Supreme Satyr

Chapter 515

Ling aopeng sank his face. He paced back and forth and said to Chu Jingfeng, "go and stabilize him first and say I'll go in a minute."

"Yes." Chu Jingfeng answered and left.

Ling aopeng looked at yunmenglong and said, "the Japanese embassy has put pressure on our government. Maybe this time it will take the instructions and approval from the superior and ask us to release people. What do you say?"

Yunmeng dragon's eyes shone with a penetrating light, and he snorted coldly: "Yamamoto ghost, I knew that these Japanese tried to save people as soon as they went back, but it was not slow. However, this opportunity was really rare. Let alone the chief executive of the embassy, even if the dog came personally, I could kill them." Yunmeng dragon pondered: "Dad, our soldiers are divided into two ways. You should go to Taiji with that Yamada's anus first and hold him down. You'd better not give him a chance to talk. If you wait for half an hour, everything is over. He wants people again and give him the body. I'll kill him and bury him. Well, let's do it. We're divided into two ways. Don't make up. Maybe you can go like this After receiving the miraculous effect, you can talk with him casually about how the withered trees come back to spring and how the strong wind develops. This debauchery little anus must be attracted. If he doesn't believe that you are the commander and say anything disrespectful, you'll beat him hard. "

Ling aopeng is not a timid person, isn't he killing thousands of devils? He hasn't killed them. Ling aopeng gritted his teeth: "OK, that's it. Dad will carry it when the sky falls. Go."

Yunmenglong smiled and said to Ling aopeng, "Dad, don't worry. RB's dumb loss is settled this time. They can only break their teeth and swallow blood if they die thousands. Hey hey." yunmenglong smiled treacherously and said, "do it."

"Look, look, 'the Japanese underworld invaded Yunhai citizens and slaughtered innocent people. Now yunmenglong, the boss of longhumen, captured them all and decided to shoot all the criminals at the entrance of the vegetable market at 1:00 noon today. It's Fair for the dead.' really or not, let's go. Stop playing and have a look."

In an Internet cafe in Yunhai City, a handsome boy of 17 or 18 years old was playing a game. As a result, he suddenly jumped out of a window. There were those words and some live pictures. Those pictures portrayed the ugly faces of the RB people. After they killed the Chinese, they showed an excited look on their faces, which made every Chinese angry.

"It must be true, Yunmeng dragon. He is my idol. Let's go and see it right away. Maybe we can see the legendary rogue saint, the leader of the underworld and the righteous general Yunmeng dragon." A young man with colorful hair as big as him jumped up immediately and ran along. Although he was only about 1.7 meters tall, his legs were really tossing slowly.

The handsome boy who found the window shook his head reluctantly: "Alas, you are really crazy about yunmenglong. You don't take such crazy pursuit of stars?" he said to himself and chased out. He saw his friend who had run thirty or fifty meters in front shouting: "scoundrel, wait for me! I saw your ass."

The scoundrel looked back at the pursuer. His eyes looked melancholy, like a daughter-in-law who was angry all day. His nose was not generally flat, only less than two centimeters higher than his cheek, but his face was not generally exquisite. His snow-white and greasy skin was like water. His eyebrows were thin and long. He wore loose clothes Pants, they're going to fall off when you run.

"Xiaoyingzi, you should hurry up, just as you did when you were a child." Wu Wulai, nicknamed scoundrel, suddenly smiled with red lips and white teeth.

"Day, your uncle's is better than you. Are you having a problem with your sexual function? I don't see you picking up girls." Zhao Yingjie scolded angrily and caught up with him.

Wu Wulai's eyes suddenly flashed a sad look, and then he was replaced by endless hatred: "women are not fucking good things."

Zhao Yingjie knew that Wu Wulai hated women, but he didn't think so. However, the boy's life experience was tragic enough. His family was very rich. His father was a little boss. His mother left early and left when the little rascal was three years old. Then his rich father brought him back a legendary fox spirit as his stepmother. The stepmother had two sides and three swords Lai's father was busy, and his stepmother often punched and served the scoundrel, or she would be ironic. The scoundrel hated her to death. Later, the Fox Spirit gave birth to a little fox spirit, and she didn't love Wu Wulai. Wu Wulai's father was in middle age, lustful and cheated the daughter of a tycoon into bed. As a result, he was killed by a tycoon in a rage. Wu Wulai's stepmother didn't shed a drop of tears, Holding the child, he rolled up his bedding and threw himself into the arms of another rich man. Wu Wu was the only one left in the family. If his grandmother hadn't often taken care of him, the unlucky child would have starved to death. When he was in junior high school, the boy fell in love with a girl and chased her shamelessly behind his ass for a week, and finally got it done. The scoundrel was complacent , he flew to heaven happily. Later, he inadvertently found that the girl had 23 boyfriends behind her back, which made the scoundrel very angry and heartbroken. This matter left indelible scars on the young heart of the scoundrel. So far, the scoundrel became angry when he saw a woman, but fortunately, he didn't carry the mountain behind his back, otherwise Zhao Yingjie didn't have such a solid relationship with him. This boy is usually right It's OK for him who holds a piece of ice. When Zhao Yingjie was moved, he was worried. He said to the scoundrel several times: "don't you fall in love with me?"

The scoundrel gave Zhao Yingjie a sanitary ball: "xiaoyingzi, quick shooter, I just don't like women and won't like you."

Zhao Yingjie touched his chest and loosened his airway: "that's good, that's good."

Scoundrels like a person. That person is a high God and a super invincible hero. Well, yes, that person is Yunmeng dragon. If yunmenglong knew that a boy liked him, he would be depressed to death.

The news spread like a virus plague. In less than ten minutes, netizens all over China knew about it. They hated RB people one by one. Now they hated them even more. They hated them to death. Of course, they wanted RB people to die. Yun Menglong's public massacre is certainly very gratifying. This time, it can be regarded as a small compensation for the Nanjing Massacre decades ago.

The propagation speed of the network is amazing, which can be said to be superhuman. Later, there was no publicity at all. The web page was there, with tens of millions of hits a day, which was amazing.

Almost all the citizens of Yunhai city gathered near Caishikou, waiting to see the first massacre of Rb people in history. The order issuer is the mysterious and unpredictable first leader in their mind. Yunmenglong, who just held a funeral yesterday and is about to raise his butcher's knife today. Ordinary citizens don't care what you fake death or plot. They just want to see how RB people were killed. It can be said that such a killing in public is unprecedented, and only the evil star that yunmenglong is not afraid of this day will do it.

The vegetable market entrance is completely blocked, watertight and watertight. But on both sides of the road, people consciously set aside a road. Without a road, how can you let yunmenglong come?

Military headquarters, computer control room.

Yunmenglong was stunned when he saw the rapid rise of click traffic. At present, the fastest speed of spreading news in the world is traffic. One of yunmenglong's girlfriends is a computer genius. She received the best education in the United States and studied hacker attack and defense courses. She is extremely smart and has outstanding computer attainments. Among the top ten most famous hackers in the world, she is the only girl. Her code name is "shadow".

Yunmenglong hugged the beauty and kissed her and said, "I didn't expect my tomato beauty to be so capable, so."

The beauty in her arms is Liang Xiaotong. Her pretty face turned red by Yunmeng dragon, but her eyes are bright. The two dark pupils are so beautiful and dazzling. She raised her head and said, "hum, that's why you don't ask others what's powerful. You thought they were a fool who can't do anything."

"Well, I know I'm wrong. Tell me how you did it." yunmenglong looked at Liang Xiaotong's "crackling" on the keyboard just now. His fingers were flying, and his jade fingers were like butterflies wearing flowers.

"It's very simple. I just made up the latest pop-up Trojan horse, and then carried the advertisement of this message to attack the port of each client. In this way, people who surf the Internet received it. However, some master computers can't receive it, and their firewall is too beautiful." Liang Xiaotong said without care.

Yunmenglong was confused when he heard this. He waved his hand and said, "forget it, when I didn't ask. Hey, Tong Tong is so great today. Brother, I'll go to work first and let's make love when we get back."

Liang Xiaotong's delicate body was hot, dizzy, spat at yunmenglong and said, "Oh, who makes love with you? Go on one side."

Yunmenglong laughed and left.

Outside, yunmenglong has long blocked the signal around the general's headquarters. Even those RB people know, they won't call Yamada. The Japanese had long been detained on military trucks by Su Qi and two thousand sharpshooters, and the blood killing in 1999 had long infiltrated the crowd to inquire about the situation.

Yun Menglong sat in a sapphire blue limbo Gini. Of course, the driver was Miss Xue Piao Xue, who was the first to try Yunyu. Yunmenglong said two words to the walkie talkie: "let's go."

Dozens of military trucks slowly went out to the entrance of the vegetable market. On the bus were soldiers with serious expressions and submachine guns, while those RB people were bound into standard zongzi. The goods were generally dumped in the car and crowded together.

Twenty minutes later, the market was in sight.

This dish market is not the one beheaded in the Ming Dynasty. But the name of this place is Caishikou. No one knows who took the name.

"Here, here, the exciting moment has finally come. It's the first time RB people have been slaughtered in ZG. This matter will attract the attention of the world, that is, Mg. If you want to intervene in some more things, you should also consider it." someone said excitedly.

Ten miles long, there were crowded people. They not only came to see the massacre, but also paid tribute to their heroes. The military vehicles walked slowly, the applause lasted for a long time, and the soldiers were also excited. No matter how wonderful the pen and flowers are, it is difficult to describe this emotion.

The RB people on the bus were taken down one by one and pushed to the open space of the vegetable market. In the process, the people spit, throw rotten eggs and rotten cabbage. Anyway, this is the entrance of the vegetable market, and there is no shortage of vegetables, melons and fruits. It is said that the dealers of fruits and vegetables provide eggs and tomatoes free of charge for the use of the masses. Those RB people looked tired and gray, and their souls didn't know where to go.

And the gray haired old man rushed up and punched and kicked the RB man. After that, he cried to the sky, "comrades in arms, villagers, you have a spirit in heaven. You should look at it and rest in peace. It's what commander yunmenglong did for us."

"Long live the cloud dream dragon, long live the cloud dream dragon." a neuropathic voice sounded, and it was Wu Wulai. This shout startled Zhao Yingjie.

However, at this time, the people were excited. There was a heat wave in everyone's chest. Everything started as soon as they picked it up. They followed the scoundrel and shouted, "long live yunmenglong, long live yunmenglong."

Yunmenglong was teasing the white and plump jade rabbit on Xue Piao MM's chest. Hearing this, he couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "I'm not a turtle. Long live what? I don't know. I thought I was engaged in restoration? That smelly boy, well, it seems interesting." then he touched a walkie talkie and said, "Su Qi, let the blood kill the boy and bring him back later, and said I want to see him."

More than 3000 RB people all stood up, facing the black muzzle of the gun and the soldiers with a firm and dignified face.

Feng Shui turns around in turn. Who could have thought that there would be today in decades?

Yunmenglong came out of Lin baogini and all his eyes focused on him. Speaking of, it's the first time that he appeared in front of everyone as yunmenglong. I'm afraid the world's most popular star is not as popular as yunmenglong after today!

Yunmenglong looked valiant in a water-green military uniform. On his handsome face was a pair of blue eyes. His expression was as calm as water. Looking down, he had a great general style.

"Ah! He is yunmenglong, so young and handsome!" said a flower crazy woman.

"Wow, I like yunmenglong. I want to marry him as a wife." another flower crazy woman has no spectrum.

"Just you, come on. You don't have to be a servant girl for him. Be realistic. I'll be his mistress." the first flower crazy woman sneered.

"I must be his wife." the flower crazy woman turned a deaf ear to someone's words and just talked to herself.

Someone was very depressed, rolled his eyes and continued to look at yunmenglong.

Yunmenglong smiled and waved to everyone. The enthusiasm of the people was unprecedented. At the same time, he shouted: "yunmenglong, I love you! Yunmenglong, I love you!..."

Yunmeng dragon is like a jade tree facing the wind. He slowly walks to the orderly army and raises his voice: "RB once disturbed China. We have been tolerant and humble to you. You thought we were afraid of them. This time, we dared to attack on such a large scale. Isn't it a naked aggression? In order to extinguish their arrogance and explain to the dead souls, I yunmenglong killed these RB people today. Don't talk about what was born by their parents. It's bullshit. Did they ever think about it at the beginning We still have relatives, wives and children? Hum, even if I fall to the ground because of killing them, even if I become the murderer hell accused by thousands of people, I will kill them! "

The words of Yunmeng dragon were resounding and impassioned. When the people saw the greatness of Yunmeng dragon, Yunmeng dragon's words provoked their anger. The Nanjing Massacre, comfort women and the Lugouqiao Incident were stained with blood one by one, and the deep hatred could not be buried and filled. However, they denied the facts and paid homage to the dog shrine. Such bad deeds are really countless.

"Kill, kill, kill!" the masses raised their hands and shouted wildly under the leadership of the 99 blood kill.

Yunmenglong slowly raised his hand, the voice stopped, the crowd gathered and rubbed his shoulders one after another, but at this time, everything was silent and silent. People held their breath. They knew that an exciting one was coming.

Yunmenglong slightly opened his lips and gently spit out a word: "kill!"

This word, let hundreds of thousands of people's heart beat faster, this word, let the dense gunfire continue to be heard, this word let 3000 enemies die!

Three thousand RB people fell in a pool of blood, shocking and shocking the world.

Everyone watched this scene happen. The visual stimulation was unprecedented. This was a real massacre. Yunmeng dragon played between his fingers, and the bandits gave him the head. Yunmeng dragon's face was as quiet as before, unchanged at all. He was a Bodhisattva and slaughtered in the street. This was the means of hell.

After today, yunmenglong has another nickname: Bodhisattva Yama!

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