Supreme Satyr

Chapter 555

Some people say that the waiting time is always long. They think that after waiting for a century, when they look at their watch, it's only one minute. The mood of waiting is impatient. Because of anxiety, I feel that the time that has never changed the speed has become old.

Who said that time is forever, we are flying.

During the three days of waiting, yunmenglong had a good attitude and was in a mess. College life always seems so relaxed and leisurely, there is no tight string, no heavy study, everything is casual. Class may or may not, class can sleep or chat, premise, do not affect others. At first, yunmenglong was still interested in listening to the class. Later, he either slept or flirted. It doesn't matter. He was not in the first row. The expression on the teacher's face was messy. There was really nothing he could do. Just close his eyes and pretend not to see. Being a student is very incompetent, very unqualified and very careless. In fact, it's wrong. Such college students are the model and explain the problem. They choose to escape compulsory courses and elective courses. Universities are used to engage in objects. Don't you see that daily rental houses near the university are springing up one after another, and there are great signs of prosperity. According to a student, one of his classmates has made a fortune by doing daily rental. It can be seen that college students' money is easy to earn. The houses near the school are rented, and they are overcrowded. There is no place to go without booking in advance. Can't we fight in the field? What's funny is that there are some idle and boring old men and women waiting for three rounds on the street. They tie a wooden sign with two big words "daily rent" written in red paint. Then they parade through the market in three rounds and shout like hawkers: "rent a house!" and some old women will ask foolishly when they see lovers: "classmate, rent a house?" Even if people really want to rent, I'm sorry, "classmate" rent a house? Shit, is there such a stupid way to ask? But the existence is reasonable. There are really many couples who are led home by those stupid old ladies for a spring night. Keeping pace with daily rent is the monopoly of health products!

Yunmenglong never patronizes these chaotic places. Ya has a famous saying: "it's vulgar to rent a house for sex! What a good office, cultural atmosphere and good in the sun. It's cool while basking in the sun. The only disadvantage is that * * evaporates quickly and can't keep up with production."

When Yun Menglong was a teacher, he was a teacher, or a rogue teacher. No matter how serious, serious, noble, sad and beautiful poems, they immediately became licentious after his association and explanation. For example, stop and sit in the night of love maple forest. The frost leaves are red than the flowers in February. Ya explained that they suddenly came to work, so facing the sunset, the sky was red and the maple forest with red frost leaves, they stopped their car to have sex. Who knows that the woman was a virgin. The blood from broken melons wetted the frost leaves. It was the most expensive and fresh blood of the virgin. Of course, it was more red than the Safflower in February.

In order to do well in yunmenglong's class, many girls bought books such as "300 Tang Poems", "300 Song Poems" and "complete works of Tang and Song Poems" and studied hard all day. A group of beautiful girls dressed in fashionable clothes shook their heads and recited poems together. The scene was really collapsing.

However, Kung Fu pays off those who have a heart. The effect is obvious and the results are excellent. When yunmenglong was talking about the West stream of Chuzhou written by Wei Yingwu, unexpectedly, a girl suddenly said, "that poem is well written, and it was written by Jay Chou. Jay Chou's lyrics are as good as his music, and he is a genius." then someone came out to refute: "It's not written by Jay Chou. It's Wang Leehom, handsome and talented. It's like teacher yunmenglong, but teacher yunmenglong is more handsome. Can you sing, teacher?"

At this time, Yun Menglong often coughed twice and scolded with a dignified manner: "if you don't study hard at ordinary times, you will talk nonsense. This is Wei Yingwu's Linjiang fairy. You can press it on Jay Chou and Wang Leehom. You're not afraid of Wei Ge (this word is so awkward, Viagra!" come to you in the middle of the night to argue? Punish you two for reciting a song of Wei Da Ge (add a word in the middle, which is much more pleasant to your ear) Words, come back tomorrow, but you can't beat your ass. "

One of the girls shyly lowered her head and closed her mouth and said she hated it. The other looked bright: "spanking? Mr. Yun, do you do it yourself?"

Yunmenglong stared at her and said, "no, three eyes can do it for her."

The girl brushed her lips: "OK, Mr. Yun, I will recite a Viagra tomorrow. No, Mr. Wei's words. If I can't recite them, I'll die."

Three eyes: "it's none of my business!"

Yun Menglong continued his speech: "there are Orioles and deep trees singing on the edge of the secluded grass stream. The spring tide brings rain, and there is no boat to cross at night." after reading it, he explained: "look, the artistic conception of this word is very deep and quiet on the surface. In fact, it is a pornographic poem..."

There was an uproar. Yunmenglong's face remained unchanged and continued: "first of all, let's look at his name. Wei Yingwu! It's a hard thing! This is the yearning of men in the world. The name is the most important, and pornographic talents have to be convinced. This name can already reflect on this person's character. Let's look at the word. The first sentence uses a poem to describe a woman:" only pity the living beside the secluded grass stream. " "This grass is not another grass, this stream is not another stream! Let's experience it slowly. Let's look at the second sentence: there are Orioles Singing in the deep trees!" this is a big failure of this poem. I think it is more appropriate to change it to "there are white pigeons singing in the deep trees". The third sentence: "the spring tide brings rain, and it's urgent to come late." However, the tide and urgency highlight the main reasons and processes for doing certain things. The last sentence is "no one can cross the boat on the wild ferry". When things are over, people leave, and the boat will be free. Everything that should be done, everything that should be done, and once you leave, this process can still be used in today's society, and more and more. Don't drag the mud and water, and leave cleanly. Natural and stylish The disadvantage is that there must be protective measures, and another point is to pay, but the money meat transaction is very common and fair. "

Hearing the admiration of the students, Zhou Yihong thumbed up and said, "if people see benevolence, prostitutes see adultery, Yunmeng dragon is the first adultery talent that has never been surpassed in ancient and modern times. It is invincible in the world."

Now yunmenglong reads a song casually: "the sun is sound, the purple smoke floats on the feet, and the Yan is warm. Try the light fur. The sky is sleepy, the flowers are intoxicating, and the noon dream holds the head.

Spring languid is like spring pond water. It is full of sorrow. The east wind is weak and wants to wrinkle and rest. "

Immediately a girl stood up and said, "teacher, this is Fan Chengda's eye, but I think he doesn't write well. I prefer Zhang Xiaoxiang's niannujiao."

Yunmenglong was surprised and said, "it's not simple. I also know that Zhang Xiaoxiang's niannujiao will recite it after passing through Dongting?"

The girl nodded, "yes," and then shook her head and back: "Dongting green grass, near the Mid Autumn Festival, there is no wind. Qiongtian in the jade world is 30000 hectares, holding a leaf of my boat. SuYue

The bright River and the bright River share the same shadow. Both the outside and the inside are clear. Leisurely and carefree, it is difficult to say the beauty with you.

Yingnian mountain watch has been shining alone for many years, and its liver and gallbladder are covered with ice and snow. Its short temples are rusty, and its Lapel sleeves are cold, stable and broad.

Suck the Xijiang River, pour the Beidou carefully, and Vientiane is the guest. Knock on the side and roar alone. I don't know what day it will be. "

Hearing yunmenglong's nod, he didn't look at it for three days.

After the girl sat down, yunmenglong glanced at Tan Weiwei and looked at her in disgust. Yunmenglong was funny in his heart and his expression remained unchanged. He deliberately made trouble for her and said, "Tan Weiwei, please recite a poem by a female poet. Remember that it's a poem, not a word, so don't recite Li Qingzhao."

Tan Weiwei wants to refuse, but she gives up when she thinks about it. Refusing to answer the teacher's question is a serious crime, which is the same as deceiving the teacher and destroying her ancestors.

The gorgeous beauty with full personality stared at yunmenglong, pondered a little, and said back in a pleasant voice: "I advise you not to cherish the Witch Hazel clothes, and I advise you to cherish your youth. Flowers can be folded straight, and don't wait for no flowers to break branches. How about Du qiuniang's Witch Hazel clothes, is it qualified?"

Yun Menglong deliberately exaggerated stared at her and said, "Wow, good poetry. Tan Weiwei recited a very bold pornographic poem written by a woman to everyone."

"Nonsense," Tan Weiwei blushed and scolded, "yunmenglong, don't talk nonsense. Where is this pornographic poem."

Yun Menglong was not angry either. He explained with a smile: "look at this poem, the first sentence is" persuade you not to cherish your golden wisp clothes ". This sentence tells us that it is impossible to buy girls without spending money, whether in modern or ancient times. The author was straightforward and started with the topic," do you want to buy girls, take the money ". The next three sentences," Yun Menglong said: "I urge you to cherish your youth. When flowers bloom, they must be folded. Don't wait for empty branches without flowers", "These three sentences show that the problem of money is solved, and the rest is easy to do. Sister Qiu Niang means to persuade young people to cherish time. The so-called happy life must be happy. Don't make the second empty to the moon. The so-called life is like a fleeting moment, and the conclusion is to have fun in a hurry. Hehe, let men not cherish money when they are young. When flowers bloom, that is to be a man When a woman is mature in some aspects, she should try her best to create happiness. Don't think about it when the function is not working. It's useless at that time! Money is not a problem, but there is no money. When she has money, she has no ability to spend. It's pathetic and pathetic! "After explaining, Yun Menglong smiled and asked Tan Weiwei: "Classmate Tan Weiwei, do you think this is a pornographic poem?"

Tan Weiwei was so angry that she didn't care whether yunmenglong was a teacher or not. The little girl was also a daughter. Mayor Tan was used to growing up since childhood. Her beautiful neck raised a way: "no, other people's poetry didn't mean what you said. You're a bad man with a brain of debauchery."

Yun Menglong shook his head and sighed: "All sages and sages have been debauchery since ancient times. Only the prostitutes have their names. Their names have been passed down through the ages because they are debauchery, but they are still worthy of admiration. After all, their poetry is very implicit. How would you know without my genius's explanation and analysis? Therefore, debauchery also needs to be level. Debauchery should be silent and silent It's the big world. "

Tan Weiwei said, but yunmenglong, this boy can pull too much, and it is endless. Of course, she is not an opponent as a girl.

Seeing her sit down angrily, yunmenglong smiled and said to the students, "now, I have an eternal pornographic poem here. This is the first strong pornographic poem in history. Do you want to appreciate it?"

"Yes, yes..." the boys immediately coaxed and whistled. Most of the girls were silent and a few said no, but the voice was as weak as thunder in men.

"Well, since everyone agrees, I'll write it down for everyone to enjoy." yunmenglong deliberately ignored the girls who said no.

Yun Menglong turned back and took the chalk and wrote down Lu Zhaolin's famous poem "Chang'an ancient meaning" on the blackboard. At the same time, he indicated the notes with brackets next to each poem:

"Chang'an Avenue is narrow and sloping, with seven fragrant carts (fragrant carts are always a great place for women to lose their lives, and the Tang Dynasty is no exception)

The jade chariot crosses the Lord's house, and the Golden Whip flows to the Hou's house. (spectacular! It seems that the Hou's family has a young woman. The jade chariot doesn't even stop at the princess's house.)

The dragon carries the sun, the Phoenix spits Tassels and brings sunset glow. (of course, the emperor comes first. Sunset glow is synonymous with sunset red. Tassels... Delete 4 words)

A hundred feet of hairspring scrambled around the tree, and a group of charming birds crowed flowers. (there's more p down there, animals!)

There are thousands of bees playing with butterflies. There are thousands of colors on the green tree and silver platform. (the battle expanded and the maid beside the door was involved)

The double paths cross the windows for a joyous reunion, and the double que connects Hong and hangs the wind wings. (outside: by the window, in the aisle, having fun everywhere)

From the middle of the Liang family painting Pavilion, the golden stem cloud of the Han emperor is straight outside. (the Han Emperor's divine power is admirable! It's lucky for the Liang family to resist the Marquis and pick up all the painting pavilions.)

In front of the building, we don't know each other, and we meet on the street? (dew marriage, of course not!)

Excuse me, Xiang Ziyan, who once learned to dance for years. (let Li Bai's daughter Ziyan play the flute, so cool that she can fly!)

I will confront the death fearlessly if only I can be with you, and I prefer to share my life with you rather than lead a lonely and immortal life. (I'm not afraid of death and don't envy immortals. Just because I want to die and become immortals)

It's really enviable to compare the eyes of mandarin ducks. Can't you see them? (there are too many people to find a husband)

Students hate to embroider solitary Luan on the account, so as to take the door curtain and paste double swallows. (a lonely person is shameful. Even a lonely Luan is disgusting!)

Double swallow and double fly around the painting beam, and Luo Weicui is covered with tulips. (the decoration in the fragrant car is very ambiguous and refreshing!)

Clouds are flying over cicadas' wings, and crows are yellow on the slender early moon. (depicting the beauty of the beauty in the fragrant car)

Crow yellow powder comes out of the white car, with Jiao and state, and the situation is not one. (the beauty comes out of the bus, her face red and white, charming and ashamed)

Demon boy BMW iron with money, Whore Panlong gold bend her knees. (the twins and prostitutes bend their knees to serve the eldest lady)

Black crows in the Imperial Palace at night, and the finches in front of the Tingwei gate want to live. (senior officials are also enjoying themselves with the people)

The city of Zhu is near the Jade Road, and there is no golden dike in the distance. (the common people revel in the whole city)

The flying eagle with bombs is to the north of duling and to the west of Weiqiao. (the probe balls are all in the suburbs. They also take full bullets to fight the stray warbler (Flying Eagle))

We invite the Xiake Furong sword to stay in the prostitute's house. (Xiake and Xianv are also crazy. We go whoring and call duck together)

The whore's purple skirt at dusk, please sing a song. (it seems that prostitutes have been barking since ancient times!)

People in the North Hall are like the moon at night, and riding in the South Street is like clouds. (darling, good business! The parking space is tight)

Nanmo Beitang connects Beili, and five plays and three lines control three cities. (the appearance is not small, and there are chain stores)

Weak willows and black locust trees flutter to the ground, and good Qi and red dust rise in the dark sky. (weak willows brush the ground, and the sky is red. Wonderful!)

Jin Wuqian rode in the Han Dynasty, and the jade slaughtered Su parrot cup. (the ancients were stimulated to live. Who calls there many ancient tombs in Chang'an!)

Luo Ru's treasure belt is solved for you, and Yan Song and Zhao dance are opened for you. (the ancients did not refuse to receive anyone. Professionalism!)

Don't have luxury to call generals. They won't give in day after day. (there are also luxury rooms and difficult movements such as turning. It fully meets the tastes of all levels of society)

The reason for his anger is that he is a Guanfu and has the power to judge Xiao Xiang. (she's so timid that even the prime minister won't let her go)

Authoritarian spirit, this haoxiong, green Qiu Ziyan sitting in the spring breeze. (finally, I got the purple swallow and started to do it in the spring breeze.)

He said that he had been singing and dancing for thousands of years and that he was arrogant and extravagant. (rich! No wonder you defeated the prime minister!)

The scenery of the festival does not treat each other, and Sangtian Bihai changes in a moment. (time flies, have fun in time)

In the past, there was a white jade hall on the golden stage, but now there are green pines. (in my lifetime, I will stick to the Baiyu hall like a pine every night)

The lonely Yangzi house has a bed of books every year. (there are also people who have no money. They can only look at * *)

Unique Nanshan osmanthus hair, flying around and attacking people's train. (when Osmanthus fragrans make some money, they can only play with second-class girls like Xi ren) "

After writing, yunmenglong and other students digested the poem and asked with a smile, "do you say it's strong?"

"Strong!" the boys shouted in unison.

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