Supreme Satyr

Chapter 511

Yunmeng dragon pretends to be a ghost, but it's very simple. He is now full of mysterious skills. Isn't pretending to be a God or playing a ghost a ghost?

Strange voice, cold breath, the only dim fluorescent lamp in the cell suddenly went out. The bosses couldn't see the object in front of them, but saw a white figure floating around in front of them. Yunmenglong painstakingly created this gloomy and terrible atmosphere, which completely collapsed these bosses. Darkness is the catalyst of fear. Their lives are in yunmenglong's hands. They don't know when and how yunmenglong will kill them. They think of the people killed by ghosts in the ghost films they've seen in the past. These bosses are crazy.

"No, I don't want to die... Please... Boss, let me go. As long as I live, anything will do!" Zhuo Liu, the boss of Xinhu Gang, begged bitterly on his knees. The remaining bosses were not sure whether yunmenglong was dead. He was too like a ghost. They were afraid and frightened. They could not help kneeling down, thinking of the wandering white shadow kowtowing and begging.

"To tell you the truth, do you have ideas about my territory and want to seize the opportunity, but they were used by the Japanese to kill each other and become cannon fodder. If you don't tell the truth, you will be dead. I can't close my eyes and can only take you away." yunmenglong's voice is even more strange. Word by word, it floats into my ears in all directions, nine days and ten places.

Those bosses collapsed: "yes, yes, we are not things, we are greedy, we deserve to die, sobbing..." a group of old men were scared to cry. These people are murderous demons, that is, thousands of people are running late together in front of their eyes. Their eyes may not blink, let alone cry, but in front of Yunmeng dragon, they cry, they really cry!

"Well, since you don't want to die, use money to buy back your life. Give me as much money as you think your life is worth." Yun Menglong said.

"My life is worth five million! I'll give you five million, and you'll spare my dog's life!" Xie Laowu immediately kowtowed and said.

"Your life is so cheap, you'd better not?" said yunmenglong with a sneer.

"No, boss, I mean five million dollars, dollars!" Xie Laowu waved his hand and hurried.

"It's almost the same." yunmenglong's figure floated close and far.

"My ten million dollars."

"My eight million dollars."

"My twelve million dollars."


These bosses set a price for their lives according to their own property. If they lose their money, they can earn it again. If they lose their life, everything will be over. This is not the time to love money.

Yunmenglong was elated and scolded in his heart: "I didn't expect these bastards to be so rich. Those Japanese, hum, have to rip off a lot more."

When everyone finished bidding, yunmenglong showed up, the light was on again, and the light in the cell reappeared. All the bosses were relieved and had the feeling of being reborn. They looked at Yunmeng dragon. Yunmeng dragon was handsome, Yushu Linfeng, and a thin shadow tilted on the ground. Everything just now seemed like a dream. They suspected that yunmenglong was a living man, but who dares to say anything? It was so terrible just now, as if they had wandered in front of the gate of death.

Yunmenglong asked everyone to sign a check, smiled and said to everyone, "happy cooperation, bosses. Answer me one more question and you can go out."

As soon as they heard this, their hearts hung up again. They didn't know what questions yunmenglong would ask.

"Old... Boss, you... Ask, we must... Know everything and say everything." Xie Laowu stammered bravely.

"How did your men get hurt?" yunmenglong smiled at the bosses and asked affably.


Look at me, these bosses. I look at you. I don't know what medicine is sold in Yunmeng dragon gourd. I have to "this" and no one dare to answer.

"Was it hurt by those ferocious Japanese?" yunmenglong kindly guided.

As soon as these bosses listen, they understand that they are also exquisite characters. This is a plant. Usually they don't do less. Since yunmenglong planted this on the Japanese, he forgives them.

"Yes, yes, it's those RB pigs and bastards who burn, kill and loot. They do all kinds of evil. They bully our people. Our brother acted bravely and was hurt by those RB people. We hate each other and are at odds with the RB people. We must take revenge." Zhou Ruihua said immediately with passion and jealousy of evil.

Yunmenglong looked at him approvingly and said, "shit, this boy can plant more than me."

"Well, it turned out to be a misunderstanding. Brothers, please have tea another day. You can go." yunmenglong pondered.

Chu Jingfeng opened the stone gate and said, "Dear bosses, please offend me."

These bosses heard that if they were granted amnesty, they still had questions in their hearts, that is, whether yunmenglong is a human or a ghost, is it a ghost? He has a shadow and is a human. He was really a fierce ghost just now.

Xie Laowu was pushed by the bosses. He hesitated, like the eldest daughter who just came out of the cabinet.

"Boss Xie, I don't know what else to do?" Yun Menglong asked after seeing Xie Laowu's appearance.

"Well, boss, can we also ask you a question?" Xie Laowu said, gritting his teeth. Although he is a representative, he should also make it clear that it is what everyone wants to ask.

Yunmenglong waved his hand generously and said, "but it doesn't hurt to say."

"Well, that... You... Are a person or a ghost?" Xie Laowu said carefully.

"What do you think?" the cloud dream dragon turned and said.

"I... I don't know." Xie Laowu stammered and answered honestly.

"Of course I'm human, fool. Who can't see the ghost? Does the ghost have a shadow? Look at my shadow. It's more punctual." yunmenglong said naturally.

"But just now you..." Xie Laowu dared not say it.

"Oh, just now, the king of hell and I bought our lives and spent $200 million, brackets, dollars!" Yun Menglong laughed.


It is said that marriage is the grave of love. In fact, it is wrong. The grave of love is time!

Someone said that the shelf life of love is three months. In fact, one month is good. That's sad, but it's true.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. You can't beat a boat of people with a stick, like Yunmeng dragon. The woman who can love her for 1000 years, 10000 years, or even forever.

The beauty of love is not found in marriage. The word love is beautiful in everyone's heart and is not contaminated with a trace of vulgarity and filthy. Its romance is destined to have nothing to do with oil, salt, firewood, rice, soy sauce and vinegar, unkempt and untidy. It is romantic and full of beautiful fantasies. But marriage, so realistic, marriage is a kind of responsibility and a kind of life. What it needs is not romance, not fantasy, but thick feelings, down-to-earth efforts and mutual support. The contradiction between husband and wife after marriage mainly lies in the gap between reality and ideal, as well as the husband's attitude towards his wife. There are many people who complain that after marriage, the husband is not as gentle and considerate as his wife used to be. A man is really not so careful. Of course, he should concentrate and rack his brains when fishing, but who will take care of the fish when they are caught in the basin? On the other hand, the husband's fatigue, work fatigue and entertainment fatigue make the husband physically and mentally tired. Only when they get home, they are real. They relax, don't want to talk, and just want to have a good rest. Their tired body and mind are ready to invest in the repeated fatigue hypocrisy tomorrow. But as for the wife, what she needs is her husband to talk with her, let her be spoiled, spoil her and care about her. In this way, there will be contradictions!

Who can treat marriage like love? No, Yunmeng dragon can't. love lasts because of regret and loss. What is lost is always so precious. Treating love requires you to devote yourself to it. All your energy and time are spent on love, watering this fragile and beautiful flower of love. Can you get married? To work, to live, to oil, salt, firewood and rice, there are too many places to distract energy.

The shelf life of love is three months. After 100 days, love is not gone, but transformed into more thick and reliable feelings. Feelings flow like water and never dry up.

In fact, many times, the most lasting marriage relationship is maintained by money.

Marriage combined because of love is short, because love is short, marriage built with money is eternal, because money itself is eternal.

So the conclusion is that money is everything.

This sentence is cruel and sad. But I repeat, money is everything.

Fucking money. I also say that all evils are led by prostitution. In my opinion, all evils are led by money. The people of the world live and die. What is it for? Benefit mankind? Devote oneself to socialist construction? It's all bullshit, just for money. Well, of course, I don't rule out the existence of such a great person. I worship and sincerely admire such a person!

I hope you don't blame me for this nonsense. This is the writing style of junior three. It's not counting words. Readers who understand me must understand it

Those bosses secretly scolded Yun Menglong's shameless, despicable, sinister, obscene and licentious... In short, they were derogatory words. What they illiterates knew was to be taken out. When scolding yunmenglong, I also hope to strongly greet yunmenglong's mother with the stick on the purr grape that comes out more than women.

Not to mention them, those small minions who were caught were almost knocked out of their wealth by being ripped off. The so-called strong generals have no weak soldiers. All hooligans are hooligans, not to mention yunmenglong, the best of hooligans. Su Qi took dozens of army ruffians to rip off the money, and then divided the money to his brothers according to Yun Menglong's meaning. The art of the imperial subordinate must be rewarded and punished if he has done anything! Yunmenglong knows this well.

After seeing off the bosses, yunmenglong asked, "Jingfeng, have they recorded all their words?"

Chu Jingfeng hung his head slightly and said, "yes, boss."

"Let's listen." yunmenglong found a chair to sit down and said with a smile.

"How did your brother get hurt?" yunmenglong's voice sounded.

"It's those RB pigs, those bastards. They burn, kill and loot. They do all kinds of evil. They bully our people. Our brother acted bravely and was hurt by those RB people. We hate each other. We must take revenge against the RB people." a pig killing voice shouted, jealous of evil as revenge.

"We must take revenge." the crowd shouted.

"It turned out to be so." the voice of yunmenglong suddenly realized.

Yunmenglong nodded and said with a smile, "well, it's very good, and the splicing is very good. In a moment, we'll take this thing to knock those Japanese people's bamboo sticks and give him a big blow! Compatriots, I'm sorry to be too cruel, these Japanese, hum!"

Chu Jingfeng heard that cold, "It's not cruel. The youngest of those bosses is in his 40s. Yunmenglong spits out all the money he has saved for decades. It's too cruel and shameless to kill people without blood. I'm... I'm so happy to have such a boss. With his blessed character, being a brother naturally has a lot of benefits. Those bastards can't afford to steal chickens, lose rice, lose their wives, and break their soldiers. It's really hard for them. However, alas, it's a little too cruel. "Chu Jingfeng trembled with the check that yunmenglong threw him for billions of dollars in his hand.

Yunmenglong knocked very well and hummed a little song happily: "bamboo, bamboo, knock it loud! Bamboo, bamboo, don't knock white, don't knock, reach out thousands or eight million, it's really easy to earn..."

Chu Jingfeng listened to yunmenglong's disorderly and rhythmic self-made crooked songs. His stomach churned. To tell the truth, he had a suicidal heart. However, he still thumbed up and praised yunmenglong and said, "the boss is a ghost horse genius. It's a great loss in the singing world if this mysterious voice doesn't enter the singing world. If you want to sing, Jay Chou is afraid to lose his job."

"I sing so well?" asked Yun Menglong, who really didn't know himself well.

Chu Jingfeng was stunned. His heart was terrible and exaggerated. He was also happy. In the past, he couldn't be so calm and mature. At this time, it was difficult to ride a tiger. Chu Jingfeng had to harden his head and say against his heart, "that's right. This sound should only be heard in the sky. How many times in the world."

"Hehe, I still have this day. I'll record an album and sell it in the audio-visual store. It's so good that I want you to share it." yunmenglong said complacently.

Chu Jingfeng is apologizing to heaven and earth Guanyin Buddha. It's really torture. It's my fault to rape the people's hearing inhumanely.

"Alas, if these people don't take the idea of my territory and have such a kind and great personality, how can they black their money? Why do I get so much money against my own will? I shouldn't be so. However, they deceive people too much, and they will always be punished. Moreover, there are so many brothers under me who have to eat They can't starve to death. They are loyal to me. I want to give them some benefits. There are also my women. Because of my accident, they have lost weight one by one. They need to buy some tonics to make up for it, or I'll be more distressed. "Yun Menglong was relieved. He shook his head and sighed:" Jingfeng, you made these bosses dizzy last night, but you took nude photos? "

Chu Jingfeng took out a paper bag from his clothes and handed it to yunmenglong.

Yunmenglong glanced casually, and an ugly and fat body appeared in sight. Yunmenglong immediately threw the picture to Chu Jingfeng: "Take good care of it. It's good. Although these people's bodies are far less beautiful than those of beautiful girls, they are much more valuable. It's killing three birds with one stone. First, with these things, they won't dare to disagree in the future. People want face, trees and skin. How can these bosses mix when they want these photos to be posted online? Second, it may be necessary to let them be witnesses , accuse RB people of murdering and setting fire. You see, planting must have human and material evidence, otherwise how can people be convinced? Third, if you are short of money, you can borrow some from these bosses at any time. Of course, you don't have to look at your mood. Wash more of these photos, and each one is priceless. "After that, Yunmeng longdun said: "Let's go. The next thing to knock is the pigs of the black dragon club. Maybe my old friend Yamamoto ghost is among them."

Chu Jingfeng knows that in a few minutes, the boss will have countless wealth in his hands. Yunmenglong's money making speed is far worse than that of Bill Gates.

"Boss." when yunmenglong was about to step out of the stone gate of the cell, Chu Jingfeng hesitated.

"Why?" yunmenglong stopped, turned around and smiled at Chu Jingfeng.

"Is this too cruel?" Chu Jingfeng couldn't bear it.

Yunmeng dragon's pupil shrank, looked at Chu Jingfeng and said in a deep voice: "Jingfeng, you are a soldier. You know better than I do. Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to yourself. Have these bosses from all over the country ever been kind to me? They just want to rob my territory and occupy my business. If I die, my women have no ability, and my brothers leave me, we can imagine the end. In order to let my beloved and I My friend, live a good and happy life. I'd rather be sorry for people all over the world! In this world, I must step on my feet! "Yunmenglong clenched his fist and sent out invisible pressure, such as cangyue River, surging, and Chu Jingfeng could hardly breathe.

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