Supreme Satyr

Chapter 453

"Wanruo, how could it be you? I miss you so much." yunmenglong didn't think that Lin wanruo called. He couldn't help but be surprised. He thought of Lin wanruo's light and lofty appearance, and yunmenglong was a little excited.

"Hehe, I miss you too. It seems very happy to hear that you care about me so much. However," Lin wanruo said, "Menglong must want another person more."

Yunmenglong scratched his head: "another person, who, how can he listen to the tone of the voice?"

Lin wanruo deliberately kept silent for a while. After hanging yunmenglong's appetite, he faintly spit out three words, which made yunmenglong overjoyed: "Jin Bingying!"

"Jin Bingying?" there was an uncontrollable surprise in Yun Menglong's tone. There was no way to hide it. "How can you know where she is? Where is she? I miss her too." yunmenglong asked quickly.

"Are you so anxious to know the news about Jin Bingying?" Lin wanruo couldn't help feeling a little sad when he heard that yunmenglong was so concerned about Jin Bingying. It turned out that the person he liked most in his heart was always her!

"Why, my taste is like a baby?" yunmenglong suddenly realized that he was so strongly expressing his thoughts on another girl with a girl, especially the girl was still interested in you. It was a very cruel thing, so he deliberately teased Jin Bingying.

"Eating your taste, Menglong thinks too much, and love seems meaningless." Lin Wan is a little discouraged. She doesn't understand how she can have this emotion. Is she really in love with yunmenglong? How can this be? Lin wanruo shook his head and didn't wait for yunmenglong to speak. He continued: "listen to Menglong. I'll only say it once. Jin Bingying is in Qianlong college."

Hearing Lin wanruo's words, Yun Menglong couldn't help sighing. He also knew that it was useless to say more, so he only said two words: "thank you."

"Menglong and Jin Bingying are still in the dust. I'm just a jade man. I wish Menglong a hand, and I accidentally know Jin Bingying's whereabouts, so Menglong doesn't have to thank me." Jin Bingying's voice is a little cold, like the cool wind passing through the hall, and the bottom of yunmenglong's heart is as sad as water. They were silent for a while. Lin wanruo smiled and said, "it's strange. I really like Menglong."

Yunmenglong was stunned: "ah? What's strange? What's wrong with my yunmenglong? Is it strange to like me?" yunmenglong couldn't cry or laugh.

"Forget it, I don't mean that. I just wonder that a cold-blooded person like me should like men. Well, don't say goodbye." Lin wanruo gently breathed a sigh and looked at the Liuyun road with a cool breath in the sky.

"Wait!" yunmenglong hurriedly stopped Lin Wan from hanging the line.

"What else does Menglong have to say?" Lin wanruo said in a tone of no joy or sorrow. This is not good on the phone. If a person deliberately hides his emotions, you can't hear it. Unlike face-to-face and looking at the window of the other person's heart, yunmenglong's slightly melancholy eyes with an expression like the sea are the strongest weapon. No matter what woman he looks at for a while, he has to collapse and turn fine steel into soft around his fingers.

"When can we meet again?" asked yunmenglong.

"Maybe the next second, maybe the next life, go with fate!" Lin wanruo pretended to be relaxed and hung up the phone.

Hearing the busy sound of "Dudu", yunmenglong stayed there, the phone in his hand was still stuck to his ear, and his heart was disappointed: "just like, have you really made up your mind not to see me again?" yunmenglong looked out of the window, the light of the sun had become much softer, and many green leaves with insufficient nutrition due to photosynthesis had turned yellow and fluttered in the wind, Soon it fell to the ground, but I didn't know where it was blown. There are still many dying leaves hanging there, but who knows if the next gust of wind will make them die without a place to bury?

"Yun Menglong, aren't you happy?" Yun Miaomiao, squatting on his shoulder, asked curiously. She was intelligent. Although her mind was simple, she spent more time with Yun Menglong and could feel his emotions.

Yunmenglong took yunmiaomiao off his shoulder, held it in his arms, and stroked yunmiaomiao's spotless, soft and smooth white hair. Yunmiaomiao's heart jumped violently. If it wasn't for the cover of white hair, her little face must be as red as blood. Yunmenglong sighed and said, "I'm happy and unhappy. What's happy is that I'm going to see the person I want to see the most. What's unhappy is that I lose a very moving beauty with a very personality. This is love, you know?"

"Love?" Yun Miaomiao murmured and repeated, his big eyes covered with a color of confusion. Although she also coaxed, others liked yunmenglong, and she also liked it. At first, she just thought it was fun. But slowly, she began to feel her heartbeat. When yunmenglong touched her hair, especially when yunmenglong slid down her hair from her head to the top of her tail, she would accelerate her heartbeat, squint her eyes and want to sleep in yunmenglong's arms. It was her mother's cradle and the warmest harbor, She began to indulge in the embrace and touch of yunmenglong. Her little ears will prick up from time to time to listen to the voice of yunmenglong. Every time I watch yunmenglong and other beauties tossing clouds and rain in bed for the audience, she is inexplicably hot and dry. When yunwangwang asked her what was wrong, yunmiaomiao blushed and said, I think I have a cold!

Yunwangwang's big dog shook his head and said, "you're a cat now. It's strange that you'll catch a cold. When I'm funny?"

Yun Miaomiao said, "I'm hot and want to take off my clothes."

"Then I'll help you pull out all your hair." ah Wang said.

"Go to hell." Miaomiao raised her claws and exposed the sharp claws hidden in the meat mat. Lightning shot at the dog's head. The dog's head tilted and didn't catch it. This is the dialogue and behavior of the same brother and sister in the bag of heaven and earth.

Yunmenglong shook his head and thought he would see Jin Bingying soon. His heart gradually became alive. He put Yun Miaomiao on his shoulder, then called Feng Leihu and asked him to investigate the situation of Qianlong college.

Yunmenglong basically didn't care about the army. He became an army commander and left everything to Chu Jingfeng. Just sneak into the army every day as usual to lecture, which is nothing more than some rogue manifestos: "Brothers, you are the strongest army. The RB army is a bird and the Mg army is a fart. You are not as cold as you. You are the brother of the ox forced shining Yunmeng dragon, and you are also the ox forced shining drop. Damn it, remember, when God kills God and Buddha kills Buddha, people don't offend me. When I see RB people, I will fight hard. When I see one fight one, I will fight one pair."

"Yes, boss!" tens of thousands of people roared and promised.

So every day, many soldiers wear plain clothes to experience life and support the war. For example, when two soldiers go to the street and see a man who looks like Rb, they ask, are you RB? When they get a positive answer, they look at each other, smile and cheer. RB people also think that the Chinese are so friendly and are so happy to see me. Then they are beaten up, inexplicably and beaten into pig heads After that, the RB man asked hard, why did you hit me? The two answered, because you are RB. The RB man changed his nationality when he went back. Originally, several policemen saw the scene, but they turned a blind eye. One of them said, "now the public security is so good that no one makes trouble. Let's go to another street." other humanitarians said, "OK, let's go." At that time, the RB man was screaming like a pig and shouting help!

In order to train the soldiers, or to satisfy his abnormal pleasure, yunmenglong will beat tens of thousands of soldiers from time to time. Whenever people fall to the ground and can't get up again, yunmenglong will always feel very happy. The old beggar is also very happy, which shows that both flat people and flat people will be happy. Especially a person who has never been seen beating tens of thousands of people. Because the normal situation is a few A person is crazy about beating a person, or dozens of people, PK dozens of people, that is, beating each other. Only yunmenglong, a cow with an extremely high battle index, can do miraculous things.

The brothers of longhumen are treated the same as the soldiers. Lengyun mountain often makes continuous screams like waves. People begin to rumor that demons appear in the mountain, and the newborn Mommy is scaring the crying children and will say, "if you cry again, I'll throw you into lengyun mountain." The child immediately stopped crying with a very clever expression on his face.

Feng Lei Hu had a lot of trouble to find out about the Qianlong college. It's hard to understand, because the Qianlong college is located in Yunhai city. Yunhai city is undoubtedly yunmenglong's territory. Local snakes are everywhere. People from longhumen or other gangs who bow down to longhumen. Yunmenglong can mobilize hundreds of thousands of people to investigate. But Wind Thunder Tiger took two days to reply to yunmenglong!

Feng Leihu took the information sorted out by Liao Feier to yunmenglong and said, "boss, Qianlong college is a very strange and mysterious school. What school do you want to check?"

Yun Menglong told Feng Leihu an answer that surprised him: "I'm going to school!"

The answer not only surprised Feng Leihu, but also puzzled everyone. Yunmenglong said to the crowd: "The meaning of life lies in continuous breakthroughs. Now, I am very idle every day. There are storms in the army, tigers in the dragon tiger gate, and flowers to teach you Taoism. I have nothing to do. Therefore, I decided to enter the school. After investigation, I found that Qianlong college is a good place. There are a lot of talents there. We need talents. I decided to enter the school myself Department, to find talents, to experience learning life. "Yunmenglong said with a high sounding voice.

This statement obviously can't satisfy everyone. It's strange that yunmenglong, a big hooligan, can be so studious and diligent!

Only long Mengyun understood yunmenglong. Because she also found the news of Jin Bingying, she gently hugged yunmenglong and said, "go, I'll help you."

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