Supreme Satyr

Chapter 463

Yun Menglong waved his hand and said, "it's not so serious. It's just to make you look like me. If you have nothing to do, please invite those gangsters to dinner, attend some charity activities for me, and ask the mayor to play golf with them."

Chen Shaoyang frowned: "no, boss, you want me to play golf? Doesn't it kill me? Where can I? It's better for you to ask me to be a traffic policeman."

"If you're allowed to go, don't give me a hoot. Who says yunmenglong can play golf? Will you play blind? No one dares to laugh at you anyway. Go for a walk. I don't have much time, brother. There are so many sisters waiting for me when I go back." yunmenglong hugged Chen Shaoyang's neck and walked out.

"But boss, can't you do these things yourself? Why should I do them for you?" Chen Shaoyang asked yunmenglong as he walked.

"I'm not busy. I don't have time to accompany so many of your sister-in-law. Where can I have time to do these boring things? Sometimes it's hard to be the boss, and many things have to be done, which is very troublesome. You'll realize it slowly." yunmenglong sighed and said earnestly.

Chen Shaoyang motioned his middle finger to yunmenglong in his heart, and then said, "the boss is a well deserved emperor in the cloud sea. No one dares to gossip without doing this. You must have a deep meaning for me to do this?"

"Of course, you're smart. Qianlong college is a very strange school. Most of its students are indifferent to the outside society, but not all of them. What if someone knows my identity? I still want to have a good time in school and don't want to cause a sensation. It's a shocking thing for the big gangsters of the cloud sea to go to school, so I want you to go to school Pretend to be me and go for a stroll with nothing to do. Show your face and tell people that yunmenglong is still working hard in the underworld and doesn't go to school to soak up girls. "Yunmenglong praised Chen Shaoyang and said.

Yunmenglong's skill of changing looks really stood out in the world. After the completion of changing looks, even Wei Ya praised it and said, "Menglong, your skill of changing looks is not inferior to your ability of roasting dog meat. You are worthy of being a rare super genius in ten thousand years."

Yunmenglong threw a white eye at Wei Ya: "Hua Hua, you are so big that you really want to crush me when you buckle your hat? I think I am a super thunderbolt invincible hooligan rarely seen in a thousand years. Ten thousand years is too long, a thousand years is good." yunmenglong said shamelessly.

Wei Ya nodded and agreed, "you are really a super thunderbolt invincible hooligan. I believe no one can surpass you in a thousand or ten thousand years."

Yunmenglong smiled and scolded a few words, rode on the Kirin and left in the air. Yun Qifei is fast and steady. Yun Menglong thinks he can sleep in a quilt. In addition to the countless trees expanding in the dark, there are birds and animals walking or foraging in the dark. Yun Menglong was too lazy to watch. He simply closed his eyes and rested. He wondered how to get Jin Bingying.

At the thought of Jin Bingying, Yun Menglong felt very headache. It was like a big black dog meeting a curled up hedgehog. Jin Bingying is not that kind of iceberg beauty. She will get frostbite when she touches it. But she is more difficult to handle, because iceberg beauties are generally the day after tomorrow, and there are few congenital icebergs. The day after tomorrow, the iceberg will be easy to do. You can find out the cause of the iceberg and then apply the right medicine to melt it. Congenital iceberg, just go straight to Sanwei zhenhuo. Jin Bingying, a beautiful woman with light wind and light clouds, is difficult to go to the blue sky. You can never guess her mind. She has a pair of eyes that understand everything because of her sword cultivation, and she has great love for all the people in the world. Let her become more and more tall. She is Avalokitesvara. Can you flirt with Avalokitesvara with a smile? That's blasphemy. Yunmeng dragon is not afraid of blasphemy. But he didn't dare to blaspheme Jin Bingying, which was completely different from his usual rogue nature. Jin Bingying can make people have a heart of admiration that can only be viewed from a distance and can not be blasphemous, that is, Yunmeng dragon, who dare not make a chance. It seems that the war that moved Jin Bingying is still a protracted tug of war. Yunmenglong thought of the first world war that sent him to modern times and the heartbreak on Su Qingyao's face before he was buried. He couldn't help thinking, if he didn't die, would Su Qingyao stay with him forever, watch the sun rise and the moon fall, listen to insects and birds, go to the vicissitudes of the sea, to the withered sea and rocks, grow old together, grow old together, reincarnate together, and love forever?

Now, Su Qingyao is reincarnated, but she has long forgotten yunmenglong. Her love thousands of years ago disappeared in Mengpo soup again and again, leaving no drop left. No one knows how yunmenglong can find the fairy he loved deeply.

Yun Miaomiao looked at the colorful changes of Yun Menglong's expression with a pair of round cat eyes and said, "Yun Menglong, what are you thinking?"

Yunmenglong took yunmiaomiao and held it in his arms. Yunmiaomiao was startled, and his heart jumped like dense raindrops. Yunmenglong gently gathered yunmiaomiao's hair. Yunmiaomiao had a strange feeling, just as the floating cloud was penetrated by the sun, and its heart was penetrated by a lightning.

"Miao'er, you know, sometimes I really envy you. It's good to be a cat. You can eat fish and sleep when you're free, and you can eat dog meat when you're unhappy. You don't have to be as complicated as human beings. You have to cheat and fight in secret. If necessary, you have to deny your feelings. There are also feelings between men and women, which are ethereal, elusive and fragile. In fact, the most beautiful thing in the world Far away is the heart of the people. For some people, you never know how to reach her heart. "Yun Menglong sighed.

For these clouds, Miaomiao is confused and confused. She also thinks that human beings are so complex. She can easily see through a person. She often finds that what people say in their mouth is always inconsistent with what they think in their heart. She has always wondered why.

"Yunmenglong, aren't you happy?" although yunmiaomiao doesn't understand the complex feelings and psychology in the world, she knows that she likes yunmenglong very simply. Yunmenglong is not the kind of person who hides his mind at the bottom of his heart. He puts everything outside for people to see without fortification. Yunmenglong is unhappy. Yunmiaomiao can feel and see it.

Yunmenglong cheered up, shook his head and said, "nothing, just remembered some things. Did you see Jin Bingying? I like her very much. I like her very early, almost a thousand years ago. Now, she doesn't know me and forgot me. I went to school to make her fall in love with me again."

Yun Miaomiao blinked, and a burst of bitterness appeared in her heart. The feeling was even more strange. She didn't understand. The pupil in the distance is also dark and shining, but there is some water vapor.

Seeing that Yun Miaomiao didn't speak, Yun Menglong picked her up, kissed her gently on the nose and said with a smile, "did miao'er eat? Why didn't you speak?"

Yun Miaomiao sighed. The sigh was so sad that it was a hundred turns and a thousand turns. It was so affectionate. Yunmenglong was startled, and yunmiaomiao herself was startled. She didn't know when she had such human feelings. Yunmenglong didn't think that a cat's sigh was so painful. Yunmenglong couldn't help hugging her gently.

"Yunmeng dragon, do you like me?" Yun Miaomiao asked.

Yunmenglong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "yes, of course I like you. My family is wonderful, beautiful and lovely, of course I like you."

After all, Yun Miaomiao is not human, and she will not doubt yunmenglong's words. When she heard yunmenglong say she liked her, she immediately became very happy. She said in a sweet voice, "I like you too."

Yunmenglong heard some dizzy panic and was liked by a cat? Alas, he can't help feeling that his charm is too big to be affected by the boundaries of species. Dolphin mm liked it before, but now girl Yun Miaomiao loves it. Hey, is this lucky or unfortunate?

Back to yunlongyuan, it's more than nine o'clock. Yunmenglong's beauties didn't sleep, waiting for yunmenglong one by one. They gathered in the hall, drinking tea and chatting, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious. When yunmenglong saw this scene, he couldn't help but bend his mouth and feel a little more warm in his heart. This is his home. There are a group of women who love him deeply waiting for him. No matter how late they come back, the lights are on and they are smiling.

Seeing yunmenglong appear, they all stood up. Longmengyun met yunmenglong first. Others walked behind her tacitly. Long Mengyun is a well deserved elder sister. No one dares to steal her limelight. This is a tacit understanding and a hidden rule.

"Menglong, you're back." long Mengyun smiled.

Yunmenglong opened his arms and held longmengyun's jade body in his arms, feeling the deep love. He whispered in long Mengyun's ear: "wife, I love you, I miss you so much."

Long Mengyun's slender hand gently patted Yun Menglong's shoulder, just like patting his own child: "husband, I love you too."

Yunmenglong then hugged Liang Xiaotong, Xue Piao, Baihui, lily, Fengling, Jin Suying, and finally the pretty and slightly red faced Jin Suyuan. Yunmenglong hesitated and gently held her in his arms.

After the only male host took his seat, long Mengyun first spoke: "Xue Piao and Xiao Tong reported to us about Menglong's school trip today. I think Menglong has a long way to go. Now that you've gone to school, don't just pick up girls. I can't find out the founder of Qianlong college, but I always think it has a lot to do with you. You can check it by the way. Qianlong college has a lot of mysterious power. If you can use it for yourself, it's also important Very good. "

Yunmenglong nodded and said with a smile, "I'm going to fight with five fools tomorrow. It's said that I've accepted the name. It's boring. We can't do it. The life of any brother is life, and the rest can be killed. It's bullshit. I think the five boys owe smoke. Hum, I have to teach them a good lesson tomorrow." yunmenglong said to the Dragon Mengyun: "By the way, Xiao Hui also got the tiger in. The boy has something I don't want to do around me. He can do it. Everything in that school is good, but the food is too bad. It's as good as rat medicine. Xiao Qi is almost anorexic."

Long Mengyun nodded: "no problem. I'll just call Shi Yuanfeng. As for dinner, take a cook. Take ah Hua. His grandfather's master is the imperial chef in the Imperial Palace in the late Qing Dynasty."

Yun Menglong patted his thigh and said, "OK, let's do it. It's really not good for the cook not to bring it. Don't say to spend money on the meal. I won't eat it if he gives me money, but it's good to queue up to buy the meal. I feel very good."

Everyone had a chat. Yunmenglong was like a fish in water when he was in the powder pile. He kept wiping his hands and saying witty words, which made all the beauties close their mouths and laugh like flowers. It was called a beauty. At eleven o'clock, they reluctantly went back to their rooms to sleep. Yunmenglong had something to talk to longmengyun alone, so he went to longmengyun's bedroom.

"Xiaohui, what do you think I should do? I really don't know how to start. I'll become stupid when I see Jin Bingying. She defends well, and I dare not do it again. To tell you the truth, I really don't know how to do it?" yunmenglong took off cleaning and slipped into longmengyun's quilt.

Long Mengyun "puffed" and said with a smile, "does my super invincible lover still have nothing to do with women?"

Yunmenglong reached out to longmengyun's armpit and scratched: "smelly girl, laugh at me. See how I deal with you, brother."

Long Mengyun laughed wildly. A pair of plain hands tightly pressed yunmenglong's hands to prevent yunmenglong from moving. Yunmenglong smiled. A monkey stole into the peach blossom garden and directly extended to longmengyun's lower body. Long Mengyun's delicate body was shocked and released one hand to press the other hand of Yun Menglong.

"Meng... Meng long, don't you want to know how to deal with Jin Bingying?" long Mengyun clenched his lower lip and gasped.

Yunmenglong stopped and said, "tell me, what can I do?"

Long Mengyun pondered: "Jin Bingying is a talker of Cihang Jingzhai. She is a fairy in the world. She is different from ordinary women, so you can't use ordinary methods. Her purpose of going to school this time is to practice in the world, and the other is to find out the secrets of Qianlong college. Jin Bingying will not resist your pursuit if she practices in the world, because avoiding going against the original intention of practice, you have her homology The highest level of Cihang's sword code is that the sword heart is clear, and there is also the opposite magic mental method. To a large extent, good and evil attract each other. Your attraction to her is like a magnet, that is, fatal. What's more, you are her fate, and she can't escape your palm after all, so Menglong doesn't have to worry. "Long Mengyun paused and said: "Although Jin Bingying is a fairy, she is also a woman. Women like the same things. Generally speaking, flowers, gold, silver and diamonds are romantic. Of course, money is the basis of romance, and romance is synonymous with waste. There are sweet words, tenderness and consideration, hard-working, heroic spirit and Kung Fu in bed. Generally speaking, they are moved. This is true You have all of them, but you didn't show them to her. Don't treat her as a fairy. Just treat her as an ordinary person, an ordinary woman. Smoke her with flowers, smash her with gold, flash her with diamonds, and wrap her with your Kung Fu! "Long Mengyun's last words are very confusing. Yunmenglong's blood is boiling and his blood is gushing.

Yunmenglong nodded hard and said, "OK, I'll do it. However," his tone changed: "what if that doesn't work?"

"Not yet, then we have to use extraordinary means." long Mengyun said.

"What extraordinary means?" yunmenglong asked.

"We'll talk about it then." long Mengyun pretended to be mysterious.

"By the way, where did you come from?" yunmenglong asked in wonder.

Long Mengyun fumbled a book under his pillow and handed it to yunmenglong: "well, look."

Yunmenglong looked at it intently: "the complete manual of picking up girls" couldn't help but faint: "where did you get this book?"

Long Mengyun looked at Yun Menglong angrily and said, "of course, it's for your little enemy that people bought it to help you."

Yunmenglong was moved. He held longmengyun's gorgeous face, kissed her little mouth and said, "I know my wife is the best. Come on, after the small things are discussed, the big things should be carried out."

"What's the big deal?" said long Mengyun.

"People often say that love is the eternal theme of mankind. People often say that it's better to do what you say than to do. If you want to do it, it's OK. From this point of view, isn't the best thing plus the eternal theme a big deal?" yunmenglong said nonsense.

"What's the big deal?" the heart of the lady of Yunmeng cloud can't guess the belly of Yunmeng dragon hooligans.

Yunmenglong pointed to his mouth and said, "look at my mouth, have sex!" yunmenglong exaggerated these two words.

Two red clouds dyed her cheeks red. Long Mengyun was hot all over. She said shyly, "but according to your wishes!"

Yunmenglong turned over and mounted the horse, and longmengyun's delicate body was under it. Then longmengyun's small mouth sent out a moving singing. The meaningless tone auxiliary words were so enchanting and beautiful, adding a wonderful atmosphere to the night.

"Um... Ah... Ah... Force...!"

Night, deep as water, beautiful as a dream!

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