Supreme Satyr

Chapter 460

Yun Menglong smiled and hugged Xue Piao MM's small Manyao and said, "according to the visual inspection of my Piao beauty, what were we doing just now?"

"Hum, why don't you say that? If you insult Mr. Lu, you're not afraid of being accused of being a hooligan?" Xue Piao mm snorted coldly.

"Yunmenglong, you've just met someone's family? How can she let you kiss? You're so timid." Liang Xiaotong asked without waiting for yunmenglong's answer.

One of yunmenglong's magic hands flexibly probes into Xue Piao's coat, reaches out to the bra hung together behind her pink back, and flicks it gently. With a "pa" sound, the bra bounced open. Yunmeng dragon's hand slid along Xue Piao's smooth skin to the front, covering Xue Piao's towering and beautiful jade rabbit. Xue Piao sighed softly, and her delicate body trembled. She looked white. Yunmenglong said, "your claws are cold. Don't try to use this to divert my attention. Tell me what's going on." as she said, Xue Piao's sister took yunmenglong's left ear and said.

"Yes, I also want to know. Say it quickly." Liang Xiaotong also joined in the fun. She also lengthened yunmenglong's other hand with her slender snow-white hand.

Yunmenglong was pulled to the head by two people. If he sticks out his tongue again, hehe, he is a relative of the big black dog. Yunmenglong was sandwiched between two beauties and became the central part of the hamburger. Yunmenglong's idle hand was inserted into Liang Xiaotong's coat in an unimaginable posture. With one hand, he easily untied the bondage of the jade rabbit and held a small but strong and elastic jade rabbit. Liang Xiaotong didn't expect yunmenglong to do so. He couldn't help screaming, and his little face was red.

"Two beauties, if I say that Lu Jia and Yao look at my handsome mess, so they are burning and can't stop raping me, do you believe it?" yunmenglong smiled at two beautiful faces who have won for thousands of years as he kneaded his hands on two best jade rabbits.

Liang Xiaotong and Xue Piao shook their heads at the same time: "you think we're idiots. People aren't crazy about flowers. No matter how handsome you are, people won't be like that." the pleasure was like an electric current. It spread all over the body with pink buds as the source. Their delicate bodies were a little sour and soft. They leaned against yunmenglong's body, held yunmenglong's clothes tightly with their slender hands, and they bit their lower lips to keep from singing, The suppressed voice in the throat is more attractive. Such behavior has the abnormal pleasure of cheating, just like doing such a thing in front of people. The next door is also an office. Although there is an impulse to shout in the cavity, they dare not shout. Coupled with the people coming and going outside, the devil knows whether the door is soundproof.

"Then I said that when Lu Jiayao and I moved the bed just now, she accidentally narrowed her eyes. I was blowing her eyes just now. Do you believe it?" yunmenglong's two magic palms changed cold and heat. He was an ice fire devil, so he could control the temperature at will. His hands were cold and hot. The difference was also very exciting, and yunmenglong's unparalleled flirting means, They almost died in the hands of Yunmeng dragon. It turned out that only stimulating the chest can have this unimaginable pleasure, like a dream, such as flying in the clouds.

Where could they talk? They clenched their lower lips. I'm afraid they would moan as soon as they opened their mouth. For yunmenglong's words, they can only shake their heads to express their disbelief.

Seeing the two shook their heads, yunmenglong said, "you think it's incredible, don't you? Hehe, but it's true. I was blowing her eyes, and you came in. You see, we're so close. She's a woman. Of course she'll be embarrassed, so she pushed me away. You didn't see her red eyes? She was narrowed and rubbed red herself."

Yunmenglong is very busy dealing with the four white rabbits of two beauties with both hands. Yunmenglong really wants to become an octopus at this time, so he can deal with two at the same time. However, yunmenglong is a master here and has quite rich experience. He slides his hands at the same time, crosses a smooth river, drives straight in from above their jeans, and then mischievous shuttles through the garden

Because they are still virgins, yunmenglong is still very careful. Yunmenglong's direct and effective stimulation shocked the two people. They hugged yunmenglong, spread their legs and let yunmenglong do it. Where did they have the strength to shake their heads.

Yunmenglong took out his hand, looked at the crystal honey of his hands and said with a smile: "it's really two juicy peaches."

Their faces were red and hot, and they didn't know whether they were shy or exciting. Xue Piao gently bit his lower lip and looked at Yunmeng dragon with dreamy and moving eyes. The water inside was full of prayer. How tempting it was. Liang Xiaotong's slender eyes are fascinating. She looks at Yunmeng dragon with her eyes like silk, her mouth is slightly open, and she wants to pay off her words

Yunmenglong let the two beauties so fascinated that they didn't pay for their lives. Yunmenglong took the two people who could hardly stand together to the bed and put them down. Yunmenglong looked at the bed and said, "you see, brother, how far sighted I am. I know this bed is useful. Do the two beauties want to go to Wushan with my brother in this academic place?"

Xue Piao and Liang Xiaotong were startled. They were still virgins. Yunmenglong has only flirted with them, but he is not really ecstatic with them. They know that yunmenglong respects them and is afraid they won't. In fact, the two have long made a secret promise. Eleven thousand are willing. Let alone yunmenglong just wants their bodies. I'm afraid they won't refuse even if they want their lives, right? But they are girls, but girls are very reserved. They can't make love to yunmenglong, can they? For yunmenglong's proposal, the two were afraid and expected. They looked at each other and hung their heads at the same time. They saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

Yun Menglong regretted that he loved each of the two beauties so much, and they were so determined to him. How could he ask for their first time in such a broken place? The first precious is worth remembering for a lifetime and aftertaste for a lifetime. He didn't want their first time to disappear in his desire.

A woman's first time is like the premiere of a movie. It's good to focus and make full preparations. In that way, it can be remembered. Of course, women will remember it for the first time. To a certain extent, it also determines women's attitude towards going to bed. Many sexual indifference or homosexuality for the first time are very miserable, which makes them feel that it is a nightmare. They don't want to recall, but just want to forget.

Thinking of this, yunmenglong said, "I'll go to the bathroom and come back to continue." before they could answer, yunmenglong quickly opened the door and ran out. He was so anxious that if he didn't hurry, his urine would flow thousands of miles like a flood burst, but he didn't forget to lock the door.

Yunmenglong didn't know where the toilet was. He asked a classmate and went straight to the toilet. When he saw the toilet, he only glanced at the sign of the girl wearing the skirt and thought about it. He didn't understand what it meant. Yunmenglong didn't have the concept of public toilet. There was no distinction between male and female toilets whether at home or in the army, so yunmenglong went to the school toilet for the first time, There is no such concept. The next door to the women's toilet is the men's toilet, but the women's toilet is in front. Of course, yunmenglong entered the women's toilet in front.

As soon as yunmenglong entered, he saw a girl about to open the single door in the toilet. Yunmenglong wondered why the toilet here is so strange. There are girls in it? He scratched his head and patted the girl on the shoulder. He said politely, "this classmate, why are there so many doors in the toilet? Can you enter any one?"

The girl was startled. She just wanted to scream. Looking back, it was yunmenglong. She closed her mouth and didn't cry out. She said to yunmenglong, "well, whatever is OK. Mr. Yun, you use it first and I'll go out first." then the girl rushed out of the door. The girl happened to be a female student in yunmenglong's class. Yunmenglong vaguely remembered her name as Lin Linfang.

Yunmenglong didn't understand the girl's behavior. He didn't know why she ran away. He thought for a while and couldn't think of a reason. However, yunmenglong stopped thinking. After entering the toilet to solve the problem, he put on his pants and strolled out.

When he washed his hands and looked in the mirror, yunmenglong found that he was so handsome. He couldn't help pointing to himself in the mirror and said, "yunmenglong, you are so fucking handsome. No wonder women like you so much."

Then the door opened and a woman came in. She saw a man in the women's toilet. She thought she had entered the wrong door. She stepped back and saw the symbol on the door. She was sure it was the women's toilet. She guessed that she might be dazzled. When she went in again, she saw yunmenglong smiling at her. She smiled and said, "yunmenglong, how do you get into the women's toilet?"

"What women's toilet? Is the toilet still divided into men and women?" yunmenglong has no concept of the three words "women's toilet".

The woman couldn't help getting angry: "nonsense, the toilet is divided into men and women. Don't pretend to be stupid. Go out quickly. It's bad to be seen by others."

"Why are you going out? Let's kiss a little while there's no one and finish the unfinished work." yunmenglong came forward and hugged the woman with a smile. Yes, the woman who came was Lu Jiayao. If someone else had screamed, girls would scream when they met incredible and terrible things, such as sex wolves, cockroaches and ugly insects.

"Stop it. Get out of here. I'll call you rude again!" Lu Jiayao said while avoiding yunmenglong's mouth.

Yunmenglong didn't say anything yet. The door opened with a "squeak". Seeing that yunmenglong was holding a woman in the women's toilet, he instinctively opened his mouth and uttered an exclamation: "ah..."

It's a pity not to sing the soprano because the scream is so long-lasting and the decibel tone is so high. The cry was heard by everyone within a mile. Many young men and women heard the cry and rushed to the location of the sound source.

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