Supreme Satyr

Chapter 465

Boss spider, oh, no, it's a scorpion. The nail on his tail finger was very long and reflected bursts of blue light. It inadvertently moved. Yunmenglong had no expression at all. There was an overwhelming evil spirit in his eyes. That evil spirit was countless times stronger than the evil spirit in the eyes of the five poison hands.

"Are you sure?" the scorpion asked tentatively.

"Stop fucking nonsense and go," said Yun Menglong, taking the lead.

Feng Leihu, Liang Xiaotong and Xue Piao rushed out, and then all the students rushed out, including Jin Bingying.

On the arena, the Yunmeng dragon stood up to the wind. Somehow, there is always a strong wind in the arena, pouring in from all directions and nowhere to escape. Yunmenglong's hair was pulled up by the wind and caressed behind his head. The word Yushulinfeng is really suitable to describe him at this time. It's just... Beneath the surface of his eyes, there is a dark tide that no one knows. Evil spirits have all precipitated, but if they break out, who knows what will happen.

Five poisonous hands stand side by side, standing opposite Yunmeng dragon. They can also be regarded as having experienced hundreds of wars. They have been brothers for countless times, and their profits cut off gold. But what if you meet a super expert like yunmenglong? What's the difference between a baby who can only cry and a baby who can't bind a chicken? In the past, when five people beat people, they were always very happy. They didn't give each other a chance to do it. They went up to have a violent beating and made some Yin moves until they killed their opponent. Now, they have been standing and looking at yunmenglong opposite. They feel powerless. Yunmenglong's random stop has no flaws and is naturally harmonious.

Yunmenglong did not move, nor did they. The students in the class were almost frozen. The cold wind in late autumn was not fun. Several female students were shivering with cold. Nevertheless, no one showed impatience. This battle is the most expected one in recent years. A student with the identity of a teacher is very handsome, talented and hidden. On the other hand, many people talk about brotherhood and accept the name of the five poisons. This time, yunmenglong has the meaning of being angry at the crown. The wind Thunder Tiger rarely sees yunmenglong like this. He knows that yunmenglong is really angry. If Yunmeng dragon is really angry, I'm afraid these five poisonous hands can become five corpses without head and hands. For the boss, he was afraid in his heart. He came forward and pulled yunmenglong's arm and said, "boss, where do you need these rotten sweet potato stinky bird eggs? Give them to me."

A faint smile floated from the corner of Yunmeng dragon's mouth. He understood the meaning of wind, thunder and tiger. However, if he could not personally teach these five fools who destroyed the atmosphere, how could he eliminate the fire in his heart.

Yunmenglong's body moved slightly and disappeared without a trace. In less than a third of a second, he appeared in front of the five poison hand five meters away. In the blink of an eye, the five venomous hands have seen a clenched fist growing bigger and bigger in front of them, just like the shocking of putting it aside slowly. The five poisonous hands are also used to seeing the big scene. Although they are shocked, they can respond quickly. They floated back in order to avoid the punch of Yunmeng dragon.

It seems to outsiders that yunmenglong only made one punch. In fact, he made five punches at the same time. The speed is unimaginable. Can such a high-speed fist and five poisonous hands escape?

"BAM, BAM, BAM, bam!" there were five crisp sounds, and the five poisonous hands screamed at the same time. They flew backward and landed three feet away. They dodged back quickly, but the seemingly slow punch could hit the bridge of their nose at the same time, breaking their nose at the same time and bleeding.

Before the five poisonous hands got up, Yunmeng dragon was like a bone attached insect, like a shadow. He took a step forward, but crossed three feet in the air and stood next to the crow. With a strange smile, the crow was scared. He shouted, holding a dagger in his hand, stabbed at his thigh. Yunmenglong raised his foot and kicked the wrist of the crow holding the dagger with great accuracy. The crow screamed, the muscles and veins of the wrist were broken, and the dagger flew out. Yunmenglong raised his other foot and put his foot on the crow's chest. The crow felt a broken pain in his chest. He knew that at least two of his ribs were broken. He breathed hard and his face was white as lime.

Yunmeng Longju looked down at him with cold eyes, as if he were looking at a corpse. The crow held yunmenglong's calf hard, looked at him fiercely, and shouted to the others: "brothers, kill him and avenge me.

The crow bought time for the other four people. The bat was dressed in black like the crow. He quietly came to the back of yunmenglong, opened his mouth, exposed two sharp teeth, and bit down at the neck of yunmenglong.

"Yunmenglong, be careful." Liang Xiaotong was frightened and shouted.

Centipedes, spiders and scorpions have cruel smiles on their faces. Blood sucking bats kill people. People who are still alive after being bitten by bats have not yet been born.

"Bang!" there was only a sound of teeth colliding. The Yunmeng dragon under the bat suddenly disappeared. The crow's hands were still holding that position, but what about people?

"Bat, be careful!" shouted the slender centipede this time.

The bat's ears are very clever. He hears the subtle sound behind him and turns back in surprise, but he doesn't see yunmenglong. Yunmenglong has turned to his side and the blind area of his sight. Yunmenglong holds the spider's shoulders with both hands and pushes his knees upward. The spider sees yunmenglong. He wants to move, but his body is fixed. He opens his mouth to bite yunmenglong. Yunmenglong's knees are already dead On top of the spider's chin, yunmenglong flew upside down to the opposite centipede at the same time. The spider didn't bite yunmenglong. But he completely destroyed his two poisonous teeth. The fierce impact not only made his chin disjointed, but also made his two sharp poisonous teeth useless. The tip part had been broken, the mouth was filled with blood in a moment, and the spider lost its attack ability 。

The centipede saw the calm Yunmeng dragon and staggered back two steps.

"You... What do you want?" the centipede stammered. This boy is the most useless thing in the hands of five poisons, but his insidious is also famous.

"I want you to die," said yunmenglong coldly.

"Great Xia, spare your life! I have 80 grandmothers, parents in their fifties, and seven or eight brothers and sisters. If I die, they will be sad." the centipede flopped down on the ground, crying, holding yunmenglong's thigh and pleading bitterly.

Yunmeng dragon silk was not moved by it, and let the centipede shake. The centipede was extremely tall, so although kneeling, it was taller than an ordinary 12-year-old child. I don't know when the centipede took a fist stab dipped in poison on his hand. He took advantage of yunmenglong's inattention and made a straight hook along the inner side of yunmenglong's thigh. The target was yunmenglong's little brother.

Yunmenglong pressed one hand on the head of the centipede with an extremely disharmonious proportion between the centipede and the body, exerted slight force on the waist, took the head of the centipede as the support point, and stood upside down on his head. Normally, you can't use force. Yunmenglong's hand on the Centipede's head grabbed the Centipede's hair. Yunmenglong flew upside down for about two meters and pulled the Centipede's body straight up. The centipede struggled hard and couldn't get rid of yunmenglong's one hand, which only made his head hurt and cut by a knife. Yunmenglong made a beautiful somersault. At the same time, he threw it with one hand. The Centipede's tall body generally flew out, turned dozens of circles and flew out tens of meters. Finally, he hit the bluestone board with a "bang", and the bluestone board cracked as many as five pieces. Centipede is not thrown seven meat and eight vegetables, but also dizzy.

Yunmenglong clouds generally float slowly in the air, and then slowly move in front of the spider. The spider is relatively short and fat. He looks at yunmenglong in horror and is quite afraid of his magic power. The spider shouted and threw out a huge web to cover yunmenglong. Yunmenglong pointed to it as a knife. With a stroke in the air, a knife of silver light swept out. The silver light exploded on the huge web and emitted sparks. The huge web was stunned, but it was not cut open. Yunmenglong shook his head and opened his mouth. The black fire spewed out, the huge net burned, and the heat wave was surging. The spider was shocked. This web was made by a thousand year old spider after spinning for ten years. It is extremely tough. Water and fire do not invade, and swords do not enter. However, it was turned into ashes by a flame of Yunmeng dragon. It was scattered with the wind, leaving no trace.

Yunmenglong said coldly, "I hate dead fat people most. You look so fat. I greet your mother with X and Y. go to die for me!"

Yunmenglong kicked dozens of feet in a deadly series, and his feet were connected. His feet kicked the belly of the spider. Finally, yunmenglong spun around three hundred and six, and his two feet kicked on the side face of the spider. The spider sent out a series of screams, and finally "ah" a long scream flew out of the high wall. I don't know where it fell. It would be great if it happened to fall into the women's toilet.

It is said that the five poisonous hands with high combat index have been almost scattered by Yunmeng dragon in less than two minutes. There is only one left, that is the boss scorpion.

Without waiting for the Yunmeng dragon to attack, the scorpion turned against the guest. Behind the Yunmeng dragon, he jumped at the Yunmeng dragon standing in mid air, shooting several cold lights on his hands and feet and attacking several big acupoints around the Yunmeng dragon. Yunmenglong moved several feet in an instant to avoid the scorpion's concealed weapon attack. Yunmenglong smiled: "finally there's something like it."

Then, with a "whoosh" of Yunmeng dragon, the strong wind rolled towards the five poison boss scorpion. In the blink of an eye, Yunmeng dragon has thrown the scorpion to the ground and pressed his knees against the scorpion's two arms. The tiger came with a smile and pressed the scorpion's two thighs. Yunmenglong raised his fists and targeted the big head of the scorpion. Yunmenglong shouted "ah", and his fists fell on the scorpion's face like raindrops. Although the scorpion's name is not pleasant to hear, his small face is also well-balanced. After being ravaged by yunmenglong, the pig will laugh happily when he sees him. Because the red, blue and swollen face is worse than a pig's head. The Scorpion was beaten to a complete collapse, seven orifices bled, and blood and tears flowed in his eyes.

After yunmenglong's fist soup like a fight between hooligans, the scorpion has more breath, less air intake, and is dying. One of his little hands is already in the hands of the laughing yunmenglong's brother, Lord Yan.

"Cloud dream dragon, stop!" fairy Jin suddenly said out of nowhere.

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