Supreme Satyr

Chapter 476

Yunmenglong saw that the boy was very drag and had two sons. I can't help thinking, "follow me, maybe you can see my son."

Holding the mood of bumping into the Universiade, Yunmeng dragon followed behind Shi Wuchen. A faint smile floated from the corners of Shi Wuchen's mouth. The smile was unspeakable evil.

"Boss, I'll go with you," said the tiger.

Yunmenglong waved his hand: "no, stay with your wife. I'll take you away. I'm afraid your wife will cry when she thinks of you."

Feng Ling was so angry that Bai yunmenglong looked back and said, "don't think about your wife crying when you're gone."

Yunmeng longban looked at the wind Thunder Tiger and said, "tiger, what are you going to do when your wife treats the boss like this?"

"Boss," said the wind Thunder Tiger bitterly, "I'm afraid of the inside, little brother. You just smoke me."

Yunmenglong really hates iron but not steel. He hates to point to the wind and Thunder Tiger and says, "you, you, really humiliate me. With a female tiger, your real tiger will wilt into a cat. I won't tell you. Be your good cat and take care of piao'er and Tong Tong Tong by the way." after that, he keeps up with Shi Wuchen 100 meters away.

Residual blood hesitated for a moment, expanded his body and followed Yunmeng dragon. He said on the left side of Yunmeng dragon, "I'll go with you, boss."

Yunmenglong nodded with a smile, "are you finally willing to show your martial arts?"

Remnant blood said with a smile, "how dare you play with a big knife in front of Guan Gong? Am I not open-minded?"

The cloud dream dragon glanced at the residual blood and said, "fart, you are still open-minded. I think you are a hungry ghost in color. Are you still thinking about my piao'er? I saw you staring at piao'er several times."

The remnant sweated and sighed: "I'm lecherous. If it weren't for this broken problem, I wouldn't be so miserable without my parents. As for looking at my sister-in-law, alas, boss, why don't you dig out my eyes? My sister-in-law is so beautiful. At first, I couldn't help looking at you more, but I haven't stared at you for more than three seconds since I took you as my brother."

Yunmeng Dragon said, "yes, you don't stare for three seconds. You look for two seconds, then see if I pay attention, then look for two seconds, and then look at me."

Residual blood said, "I can't help but move my eyes and don't do it."

As they talked, they walked around 17 corridors and turned more than 20 corners. Shi Wuchen took yunmenglong and they came to a very remote place. It was no longer a teaching area or a logistics department. It looked like a deserted place for a long time.

Residual blood whispered, "boss, this is called ghost land. Ten years ago, it was said that there was a big escape here, killing and wounding thousands of people. Ghosts often haunt here in the late night, but it's just a rumor. I don't know whether it's true or not."

Yunmenglong nodded gently, then raised his voice and said, "brother Shi, where are you taking me?"

Shi Wuchen stopped, turned around, smiled and said, "right here." after that, a Yin wind blew and rolled up several leaves left on the ground.

In late autumn, the cold wind passes through the hall and goes deep into the bone marrow.

Murderous Qi, evil Qi, blood Qi, ghost Qi.

From all directions, from heaven to earth.

In a blink of an eye, Yunmeng dragon and residual blood were surrounded by hundreds of masked and barefoot people. Those people only showed two eyes. Fierce light was emitted from their eyes and looked directly at Yunmeng dragon. It seemed that Yunmeng dragon had a deep hatred with them.

Yunmenglong was so fearless. He held his shoulders in his hands and deliberately said with a smile, "it's grand for so many people to welcome me. What can yunmenglong do?"

Shi Wuchen's eyes were full of ridicule, as if yunmenglong was a clown and a big idiot with zero IQ: "yunmenglong, are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? Do you think so many people come to welcome you?"

"Oh? I'm not surprised. I thought your way of welcoming guests was unique and different." yunmenglong continued to pretend to be a fool.

"The way the release guild welcomes guests is really different, but it's not like this. In this way, hundreds of people surround you with all kinds of murder weapons. It's not welcome, but send you off to report to the Lord of hell." Shi Wuchen said with a teasing smile.

Yunmenglong shook his head and said, "Alas, speaking of the king of hell, I really miss him. If he didn't want to see me, I would have gone to him for tea and chat. If you have the ability, I might as well go to the king of hell for a walk."

Residual blood pulled the sleeve of layunmenglong and whispered, "boss, there are too many people. You still say sarcastic words. Shall we run?"

"What do you want to run? The big man is wrapped up in a suit. If you die in battle, how can you shrink back." yunmenglong said with awe inspiring righteousness.

"Isn't it, brother? If you keep the green mountains, you're not afraid of no firewood. There are many people in other people. We can't beat it. It's the best of the thirty-six plans." Residual blood's face was pale. He didn't have much confidence in the so-called defeat formula, because he didn't have enough actual combat experience. He only played tricks at ordinary times and didn't need to start. He just practiced secretly. As for the power, well, he didn't know. Secondly, he didn't know the real depth of yunmenglong. Although he knew that yunmenglong was very strong, he didn't believe in yunmenglong's war The fighting index can be as high as PK with hundreds of experts at the same time. If he knows that yunmenglong is okay, he will not be afraid when he beats more than 20000 experts on the ground and cries for his father and mother.

While talking, hundreds of people sent out strong pressure and narrowed the encirclement step by step. Yunmeng dragon and residual blood eye became turtles in a jar. They stood back-to-back with residual blood shaking hands and feet: "Damn it, are you going to die today? Sobbing, no, I haven't slept with 180 beauties yet, my wish hasn't come true... I don't want to die!" residual blood began to feign Yunmeng dragon in his heart and greeted Yunmeng dragon's mother hundreds of times.

Yunmenglong shouted, "Hey, Shi Wuchen, are you really a Buddhist?"

Shi Wuchen's bleak voice came: "yes, I am indeed a Buddhist practitioner, but that was a thing before."

Yunmeng dragon scolded with his middle finger: "my day!"

When the innermost people took out the murder weapon and jumped at them, they suddenly disappeared. They disappeared at the moment when the murder weapon stabbed them. In this case, coupled with the role of the natural law of inertia, many murder weapons were inserted into their own people. However, they were also high handed, did not kill by mistake, and only suffered minor injuries.

Residual blood was going to use Baitian Jue against the enemy, but it was put forward by yunmenglong like a chicken. Yunmenglong grabbed him with a backhand, and he had no resistance at all, just like a baby.

The hundreds of people looked around in order to find the shadow of yunmenglong. Their goal was only yunmenglong. As for the residual blood, they were willing to do it if they sent it to the door.

"Hey, you stinky sweet potato rotten bird eggs, I don't know if there is anyone up?" a lazy voice came from their heads.

They looked up and were stunned: Yunmeng dragon was sitting leisurely in mid air with residual blood. A cloud was struggling under Yunmeng dragon's ass. it was obvious that Yunmeng dragon was forced to sit on it.

Shi Wuchen was also slightly stunned. He jumped into the air and blew a punch at Yunmeng dragon. A red light rushed to Yunmeng dragon with a strong air flow. Yunmeng dragon blew a breath gently, and the highly concentrated air flow immediately turned hostility into harmony, disappeared into the clouds and blew the clouds into a heart shape.

The hundreds of people were surprised to see that yunmenglong's understatement broke Shi Wuchen's thundering fist. Shi Wuchen said an interesting sentence, and then his fists burst out again and again. His figure turned into dozens of shadows. His fist was as real as a substance, and the missile roared at yunmenglong and residual blood. The cloud moved left, right, up and down. Every move was worthy of avoiding the attack of boxing. Release No dust, no success, fall back to the ground.

The hundreds of enemy troops opened their mouths and watched the whole process, forgetting that their identity was to participate in the battle, not the audience.

Shi Wuchen was furious: "Why are you stunned? Fight!"

Then they came to their senses and used all their skills and magic weapons to fight the two people in the air.

For a moment, there was lightning and thunder in the air, the wind hissed and roared, weapons of various colors and shapes, light balls, shrapnel, concealed weapons and dense clouds of Chaoyun Menglong. If Yunmeng dragon was so leisurely again, it was estimated that he would really go to have tea with the handsome man of hell, and it was beyond recognition and devastated.

Yunmenglong dodged at high speed and flexibly avoided the bombardment. The people below were happy to fight and throw what they caught. Some things didn't hit yunmenglong and fell down again, breaking XX's head. XX shouted "Oh" and squatted on the ground with blood flowing.

Five or six minutes later, the following fools were tired, sweating and panting loudly. They stared at the undamaged Yunmeng dragon running around like a meteor in the air. They were so angry that they had no way. Several fools took off the masked black cloth to wipe their sweat and said, "I'm so tired that I haven't seen such a madman and would hide."

That's stupid enough. If people don't hide, can you beat them?

Yunmenglong fell ten meters away from these people and said, "do you still have the strength to fight?"

They shook their heads. "It's boring."

"Have you had enough?" the hundreds of masked men nodded at the same time.

"It's my turn to fight." yunmenglong said. Lightning rushed into the crowd like a lion falling into a sheep. Yunmenglong raised his feet, fell again and again, and kept saying, "I step, I step, I step!"

Each foot falls on the foot of an enemy, and each foot brings a scream. No matter how they hide, they can't escape the fate that their bare feet become swollen pig feet.

Three minutes later, hundreds of people all sat on the ground and screamed with their feet in their arms. While moaning in pain, they scolded yunmenglong: "shameless, shameless, stepping on other people's feet, sobbing..."

Yunmenglong raised his middle finger and said, "cut, who told you not to wear shoes."

Those people regretted: "I knew I would wear shoes."

Yunmenglong said to the remnant blood, "pork Rong, go and beat these people. If I come back, I'll beat you into a pig's head."

"Ah? Yes, boss!" the residual blood was scared in a cold sweat. He nodded quickly and beat a group of losers. He was still very confident. Ha ha, it's a little fun.

Yunmenglong was about to leave. Residual blood grabbed him and asked, "boss, what are you doing?"

"Nonsense, I'll go after Shi Wuchen. This boy is the mastermind. I'd like to see who the real mastermind behind the scenes is. Ask these people to see if they can be interrogated?" Yun Menglong said and left like the wind.

"Hey, boss, don't leave me alone. I'm so scared!" residual blood shouted, but there was no response. Residual blood summoned up courage and walked towards the hundreds of people with a smile

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