Supreme Satyr

Chapter 517

Yunmenglong leaned back and collapsed in the soft sofa. He was so angry that he looked at someone and said, "Hua Hua Hua, why are you so unpopular? What is buying people's hearts? I think he is a talent and give him a chance to show. His life experience is also very poor, alas," yunmenglong sighed and thought of his experience: "To tell the truth, I have been in this era for more than ten years. Although I have only been awake for seven months, I feel very tired. There is always an invisible pressure on me. I feel like I am carrying a huge responsibility."

Wei Ya nodded and said: "Of course, your responsibility is great. In just half a year, from your cometary rise to dominating the country, you have become a national hero, which is admired by the people of the country and feared by the enemy. There are more than tens of thousands of younger brothers under your hand. Their clothes, food, shelter and transportation are all on you, as well as your women. They all love you like the sea. You can't live up to anyone However, you can't be the same to everyone in your heart. For example, the person you love most is Jin Bingying, the person you respect most is long Mengyun, the person you admire most is Lin wanruo, the person you love most is dai'er, the person you pity most is Qiqi, and the person you like most is the blushing little girl Liang Xiaotong, as well as the girls at the bottom of your heart, the tender apricot blue and the infatuated public Lord, the faithful Xiuer, and Su Qingyao, the fairy who brought you to modern Jingzhai. You can never give them complete love. A woman has given everything. Who doesn't want to get everything from each other? But they love you too much and don't care. Your love is fragmented, and you try to balance it, but it's difficult to balance Heng, love can't be pretended. They are all your women. It's your responsibility to make them happy. They are all your sweet burden. Brothers and women, love and righteousness, what a heavy burden. Although the master trained you to be a qualified hooligan and you soak up all the beauties in the world, your sentiment is greater than a gentleman, and your character is not worse than a saint. You He is a saint among hooligans and a gentleman among hooligans. You have done a lot for the country and the people. Just say the money. You sent someone to find those comfort women and give them one million each. You donated money to the Nanjing government and asked them to establish eight martyrs' ancestral halls, schools and nursing homes. You also took in so many orphans. These people are your responsibility. Can you say your responsibility is not heavy ?”

Yunmenglong shook his head with a wry smile and frowned more tightly: "I don't mean these responsibilities. I think there is a heavier responsibility on my shoulder. That responsibility is really heavy, so heavy that I can hardly breathe. I dare not think so much. Suddenly, I appear in a strange world. I am frightened and uneasy, but in more than half a year, I have made today's achievements, which are unprecedented. Although in the process, I I've experienced life and death several times, but everything is worth it. I thought I had nothing in this world. I didn't expect to meet you and Xiaohui. You and Xiaohui are by my side. I'm very glad, but it's hard for the other two people to get them back to me. "

Wei Ya knew that yunmenglong was talking about Jin Bingying and his son. He comforted yunmenglong and said: "Don't worry, you will know each other. He may hate you, but I believe he will forgive you when he knows your helplessness. After all, blood is thicker than water. As for Jin Bingying, she has unknowingly fallen in love with you. In those days when you were unconscious, she often came here to peek at you. Her eyes look at you are very gentle."

Yunmenglong didn't know about it. As soon as he heard it, he immediately put his troubles behind him, grabbed Wei Ya's neck and said, "Hua Hua Hua, are what you said really? Do you mean to say this to amuse me?"

"Let go... Shit, let go, you want to strangle me? Cough..." the old man opened Yun Menglong's hand and gasped: "Alas, look at you, rogue nature. You're excited when it comes to beauty. I'm a genuine immortal. When did I tell a lie to shake you? I'm true." Wei Ya said with confidence, as if he were a prophet.

"No? Let me see... Well, by the way, why did you take me as an apprentice, and why did you become the leader of the emperor killing demon sect? What's the plot?" yunmenglong pretended and then mentioned the old thing again. He has been thinking about it all the time.

"Well, ah, it's a nice day today. The old fairy is going to bask in the sun." Wei Ya looked around, talked about him, and then ran out.

"I depend on you. It's evening. There's no sun to bask in." Yun Menglong scolded.

"It's not good to bask in the sunset, stupid..." the disdainful voice of the old beggar came from the air.

"My God, you're looking for a dead flower. I won't abuse your little flower." yunmenglong jumped up and went after Wei Ya.


That night, yunmenglong held a banquet in yunlongyuan to entertain his friends and relatives. The colorful clothes of longmengyun and other women were not as white as they had been recently. They smiled like flowers and flew around like butterflies. More than a dozen beautiful women were happily busy in the kitchen. They insisted that everyone make yunmenglong a dish full of love and emotion. Look at their height Xingyang's son yunmenglong is depressed. The happy woman in the kitchen must be a rookie. I remember last time yunmenglong secretly fed the food longmengyun cooked to him to a big black dog named Wangcai. Wangcai screamed a few times and farted cold. It seems that the back of Yunmeng's Dragon's back is cold. The dishes made by longmengyun can only be used as rat poison. Other women are estimated to be the same, aren't they Miss Qianjin is a Wulin expert or a college student who doesn't work hard. Who can make a good dish? From time to time, there are women screaming in the kitchen. Hearing the cold sweat of the people sitting in the hall, they said, "if you eat these beautiful dishes, it's strange not to go back and have diarrhea, but alas, you can't stop eating!"

Waiting for the cooking process, yunmenglong farts and chats with everyone.

"Menglong, can your sister-in-law cook? Anyway, I know Tang Tang can't do it, but she looked like that just now. Did Tang Tang turn into a housewife after following you?" the super handsome Zhou Yihong asked nervously.

Yunmenglong also sweated a little. He lowered his voice and said: "Tang Tang, last time I had to fry eggs for me, but the fire was too hot and the oil was on. The girl screamed and spilled a basin of water on it. As a result, a fire broke out in the kitchen. Finally, I fried the eggs for me. I saw that the dark things couldn't be seen as eggs from the appearance. After I took a bite, I decided not to eat Tang Tang's fried egg. Later, the egg was given to the big black dog. As a result, the big black dog didn't eat it. Alas. Tang Tang didn't dump me for several days. "

Zhou Yihong almost didn't get down. He said with a bitter smile: "My brother, you're not such a tormenting person. My little brother thought you were dead, but he was very sad. I gave you peace in school. Everything is under your pressure. The most painful thing is to substitute for you. I can't recite Tang and Song poems every day. I went up and talked about them for half a day and turned myself into paste. When will you go back to school? The students know now You're a cloud dream dragon. There's no way. Your students are like monkeys one by one. It's estimated that if you don't go back, they'll invite you soon. "

Zhou Yihong poured out bitter water. Yunmeng Longxin was very worried. He firmly shook Zhou Yihong's snow-white hand and said, "brother, it's hard for you. In order to reward you, Tang Tang's food, I decided to reward you."

Zhou Yihong was shocked and shouted, "brother, spare your life. Are you rewarding me or punishing me?"

"Zhou Yihong, what are you talking about?" a tall and moving beauty pinched her small waist and asked Zhou Yihong with wide eyes.

"Ah? Tang Tang, when did you come out? Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are becoming more and more beautiful. What you have on your hand is the food you fried for your lover Menglong handsome guy. It looks delicious. Hehe, you are so lucky to eat the food cooked by Tang Tang Tang. Menglong is envious." Zhou Yihong said with a smile.

Jiang Tang's eyes turned and said, "this dish is for you. I'll thank you on behalf of Menglong for supporting him in school. Come on, try it. You're welcome." Jiang Tang thrust chopsticks into Zhou Yihong's hand. Zhou Yihong took an egg and put it in his mouth

"Oh, it tastes good?" Zhou Yihong didn't think that although the eggs made by Jiang Tang didn't sell well, they tasted delicious and smooth, which made the mouth watery and had the meaning of turning decay into magic.

Zhou Yihong looked at him in surprise and admiration. Jiang Tang was very proud. She turned white. Zhou Yihong said, "hum, people have used more than 300 eggs to make this egg for Menglong. If you don't eat it, it's a waste." while talking, Jiang Tang picked up the egg and put it in front of yunmenglong, picked up a piece and sent it to yunmenglong's mouth: "come on, taste it?"

The beauty sent each other, not to mention an egg, which was the poison. Yunmenglong took a step on his brow and swallowed it immediately. Yunmenglong held the egg in his mouth and slowly touched it with his tongue. He was careful, as if he were a cat teasing mice. It didn't feel strange. Except for a little paste, he chewed it with his teeth and swallowed it. It was more serious than a girl. Yunmeng Long looked up at Jiang Tang's eagerness to wait for evaluation. He was moved. He smiled and thumbed up and said, "after Tang Tang Tang, it's not only color gambling, but also a beautiful God of food. I'm afraid even I, the real God of food, will retreat to the second line."

Although Jiang Tang knew that Yun Menglong was exaggerating to praise her, he felt that it was worth it. She wasted more than 300 eggs and couldn't eat any more. The old hens who laid eggs couldn't forgive her.

"You have a mouth all over." Jiang Tang glanced at yunmenglong with joy and anger and said, "I'll help them cook."

During the whole process, yunmenglong's guests are all empty eyed and staring at everywhere. Anyway, the living room of yunlongyuan is arranged generously and elegantly, which makes people comfortable to stay. Flowers, plants, fish and insects, exquisite jumping off, famous paintings and antiques give people elegant enjoyment. Professor Dai Ming, for example, stared at a flower for a long time, which is almost a flower stone. They are afraid of yunmenglong's embarrassment. In fact, it is him We think too much. Yunmenglong, an old rogue, won't be embarrassed. He enjoys it as if there were no one else.

"I said Lao long, we can't do this. You're flirting and flirting with your beauty in full view. Aren't you afraid of your envy?" Zhou Yihong said with his legs crossed.

Yunmenglong smiled and asked, "are you jealous?"

"What are you jealous of? Don't you see?" one by one, the ability to pretend to be stupid is really perfect.

Yunmenglong smiled happily.

"Lao long, you are cruel. It's very gratifying to see that you gave the order at the entrance of the vegetable market and the group of bandits gave the head. I seldom admire anyone in my life, but today I responsibly tell you, brother, I appreciate you and admire you. You are a man, a pure man! That's it, No.1! Your arrogance over all things and arrogance over the group of bandits made people sad. I often think of it From the blood filled, straight to the top of my head, it's really windy and cold. A strong man kills people without blinking an eye. You will always live in my heart! "Zhou Yihong's words are suspected of showing off literary talent. At first, he said that Yunmeng dragon was like a big tail wolf. The fluffy tail was colorful and silly and lovely, but in the end, it completely changed its taste.

Yun Menglong scolded angrily: "Xiao Zhouzi, you ABC, don't tell me idioms before you go to school. If you hear too many words, brother, I'm short of oxygen. It's better to show my ugliness than to hide my clumsiness. You can do the whole word. If you don't understand the flat tone, you can learn to write poetry! I asked you to substitute for me. Don't you torture my students like this? You still live in your fucking heart forever. You think I'm a mummy?"

Before Zhou Yihong spoke, a forthright and loud voice rang out: "who is the mummy? Ha ha, I'm late. How about punishing myself with three cups of apology?"

The visitor walked like a tiger in a dragon's stride, with great momentum, square face, thick eyebrows, tiger eyes and dragon mouth. He was hale and hearty and in high spirits.

Yunmenglong smiled and greeted him and said, "Dad smiles like a flower. People say people have a good spirit at happy events. What happy events does Dad have? Look at you. You're young and like a young man."

The people still wondered who this man was. He looked vaguely like Ling aopeng, commander of the three armed forces. But he looked much younger. Was he Ling aopeng's son or brother? No, commander Ling's brother was far away in Australia. He didn't have a son, just a thousand gold. After listening to yunmenglong, they knew that this man was really Ling aopeng, but what happy event can make people happy So young?

Ling aopeng knew that yunmenglong gave him a reason to be young, so that people wouldn't doubt it. Ling aopeng laughed, very dry, very bold and unrestrained, military style. People couldn't help but raise their lips and show their teeth.

"It's really proud to say that. When the news that Menglong killed those little RBS came, the little bastard of okacao Yamada's face turned green, as if his wife had been stolen. He was so angry that he was like sieve bran. He was trembling with fat. He pointed at me for a long time, but he didn't dare to say anything. Shit, I'll abolish him if he dared to say anything!" Ling aopeng raised his eyebrows and made up for the whole audience. Then he calmed down. Ling aopeng continued: "I asked him what happened. He turned pale with a pig's face, muttered in his mouth and left. Ha ha, I've always had a fire in my heart. I wish I could kill him again. Little RB was innocent. Menglong really did something that the whole Chinese people wanted to do but couldn't do! I'm happy. I've been happy all night. I just explained the story to the top and watched the scene He was also very happy. He smiled and asked Ling aopeng to blame yunmenglong casually. In fact, he was very satisfied with his behavior. Menglong is a well deserved national hero. I'm glad to have such a son. "Ling aopeng said so much, but he didn't breathe, and when it came to the turtle grandson of Yamada okacao, he was beaming and dancing.

Influenced by commander Ling, everyone laughed like little flowers in spring and opened up.

Xiao He doesn't know how to find out that yunmenglong and his daughter have made substantial progress. Now, yunmenglong is really the old father-in-law's son-in-law. The more he looks, the more happy he is. He laughs: "Menglong is the pride of the Chinese people and the pride of the sea of clouds."

As the chief executive of Yunhai City, Tan Yaoxi certainly agrees with this conclusion, but he is really good at it. He took advantage of the loopholes of the RB people. The six leaders such as Yamamoto ghost were released, but the three thousand men hung up, which makes it more obvious that the RB people are greedy for life and afraid of death, unkind and unjust. It is really chilling to exchange the lives of three thousand men for the lives of six of them.

So far, Chinese people despise RB people to the extreme. It is said that RB college students are also demonstrating and denouncing the shameless obscenity of Rb government. Yamamoto big ghost and others are selfish and lose money, lose people, and lose people's hearts. The reputation of the black dragon club in Rb is getting worse and worse. The leaders of the black dragon club are furious and swear to break yunmenglong into pieces.

Tan Yaoxi knew that Xiao He's daughter had a tangled affair with Yun Menglong. She couldn't help being very envious. She wondered how to offer her daughter. Well, by the way, isn't Weiwei in class one with Yun Menglong? I remember she seemed to complain that she had recently come to school as a rogue teacher, both a student and a teacher, with two girlfriends and a young brother of Gao Ma da, She seems to say that the man's name is yunmenglong. She hasn't come to class for more than ten days. The class has returned to its former appearance. It's really annoying to fight and make trouble and flirt with girls. It's not as good as when yunmenglong was there. At that time, he flirted with the fairy Jin Bingying in the drama class himself. Other people are as good as their grandchildren.

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