Supreme Satyr

Chapter 500

"Wan Ruo, is he Yunmeng dragon? Sure enough, the dragon among people is different." a middle-aged man with a high nose and deep eyes and some exotic flavor asked Lin Wan Ruo.

The man wore a blue coat, soap head boots and long green hair tied behind his head. He had long arms, wide shoulders and big hands. He was calm and powerful. He was a big man who was used to giving orders.

"Yes, pavilion leader, he is yunmenglong. Do you see if there is any way to save him?" Lin wanruo answered respectfully, but asked in a hurry. His eyebrows were full of concern.

The leader of Qianji Pavilion only glanced at Lin wanruo lightly and took Yunmeng dragon's hand to touch his pulse. Yunmeng dragon's pulse seemed to sink like ice and no longer beat. However, there were two forces in his body for the final contest. One was Yuanying yunxiaolong, a classmate who was hard guarding the central palace. Although he was only Yuanying, Yunmeng dragon's muscles and veins were damaged, he also lost a lot. He sat on the eight trigrams, Mobilize seven energy forces to resist external invasion. Although there are only three external invasion forces, they are mysterious, dark and powerful. They tightly surround yunmenglong's Yuanying and Bagua energy station. The water can't be poured in and the wind can't be blown in. If Yuanying hadn't spared his life to protect yunmenglong's heart, Lao Yun would have died.

Of course, there is the common protection of long Mengyun, Wei Ya, Yama and others. It's not that Yama doesn't want yunmenglong to die, but yunmenglong is also righteous and evil, and acts unexpectedly, for fear that the world will not be chaotic. Such a person is like a time bomb. It's really dangerous to put him around. Zhong Kui has been the king of hell for thousands of years. He is also loyal to his duty and can handle affairs effectively. Last time, yunmenglong made a big fuss and nearly destroyed the book of life and death. If he really died this time, it would be good. Although the hell is not small, it is estimated that it is not enough for yunmenglong. It's impossible for such a person to go to heaven. The immortals above are more sinister than one. The boy yunmenglong always reminds him of someone hundreds of years ago. Oh, no, it's a monkey. His brother has made the life and death book once. The world, hell, heaven and earth are in chaos. Now looking at the momentum of yunmenglong, he may not lose the monkey. Zhong Kui couldn't help tossing about, so he simply disappeared. He was looking for a kid as a shield. He was miserable. He lost only his underwear in a few days.

When yunmenglong had enough gambling, he began to play poker with the judges. If he didn't gamble, he played arched pigs. Looking at the judges puckering their hips, lowering their heads and taking their noses, they arched poker into a pigsty while learning to hum and cry from pigs. Yunmenglong laughed on the surface, but he was very worried at the bottom of his heart. If he really died, he really couldn't give up.

In fact, many people are not afraid of death, but reluctant to die. People always have a lot of concerns, a lot of things they don't give up, can't let go, and there are too many things they don't want to give up. Free and easy people are either poor and forced to think freely. When their parents die, they can't marry a wife. What can they do if they don't think free and easy? Dead? I'm not afraid to die, but it's better to live than to die. Who has nothing to die? It's better to learn from brother ah q to comfort himself and be a free and easy person. The other is the heartless childe who doesn't worry about food, clothing and business. They are free and easy. They throw away the hard-earned money I earned, don't frown and don't change their complexion. They are really free and easy.

There are those who pretend to be free and easy. Although it is difficult to be free and easy, it is easy to install. There are several people who really have free and easy nature to see through the world. Sakyamuni is one. His great wisdom, his selflessness and his freedom are unique. The world can only worship the greatness of Buddha.

A romantic scholar like Tang Bohu, free and easy, is also a silent struggle. Although he won the solution, he was involved in the leak case of the test questions. He can't get fame all his life. If he can't devote himself to his official career, he can only be a romantic scholar and live forever.

There is also a rogue poet Liu sanbian who has the same track and the same work. He can't bear to change his floating name and sing low. Is it natural to be free and easy, just forced. Knowing that you can't get it, you have to take it desperately. You're either an idiot or a fool.

Yunmenglong is in power. He has a lot of beautiful wives and concubines. He can use all his money. He can see the moon from heaven and fall straight down to the yellow spring and have a drink with the king of hell. Can such a person be willing to die? Besides, he still has an unfinished wish. How can he die?

Those ghosts were originally selfless and black all day. Everyone looked like an enemy who killed his father. They were so humiliated by yunmenglong that they dared to be angry but dared not speak. They turned red one by one. There were seven or eight pieces of notes on their forehead. They looked very funny. The king of hell couldn't cry or laugh through the crystal ball. He knew Yun Menglong was trying to force him to show up. But Yun Menglong's life and death had not been said by himself. He has the final say to touch the Buddha's scale, or he will not be disfigured. The king of hell touched his handsome face and smiled at the corners of his mouth through the bronze mirror.

The Lord of Qianji Pavilion passed the pulse to Yun Menglong and said nothing. He frowned deeply and looked worried. Looking at the expression of the pavilion master, Lin wanruo fell into a deep valley. She lost her calm and determined appearance in the past. She hurriedly asked, "how about the pavilion master? Is there any help?"

The Lord of Tianji Pavilion pondered for a long time, sighed and said, "as if he was too fond of Yunmeng dragon?"

Lin wanruo didn't expect the Lord of Tianji pavilion to ask. Suddenly, her heart was a little flustered, and she fainted two crimson flowers on her dimple. She also knew that she was too worried about yunmenglong's behavior. She took a deep breath and calmed her heart that beat too fast: "Why did you say this, just like, just worried that Yunmeng dragon is dead, the mystery of thousand machine chain is difficult to solve, and the great disaster you said..."

The leader of Qianji Pavilion stood up proudly and said, "take him to Linglong hall. I'll find the third Duke of Qianji and try it with the power of the four of us. I can't guarantee that it will work. It's like you have to be mentally prepared. In fact, you and I knew that he had a disaster today, but we can't calculate whether he could escape, because his fate is not controlled by outsiders..." Finally, his voice dropped. Lin Wan didn't hear it. Now she only cares about the safety of yunmenglong's life. What else can she hear.

Hearing what the pavilion leader said, Lin wanruo leaned back and said, "yes, pavilion leader, we have tried our best whether we are dead or alive. We just hope he will be lucky." after that, Lin wanruo picked up yunmenglong, turned four corridors and entered the back mountain.

In fact, Qianji palace is also in lengyun mountain range, but its geographical location is quite mysterious. It is difficult to get in and out freely unless there are people in Tianji palace. Speaking of mystery, it's almost like the cloud depth of Cihang Jingzhai.

It was already early winter. Before entering the back mountain, the distant mountains were vast and the world was desolate. Lin seemed to carry a big cloud dream dragon of 1.87 meters on his back. The dragon was panting slightly, and his cheeks were red, but it was not shy, but the cold in the mountain was better than outside the mountain. Who knows, entering the back mountain is like entering another time and space. The back mountain has small bridges, flowing water, fountains, waterfalls, flowers and butterflies, and loribasso, buzzing with bees, works hard. Those flowers are light pink or white, refreshing aroma, people can't help but crisp bones, relaxed and happy.

The hill is carved into various shapes. It is like a craftsman without dust marks. The vines are intertwined on it. The clear spring flows through. The spring water is clear to the bottom. Several Koi stroll back and forth between the stone cracks at the bottom of the water. They are quite complacent.

Looking up, I saw green and green, surrounded by clouds, just like a fairyland on earth.

The back mountain is a forbidden area. Under normal circumstances, the leader of the pavilion forbids ordinary disciples to enter without permission. Lin Wan is as intelligent as a natural talent, as quiet as water, and as intelligent as the sea. Otherwise, the leader of Qianji Pavilion will not send her to approach yunmenglong. Of course, the leader of Qianji Pavilion intends to seduce Lin Wan, because yunmenglong's lust has long been unknown. Lin wanruo is not only intelligent, but also the best in the world. Her ethereal temperament is somewhat similar to Jin Bingying.

The master of Qianji Pavilion reckons that there are no beads left. There are thousands of gullies in his chest, which no one can reach. He often knows the first opportunity. He knows the fate of heaven and human life, but when he comes to yunmenglong, he miscalculated. Yunmenglong's life has been out of the control of the three realms. He can't figure out what it is, and he doesn't dare to calculate it.

A prophet who has always been confident and omniscient suddenly doesn't know anything. Is he a little frightened? The answer is yes, so for Yunmeng dragon, he lost his previous grasp. Lin wanruo has never seen the cabinet leader like this, that is, the mystery of thousands of machines and cables, and the predicted disaster in the near future.

Lin Wan was worried. She found a method from the book, but it was too dangerous to do with her skills. She only hopes that the pavilion leader can save Yunmeng dragon, so she doesn't have to use that method.

Lin wanruo stopped in front of a smooth stone wall. She slowly put down Yunmeng dragon, took out a stone key and inserted it on the stone wall. The smooth and seamless stone wall was separated. Lin wanruo carried Yunmeng dragon in.

Linglong hall is worthy of its name. It has colorful lights and numerous mechanisms. Lin wanruo put yunmenglong on the couch, took a deep look at him and whispered, "yunmenglong, you must not die, as if you haven't told you I like you."

Qianji Pavilion spreads in the world. It is famous for its three wonders, medicine, ease and calculation.

Medical Jue is medicine. The disciples of Qianji palace who know a little about fur are rare miraculous doctors in the world. Their hidden pulse view is dazzling, ancient and modern, but it is difficult for anyone to understand. Thousand machine acupuncture has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. Sometimes people with terminal diseases and great wealth want to find thousand machine disciples to cure their diseases. They just search all over the lengyun mountains and can't find the shadow of thousand machine Pavilion. They have to sigh and die in peace.

Second, Yi Jue is the art of observing people. Why did Lin Wan recruit brother Yunmeng Longyun alone if others didn't look for him? That's because the leader of Qianji Pavilion heard about yunmenglong's deeds and looked at yunmenglong from a distance. He only felt that this person had moistened the dragon and Phoenix and had great wealth. Qianji had to rely on this person to escape the disaster. After a period of contact, he seemed to know that he had inadvertently broken the Taiji Heart Sutra, so he also entrusted the mystery of Qianji rope to yunmenglong. Yunmenglong is smart and not calm enough. Fortunately, there are many capable people around him. He is willing to delegate power. The people below are capable. He is happy to be at ease and leave things to his hands. His men have made military and commercial gangs lively, and his status is not different for a moment.

Yunmenglong must have a disaster when he goes to Las Vegas. The Lord of Qianji pavilion has already calculated that yunmenglong may not be able to deal with it one by one, so he sent Lin wanruo. Lin wanruo is as thoughtful and intelligent as the sea. She can be called the female Zhuge of Yunmeng dragon. Yunmeng dragon is straightforward and direct. Lin wanruo doesn't realize that she has a secret heart, so even if she doesn't want to give up when she returns to Yunhai, she grits her teeth and floats away.

People go, the heart is still there.

Yunmenglong's every move is under her attention. She calculates that yunmenglong's catastrophe is really unprecedented, and life and death are mysterious, but she can't stop and change with her strength. So I had to study the medical code carefully compiled by an elder early in order to do my best.

Most fortune tellers have a problem, that is, they believe in heaven and order, and know their destiny but dare not change their destiny against heaven. They think it is futile. Although Lin wanruo is an exception, he dares to do anything for Yunmeng dragon. But the rule of Qianji Pavilion is that fortune telling is OK, but changing your life is not OK! That's taboo.

Prophet Lin was helpless. Knowing that yunmenglong had suffered a great disaster, he also had to watch it happen. He watched the man in his heart be flattened into a pig's head with uncertain life and death. That kind of heartache is difficult for outsiders to understand.

The master of Qianji Pavilion is unique in learning, but he can't calculate the life and death of yunmenglong, which makes Zhizhu who has always been in control can only give the life and death of yunmenglong to God.

The last one is arithmetic. Qianji pavilion's arithmetic is invincible in the world. In the past, thousands of machines and ten calculations were difficult to defeat countless heroes. Qianji disciples can give several solutions to a problem, which makes everyone feel inferior to those mathematicians. At that time, Qianji pavilion's arithmetic was nearly 50 years more developed than that in Europe. In addition, Qianji palace uses mathematics to learn martial arts and creates a unique divine skill. It is really pioneering and unique, which is admirable.

The three wonders of heaven palace is deep in cold clouds, surrounded by green smoke. It is a beautiful place like a fairyland on earth. Today, it is gloomy, thousands of miles condensing, sighing and startling birds.

There is only one reason, Yunmeng dragon.

Linglong hall.

Lin wanruo was shut out. Hua Xingfeng, the leader of Qianji Pavilion, was working with Qianji Sangong to make Yunmeng dragon use Qianji God to acupuncture the big acupoints around his body to inject Qi and activate muscles. The four people didn't gather white smoke like the legendary Wulin experts to heal people. Their bodies were colorful. They were sweating and dressed, their faces were pale, and their eyebrows were tangled like Acacia, Their thousand machine magic needle was in vain for the first time.

Lin wanruo is quietly waiting for the treatment results. Her jade face is like water, her temperament is quiet, but her heart is like the wind and waves of the Cape of good hope.

The waiting time is the most difficult. Time is like a annoying donkey. It doesn't go, it goes backwards, and it's like a staggering old man. You're anxious and angry. It walks slowly. You think you should go far. When you look at the clock, you just walked two blocks. Lin wanruo is really spending seconds like years at this time. She doesn't look at her watch from time to time, because it makes people more anxious and impatient, which doesn't help.

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