why are you running so far? I'm afraid I'll eat you?"

"Junior brother!" yunmenglong suddenly took the trumpet and shouted in the evil god's ear while the evil god was paying attention to LAN hengyuhuan, so as to get back some interest for little Qilin first.

The evil god was almost deafened by the sound of Yunmeng dragon lion roar, and the whole Imperial Hotel was shaking.

After rubbing his ears for a long time, the evil god said helplessly, "elder martial brother, what's the matter?"

"You just said you wanted to be fair. I want to hear it." yunmenglong continued with his horn.

"OK, elder martial brother, I think we'd better talk directly. Don't use this horn?" the evil god waved his hand.

"I think this horn is very good. Take the meat head." Yun Menglong couldn't put it down.

"Don't mention it, brother. You have meat, and I'm running out of meat." the evil god was speechless.

"OK, you say, what a fair word." Yun Menglong put down his horn.

The evil god looked at the ghost gambler, and the ghost gambler nodded. The evil god pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Yamamoto, they want Youmei Matsushima to go back to Japan with them, so let's make a bet. The ghost gambling king won, the elder martial brother let go, the elder martial brother won, and the ghost gambling king left. How about it?"

Yunmenglong patted the evil god on the shoulder and said, "brother, I'll give you a face. This bet is successful, but I still have to add that additional condition. If I win you, you'll go to Thailand to be a human demon. I want to lose. Dare you bet?"

Zhongtiaozi gritted his teeth: "OK, bet." he was on the line and had to send it. The leader of the black dragon club had given an ultimatum. If the three didn't return to Matsushima Youmei, they didn't have to come back. They dug a nest in Las Vegas and buried each other.

LAN hengyubin has been drinking with a smile. He doesn't speak or say a word to others. He just wants to watch Yun Menglong play and see how he plays the whole audience alone. When they heard that they wanted to bet, he winked at Jiang Tang. Jiang Tang took out a pair of cards, a pair of packaged cards. After unpacking, the two checked the cards, and Jiang Tang began to shuffle.

Jiang and Tang Dynasties are known as "thousand hand Guanyin", and their technique is naturally very clever. I saw her hands crossed continuously, and 54 cards changed in no way, such as flowers flying and water splashing, which was very good-looking. The ghost gambler's eyes are shining, and he also recognizes Jiang Tang's technique.

Yunmeng dragon is not the meaning of the coyote. His eyes beat with the protrusions above Jiang Tang's abdomen and below his neck. His eyes are also bright.

Jiang Tang inadvertently saw yunmenglong's eyes, blushed and scolded, "it's true that this smelly boy is still so beautiful now." But in her heart, she didn't want yunmenglong to lose. If she lost, the outcome would be too bleak. Jiang Tang shuffled the cards to the end and deliberately threw them into the sky. She knew that yunmenglong had the upper hand in terms of speed. And is yunmenglong's eyesight comparable to that of this white chicken?

The white striped chicken looked at the poker that had been circling in mid air, but had no falling trend, and turned faster and faster. In his eyes, he suddenly had a flash of pure light. His body was erratic, his toes were raised, his hands were stretched out, and thick dark dark gas appeared out of thin air, blocking yunmenglong's line of sight. At the same time, his two hands changed into four hands and four hands into eight hands. In an instant, the remnant shadow was flickering. People could not see which card the ghost gambler was holding.

Yunmenglong didn't move.

Jiang Tang was worried: "my friend, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting to become a eunuch? Are you really enough to be a man?"

Yunmenglong blinked at Jiang Tang with a lazy smile. The eyes are as clear as ice and blue as silk. He slowly stretched out his hand, and a poker swaggered into his hand. Everyone saw the card: Diamond three!

Yamamoto ghost and others showed a knowing smile on their faces. LAN hengyuhuan looked dignified. Brother Nai had an unfathomable smile on his face, while the evil god had no expression. Yunmenglong took everyone's look in his eyes one by one and threw the card directly on the table, but the card face was downward.

Almost at the same time, the white chicken also buckled the card on the table.

"Do you know what the highest level of gambling is?" yunmenglong asked Baitiao chicken.

"Return to nature." the white striped chicken can pretend to force.

"Wrong, Zhou Xingxing said it was a card rubbing. I think it's good. Whether it's rubbing his own card or the other party's card, the effect is the same. Do you want to see my card rubbing technology?" yunmenglong smiled.

Think of Zhou Xingxing saying to Andy Lau in the gambler, "this is an A. after I rub it," Zhou Xingxing turns over the card and it's still an a. Zhou Xingxing then said, "it becomes a wrinkled a!" he couldn't help admiring Xingye's quick wit and funny talent.

"Please!" the white striped chicken obeyed the rule that more words must be lost and quarreled with Yunmeng dragon. Ten white striped chickens were not rivals.

"Like to rub, like to rub, oh, Ou!" yunmenglong sang a new song and kept rubbing the poker in his hand. The poker was like rotten dog meat. After rubbing for a long time, I still don't mean to stop.

"Whether you're finished or not, I'm almost asleep." Nakajima said impatiently.

"This question is very good, just finished rubbing." Yun Menglong spread out the wrinkled card under the public's sight.

Box three, still box three. But in the words of Zhou Xingxing, it's a wrinkled square three.

Yamamoto ghost smiled and smiled proudly; Takeda shinsuo smiled and forgot his shape; LAN hengyuhuan smiled and smiled very charming; LAN hengyubin smiled and smiled deeply; The evil god also smiled and smiled helplessly. Yunmenglong's face also had a light wind and cloud smile. Only one person didn't smile, Jiang Tang. Although she has great confidence in yunmenglong, this square three... A deep sadness is locked in her eyes.

In contrast, Nakajima Luzi laughed wildly: "ha ha......" the laughter was harsh and endless. He smiled only after he had seen the cards. "A spade!"


The crowd screamed, and the smile became stiff. It was fixed on his face and became a mocked picture, but Jiang Tang's lips burst out with the best smile.

"White striped chicken, what are you laughing at? You're so happy to lose?" Yun Menglong said with a sarcastic smile.

Nakajima Luzi saw Yamamoto's ghost and other people's faces changed greatly and smiled strangely. He couldn't help looking down: "how could it? It's spade a......" Nakajima Luzi was shocked and looked at the grass flower two on the table, showing an unbelievable expression.

"You give a thousand!" Zhongtiao Luzi thought of the bet and lost the style of a gambling master. He trembled and pointed to Yunmeng dragon, his lips trembling.

"How can you see that I'm cheating? I'm just rubbing my cards. You can rub them if you like. You know I can rub cards and let me rub them. You're so stupid!" Yun Menglong said mercilessly.

"You..." Zhongtiao Luzi's face is bloodless. It's better to die as a eunuch. Now Yunmeng dragon is a knife, he is a fish, what can he do for it?

"I can reimburse you for the air ticket to Thailand. How's it? Have you done your utmost?" Yun Menglong told a joke that was not funny at all.

"Grandpa long, Grandpa long, please forgive me. You should let me go like a fart, okay!" Naka Luzi's face changed. He suddenly knelt on the ground, moved to yunmenglong with his knees, hugged his legs and cried and prayed.

"My fart? Do you deserve it? You're not even as good as shit, boy!" yunmenglong kicked away zhongtiaozi and said coldly.

Zhongtiao Luzi climbed over again and held yunmenglong's leg: "uncle, uncle Yun, I don't want to die. Please let my dog die. Please, I'm not as cheap as shit..." Zhongtiao Luzi cursed himself. That word really opened people's eyes.

Yunmenglong smiled coldly at the bottom of his heart. Zhongtiao Luzi showed a strong killing opportunity in his eyes. He lowered his head, felt a dagger about a foot long in his back and quickly inserted it into yunmenglong's dick.

"Bang!" yunmenglong kicked Nakajima Luzi out of the way and fell behind a warrior of Yamamoto ghost.

Yunmenglong walked slowly, and zhongtiaozi sat and moved back. Yunmeng dragon drew out the warrior's long sword with an expressionless face. The warrior wanted to stop it. Yunmeng dragon stared, and he was so scared that he didn't dare to stop it anymore.

"Don't, don't..." Zhongtiao Luzi looked at Yunmeng dragon in horror, shaking his hands left and right.

Yunmenglong showed his disdain seriously. He shook his head and turned around. Zhongtiao Lu Zigang wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. Yunmenglong suddenly backhanded and cut out the long knife like lightning.

"Ah!" a shrill cry rose in the hotel, and it became more and more penetrating after a few rounds.

There was a bloody thing on the carpet. Naka Luzi's lower body was blurred. It was obvious that yunmenglong cut Naka Luzi's little brother, turning the white chicken into a white chicken.

"Yunmenglong, you......" Takeda Xinxiong said angrily.

"Your mother is a big head ghost. You are so excited. Are you having an affair with this old ghost? Get out of here before I change my mind!" yunmenglong suddenly turned to Takeda Xinxiong and scolded Takeda Xinxiong. Takeda Xinxiong was photographed by yunmenglong's divine power and couldn't speak for a moment.

Yamamoto big ghost, Takeda Xinxiong, his men dragged Naka Luzi and were about to leave.

"Wait!" yunmenglong suddenly stopped drinking.

A few Japanese were shocked and pestled in place like a good grandson. They didn't dare to move any more.

"Take this chicken that is inferior to the white striped chicken." yunmenglong ordered.

"Yes!" a warrior hurriedly ran over and took the JJ of the white striped chicken and put it in a plastic bag. Yunmenglong walked up to Zhongtiao Luzi and said, "Jin Suyuan said you always wanted her body. Now I want your lifeblood. Can you still want her body? I warn you, don't think about Suyuan again, otherwise it will be your life next time! Get out!" yunmenglong pointed to the door.

Yamamoto ghost and others fled in despair.

"Martial uncle is really a good means. Yuhuan has opened his eyes." Lan hengyuhuan praised against his heart.

"I'm not used to your sudden politeness. As the saying goes, if you're courteous, you'll steal. Aren't you in love with me? Or do you have something to say later." yunmenglong jumped alert.

"Ha ha, Menglong is really my confidant. I'm here to tell my brother, Dad, he......" Lan hengyuhuan said here on purpose.

"What?" Yun Menglong and LAN hengyubin said in unison.

Chapter 222 homogamy of cats and dogs

LAN hengyuhuan and brother Nai looked at yunmenglong in surprise and wondered when yunmenglong was so interested in the founder of the Green Gang.

"Godfather, what did he say? I don't know." Lan hengyubin instantly restored his usual calm attitude.

"Dad said, 'the position of guild leader is to be determined, and this competition is too absurd.'" Lan hengyuhuan paused slightly. He looked at his brother and wanted to see the disappointed expression on his face. However, LAN hengyubin disappointed him. His expression remained calm like autumn water.

"Oh, Dad, did he say when to come back?" Lan hengyubin asked. Yunmenglong was also very concerned about this problem, but he didn't dare to say anything to avoid the suspicion of LAN Heng brothers. After a polite conversation with the evil god, yunmenglong ran to take Jiang Tang's little hand. At this time, silence is better than sound. His attention was on LAN hengyuhuan. Yunmenglong must be more worried than anyone about the news of his own son?

"No." Lan hengyuhuan only said two words.

LAN hengyubin raised his eyebrows: "Oh, what's the matter with my brother?" Lan hengyubin ordered me to leave.

LAN hengyuhuan patted brother Nai on the shoulder: "brother, look open. Although you won this time, you didn't get what you want. Ha ha, the winner is unknown. Brother, I'll go first, ha ha..."

LAN hengyuhuan laughed and left. The laughter was long and feminine. With a wave of yunmenglong's big hand, the laughter disappeared. The evil god said hello to yunmenglong and left with him.

"Is Bin less disappointed?" Yun Menglong looked at the expressionless LAN Hengyu bin.

LAN hengyubin didn't answer. For a long time, LAN hengyubin breathed a sigh of relief. He suddenly smiled: "I'm not angry. This time, I expected it. I think I understand my father's hardship. It's just a little loss. My brother lost a lot this time. He's never as relaxed as he looks."

"Bin is less than a generation of heroes. He is much more generous than his younger brother, but he is still not cruel enough. The superiors step on other people's bodies. Think about Li Shimin." yunmenglong appropriately points, and LAN hengyubin shakes imperceptibly. "By the way, I'm going back to the sea of clouds in the evening. Is Bin Shao together?"

LAN hengyubin nodded: "well, I'll arrange a plane for long Shao at that time. I have something to do. When it's done, I'll go back and start our gambling boat. Long Shao, have a good trip!"

Yunmenglong hugged his fist and smiled, leaving with Jiang Tang.

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