Supreme Satyr

Chapter 473

Feng Ling said loudly, "well, no, it's not good to let Yun Menglong, a smelly rascal, be a matchmaker."

Yunmenglong: "down!"

The wind Thunder Tiger wiped a cold sweat: "Oh, my God, can you finish it all at once? Half of it is easy to scare people to death. If you don't let him be us, you can change it." the boy immediately has heterosexual and inhumane. He has a daughter-in-law and forgets the boss.

Others nodded: "teacher Yun's image is far from that of a matchmaker. It's really not suitable to be a matchmaker."

Yunmenglong shook his head when he heard what they said. He couldn't help feeling that the world is going down. The little children are getting smaller and smaller, and they don't know how to respect teachers, respect the old and love the young. In particular, the tiger is the worst boy. It's very neat to cross rivers and bridges and kill donkeys. He used to be the eldest and now his wife is the biggest. Yunmenglong really shouldn't bother to make such a show. It's better to let this boy secretly love for a lifetime.

"Well, well, I fucking conform to the public opinion. The matchmaker is not right, but I want to be the main wedding man. The wedding ceremony begins now!" yunmenglong cheered, snapped his fingers, and immediately jumped out several girls. She pulled the stunned Fengling into yunmenglong's office, forced off her clothes, and then changed her into a wedding dress she didn't know where to get from, The snow-white wedding dress is a woman's favorite and happiest dress. The Phoenix spirit in the wedding dress hides her oblique personality, and becomes gentle as a spring water, flexible as clouds in the sky, pure as clear streams and springs. The amazement on her beautiful face dissipates, and what floats up is happiness with shyness. The great happiness that spreads is what many women dream of. Feng Ling's smile was so beautiful that people and gods were jealous. The sudden happiness made her smile more thrilling and incredible.

The tiger's black suit was also forcibly taken off by sanyan'er and others after yunmenglong compared his middle finger, and then changed into a darker suit. Fenglei tiger was very depressed, but after looking in the mirror, he found that he was handsome, and the depression was swept away. Yunmenglong was more licentious and put on the priest's clothes. Pretending to be the whole Bible, he held it in his arms and put on a pair of gold rimmed glasses with no degree. Yunmenglong has tried something with a certain degree. After wearing it, it's called uncomfortable. The world is like a kaleidoscope and keeps turning.

Others are also busy, flowers, balloons, candles, flowers, a lot of things. After 20 minutes of arrangement, the classroom became a wedding hall, and a uncle Jesus crucified was hung on the blackboard.

In order to meet the occasion, Yunmeng longleng engaged dozens of white pigeons and hired 20 Christians to sing the Bible.

Half an hour later, Feng Ling, dressed in an expensive snow-white wedding dress, appeared in front of everyone. Xue Piao took her arm. At this time, Feng Ling was noble, shy, dignified and full of amorous feelings. The corners of his mouth, eyes and smile. The wind Thunder Tiger looked at the beautiful bride foolishly and pinched himself mercilessly. The pain made him show his teeth, not a dream. The wind Thunder Tiger smiled, and there was only one crack left in his big eyes like a copper bell. They stared at each other affectionately and looked at each other. They both felt that things were changing.

They looked at the sparrow's auditorium with all five internal organs arranged in such a short time, and their admiration for yunmenglong was like a flowing river. Who can do such magic powers and means except Yunmeng dragon?

The best man of the tiger is residual blood. Residual blood looks at such a great beauty getting married, but the groom is not him. He can't help dripping blood in his heart, but he can't cry, but can only laugh. He laughs brightly, as bright as the sun, but it's more ugly than crying.

Yunmenglong just said to him, "pork Rong, do you have a problem with being the best man for the tiger?"

Residual blood nodded: "well, yes."

"What opinion?" yunmenglong is very democratic.

"Can't you do it properly?" asked residual blood.

"OK, you don't have to be when you die." Yun Menglong said indifferently.

Residual blood:

"Do you have any comments?" yunmenglong asked.

"No." residual blood is very good.

Yunmenglong patted the shoulder of residual blood and said, "ah Rong, go and change your clothes."

The remnant blood rabbit walked away as obediently as a rabbit. In his heart, he was greeting the female compatriots in the ancestors of yunmenglong's 18th generation with unbearable dirty, disgusting and obscene language.

Yun Menglong is the principal marriage witness, Liang Xiaotong is the marriage witness, and the two married people are Feng Leihu and Feng Ling.

Yunmenglong also found little Lori of 77 and asked her to dress up as Cupid. The little 77 with snow-white wings really looks like an angel. With a sweet smile, she held a bow, opened the bow and shot a small silver arrow at two connected hearts, indicating that they have been linked by flesh and blood and heart to heart since then.

Yun Menglong looked at the Bible and pretended to read a long paragraph. Then he looked up and asked Feng Leihu, "bridegroom, would you like to marry the bride?"

The wind Thunder Tiger nodded hard: "yes."

"Whether she is rich or poor in the future, or whether she is healthy or unwell in the future, are you willing to stay with her forever?" yunmenglong continued.

The wind Thunder Tiger said without hesitation, "yes, I do."

Then yunmenglong turned and asked Fengling, "bride, will you marry the groom?"

Feng Ling looked at the wind Thunder Tiger shyly and said, "yes, I do."

Yunmenglong said solemnly, "whether she is rich or poor in the future, or whether she is healthy or unwell in the future, are you willing to stay with her forever?"

Feng Ling replied, "yes, I do."

"Would you like me to castrate the Tiger now?" yunmenglong suddenly smiled.

"Ah?" Feng Ling and Feng Lei Hu fainted at the same time.

"Ha ha, I'm kidding. Well, I announce in the name of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Father and the Holy Son that the bride and groom are married. Now, the groom can kiss the bride." yunmenglong made a small joke and said professionally.

Wind and thunder looked at yunmenglong and cried. He whispered, "boss, ring."

Yunmenglong patted his head: "Oh, oh, sorry, I forgot." yunmenglong said, took out two small red boxes and handed them to them.

The two opened the box and gave each other rings. When the tiger put the ring inlaid with 15 carats of the purest and most beautiful diamonds in the world, he began to gather his mouth and start his first kiss. Fengling's shy daughter-in-law closed her eyes and waited for the tiger's kiss. The long eyelashes edited happiness. It was like a real dream. It was sudden and new happiness.

Dozens of white pigeons fluttered and flew. The beautiful scene, the eternal kiss, was fixed at the moment when the four lips touched each other. The happiness of two people was infinitely expanded at that moment, spread to the air and became the happiness of all people.

Flowers and colored paper are flying all over the sky. The bridegroom and bride are dancing in it. They are like a fairy couple. Enviable.

A moment later, yunmenglong cleared his throat and said, "the western wedding ceremony is over, and now the traditional wedding ceremony begins."

The wind Thunder Tiger immediately fainted: "boss, didn't you let me get married twice?"

Yunmenglong asked, "isn't it good to get married twice?"

The wind Thunder Tiger said, "of course not. Getting married twice becomes a second marriage, and the object of the two marriages is still the same person. It's ok?" but he didn't dare to say so. The tiger reluctantly said, "no, very good, very good."

Feng Ling is the bride at this time. She can't get angry. So I also acquiesced to the absurdity of yunmenglong.

Yunmenglong also made a speech of worshipping heaven and earth, worshiping the high hall, paying homage to the husband and wife, and sending it into the pond. This led to a laugh. It was a kind laugh, a happy laugh.

Everyone was laughing. One man was crying. He was tied into a standard zongzi and thrown into an empty black warehouse. He cried silently, "is there anyone? Come quickly?"

Who is he? Yes, he is the teacher of Senior Mathematics in class 3 of international trade, and the classroom where Feng Leihu and Feng Ling get married belongs to him

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