Supreme Satyr

Chapter 493

"Hum, how can I die? If I die, my charming beauties will be widowed. If I step back, I will die," said yunmenglong. "I have to take two cushions." yunmenglong psychologically let go of the raging waves and water evil spirits, but will others let him go?

Yunmenglong's feet slowly grew in the sight of the soul devouring blood devil. There was a wind at his feet. The cold wind was like a knife, which made the soul devouring blood devil unable to open his eyes.

Seeing that the soles of yunmenglong's feet will be in close contact with the face of the blood devil, if the posture goes on, there are two outcomes of the soul devouring blood devil. One is that it is beyond recognition and lingers, but its head turns into a rotten watermelon and dies ugly.

"Bang!" with a loud noise, yunmenglong's feet were implemented. Are you beyond recognition? There's no one like that for a long time. Has that head turned into a rotten watermelon? No, because the ghost ghost opened the soul devouring blood ghost at the last minute. The "ghost wind and cloud" step of the ghost ghost ghost is really amazing.

However, no matter how amazing it is, is it possible to be faster than yunmenglong's feet? Yunmenglong's feet are less than 30 cm away from the face of the soul eating blood ghost, and the distance between the ghost spirit evil ghost and yunmenglong is three or four meters.

"Ah!" with a scream, the ghost ghost opened the soul devouring blood ghost, but he was kicked hundreds of meters away by yunmenglong. Yunmenglong's foot concentrated 99% of his strength. The ghost spirit and evil spirit churned in five and was in pain. Yunmenglong's foot directly made him fly out of the forest, hit more than a dozen trees, and finally hit a huge stone weighing ten square meters. The ghost spirit and evil spirit were embedded in it, like fossils. It was really lifelike.

Well, it's a living man!

Yunmenglong's foot was not in the soul devouring blood devil. Now the blood devil has been beaten half dead by yunmenglong. Don't say fighting again, he has no strength to stand up. What if yunmenglong just beat him to death? The other three could still kill him, so yunmenglong deliberately led one of the water evil, fire evil and ghost evil, and then gave him a heavy blow when he saved people! One on three, come in a down-to-earth way. Yunmenglong has no chance at all. The so-called war strategy and the so-called war is not tired of fraud. Yunmenglong has to use a plan. He only hopes that it is not shuisha who can save people. In his heart, it was shuisha who never wanted to get this kick. For how shuisha recovers, see the three evil spirits come together. I guess I know that it is the cooperation of morlie Yan evil spirit and ghost spirit evil evil spirit. But how to break his prohibition, yunmenglong still wants to know.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, this kick kicked the wrong person. It's clumsy, clumsy." yunmenglong said with a smile.

Evil fierce Yan Sha's face was livid. He looked at the crazy wave water Sha and said, "ah Bing, it's this annoying boy who robbed your energy and water spirit. Now we kill him and get back what belongs to you."

The eyes of kuangtao shuisha looking at yunmenglong are very complex. The cold-blooded and ruthless devil robber can't bear it. This emotion is very strange, really strange. But! He did rob himself! Energy, water and spirit, that's his soul. Thinking of this, kuangtao shuisha nodded slowly and said, "OK, kill him and get back my energy, water and spirit!"

With one arm, yunmenglong soared into the sky, flew to the top of the forest and stopped 20 meters away from the highest treetop. Yunmenglong opened his mouth and shouted, "roar!"

The blue high-temperature flame spewed out. The diameter of the flame was one foot and grew to infinity. A forest of hundreds of square meters was immediately covered by the fire. The fire borrowed the mountain wind, the fire was like a rainbow, and the tongue of fire ran everywhere, swallowing everything that could be swallowed. Hiding in a tree, yunmenglong burned his clothes and cursed that yunmenglong would die if he didn't die well. There was no doubt that he would die without a burial place. LAN hengyuhuan shot out the fire, turned over and disappeared.

The two evil spirits of water and fire in the forest looked at each other and flew out quickly. They didn't want to become roast suckling pigs in the forest. The mysterious fire is pure. In addition, the fire is too prosperous. It is a hundred years thick forest. A incense stick is turned into ashes. The vigorous wind in the mountain is fierce, raising black ash and sprinkling it in the air. The air is filled with the smell of burning people.

There are many dense forests in lengyun mountain. There is another one not far from this dense forest. If yunmenglong doesn't play with fire, this fire will certainly set fire to the trees, shrubs, wild animals and so on that can burn in lengyun mountain for hundreds of miles.

Yunmenglong knew that the fire could not cause any great damage to the two evil spirits. At most, it could only burn their hair. Sure enough, he sat on a cloud and looked down. The two men with black hair and long eyebrows had become bald donkeys, but their heads were not so visible, but dark. His face is mixed with black, white and gray, like a charcoal man.

The two evil spirits vomited the fireworks and dust in their mouths, and their hearts were very angry. They raised their eyes and looked at yunmenglong. They looked leisurely and more angry. The "scorching sun soul" of evil, fierce and burning evil is ready to move by the "mysterious fire spirit" of yunmenglong. It is extremely unconvinced. Evil fierce Yan Sha put his hand behind his back. He didn't know where to take out a fiery red stick, about five feet long and half feet in diameter. Then he turned his head and said to the shuisha beside him, "ah Shui, where's your cold ice sword? Take it out and kill the smelly boy."

The fierce water evil spirit chanted a spell in his mouth, and a pale blue ice sword with a trace of white air slowly appeared in his right hand. The cold air of the ice sword made the evil fierce Yan evil spirit involuntarily far away from the water evil spirit.

They attacked Yunmeng dragon in mid air with a fire stick and an ice sword. When the fire stick is attacked, the ice sword is attacked. The fire stick sweeps the legs and waist. Every time, it brings a burst of Tibetan green fire house. The fire tongue spews out the old long and curls up to yunmenglong. The ice sword cuts vertically, cuts horizontally and stabs straight. The move seems fierce, but there is room for it. Nevertheless, it's not easy to feel the cold air and the small ice sword flying out. They cooperate seamlessly. Who says water and fire can't be tolerated? Who has ever seen such a kind of fire stick ice sword?

The two disciples of Yunmeng dragon also simulated a sword and a stick, but it was just a fire sword and a popsicle. Yunmeng dragon's left hand fire sword and water evil's cold ice sword and right hand popsicle blocked the attack of the popsicle of evil fierce Yan evil. However, Yunmeng dragon's wounded body, how to defeat two with one, less than ten moves, he was left and right, embarrassed, his left knee had been swept by the fire Luan stick, and the burning Qi swam along with his veins, Yunmenglong's body is like a fire. Yunmenglong transports water power secretly and slowly dispels fire. Although the anger was gone, the kneecap had cracked and was in pain.

Yunmeng dragon acted slowly and said to himself, "I can't continue. If I play like this, I will die. There is no doubt that there is a ghost ghost. I don't believe that I will lose my temper by kicking him with one kick. If he joins the leader again, I will die. I don't have as many hands as three." when Yunmeng dragon made up his mind, Once again, he was concentrated on the other knee by the fire Luan stick. Yunmenglong almost fell to his knees. He turned his body, attacked the evil fierce Yan Sha with his sword and stick, and sold his back to the raging water Sha. The fire sword stabbed his chest and the ice stick was his head! The evil fierce Yan Sha's body flew back and avoided the blow. The storm water evil spirit looked at the back of Yunmeng dragon, and the cold ice sword couldn't stab it. "Water silly, is the dog meat delicious?" "delicious!" "be obedient, and there will be plenty to eat in the future!" "thank you, master!"


Scenes of warm heart fragments were replayed in the mind of kuangtao shuisha. He couldn't help but stay stunned when he thought of yunmenglong's kindness to him.

"Ah Shui, what do you think? Stab him!" the evil fierce Yan Sha saw that the raging water Sha was in a daze, so he shouted.

"Oh." water silly Oh, but the sword didn't move.

Yunmenglong wiped a cold sweat secretly. This one was a bet. Seizing this breathing opportunity, yunmenglong threw himself on the famous magic snow peak.

"Chase!" the evil fierce Yan Sha broke his drink and went after Yunmeng dragon first. Water silly returned to his senses and flew behind the evil fierce Yan Sha. At this time, the ghost spirit and evil spirit trapped in the rock also climbed out of it with sucking strength. He touched the chest kicked by Yunmeng dragon and looked up to see the flying figure of Yunmeng dragon.

"How handsome!" the ghost spirit and evil spirit murmured, unfolded his body and chased the cloud dream dragon.

Yunmenglong flew slowly. Since he realized the way of nature, the natural wind has always been his help. But now, the fierce vigorous wind came to his face, blowing yunmenglong's hair like a wild devil, and he could hardly open his eyes. There is really no pain all over the body, especially in the knee. Yunmenglong suspects that all the kneecaps are broken. He doesn't know whether he can stand or not.

Yunmenglong sealed the heaven and earth bag. Yunmiaomiao's brother and sister and little Qilin couldn't get out. The little Kirin was so anxious inside that he made a squeaking sound while spinning around in place. He was very anxious. Yun Miaomiao and Yun Wangwang look at little Qilin and think deeply. In Yun Miaomiao's cat's eyes, a cruel light floated for the first time. "If anything happens to Yunmeng dragon, four evil spirits will be buried with me!" Miaomiao said.

"Yunmenglong... You must live!" yunmiaomiao then prayed.

Yunmenglong doesn't want little Qilin to come out and die, nor does he want Miaomiao's brother and sister to be caught back, so he has to lock them up in another time and space. He first landed on a large smooth stone on the top of the mountain, followed by three people. Yunmenglong's palms closed, his ten fingers turned into hundreds of movements, changing flexibly, like wearing flowers. Then he crossed his arms, turned his palms into fists, left and right, up and down, in all directions, and struck by lightning. At the same time, he closed his eyes and said:

"Those who fight in front of the army! Kill evil!"

"Boom!" with a loud noise, an invisible black hole suddenly appeared in the south. A golden dragon came out. Its eyes were like copper bells, its horns were magnificent, and its scales reflected dazzling light like gold. Yunmenglong used the nine character mantra for the first time, and even summoned the ancient divine dragon.

The three evil spirits were also surprised to see the Golden Dragon. The Golden Dragon roared and turned around in mid air. Four sharp claws opened and grabbed the three evil spirits.

"Ten thousand ghosts go every day!" cried the ghost ghost.

"Fire universe!" the evil fierce Yan Sha shouted.

"The water is all over the golden mountain!" cried the raging waves.

For a time, thousands of ghosts appeared. The sky darkened instantly. Father-in-law sun disappeared. I didn't know where to pee my pants. The sky wall is filled with black clouds, dark thunder, flames and floods.

"You're not dead this time, heaven and Earth Dragon seven sabres!" Yunmeng dragon saw that the three evil spirits used their unique skills, so he sent out heaven and Earth Dragon seven sabres with the last energy to help the dragon.

Colorful spiral sabre, Taiji five element sabre, magic robbery big ghost sabre, Bagua soul separation sabre, sword heart Tongming sabre, miehuang Zhenlun sabre, Shenglian kill sabre, with half ice and half fire Qi mask, rush to big head ghost, Hanging Ghost, drowning ghost, headless ghost, etc. seven sabres are in the position of Bagua to cut demons and eliminate demons.

Yun Menglong looked at the big scuffle scene rarely seen in ten thousand years. His blood was boiling with excitement. He smiled and thought, I don't have to die now!

Who knows, the Golden Dragon who was highly expected by Yunmeng dragon was frightened by this scene, especially so many ugly ghosts. He was still young and powerful, but he was too scared to make it. With a roar, he opened the border and returned to his world to count gold. Originally, the dragon was sleeping with gold on his pillow. He was too bored every day. In addition to counting gold, he moved gold to bask in the sun. This time, he suddenly heard the call of Yunmeng dragon and came out. He wanted to be powerful. Who knows that he was scared back when he saw so many things he had never seen before.

"Hey! Brother Shenlong, don't go. Hey, uncle Shenlong, Grandpa,... Bastard, grandson turtle, your uncle!" yunmenglong jumped and shouted when he saw that the Shenlong was going to run away with his tail between his legs.

The Dragon looked at Yunmeng dragon with apologetic big eyes, pouted his ass and tossed his tail. He got into the black smoke hole and disappeared.

"Day, you timid dragon, my brother will have to clean you up when he sees you!" Yunmeng dragon declared, pointing to the disappeared black hole.

Without the dragon, the three evil spirits also looked at each other. After eliminating the heaven and Earth Dragon seven sabres of Yunmeng dragon, they slowly walked to Yunmeng dragon sitting on a stone panting.

"Brothers, this dragon looks good. I just called it to show you. Alas, the so-called enemy should be solved rather than tied up. Let's not fight, let's just tie up the golden orchid. What do you think?" Yunmeng dragon saw that the three evil spirits approached. He couldn't fight and escape, so he began to talk nonsense.

"Good!" water silly said happily. Evil fierce Yan Sha and ghost spirit evil Sha stared at him, and water fool shut up immediately.

"Cloud dream dragon, you should tell me where the little Lord is, and I'll give you a pleasure." the voice of the ghost spirit evil spirit came.

"I said ghost brother, I told you that you were caught by Lanheng demon. Why don't you believe it?" the expression on Yunmeng dragon's face was very helpless.

"Don't you think so?" the ghost ghost ghost obviously didn't believe it.

"Yes," said yunmenglong.

"Then you will die!" the ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost. Yunmenglong slowly closed his eyes.

"Patter!" a drop of rain fell on yunmenglong's face.

If there is love in the sky, the sky is also old. If people have love, they will die without regret! Is the sky crying? Death is nothing to fear, but I'm dead. Where are my relatives? Where's my lover? Where is my son who has never met? Don't you give up? Is not give up, but life will not die because you do not give up?

Long Mengyun and others flashed through Yun Menglong's mind one by one. Finally, what fixed in his mind was a figure with long hair in plain clothes and indifferent as an immortal. She slowly turned her face and smiled: "Menglong, Qingyao has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Yunmenglong knew that Su Qingyao, the fairy in the world, was his favorite. The immortal who has been missing for nearly a thousand years!

"I'm coming, Qingyao!" murmured yunmenglong.

"Ding!" a light sound, a trace of familiar long lost aroma went into yunmenglong's nostrils, and yunmenglong grinned like a child.

He grabbed the man's hand, smiled and burst into tears: "Qingyao, Qingyao, my good Qingyao, don't leave me again?" yunmenglong grabbed his hand as soft as bone, greasy and warm.

"Yunmenglong, are you all right?" a nice voice asked with concern.

Yunmenglong couldn't help opening his eyes and saw the beautiful woman standing beside him, the beautiful face tossed and turned in his dream, and the moving eyes as black as ink and bright as stars.

"Oh, Bingying, why are you here!" Yun Menglong responded and cried out.

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