Supreme Satyr

Chapter 509

Liang Xiaotong loves yunmenglong inexplicably. Often she doesn't know the situation. She thought yunmenglong was to fill the emptiness of her feelings. She still loves her ex boyfriend in her heart, but yunmenglong's dangerous death made her understand that yunmenglong is her favorite. I don't know what's in her arms. Her heart is in Lang's heart.

Jin Suying used a beauty trick to get into Comrade Lao Yun's bed. Yunmenglong conquered her with strong bed Kung Fu and selfless love. Most importantly, she has a sisterly relationship with Jin Suyuan. Without yunmenglong, they are not enemies of life and death, or they don't communicate with each other for life and death.

Jin Suyuan doesn't know whether she loves yunmenglong or not. Now she's washed out of lead and her beautiful skills are almost forgotten. Finally, Lin wanruo just lost her body to him. Lin wanruo's temperament is always so unique. Her love for Yunmeng dragon is also like the wind and cloud. Although it is impermanent, it will never change.

The gentle, charming, shy and moving faces were placed in front of yunmenglong. Yunmenglong took a deep breath and walked slowly over. Listening to yunmenglong's footsteps, the hearts of all the beauties also banged drums. Her heart was in panic. She didn't know what yunmenglong was going to do.

After a while, the footsteps disappeared, and the hearts of the beauties were covered with paste. They couldn't guess what the boy was doing.

When they were suspicious, they heard the voice of Yunmeng Dragon: "I've hidden it. Come to me!"

Zhongmei: "

Completely speechless.

"What is Yunmeng dragon?"

A: "the overlord among hooligans!"

"What's that?"

"The universe super thunderbolt invincible best rogue!"

"What's the conclusion?"

"Still a hooligan!"

"Will hooligans let go of more than a dozen charming chicks?"

Answer: "of course not."

"Are you sure?"


"Well, Congratulations, you're right! Add ten."

That night, Wushan Yunyu love, that night, dejected.

Yunmenglong's hide and seek game becomes a strip version. When he catches it, he takes off a piece of clothes and plays like this. Do you think there's nothing wrong with playing like this? A group of chicks with beautiful naked carcass run around and hide. Mimi jump around and their hips twist in an attractive rhythm. Yunmenglong's second son is up in the sky. When he catches it, he takes off his clothes and rubs it. No matter who the woman is at this time, It has long been as hot as fire, just like dry firewood, not at all.

Long Mengyun knew that yunmenglong wanted to play with the temptation of uniforms. Later, she was afraid that they were unhappy, so she let them go. However, she was so considerate that she could not satisfy yunmenglong. Yunmenglong was a family and could not be too reserved. Sometimes it was very emotional to accompany yunmenglong to have sex. Therefore, when she was caught by Yunmeng dragon, she first glanced at Yunmeng dragon with shy eyes, then gently opened the hemp rope tied around her waist, and gently pulled it. It turned out that there was a vacuum. The white, tender, big and round jade rabbits fell vertically due to gravity, * * like newly stripped chicken head, fresh, attractive and pink. She lay on the ground boldly and shyly, slowly climbed to yunmenglong, then gently pulled open yunmenglong's belt, took out his fiery and strong desire, raised her eyes and glanced at yunmenglong. She really wanted to come out of the water in her pupils. Yunmenglong's dick jumped to express his reaction. Longmengyun gently opened his mouth and slowly contained it.

Tight, warm, moist, what a wonderful cavity, in which a soft and smooth little tongue slides naughtily, and the crisp pleasure runs around like an electric current

The gurgling spring honey flowed on her lap. Yunmenglong broke off Xiaohui's round two hemispheres and waved into the depths of the peach garden


The funniest thing is Lily. When it was time for her to hide, she turned a circle and went directly into the crystal coffin.

Yunmeng dragon stared at her and said, "lily, what are you doing? Why are you sleepy and sleeping here?"

Lily smiled at yunmenglong and said, "master, I've hidden it."

"Ah? I'll hide it now. You can find a secret place to hide it anyway?" yunmenglong was stunned.

"No, I'm afraid you can't find me." Lily was coyly coquettish.

Other women have two words in mind: bitch.

Yunmeng long was stunned for a moment and laughed and said, "it's still the little lily who knows the feelings and interests. Brother, I'll be with you in this coffin."

Then he strode over.

If you want to meet or refuse, you are half shy and timid. Your eyes are like silk, soft as water, and your fragrant body is moving. Yunmeng dragon is ecstatic and happy.

That night, yunmenglong only spared Liang Xiaotong and Jin Suyuan. He always had a kind of love for Liang Xiaotong. He was reluctant to give up. Among his women, Liang Xiaotong was the most like a child, followed by Dai Daier. As for Jin Suyuan, yunmenglong always feels that there is someone else in her heart, so he won't touch women who don't love him.

This night was the most unforgettable for Jiang Tang and Xiao Yating. At first, the pain was as painful as a butterfly breaking its cocoon, but then it was as bitter and sweet as ever. The feeling was so wonderful, so beautiful, so ecstatic, and their bones were crisp. They were soft and relied on the soft, boneless peony in the arms of Yunmeng dragon, The louver is broken, the cloud dream dragon has light pity and honey love, and is extremely gentle.

Wushan has been swimming for several times, almost forgetting to return. She gently cries and flatters herself under her lover until she is unable to have fun.

Mandarin ducks untie their clothes in front of the bed, red candles burn out, tears begin to dry, the moon hangs in the sky outside the window, clouds and rain Britain Phoenix and Luan.

Different beauties, the same love, different feelings, the same love.

Yunmenglong is willing to bend his knees and bow down to serve the beauty. The girls forget their modesty, shyness, flattery, and come back from the dead. Why not be ridiculous once?

Yun Menglong understood the highest secret of Taiji Heart Sutra, killing the world and swallowing the sky. Naturally, he had the ability to change the Sutra and change the marrow. After he cut it all night, those beauties didn't look tired. Although they were lazy and flattered, their temperament was completely changed. This change is complete. They are very clear, but they can't say why. However, the elegant ones are more elegant, the charming ones are more charming, the enthusiastic ones are more enthusiastic, and the lively ones are more lively.

On the big bed, the body was gorgeous. Yunmenglong struggled out of the pink arm and rich hip * *. A pair of blue eyes stared at the big sun for a moment. The snow stopped and the sun came out. Last night, the room was full of spring. Today, the room is as warm as spring.

The beauties woke up early, but they didn't dare to move. They were afraid to wake yunmenglong. They were more shy and didn't move anyone. They understood each other.

Yunmenglong smiled in his heart. In order not to embarrass the beauties, he quietly got up and put on a single coat and went out.

Isn't it a pity not to enjoy such a good sunrise? After a hand to hand fight, Yunmeng dragon's body was more full of Qi, and the energy of the sun was greedily absorbed by him. He really felt the hot beating of his muscles and veins, which was full of the energy of the sun. This makes yunmenglong happy. Isn't it invincible to use the power of nature?

"Well, from today on, I will step on the world!" Yun Menglong vowed to himself.

Happy Valentine's Day singles

Two hours later, headquarters.

Today is a happy day for the headquarters, because Yunmeng dragon is back, their rogue God of war, their God of food commander, the omnipotent genius, the handsome scum boss.

The soldiers should be very solemn, but they all laugh brightly, like blooming dog tail flowers.

In the view of soldiers, it is widely said that yunmenglong fought against demons to kill them, and then pretended to be dead by injury, which attracted those people with ulterior motives to show their fox tail. This time, he completely eliminated the restless elements and secret reactionary forces in Yunhai city. More importantly, he captured all RB people who intended to invade China and made great contributions to the country.

"It's said that mayor Tan is coming to present the medal of 'good citizen who abides by the law' to the boss today!" a soldier said to the little green bird next to him.

"What is this? The Central Committee will soon order our boss to be a national hero." said the little green bird.

"Isn't our boss already?" another soldier replied.

"Who thinks there are many titles?" said the little green bird disdainfully.

"The boss is really a genius!" a soldier really praised.

"Don't insult the boss. Genius is a fart. You don't deserve to mention shoes to the boss. The boss is an omnipotent God." another soldier said.

"My admiration for the boss is like..."

"Gushing sperm, continuous, like a flood of * *, out of control!" thousands of soldiers shouted at the same time.

Such shameless language was shouted out among the military population and immediately became manly and manly.

Of course, this is what Yun Menglong instructed Chu Jingfeng to spread among the soldiers. Now people have empty hearts and need sustenance and faith. For the soldiers in Yunhai City, Yunmeng dragon is their God and their faith.

Yun Menglong painstakingly created his invincible, unfathomable and superior image in the hearts of soldiers, just for the convenience of doing things in the future.

The military headquarters lined up for ten miles to meet their heroes and their chefs. Well, they haven't eaten big black dog meat for a long time. Looking at the wandering police dogs, many soldiers always wanted to drool, but they couldn't be so ashamed, so they had to swallow the saliva down their throat.

The soldiers stood one by one as a javelin. It's called a straight one. It's good to have discipline.

"The boss is coming!" I don't know who shouted.

These words were like a big stone thrown into a pool, which immediately aroused a storm. The javelins immediately tilted around, tilted their heads and tiptoed, strolled around with their eyes and said, "where is it, where is it?"

"Oh, not the boss, wrong person." the voice came.

They found the sound source and killed him one by one. If they wanted to kill with their eyes, the boy must have died thousands of times. I really want to go up and beat him up, but I can't. They are soldiers. They had to secretly feign that countless young men wanted to sleep with the boy's mother-in-law, and they didn't know the charm of that old woman and old woman. Alas. Maybe it's to be the boy's cheap father and grandpa.

"The boss is coming."

After a while, the boy said.

A group of people didn't dump him. They looked up and looked very arrogant. They regarded the boy as a fart and ignored him directly.

Yunmenglong, dressed in a cool military uniform, rode alone as a thousand. He came from the place where the sun rose to resist the wind.

"Wow, the boss is really here. He's so handsome!" a boy took a look, and an immortal figure appeared at the end of the world. He was radiant and worshipped.

"Wow! How handsome!" the sergeants looked at the East and involuntarily opened their mouths and shouted.

Yun Menglong looked at Pan Shenghao and waved his palm all the time, just like a national leader in a military parade.

"Comrades, it's hard!" Yunmeng Longyang said.

"Serve the people!" the soldiers shouted like thunder.

When the army God returns, there is dog meat to eat!

This is the voice of the soldiers who have eaten the big black dog meat roasted by yunmenglong. How urgent and eager, yunmenglong would be depressed if he heard their voice.

"Boss, you've finally come back." Chu Jingfeng, dressed in military uniform, rushed over like the wind and shouted excitedly.

Yunmenglong hugged Chu Jingfeng in his arms and laughed, "smelly boy, I seldom hold men, you should be happy."

The two brothers were deeply in love, like liquor. At this time, silence was better than sound. At this time, a voice suddenly called.

"Cloud dream dragon!"

The cloud dream dragon followed the prestige and was immediately stupid.

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