Supreme Satyr

Chapter 469

Little Lori blinked and looked at the two people holding together. Yun Menglong looked at the little girl carved with powder and jade and felt a trance: the little girl is so beautiful. Is she an angel? But immediately, the anger of being knocked down by someone turned my heart and pressed it in a trance. Yunmenglong thought maliciously: this smelly girl is an angel. Her wings must have been twisted off and roasted, or why not?

Wushan Yunyu said to stop, and Xue Piao was stunned. For a moment, Xue Piao was a little flustered. She used yunmenglong's body as a shield to prevent the little angel like child from seeing her body. At the bottom of her heart, it was a very private thing. Now a child found it. The blow was really not ordinary. At least it had to exceed the magnitude 9 earthquake. Xue Piao tightly hugged yunmenglong and closed his eyes, as if she could not be seen by others. Isn't this a virtue like the silly ostrich chased and killed by hunters in the desert? He thought that everything would be all right if he buried his head in the sand, but the big ass was shaking with a clear-cut move outside, and the blind couldn't see it.

It's never happened that yunmenglong's nude was looked at by such a little girl, but yunmenglong has always had a thick face and is quite quick witted. So he calmed down for a moment. Without answering, he asked, "little Lori, oh, no, it's a little sister." yunmenglong opened his mouth and called others little Lori unkindly. Then he thought it was wrong and immediately changed his mouth: "why did you come up to such a high place? It's very dangerous. Did you get lost? Will my brother take you to your mother?"

The little girl was really a little girl. When asked by Yun Menglong, she forgot her problem. She shook her two pigtails and said crisply, "I'm not lost. I come to the typhoon shelter every day. It's very quiet here. I can think quietly alone." the little girl's black-and-white eyes showed a trace of confusion, as if she was troubled by some problem.

Yunmenglong caught the trouble and said, "how did you come up? Is there any problem that my little sister can't figure out? My brother can help you."

The little girl looked at yunmenglong in surprise. Her thick and slender eyelashes fluttered: "big brother, you are so powerful. How do you know I have a problem?"

Yunmenglong smiled proudly: "brother can see through people's hearts."

The little girl rolled her eyes, tilted her head and looked at the two people: "really?"

Yunmenglong nodded: "of course."

"Then tell me what's on my mind?" the little girl obviously didn't believe yunmenglong.

"OK," Yunmeng long agreed quickly, and then said, "but you have to turn to the opposite side of the screen for a minute."

"Why?" the little girl was puzzled.

"Because my brother wants to work, I'm afraid I'll hurt you if you face me so directly." yunmenglong said nonsense.

"Oh, it's very kind of you, brother." little Laurie smiled sweetly and raised her finger: "one minute?" when she saw yunmenglong nodding, she ran behind the screen.

Yunmenglong wiped a cold sweat, loosened the naked Xue Piao, took another look at Xue Piao's charming and moving body in broad daylight and said, "come on, get dressed."

In less than 30 seconds, they were dressed neatly. Xue Piao was the pure and moving beauty, and Yun Menglong was the well-dressed beast. Yunmenglong sighed, "piao'er is still beautiful naked."

Xue Piao looked at yunmenglong strangely and said, "I hate it. What can I do if a little girl sees it?"

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "it doesn't matter, little girl. It's not a young man. If a young man has to dig out his eyes, cut off the note and cut off the thing below."

Xue piaobai glanced at yunmenglong: "cut, you are so cruel. You are a hooligan who values women over men."

Yun Menglong said with emotion, "this is the fastest time for me to wear clothes. It's almost catching up with the changing speed of the model."

Xue Piao smiled: "me too."

The little girl then shouted from behind the screen, "is the big brother ready? It's one minute."

Yunmenglong heard the little girl's crisp voice like French fries. The corners of his mouth opened slightly. He also raised his voice: "OK, come here."

Little Lori saw the two people in good dress, and then said with admiration, "big brother, you dress so fast."

Yunmenglong laughed and agreed: "yes, yes, I also think I dress so fast today. I only knew that I take off my clothes quickly before, but now I know that I dress fast enough."

Just now, Xue Piao has been hiding in Yunmeng dragon's arms. Now facing little Lori, she can't help beating drums in her heart. When little Lori saw Xue Piao, she praised: "sister, you're beautiful."

Xue Piao put on a layer of rosy clothes, smiled and said, "little sister, you are also very beautiful."

Brother Lolita touched the little brother who could blow up the bullet and looked up at Yunmeng's dragon road. "The book says," the beautiful woman has the final say. Do you think I'm beautiful? "

Yunmenglong went to little Lori and squatted down. He pinched her face and said with a smile, "of course you are beautiful. Now you are a charming little beauty. When you grow up, you must be a big beauty who inverts all sentient beings."

Little Lori was embarrassed by yunmenglong. She lowered her head and teased her clothes. She didn't dare to see yunmenglong. Yunmenglong's blue eyes were full of smiles. Her eyes were bent into a new moon. Her eyelashes were longer and warped than women. Like a small brush, little Lori suddenly jumped up with a little heart. She thanked yunmenglong by saying, "big brother, take a good look too. It's the best looking boy I've ever seen."

Yunmeng smiled and said, "Oh? Really, have you seen many boys?"

"Well, yes, I'm twelve years old and have been in school for six years. There are many boys and many handsome ones in the school. For example, there are many handsome boys in Qianlong college. One is Yue Chen. Many girls send him love letters every day, but he doesn't want them. It seems that he secretly loves a sister like a fairy." the little girl nodded.

Yunmenglong frowned. He looked at little Laurie and asked, "what are you doing in Qianlong college? Isn't this a university? And what's the name of the girl like a fairy?"

"I go to school here," said little Laurie naturally, and then her eyes turned, "big brother, you're so nervous. Do you like that fairy sister, too?"

Yunmenglong smiled and pinched her little face and said, "you're smart. Yes, is that fairy sister Jin Bingying? How can you go to college when you're so young?"

Little Lori looked puzzled: "who is Jin Bingying? I went to college because I went to the junior class."

Yunmenglong was also stunned. Are there many Fairies in Qianlong college? If Jin Bingying is very reasonable, with her fairy like appearance and non worldly temperament, many men naturally admire her. However, yunmenglong doesn't pay attention to those rival lovers. Robbing women with yunmenglong is to seek death, or to find a blow if there is nothing to do. Yunmenglong suddenly realized that before coming to the youth class, Xiaohui said that the hidden dragon college is a gathering place of talents and demons. World famous universities such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Oxford and Cambridge often come to poach, but the success rate is extremely low. Domestic Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University and Fudan University are embarrassed to come, but Qianlong college often has students turn to domestic famous brands, which shows that the students of Qianlong college have a pure heart. The youth class, of course, is composed of children who are called genius at birth like Fang Zhongyong. Think about those little geniuses who can't go to kindergarten, play games, play mud and watch cartoons like ordinary children. Yun Menglong can't help but sigh that the life of geniuses is doomed to be boring.

Of course, yunmenglong is an exception.

"Nothing, it's not Jin Bingying. What's the name of the fairy?" yunmenglong asked after making a shameless conclusion.

Little Laurie held her chin in her white tender hand and said, "well... It seems to be su Qingyao."

Yunmeng dragon lost his voice and said, "what? Su Qingyao?"

"Yes? What's the matter?" little Lori was very puzzled about yunmenglong's reaction. Xue Piao naturally knows that yunmenglong tells his love history to his own woman. Although sometimes it's better for men not to say these things, because women are jealous and like to eat flying vinegar. The more boring vinegar, sometimes the more energetic they eat. Xue floated over and gently held yunmenglong's hand and said, "it should only be the same name and surname. Didn't you say Jin Bingying is Su Qingyao's reincarnation?"

Su Qingyao's three words are the eternal pain at the bottom of yunmenglong's heart. There are apricot blue, Xiuer and Yiyue. They are all fatal tenderness hidden in the bottom of my heart, the unbearable lightness of life, and the thoughts and regrets of eternity.

Yunmenglong smiled: "well, I overreacted. It's just that Su Qingyao has also been called a fairy. He must be very human. I have time to see him."

Xue Piao angrily shook off yunmenglong's hand and said, "you really don't change your color heart."

Yunmenglong said positively, "piao'er misunderstood. It's enough for me to have you. I just want to see this person with the same name and surname as Qingyao."

Xue Piao could not help but spend the belly of yunmenglong hooligans with a woman's heart. She apologized: "sorry, Menglong, piaoer is wrong. You are our husband. If you like it, you can find it. I won't have an opinion any more."

Little Laurie looked at the two people's love. You and I couldn't help feeling anxious. She shook yunmenglong with a pair of small arms and said, "big brother, do you know that fairy sister, too? She's very nice."

The tide of memory surged in, and the cloud dream dragon suddenly disappeared. Yunmenglong's eyes cast a broken and sad color, and returned to the years thousands of years ago. The tenderness of Luo God, the sincerity of the cold pool, the posture of the bamboo house, the sword of magic snow, and a drop of tears in his heart were staged step by step, as real as yesterday.

"It's me. I know her. She's really good. She stabbed her beloved man for the sake of life. From then on, the ends of the world are separated and time and space are staggered." yunmenglong said faintly.

The deep feeling in yunmenglong's eyes seems that thousands of arrows pierce the heart. Anyone who sees it will feel heartache. Although little Lori is a genius, she only knows a little about the feelings between men and women. She is basically an idiot, but yunmenglong's eyes really moved her. She anxiously took yunmenglong's hand, and two lines of clear tears burst into her eyes, like pearls falling.

"Don't be sad, big brother. It's very sad to see you like this," said little Laurie wrongfully.

Yunmenglong was moved by the little Laurie named Qiqi, and the memory stopped suddenly. Yunmenglong smiled, gently wiped away the clear tears of little Lori, wiped away the tears and said, "brother, it's okay. Your name is Qiqi? It's a lovely name."

Seven seven nodded and said, "well, my name is Cheng seven seven. Big brother can call me seven seven or little seven in the future."

"OK, Qiqi, if you have any trouble, tell big brother. Big brother will help you solve it." yunmenglong asked.

"Eh? Didn't you say you could see through people's hearts? What troubles do you say I have?" 77 said suspiciously.

"Yes, I can see through people's hearts, but our Qiqi is an angel. Angels are not mortals. How can I see through?" yunmenglong smiled.

"Hum," Qi Qi Jiao snorted, tooted his small mouth and said angrily, "brother, Qi Qi is not an angel, Qi Qi is a man."

Yunmenglong gently stretched out his hands, fixed Qiqi's petite body and said, "Qiqi is my brother's angel."

Qiqi was stunned. Her chest was like a deer bumping into her arms. She lowered her eyes and whispered, "Qiqi likes her brother."

Yunmenglong was startled. He had no idea about little Lori. There was no drum above and no hair below. What's the meaning? But how could he bear to hurt others. Yunmenglong is also a boy. He is very narcissistic. The little girl said that he just likes him. There's no other meaning. He insisted on the love of men and women. Alas, there's no way to take him.

"Brother also likes Qiqi very much." Yunmeng dragon has a warm smile on his face.

"Really? My brother kissed Qiqi. My mother said that my father would kiss her if he liked her." Qiqi simply looked at yunmenglong and said seriously.

"Qiqi first tells his brother how to get up to such a high place, and his brother kisses you." yunmenglong always feels strange that not everyone can come up to this place. It is said that Qianlong Pavilion is a restricted area, and few people come in. How can Qiqi, a little girl, come up?

Qiqi's face was cloudy and sunny. She bit her lower lip and looked at yunmenglong. After a long time, she said, "my brother doesn't have to kiss Qiqi. I promise the man can't say it. How did my brother and sister come up?"

"Brother and sister flew up." yunmenglong didn't hide Qiqi.

"Elder brother and elder sister can fly? That's great. Qiqi also wants to fly. Can you fly with Qiqi?" Qiqi said with open arms and big eyes flickering like stars.

Yunmenglong picked up the lovely little Qiqi and jumped up, "whoosh" a sound. They were already above the clouds. The wind roared in Qiqi's ears. Qiqi opened his eyes and looked at the cotton like white clouds floating around. The shape was unpredictable. He couldn't help shouting excitedly: "great, great, Qiqi flew, Qiqi flew."

Yunmenglong felt the joy of Qiqi, and the corners of his mouth were bent into the arc of the first quarter moon.

"Brother, can you kiss Qiqi?" Qiqi asked again.

"Well, where does Qiqi want his brother to kiss?" yunmenglong couldn't say no to the little girl.

Qiqi pointed to his little red mouth and said, "here."

"Ah?" cloud dream dragon was stunned: "here?"

"Well," Qi Qi nodded, and then looked at Yunmeng dragon with innocent big eyes. The plea inside was like spray. It was everywhere: "okay?"

Yunmenglong was defeated. He was not pedantic. The little girl let him kiss, but no one saw it. Yunmenglong didn't want to hurt the hearts of other children, so he kissed.

Yunmenglong flew and gently approached Qiqi's small mouth. Qiqi opened his eyes to see how yunmenglong kissed her. His big eyes didn't blink. He was really engaged in observation. Under the gaze of Qi Qi, yunmenglong really can't kiss. Isn't this what animals do?

"Will you close your eyes?" said Yunmeng dragon.

"Ah? Why?" Qiqi didn't understand.

"Close your eyes and feel it with your heart." yunmenglong said.

Seven seven nodded, obediently closed his eyes, yunmenglong's lips covered it, and the four lips pasted together gently, light love and thick sweetness. Qiqi's heart beat faster. A strange feeling tied to her heart. She just wanted this kiss to last forever.

For a moment, lip points. Seventy one little face turned red, as if drunk, and the clear eyes were half open and half closed.

Yunmenglong looked down and was palpitating. Yunmenglong is secretly vigilant. She is a 12-year-old girl. She can't harm her. Yunmenglong was stunned by his idea. How did he start to have such a kind idea? Is it possible that a rogue is no longer a rogue, but a kind rogue.

"Seven seven." cloud dream dragon whispered.

Seven seven kissed someone for the first time, but she couldn't return to God for a long time. Yunmeng dragon shouted several times before she had a reaction: "huh?"

"Don't tell others about my kissing you?" yunmenglong said.

"Why?" Qiqi was really a simple child and didn't understand anything.

"This is the secret between us." yunmenglong said.

Seven seven nodded and said, "well, this is the secret of seven seven and his brother. We don't tell anyone."

Go back to the ground and put down 77. Xue Piao came forward and said, "there's not much time. Class is almost over. We'll be found if we don't go back."

Yunmenglong turned back, squatted down, straightened out Qiqi's hair stirred by the wind with his hand, and said, "Qiqi, brother, go to class. See you next time."

Qiqi took yunmenglong's big hand and said, "brother, when shall we meet again?"

Yunmenglong thought for a moment and said, "do you have a mobile phone?"

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