Supreme Satyr

Chapter 582

The reason for the stagnation of time is nothing else, because the beautiful little witch doesn't know where the strength comes from, and quickly pastes her white little hand on yunmenglong's face. It's just a gentle paste. It's mainly accompanied by a crisp sound. This "pa!" sound makes yunmenglong a little depressed. He really didn't understand why the woman slapped him. Is it true that it was the misfortune of beauty that made him forget himself?

I haven't played overlord's hard bow for a long time. Seeing that the little beauty is only 17 or 18 years old, and she has a delicate expression that is harmless to humans and animals. The tear drop hanging on her cheek is crystal clear. She is like a weak peony after the rain. At this time, she is very different from the cold and strange battlefield. If a man sees her now, Basically, there is an impulse to press it under the body and ravage it severely. The skin is like snow, the chest muscles are plump, and the semi-circular jade rabbit looms, forming a strong contrast with the black cloak. It is really exciting and unlimited visually.

The cloud dream dragon smiled at the little witch: "Originally, I just wanted to flirt with you. Now you slapped me, I can't let you go easily. Speaking of it, in addition to being spanked by my mother, I was spanked by a girl I like. You are the third woman to spank me. You are honored. I don't know if I can be honored to be your first man."

Yunmenglong can see at a glance whether a woman is a virgin or not. This is the ability of long-term experience accumulation. Although yunmenglong is born a hooligan, this function can not be brought out of the womb. Yunmenglong reads countless beauties and almost has no place for women. This brother has no virginity complex, but he has been a virgin. This is really nothing Nay.

The little witch put on her cloak and was forced to shine. Being stripped by yunmenglong was like a quail whose uncle didn't kiss and grandma didn't love in the wind and rain. It was called a poor quail. She looked at yunmenglong in horror and her voice was shaking: "you... Don't... Hurt me? I... I'm afraid!"

With a playful smile, yunmenglong's eyes were full of ridicule: "Hurt? You told me not to hurt you? How could I hurt you? Those soldiers begged you to let go. Did you ever let go? Do you know the rules of the game? You can be cruel when you make the battlefield blood flow into a river. I just let you shed a little blood. You don't want to? I'm just asking for a little blood for my dead brothers. What's wrong?" It's obviously a little girl who wants to go to others. He also said that he was so dignified and righteous. Yunmenglong is really not generally shameless. It's not one ten thousandth of him to describe him as quite shameless.

The little witch's pleading look gradually disappeared from her eyes, replaced by resolute, which was the longing and embrace of death, and the open eyes.

"Do you want to commit suicide? I tell you, if you can commit suicide in front of me, it's really your ability. You should know my strength very well. If you answer me a few questions obediently, or I can consider leaving you intact." When yunmenglong's eyes turned, he first took a slow plan. While secretly using the mind method of Taiji Heart Sutra, he quietly injected the energy to stimulate lust into her acupoints.

When the little witch is nervous, she doesn't feel too strongly about the stimulation of yunmenglong. Listening to yunmenglong, it seems that there is still hope. As long as she can live, who is willing to die? For some women, chastity is more important than life. For such women, most people will have two reactions, one is to praise and admire with a thumbs up, and the other is to scold an idiot.

"You... If you have any questions, just ask?" the little witch grabbed the last straw.

"What's your name?" the gentle of Yunmeng dragon can turn refined steel into soft around fingers.

"Ah?" the little witch looked at Yunmeng dragon incredulously, "what are you talking about?"

"What's your name?" Yunmeng dragon's eyes were full of love.

"I... my name is Yuyue." the little witch looked at the cloud dream dragon, was careful, her liver throbbed, hung her head involuntarily, and her voice was much lower.

"What? Yiyue?" yunmenglong heard it wrong and heard Yuyue as Yiyue. He grabbed Yuyue's immature shoulder and lost his voice.

"Ah? You hurt me. My name is Yuyue, not Yiyue." the little witch frowned with porcelain.

"Shit, call a fart. How old are you next." yunmenglong disguised her fiercely and said fiercely.

"Ah? Is that the first question?" Yuyue really can't believe it. What's the problem.

"Less nonsense, answer." yunmenglong's expression was very fierce. She was so frightened that Yuyue shrank her neck. She immediately answered obediently: "sixteen."

"At the age of 16, well, I'm not an adult yet. Do you think there's no need to pay for the life of a minor murderer, so you can kill everywhere arrogantly?" yunmenglong nodded, and some very □□ interrogated the little witch named Yuyue.

"Yuyue said nothing about it.

"If you don't answer, when you acquiesce to the third question, how many brothers and sisters do you have, and what's your mother's name?" yunmenglong first quickly perfumed her bright red lips in the rainy moon, and didn't wait for her to respond to continue to ask.

"I... I'm an orphan." the little witch called Yuyue looked gloomy and whispered.

Yun Menglong deliberately didn't express any opinion on this, didn't even apologize, and then asked, "who taught you the sorcery."

Yuyue's face changed and shook her head again and again: "I can't say."

Yunmenglong narrowed his eyes and looked at the rain moon coldly: "I can't say?"

Rain moon clenched her lower lip and shook her head slowly but firmly: "No."

"Even if I raped you, you can't?" yunmenglong deliberately stretched out his right hand and held a plump one on her right.

Yuyue bit out a row of tooth marks on her lower lip. What twitched between her eyebrows was a sense of forbearance and shame: "no!"

"In that case, don't blame me for not giving you a chance." Yun Menglong said, holding a corner of his cloak in his left hand and pulling it hard. "Chi pull" made a sound, and the cloak was pulled in half. The body of rain moon and snow-white youth was flawless in front of Yun Menglong.

Her body was still spinning 720 degrees in the air, her hair was flying like a waterfall, and the black area of her lower body was full of strong temptation. As soon as Yunmeng longan lit up, she stretched out her hand, wrapped her in her arms, leaned over her mouth and kissed the little mouth of Yuyue.


The rain moon didn't say a word, and the small mouth was robbed. She clenched her teeth to prevent the cloud Menglong's tongue from marching in.

Yunmenglong directly put his hand into the lower body of Yuyue, stretched out a finger and poked it in.

"Oh!" Yuyue groaned with pain, and her teeth opened. Yunmenglong's tongue entered the situation and wrapped her fragrance. An unprecedented □□ passed along the tip of the tongue to the nerve center. The □□ of the tip of the tongue has not subsided. Yunmenglong's fingers grind the stimulation of the private area of Yuyue, and the stronger □□ destroyed her nerve like a tidal wave.

"Um... Ah..."

Yunmenglong held Yuyue's delicate body up, grabbed a bud in front of her chest in his mouth, nibbled it gently, and his tongue revolved flexibly on it. The pink * * floated a little particles, and the bud slowly hardened, enlarged and bloomed like a flower

The so-called fair treatment and equal treatment. After eating one, there is another. Yunmenglong buried his head in the pepper milk of the rainy moon and enjoyed the frankincense of his virgin. The strong stimulation made his dick rise to the sky.

Yunmenglong gently raised her body. Yuyue didn't know what yunmenglong was going to do and what his hands wanted to grasp. There were only layers of tree shadows. His desire was expanding in the dark. Yunmenglong dumped it and Yuyue rushed down. His mouth just touched yunmenglong's firmness across his pants. Yunmenglong's arms clamped her two plump thighs and broke her virgin holy land with his hands, Greet her private parts with appreciative eyes.

Yuyue was ashamed. She wanted to resist, but her body was weak and weak. She begged with a cry: "kill me, don't do this, kill me..."

Yunmenglong smiled: "kill you? It's illegal to kill. I'm a good citizen and don't do anything to kill."

"Did you just kill so many people?" Yuyue was so angry that she was so ashamed that she wanted to get into the underground hole and rob the site with mice.

"Oh, are those people? I thought they were all animals, so I killed them. I didn't treat them as people at all!" said yunmenglong disdainfully.

"You..." Yuyue was speechless to the shameless rascal yunmenglong.

"I don't have the heart to destroy flowers with my hands. Therefore, although you are full of evil, I still don't want to kill you, but I just want to rape you." Yun Menglong's voice is a standard adulterer, very beautiful.

"You'd better kill me, ah..." Yuyue said gnashing her teeth. The last 'ah' was because yunmenglong's mouth was in close contact with her 'mouth'. Yunmenglong's tongue quickly and flexibly stimulated her somewhere, so that she couldn't say any constructive words except 'uh huh'.

Yunmenglong's legs shook and his pants slipped down. The brother didn't have the habit of wearing underwear. This time, he still didn't. The golden cudgel flew out and swayed in front of the rain moon. It was very handsome, swaggering, yellow and violent.

Yunmenglong worked hard to serve the little virgin, so that her flower dew was full of flowers and flowed freely between her plump hips. It broke out in an all-round way. From the most critical part, her small mouth was slightly open, singing like a song and crying like a complaint. Yunmenglong took advantage of the situation and filled her little mouth.


A moment later, Yunmeng dragon put the rain moon on a tall tree and made her hips rise high. Yunmeng dragon turned into dozens of figures and suddenly dragged her slender waist from behind her. In the posture of fishing for the moon in the sea, her waist was straight.


With a painful cry, one third of Yunmeng dragon's golden cudgel disappeared, and the virgin's blood opened a little flowers, which were sprinkled in the night like rain.

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