Supreme Satyr

Chapter 445

Half an hour later, yunmenglong appeared on the North Street of Starbucks square. I saw yunmenglong wearing a pair of wide rimmed black sunglasses, covering one of the three faces, but there were still two-thirds of the remaining faces in the outline, which could be distinguished by those who knew yunmenglong.

In a magnificent decorated hut in a private club of Jixiang villa, a tall and handsome man asked a beautiful woman, "is he yunmenglong?" the man took off the white cloth on Liang Xiaotong's mouth and pointed to a closed-circuit TV channel on the wall. What appeared in the closed-circuit television was yunmenglong, dressed in a black suit and carrying a famous brand suitcase in his hand.

This tall boy is more than one meter nine. He looks handsome, but his eyes are always obscene. The beauty he asked was Liang Xiaotong. Liang Xiaotong was locked in that room, and there was such a strong man watching. Liang Xiaotong was unarmed. In addition, some weak hands had no strength to bind chickens. How can he escape?

Liang Xiaotong's eyes changed when she saw yunmenglong appear on TV. She kept shaking her head and making a sound of "Wuwu..." in her mouth. Unfortunately, yunmenglong couldn't see it. Although Liang Xiaotong knew that yunmenglong was powerful, she couldn't help worrying, because the situation set by the man was to kill yunmenglong. As for where such a deep hatred came from, she couldn't know. She regretted calling yunmenglong, but yunmenglong really rushed back to Yunhai all night. Liang Xiaotong was moved and angry at the same time. She was angry that she believed Li Yu's words so easily. She told him the news of Yun Menglong and asked him to set up the game of inviting the king into the urn. If something happens to yunmenglong, she won't live anymore. Liang Xiaotong made up her mind. She went in, clenched her lips and didn't speak. Liang Xiaotong is too simple. She can't even lie.

"In fact, you don't need to say. I know from your eyes that he is yunmenglong," Li Yu, Liang Xiaotong's ex boyfriend, smiled gently. "I asked you just to verify that you are still so stupid and don't know how to hide it. When you saw him, you changed your eyes and became so anxious." speaking of this, Li Yu held Liang Xiaotong's face rudely, Let her face up to herself, "do you care about him? Have you forgotten that I am your girlfriend!" Li Yu opened her eyes and roared, some hysterical.

Liang Xiaotong's face pinched by him was hot and painful, but he didn't shout pain. Liang Xiaotong and Li Yu looked at each other with cold eyes, like looking at a doll. When they heard his roar, Liang Xiaotong's delicate body trembled slightly. Looking at his originally handsome face becoming distorted and ferocious, Liang Xiaotong's eyes showed contempt. She said faintly: "I'm not your girlfriend anymore. We've broken up, and you broke up with me."

Hearing Liang Xiaotong's words, Li Yu smothered. He smiled without anger: "ha ha, OK, you have made progress. Dare to say such words to me. Don't you care about him, I'll let you see how he died." Li Yu's words were very cruel, with bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

Yunmenglong went to the cafe Li Yu mentioned, looked around, found a seat and sat down. The coffee shop is not big, but the decoration is very elegant. The light inside is soft, so that people can taste coffee very comfortably. Coupled with the light music inside, coffee was originally used to refresh themselves, but in this atmosphere, drinking coffee is like drinking wine. There is a style that everyone is not drunk.

On the wall above the counter is a picture of an English Knight riding on a horse with a long gun and indifferent eyes. Here are a few words for the Knight: "cast a cold eye, look at life, look at death, knight, move forward." Yeats's poems. In the counter, a girl with a simple ponytail and a loose T-shirt was concentrating on mixing cocktails. Yunmenglong's heart moved slightly, but he knew that he didn't come to pick up girls. He had business.

Yunmenglong dials Liang Xiaotong's phone, and Li Yu presses the answer button.

"I'm here, where are you?" yunmenglong deliberately patrolled around and said.

"You are very punctual. It seems that you are very nice to my girlfriend. I'm considering whether to change hands! What do you think of second-hand goods?" Li Yu said with a sting in his words.

"Less nonsense, people, hand in money and hand in delivery." Yunmeng long said coldly.

"Ha ha..." Li Yuyang laughed wildly, as if yunmenglong said the funniest joke in the world. After laughing for a while, he stopped: "although I haven't seen you yunmenglong, I also heard that you have high skills. In fact, I really want to experience it, but I'm afraid I can't beat you. Ha ha, I'm very cautious. However," Li Yu paused a little: "No matter how good you are, it's useless, because you have a disadvantage, that is, romantic and affectionate. With this disadvantage, you're not qualified to talk to me about paying money and delivering goods."

"OK, what do you want?" the cloud dream dragon bowed his head and pondered a little.

"See you in Xishan Park in half an hour."

"Call, go to Xishan Park and say Xishan Park. Why did you ask me to come to the cafe?" Yunmeng dragon angrily said.

"Play with you!" Li Yu said with a slight smile, "you cover the sky and play with the sea of clouds. Now I can play with you around and let you know how miserable the end of amorous is."

"You..." yunmenglong was furious.

"If I don't see you at that time, your tomato beauty won't be beautiful." Li Yu interrupts Yun Menglong's words carelessly, and then hangs up without giving Yun Menglong a chance to speak.

Yunmenglong stood up helplessly. He glanced at the counter girl and went out of the cafe. Yunmenglong called a taxi and went straight to Xishan Park.

"What are you doing?" Liang Xiaotong asked Li Yudao coldly in the private club.

Li Yu leisurely poured a glass of wine and drank it up. He looked at Liang Xiaotong, shook his head slightly and said, "I wonder why we had such a cold eye to each other in the past. For the sake of this man, you are so cold to me. Hey, what do you say I should do? It's hard to say. Do you want me to wish you happiness?"

"I used to be blind, just like you scum." Liang Xiaotong looked at Li Yu contemptuously, his eyes were full of disgust.

"Alas," Li Yu sighed, "it's really fast for a woman to change her heart, and she won't recognize her relatives when she changes, and she doesn't remember her previous happiness." speaking of this, Li Yu poured another glass of wine and drank: "by the way, you ask me what I want to do, didn't I tell you I'm going to kill him?" Li Yu's mouth overflowed with a cruel smile.

"Hum, I'm afraid your people will die at that time." Liang Xiaotong countered.

"We'll see." Li Yu shrugged.


On the other road, there were four people sitting on a luxury Ferrari. The driver was Fan Shan.

Fan Shan took the sports car as a plane and drove all the way. He drove at the green light and ran at the red light. Any traffic policeman blew his whistle, but Fan Shan didn't care, didn't slow down and ignored it. At the beginning, there were several police cars chasing after Ferrari with sirens, but after chasing for a while, they lost Ferrari. Joke, top sports cars, can ordinary police cars catch up? Someone made a phone call. When Fan Shan ran the red light again, the traffic policeman smiled and nodded

Fifty minutes later, Fan Shan parked his car at the gate of Jixiang villa. When the guard at the door saw such a beautiful sports car, one of them came politely and asked, "do you have a card?"

This year is a year of power, and this society is a society of power. So although the security guard saw that one of the four people in the car looked really strange, he was still polite. He couldn't afford to offend anyone who could drive such a car, but he couldn't let anyone in casually. People in this villa area are either rich or expensive, but there are noble cards in and out.

"Are you new here? Don't even know your father?" Fan Shan said coldly.

The security guard's face changed slightly, but he didn't dare to get angry. At this time, the head of security came out of the house. He had a look of pulling 250000. As a result, he saw Fan Shan and immediately changed into a grandson. He walked to Fan Shan with a smile on his face and shouted: "master fan..."

Fan Shan snorted coldly. The security leader ordered the security guard who stopped Fan Shan: "open the door. You don't even know Master fan. You're really blind."

The little security guard immediately ran back to open the door. As soon as Fan Shan opened the gas door, the car rushed in.

"OK, Xiao Fan, your boy has become a master." Feng Lei Hu smiled.

"Martial uncle Hu, you are making fun of Xiao Fan. Xiao Fan will always be just Xiao Fan. He is the master's apprentice and your nephew." Fan Shan said with a bitter smile.

"Xiao Fan, what are you mine?" shrieked a red haired Firebird.

"It's your uncle." Xiao Fan laughed.

The Firebird was so angry that a face with a pointed mouth became as red as his hair. He wanted to pinch Xiao Fan, but he looked at the people around him and didn't dare to do it.

"When you're done, see how the bird master will deal with you, boy." the Firebird said.


The more the taxi drove, the more remote it was. Yunmenglong laughed in his heart. Although you can take this deserted marginal road to Xishan Park, this road is undoubtedly very far away. The whole road winds like a long snake. It's strange that there aren't many cars on this long snake. Although the road is desolate, it can't be desolate like this, can it? Yunmenglong had found four Santana 2000 falling behind the taxi.

"Master, how can you go this way? I'm in a hurry." yunmenglong said.

"I know you're in a hurry, or you won't take this road. It's very unstable to go downtown. It's bad in case of traffic jam," the driver explained.

"Oh, thank you." yunmenglong pretended to understand.

"You're welcome." the driver said to himself, "they say yunmenglong is so smart. It seems to me that he's just a fool."

At this time, next to the road is a forest. There is a not wide path in the middle of the forest. Yunmenglong glanced and saw many people lying in ambush. Yunmenglong's heart sank. The driver suddenly turned sharply. The car tilted out of the road, ran into the woods and stopped. The four Santana 2000 in the back followed.

The taxi driver turned his head, took out his gun and said coldly to yunmenglong's forehead, "get off, Mr. yunmenglong."

Yunmenglong smiled without fear. He opened the door and got out of the car. Twenty five big men came down from the four cars behind, one by one like a hill, quite burly, with a face of fierce flesh and evil spirits, looking at Yunmeng dragon.

"How did you get into four cars with so many people?" Yun Menglong couldn't help laughing when he saw so many people. Such a big man is very big. One can almost hold two. Now 25 people are stunned to get down from four cars, which shows that there are at least six people in one car. Ordinary people can squeeze six, but six of these big men are at least equivalent to more than a dozen.

"I... I came out of the trunk... I'm short of money recently and can't afford so many cars." a big man with a wrinkled suit blushed and explained honestly.

"Ha ha ha......" yunmenglong suddenly laughed wildly.

"Don't laugh, be serious, we're going to rob!" one of the big men stood up and pointed to Yunmeng dragon and said angrily.

"What are you robbing?" yunmenglong pretended to be a fool.

"Your money, and... Your life," he scratched his head, looked rather embarrassed and said: "We haven't been paid for a long time, and the police have been very diligent in the recent crackdown. We haven't worked for more than two months, and now we can't open the pot fast enough. The boss provided us with a message that you have 100 million. As long as we kill you, 100 million will be ours. Alas, I haven't eaten meat for more than half a month. You see, I'm thin, only 230 Jin left I've lost twenty pounds, sobbing... "At this point, the big man couldn't help crying, covering his face with his hands.

Yunmenglong sighed to understand. He then said, "so you usually only rob and don't kill, but now the unemployment rate is so high, it's hard to find a job, and life is difficult to maintain, so you have to make an exception."

The big man looked at yunmenglong in surprise. He came forward and held yunmenglong's hand and said excitedly, "long live understanding..."

"Alas," yunmenglong sighed, "it's not easy for you. You have to abandon your professional ethics in order to live. This is a betrayal of your faith. I know the struggle in your heart. You must be very bitter and fight between heaven and man?"

With the driver, twenty-six people nodded their heads together. They were very moved and had the meaning of attracting Yun Menglong as their confidant in life. In the past, no one understood them so much. They were high and few. Now Yun Menglong understands so much. Speaking of it, they are a little reluctant to kill him.

"Let me tell you a true story." yunmenglong is stalling.

The twenty-six men hesitated. They looked at each other and wondered whether they should listen to the story.

"You see, I have only one person here, and you, at least more than 40 people, and you have a gun in your hand, and I am unarmed. The only weapon is this nail knife," yunmenglong took out the nail knife in his pocket. Yunmenglong said to the ambush: "You all come out. It's hard to lie down in the grass in broad daylight. There are insects in it, and the grass stabs people."

As soon as the big man in ambush heard it, people knew it. Before he came out, he appeared one after another.

Yunmenglong continued, "no one will come here if chickens don't shit and birds don't lay eggs. It's not too late to kill me after listening to my story? This is just my little request of a dying man. Don't you agree?" yunmenglong had a sincere expression on his face.

The bandits were moved. The seemingly leader said, "OK, we'll kill you after listening to your story."

"Come on, you all come and sit down." yunmenglong cordially greeted the bandits.

More than 40 bandits gathered in a circle. Yunmenglong was in the center of the circle and began to tell stories with open teeth and claws.

"Once upon a time..."

Yun Menglong tells a story about the degeneration of an aspiring youth. At the end of the story, the youth repents and knows that his degeneration is wrong. However, the price of repentance is the death of his biological mother, who saved his son's soul with her life.

"Now, the young man... How is he?" a big man asked yunmenglong with tears streaming down his face.

"A month ago, he just knelt in front of his mother's grave to confess. The so-called tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the son wants to raise but his parents do not wait," Yun Menglong thought of his mother, and his eyes were wet. "Children should be filial to their parents, and don't regret until their parents leave."

"Wow..." at this point, the big men immediately cried down most of them.

"I miss my mother..." a big man sobbed.

"I miss my mother too..." another big man echoed.

Then the two men hugged each other and wept.

"I'll call my mother, tell her I'm fine, tell her I'm killing, kill someone, I'll be rich, and when I'm rich, I'll go home and be filial to her old man..." said another big man.


More than 40 big men huddled together and cried.

More than three minutes later, a big man asked, "where is the young man now? I want to know him very much."

"Yesterday, he just won the honor of the world gambling God, and now he is right in front of you." yunmenglong sighed and said.

"What? Are you the young man?" everyone stopped crying and looked at yunmenglong in surprise.

"Yes, I am the young man. I miss my mother very much." yunmenglong's eyes are red, like a little white rabbit. At this time, no one notices that his eyes are black!


Hearing the word "mother", everyone began to sour their noses again, so their tears will continue. The cry full of masculinity resounded through the woods and rushed into the sky, no less than the night howl of wolves!

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