Supreme Satyr

Chapter 579

No one knows about yunmenglong's departure. Except a few people, yunmenglong decided to leave quietly this time. He doesn't want to go to Dongsu country in a big way, which will attract the attention of most people. It is extremely unfavorable to the stability of the country and the political situation, so he can only act privately. The reason why he recalled Chen Shaoyang, It is also to give everyone the illusion that the cloud dream dragon is still sitting in the cloud sea.

Yunmenglong's reputation is not just as simple as his reputation. His reputation and fame are at its zenith, even better than when he was the God of gambling, because yunmenglong was low-key and almost mysterious at that time. Now, the whole world has seen that handsome and messy side face and amazing gambling skills, Invincible self-confidence... If you ask who is the most famous person in the world now, whether it is an old man sweeping the streets in a country or a smelly beggar squatting in the garbage, you will answer without hesitation: yunmenglong!

In this case, can Yunmeng dragon leave without being known? The answer is yes, definitely not! Therefore, leaving alone is the best way, and even if you leave, you can't let many people know. So yunmenglong asked Wei Ya to dress up Chen Shaoyang as yunmenglong as soon as possible and let him be yunmenglong's double in the cloud sea. Anyway, Chen Shaoyang is familiar with pretending to be yunmenglong not once or twice. As long as the people around yunmenglong cooperate, there will be no seams in the sky. According to yunmenglong's meaning, Chen Shaoyang's disguised "yunmenglong" will get sick tomorrow. Yunmenglong is also a person. People will eat cereals, and people will get sick. Therefore, yunmenglong will get sick tomorrow. A patient can just promise casually, and then hide in bed and sleep. The probability of problems is almost zero. What's more, with the cooperation of long Mengyun and others, with Huiji's intelligence, it's like playing to help Chen Shaoyang cover up.

Yun Menglong changed a person on his way to Dongsu country. His other identity, Shi Wutian, is the real father of Shi huaitian. It's not easy to reveal the truth when acting with this identity. Yunmenglong is lying on the back of dolphin mm, and his heart is surging. The past has hit like a tide. There is only one person facing this identity, that is Princess Yiyue. She still remembers the girl's simple and charming. A princess who is so pure and pure, like a lotus in water, doesn't provoke floating dust. It's amazing and distressing.

"Who are you? It's dangerous here. Let's go while there's no one!"

"The feeling of rape is so good. Will you rape me again?"

"I won't let others rape me in the future. I just want you to rape me!"

"Brother Tian, the moon misses you so much. Where are you? Don't you love me?"

"Brother Tian, do you miss me? I dreamed of you yesterday. I dreamed you were thinking of me..."



That silly girl, who deliberately portrayed yunmenglong as an ugly girl in order to avoid being caught, who would not marry for a non-existent person all his life, who was willing to die and would not kill the child, who would not say who was the child's father anyway, who had been waiting for Shi Wutian to come back and raised the child alone, The one who keeps telling her children that his father will come back and tell him that his father is a great hero, that

If yunmenglong is the most sorry person, it must be princess Yiyue. At least he lives under the same roof with Xinglan. At least he falls in love with Chu Xiuer as yunmenglong. At least Su Qingyao is reincarnated. Yueer, that silly girl, she doesn't even know that Shi Wutian is yunmenglong. She waited foolishly all her life. Finally, she was desperate and died in peace, Yunmenglong gave her a child and a burden. So yunmenglong doesn't dare to face his son. Maybe he has white hair, maybe he is mature and steady. Will the man of the moment who established the Green Gang and the release guild like yunmenglong, a super handsome man who will always keep his youth?

It's hard to say.

In order to make the dolphin mm faster and not swim for n long to get to Dongsu country, it is estimated that Dongsu country will be a subsidiary of Japan at that time according to the speed of dolphin mm. Yunmenglong injects a genuine Qi into dolphin mm. Dolphin mm braves the wind and waves, splits the wind and chopps the waves, and the speed is fast. The fastest swimming fish in the sea is not as fast as one percent of its speed. It is said that dolphin mm can't stand such a speed, but with Yunmeng dragon sitting on her back, she has only sweetness and no fear. It can be seen that love is blind. It can not only make people blind, but also make dolphins blind.

Yunmenglong wandered around in his guilt and longing for the moon until the dolphin mm made a light sound. Yunmenglong returned to his senses and found that there was an island in front of him. Screams kept coming out from the island. Yunmenglong looked up and saw that there were people with excellent Taoist skills fighting on the island. When he looked over, there was sadness everywhere and blood stained the sea. Yunmenglong stood on the dolphin's back with his hands on his back. The sea breeze filled his long shirt and pulled out the sound of hunting. His black hair was like a waterfall, Flying back, the slender eyebrows are like lightning breaking the air.

Suddenly, a desperate cry came: "Menglong, farewell!"

Yunmeng Longxiong's body was shocked. He recognized that it was Katherine's voice. He stepped on the dolphin's back, turned into a startling flood, and rushed to the sound source.

When the speed of an object exceeds the speed of light, time will flow back. No one knows what the speed limit of yunmenglong is. No one knows how fast he is now.

When a half bald man with a scar face shouted and inserted a butcher's knife into Katherine's chest, his movement slowed down miraculously.

"Stop..." with the authentic Buddhist mind skill, the scarred faced man's body shook and his hands moved more slowly.

After the sound stopped, he just wanted to see who suddenly came and stopped him from making great achievements. A burst of golden light flashed in front of him. His knife was lit. The Scarface man was shocked and thought he met ghosts and gods. Nevertheless, he still wanted to kill Catherine, but he could no longer hold the knife. It was not that the Japanese long knife was too hot, but that the knife had dissolved.

The scarred faced man's eyes were flustered and his steps were disordered. He didn't listen. He turned in circles and was ready. After one night of wind and showers, how many are the fallen flowers? It was like a few flower rain. The fragrant smell was refreshing. The scarred man showed a strange smile on his face. He fell straight to the ground with a plop. Seven holes bled and died.

Katherine's clothes are untidy, ragged, and dirty. There is a bruise on her left cheek. I think she should have been slapped. At this time, she is no longer the little girl who looked coquettish but actually pure and smart when she saw the upside down creatures. In her eyes, Yunmeng dragon has never seen fear. The previous despair and reluctance is not because of nostalgia for life, but because Yunmeng dragon can no longer be seen.

She felt a burst of peace of mind. The air was filled with a familiar aroma. Only one person had that faint aroma, yunmenglong.

Her beautiful eyes, which had lost their luster, were suddenly covered with colorful oil paint. The joyful brilliance could move everyone. When the cloud dream dragon came, everything would change.

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