Supreme Satyr

Chapter 496

Wei Ya has miscalculated this time. Based on his understanding of yunmenglong, yunmenglong should escape thousands of miles away. Knowing that you can't fight, it's not the style of smart people like yunmenglong. If yunmenglong beats and runs, with his ability, who can hurt him?

He didn't expect yunmenglong to suddenly lose his head. He really fought. He not only fought, but also played with his life. There's nothing wrong with playing with life, but playing with other people's life and your own life is so precious. How can you play? But Comrade Lao Yun was kicked in the head by a donkey. He really played with his life.

Wei Ya didn't expect Jin Bingying to come to help him, but it seems that he has become Xiao He and lost Xiao He. If Jin Bingying hadn't come to the rescue at the critical moment, maybe yunmenglong would have been completely saygoodbye with this beautiful world and his beautiful groups of wives and concubines. If yunmenglong hadn't wanted to stand in front of Jin Bingying to protect the fairy from being hurt, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been hit six times. Wei Ya also thought about taking this opportunity to test yunmenglong's deep attainments and see how much potential he has, because the potential can be most effectively explored at the moment when his life is threatened. Genius is mostly like this. Wei Ya and yunmenglong believe in the fact that yunmenglong is a genius. For now, the experiment ended in failure.

So many disturbing factors were not taken into account by the confused old immortal. He was so confident in yunmenglong that he ate it carefully and slowly. Although these two words are contradictory, the fact is that Wei Ya's eating dog meat has risen to an artistic level, just like tasting wine and tea. It's very picky. Where to eat, what to eat and how to eat, They are all very particular. The old rogue immortal almost took a bath and recited scriptures before eating. This communication, of course, is quite time-consuming. Yunmenglong always likes to use exaggerated rhetoric, so when he says that he is in a hurry, Wei Ya should only be in a hurry of 50000. It was only 50000. Of course, it was not very urgent. Under such an effective and thorough understanding, Wei Ya slowly flew with a shivering Swan while enjoying the scenery of cold clouds in late autumn. When he saw the flying sand and stones on the magic snow peak from a distance, Wei Ya muttered, "do you need to have such a big scene?"

When flying close, I saw yunmenglong and Jin Bingying flying over the sea. They were still hand in hand and heart to heart. It was really a fairy. Wei Ya was very relieved,. Before the * * was over, the ultimate attack of the four evil spirits was launched. Four evil spirits are not idiots, and they also see the conspiracy of yunmenglong. If they get to the sea, it's hard to say whether they will win or lose. Wei Ya knew that the seven beams of light were broken. The energy contained in it was too big to be estimated. Yunmenglong is busy flirting with Jin Bingying again. Where did you notice that Jin Bingying was confused by yunmenglong's words and didn't find it. The only old immortal Wei who found seven beams of light is not close to the light. It's too late to shout or stop.

Seeing that Yunmeng dragon was beaten, he made a free fall. Wei Ya hated him. He hated why he didn't come early. He hated Yunmeng dragon. He didn't know the truth that beauty is a disaster. He hated four evil spirits for being shameless and sneaking behind people's unprepared. Wei Ya was angry. He was angry for the first time in more than a thousand years!

Wei Ya roared and turned into a golden light with a diameter of tens of feet and a length of tens of feet. It seemed that the huge golden cudgel rushed towards the four evil spirits. Four evil spirits are stunned. Who is this? Are there such strong humans on earth? It's terrible. If they don't restore the prototype, it seems that the four are not necessarily opponents. What's more, the four people have been hurt more or less, and their skills will be reduced by 70% or 80%. Then "not necessarily" is an opponent, it will become "100% sure" that it is not an opponent.

At the sight of Wei Ya's mad dog, the four evil spirits roared and rushed, with super energy. However, when they were fighting for hegemony in the universe, they had always been called madmen and war madmen. Knowing that they were not opponents, they still beat each other. Moreover, like a nation, they think that Lao Tzu is the first and God is the second. They are the best species in the universe. Of course, they despise the legendary small and incompetent earth people. If the magic robbers know that they escape under the attack of an earth person, they might as well buy a piece of stinky tofu to stink to death. Therefore, in the face of the violent attack of the old Madman of Wei Ya, the four people's faces looked dignified and awe inspiring. The evil fierce Yan Sha whirled the fire stick and burned a sea of fire to Wei Ya in the sky. The thousand ghosts wand of the ghost spirit and evil Sha released the fierce ghosts in front and flew towards Wei Ya with a shriek and howling. In a moment, the sun covered their tracks, and the blue sky seemed to be splashed with ink and extremely dark, The dark clouds rolled and the curtain hung low, as if the sky was rising. A pair of blood palms sent thousands of blood marks. Each blood mark was sealed with a soul, bloodthirsty souls. Those souls were crazy. They had sharp teeth, sharp lips and long nails. They were not afraid of death. They also flew to Wei Ya with ferocious faces. Although kuangtao shuisha has feelings for yunmenglong, he has no feelings for yunmenglong, a rogue master. He threw the cold ice sword and turned it into a Yangtze River in mid air, running towards Wei Ya.

Wei Ya was furious: "the light of rice grains dares to fight with the bright moon. You alien demons, die for me!"

The golden light suddenly soared more than three times and spread to the four evil spirits. The fierce ghosts sent out bursts of sad screams, turned into a burst of white smoke under the golden light and died with the wind. When the fire meets the golden light, it is like meeting the real gold. The so-called real gold is not afraid of fire. The golden light momentum is too strong. It suddenly pours back on the fire. On the contrary, the fire sweeps back and burns thousands of ghosts. Then the sea of fire and the Yangtze River fight hand in hand, devour each other and eliminate the invisible in an instant.

The golden light is still shining. Wei Ya is not afraid of anything. Even if he startles the Jade Emperor, even if he makes the world restless, even if he follows in the footsteps of sun Dasheng, so what? What if you can't live forever? Without this rogue apprentice, what good is it for him to live in Wei Ya? Yunmenglong was badly injured this time. He didn't know if yunmenglong could live. Immortals sometimes can't come back from the dead. At this time, there were thousands of people in Wei Ya who didn't have the demeanor and measurement that immortals should have. He was like a villain who would repay him. He was so hysterical and never died.

The four evil spirits were frightened by Wei Ya's expression. The deep wrinkles on the old man's face are traces portrayed by time. Now these gullies are full of hatred and hostility. That kind of resentment makes the whole sky and the whole land full of hatred!

The golden light broke the world, opened the mountains and cracked the stones, and firmly absorbed the four evil spirits who wanted to keep the green mountains involuntarily. Then the golden light turned into tens of thousands of ways, just like a huge glass window smashed at once. Each way was an invincible weapon. The four evil spirits could not be avoided, and they were pierced in an instant.

Just this time, the Pu'er mountain nearest to the Canghai sea was destroyed, all the creatures in the mountain died, the rocks were crushed, and the sound was loud. Countless huge stones flew into the Canghai sea in the explosion, causing thousands of waves. The waves were more than ten meters high and spectacular. Jin Bingying stood on the Canghai with yunmenglong in her arms. Through the waves, she saw the raging tears and broken expression on Wei Ya's face.

Jin Bingying gave a "click" in her heart. A certain place broke open, and the soft place was deeply hurt, like a knife.

Sorrow is no greater than heart death!

Today, Jin Bingying has a feeling of death. She is heartbroken and heartbroken. This feeling should have never been before, but there is a feeling of long absence. There is a vague picture in my mind, like the moon in the fog: a woman with long hair in green clothes, she stabbed a man's chest with a sword, and the man fell with a smile, like a meteor. There are thousands of reluctant and nostalgic thoughts in his blue eyes, But he smiled and said, "please be good...".

"Why is the heart so painful?" Jin Bingying frowned slightly, her lips as soft and fragrant as petals pursed slightly.

The mouth of Yunmeng dragon in his arms is still curved. His long and thick eyelashes cover his eyes and cast a small shadow. He is like a child in sleep. His expression is innocent and lovable.

The sea breeze blew Jin Bingying's green silk and clothes. The green silk was three thousand feet. The clothes were like snow and the cold wind was like a knife. Jin Bingying didn't feel cold at all. The sea breeze filled yunmenglong's robe and disordered his hair. He didn't feel cold.

Are you asleep? But will you wake up tomorrow morning?

Unconsciously, countless fish, sharks, whales, tuna, octopus, etc. gathered around Jin Bingying. They surrounded Jin Bingying in the middle and made a deep whine. The nearest to her was a dolphin, a dolphin with beautiful body and pure eyes. She quietly looked at yunmenglong. The deep feelings in her eyes moved people, and big tears fell, Fall into the sea, hit a circle of small ripples, and instantly covered by waves.

That dolphin is the dolphin MM who is in love with yunmenglong. She has been expecting yunmenglong to come back to see her. In her heart, she has been outlining what kind of scene it is to meet, but she has thought of countless scenes, romantic, sweet, warm, classic and surprise, but she never expected such a meeting.

He is still so handsome, with a lazy smile on his handsome face, but his eyes are closed. His eyes are bluer than the blue sky, clearer than the flowing spring and brighter than the stars. Dolphins have intuition that humans can't have, accurate intuition of dying. On Yunmeng dragon, she can't feel a breath of life.

If you can't feel the breath of life, you're dead!

I still remember yunmenglong sitting on her, stroking her smooth skin and roaming the sea. But now, yunmenglong lies quietly in the arms of a fairy and sleeps quietly.

"Fuck your uncle and aunt, master and mother, it's nothing to beat one of four. It's cow force to beat you four like grandpa!" Wei Ya scolded and beat four evil spirits one by one. The old fist came down and more than a thousand pounds.

"You make trouble and toss around on the earth. Grandpa doesn't care about you, mom, but you dare to touch my baby apprentice, that's absolutely not!"

"My apprentice only allows me to bully. Which onion or garlic do you count? Dare to bully my apprentice, grass, I fight..."


Wei Ya still remembers that the last time he beat someone like this was more than 900 years ago. That time, Wei Ya was not as powerful as he is now, but it was also a thief, and his strength to eat milk came out. In yunmenglong's words, it will kill my mother. That time, it was also because of Yunmeng dragon.

Because of yunmenglong, Wei Ya wants to kill the emperor and the demon sect. Only when he is disillusioned will he escape into the mountains. He thought Yunmeng dragon was dead, but Yunmeng dragon was alive again. This time, it's also because of Yunmeng dragon. But is Yunmeng dragon so lucky?

Wei Ya beat the four evil spirits to the edge of dying, unable to survive and unable to die. Then he tied them together with a trapped immortal rope, strung them into a string of grasshoppers and threw them into the heaven and earth bag.

Then Wei Ya broke through the void and practiced the sea. From a distance, he saw Jin Bingying looking at yunmenglong. Yurong was no longer as cold as spring water. A tear slipped down her delicate cheek, flowed to half, and was dried by the sea wind.

Wei Ya fell on the sea and walked slowly towards them. Jin Bingying did not lift her head and said softly, "senior, you are an immortal. I hope you can save Yunmeng dragon." then she slowly handed Yunmeng dragon to Wei Ya.

"Senior, Bingying has something else to do. I'll leave first. You must save yunmenglong." Jin Bingying, who is in white, is covered with yunmenglong's blood. It's shocking. She has a lonely smile on her face. She turns away, and a lonely figure melts into the sea.

Wei Ya holds Yunmeng dragon, treads the waves and leaves the super dragon tiger gate.

"Menglong, you must not die!" Wei Ya murmured.

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