Supreme Satyr

Chapter 584

The two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by Japan's air defense force, which was also expected by yunmenglong and Catherine. After all, there are many innocent people there. It is not a world war. Killing so many people directly will cause an uproar, and its influence in the world will be incalculable.

In addition, East Sudan will certainly be strongly condemned by world public opinion and has been unanimously opposed by the United Nations, which is extremely unfavorable to East Sudan.

Two huge mushroom clouds formed between heaven and earth, blocking out the sky and blocking out the sun. The huge roar shook heaven and earth. If Yunmeng dragon hadn't stood as firm as a rock and like a javelin, it might have fallen into the arms of the earth mother. Yunmenglong didn't let mother earth hold her, but Katherine couldn't stand stably and rushed into yunmenglong's arms. Yunmenglong holds up Katherine's whole body, holds Katherine's plump and towering hip peak with both hands, holds yunmenglong's bear waist with her legs, and holds yunmenglong with both hands. Yunmenglong moves her body and constantly stimulates Katherine's secret garden.

Yunmenglong makes love without misdirecting his skills. He looks at six directions and listens to all directions. He keeps issuing orders. The third route army advances, the fourth Route Army crawls, and the sixth Route Army charges

Chu Jingfeng, the peddler and Lu Dajiao have the demeanor of a generation of generals. They are calm in the face of danger, command calmly, have firm and confident eyes, and make people respond to orders with great appeal.

The war blackened their faces, but their eyes were shining with the light of wild animals, shining scarlet

On the battlefield, life is so fragile and vulnerable. Life is as cheap as mole ants. The souls under guns and high-strength lethal weapons have even had time to scream before the end of life. This is true of both the enemy and our own people.

In an instant, the living died as if they were dead, leaving their relatives and friends. There was no whole body. The tragic battle and scarlet blood were so shocking that they sprayed a beautiful and desolate picture. The waves beat the shore, thousands of piles of snow were dyed red, and the broken arms and limbs were scattered all over the ground. We couldn't find whose arm and whose leg were.

The battle of Dongsu country won in an all-round way. Yunmenglong didn't expect that he had such strategic talent. He took charge of the overall situation and beat up the RB devil while having sex. He was defeated like a mountain. This may be one of the greatest battles in history. The only way to win the enemy on the battlefield is Yunmeng dragon.

In this battle, the Dongsu army swept away the decline and occupied the upper hand for the first time. It was called a Shuang. Without the command of Yunmeng dragon, everyone had a tacit understanding to beat the water dog. Yunmeng dragon was happy to watch and have sex. The battle □□□ is ringing, the Dongsu army is as powerful as a rainbow, the G army is retreating day by day, without the high arrogance and arrogance of the aggression. Now it's like a plate of loose sand, and it's impossible to break up. It's also time for Yunmeng dragon to have sex □□□, and Catherine's □□ has been triggered one after another, just like the waves at high tide, hitting new heights again and again, the fire of war is ruthless and the passion is burning, Catherine felt unprecedented excitement. Only yunmenglong could give it to her.

Shi Wutian's handsome and elegant face loomed in the smoke, Catherine's kiss raindrops fell, and they swam in Wushan as if there were no one else, until the end of the battle.

The victorious Dongsu army returned triumphantly, and the bodies on the battlefield were disposed of casually. Their death can't make the living people sad, because their death brings victory. They are martyrs and will be remembered by the living. But now the living people's heart is full of joy, the joy of victory. It's full of sadness, After all, I played n times. It was so happy for the first time! They looked at yunmenglong with respect and gratitude. It was this young man who came down to earth like a God, pulled them out of the shadow of death and gave them new hope. Now he led them to a big turnaround. To a great extent, this battle has determined the final result. RB's elite has done its best, and most of the damage has been done in this battle, In terms of momentum, it is a mess to lose. The harmony of time, place and people is almost lost. How do you want to fight? In contrast, in Dongsu country, their soldiers' fighting spirit is high. They feel blood boiling in their bodies and want to fight to the end and kill RB people.

There are also some senior generals of Dongsu who secretly love Catherine. They are jealous of Yunmeng dragon. They are not satisfied. How can a beautiful and noble princess like such a small white face? Now they are convinced and convinced. Only he can deserve their noble princess. They only have blessings.

A celebration banquet.

At the banquet, yunmenglong and Katherine were the best male and female protagonists. They were watched and respected by thousands of people.

"Beautiful princess, may I ask you to dance?" the Yunmeng dragon gently bent down and reached out to Katherina with one hand.

Katherina smiled gracefully, and her snow-white crisp hand tilted her orchid finger and slowly put it on yunmenglong's hand.

The two danced, and Catherine's white pleated skirt set off layers of waves, which was dizzy. Elegant waltz, Beethoven's Waltz spread all over every corner of the audience. The soldiers changed into gentlemen from soldiers and danced enthusiastically with the beautiful girls present.

Chu Jingfeng, the peddler, Lu Dajiao, and the men sent by Jiujiu xuesha and yunmenglong were warmly entertained. The beautiful girls in Dongsu country often winked at the Chinese people who helped them. Their beautiful big eyes blinked fiercely. The electricity released can supply a power plant. The rogue army of electricity has been seven meat and eight vegetarian under Lu Dajiao's men, Chu Jingfeng's vendors and other characters can't stand it. They can't refuse the warm invitation of beautiful girls. When dancing, those girls tightly stick their towering breasts to Chu Jingfeng and the vendors. They have never touched a woman for a long time. Their lust is high, and their determination is so high that they can't resist.

After the dance, an old man in yellow robes and white hair and beard slowly walked towards Yunmeng dragon. He smiled elegantly and nobly with uncontrollable excitement. He slowly extended a clean hand to Yunmeng dragon.

"Thank you, dear friend. You have saved my country. You are our hero. As long as I can do what you want, I will promise you." the old man in yellow robe is Luo Kaiqi, Katherine's father and head of Dongsu country.

Yunmenglong was quite fond of the old man with silver hair and blue eyes. With a naughty smile, he looked at Luo Kaiqi, head of Dongsu country: "Oh, dear head of state, my appetite is not small. Can you give me what I want?"

Luo Kaiqi smiled and jokingly said, "shall I give Dongsu country to your excellency to show my gratitude?"

Yunmenglong shook his head and laughed: "Your Excellency the Fuehrer is really joking. I have no great ambition. My fame is like a cloud in the air. It's just a passing cloud. I don't care about the stack at all."

Luo Kaiqi's head of state frowned slightly: "does Mr. Shi like money?"

Yunmenglong laughed, because he really thought it was ridiculous. He had so much money that he could buy n Dongsu countries. Would he like money?

"Money? For me, money is not even as good as dung. Dung can also nourish the land. Money can only make me worry, because I don't know how to spend them. What I want is the most precious treasure of your Excellency the Fuehrer."

Luo Kaiqi's thick eyebrows were deeply locked up. His intelligent eyes took a deep look at Yunmeng dragon, and then looked at him next to him. His pretty face was slightly red, his eyes were drooping, her eyelashes were long, and her face was full of happy and shy Catherine, nodding thoughtfully: "Mr. Shi really has a big appetite. Nana is really my most precious baby. Is it too greedy for Mr. Shi to take her away?"

Yunmeng dragon looked up to the sky and smiled. He was arrogant, uninhibited, full of confidence and incomparable: "I told the head of state that I have a big appetite. The purpose of my coming to Dongsu country is not international assistance. Frankly, I came for Nana. I can give you a satisfactory answer. Let you give her to me. You can let me do anything. If I do it, take Nana away."

"What if you can't?"

"Take it away if you can't!" yunmenglong smiled like a little fox.

Luo Kaiqi was a little depressed. The boy laughed too licentiously in front of him. He really wanted to kill him with a gun. But according to the officers, this guy's magic skills were too strong. He couldn't be shot. I'm afraid he would be killed instead. Catherine had to strangle the idea of killing Yunda hooligans in her womb. Luo Kaiqi was also depressed about how her daughter liked such a hooligan who took advantage of them , his eyebrows were a little crooked. A middle-aged man dressed as a disgusting counselor whispered a few words in Luo Kaiqi's ear, and then glanced at Yunmeng dragon proudly. Luo Kaiqi thought that the method was also good, so he said to Yunmeng dragon, "if you can blow up RB's Yasukuni Shrine in an hour, I'll give you my daughter."

Yunmenglong was stunned. When the counselor saw that the plan worked, he couldn't help being more proud. His head was raised higher, and he was almost a gun to the sky.

"What is Yasukuni Shrine? Where is it?" yunmenglong asked a super idiot question.



Everyone was speechless.

"The Yasukuni shrine is located in the north of Jiuduan, Chiyoda District, Tokyo capital. Its predecessor was" Tokyo soul summoning Shrine ". Its original intention was to" summon the soul "of more than 3000 officers and soldiers who died to assist the emperor in the Meiji Restoration Civil War (e-chen war). It was established by the Meiji government in June 1869. It was officially renamed" Yasukuni Shrine "in June 1879." Yasukuni "is" protecting the country " Therefore, the Yasukuni shrine is different from ordinary shrines. It is a shrine dedicated to sacrificing soldiers who died on the battlefield. It has a unique position in more than 80000 shrines in Japan, large and small. However, in modern history, the name of the Yasukuni shrine is associated with the sabre and expedition, reflecting Japan's development towards feudal military imperialism, taking the road of foreign aggression and finally failure On October 17, 1978, the Yasukuni Shrine held a routine "autumn sacrifice" The memorial tablets of 14 class a war criminals were officially placed in the Yasukuni Shrine. Among the 14 class a war criminals, in addition to the former Prime Minister Hideki Tojo, there were also former senior general Shigeru Ishihara, former senior general Kenji Tu feihara, former senior general ishigen Matsui, former senior general Takemura taro, former lieutenant general Takeo, and former Prime Minister hiroda Hongyi. More than 1000 class B and class C war criminals who were executed were also enshrined together. So far, the Yasukuni Shrine has enshrined more than 2.46 million holy places, of which 2.1 million are the dead of World War II. Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has visited the Yasukuni Shrine five times, which has greatly hurt the feelings of the majority of countries and people. There are murderous murderers enshrined, but RB commemorates them as heroes. "

Chu Jingfeng knows that yunmenglong's geographical history has always belonged to the category of idiots. In fact, his history is good, but it is mainly before the Song Dynasty. After that, he didn't have time to study it for such a long time in 2006, so he is familiar with and hates this countryman. The famous words are relatively strange. Chu Jingfeng knows that, so he quickly gave yunmenglong the information about the Yasukuni Shrine.

After receiving the knowledge, yunmenglong nodded lightly, "OK, I will give you a satisfactory answer within an hour." after that, yunmenglong drank a glass of foreign wine casually, opened the door in full view of the public and dodged away.

Except for the people of yunmenglong, everyone thinks yunmenglong is crazy. Don't be funny for an hour, that is, the Patriot can't get to RB. How will he go? Unless it turns into a flash of lightning.

Yunmenglong once again came to the sea. The sea was vast, and he still looked small. Yunmenglong stood with his hands on his back and his clothes were flying. He was really a super handsome man. His bright blue and moving eyes were as deep as the abyss and radiant.

"Xiaohei, can you fly tens of thousands of kilometers in 20 minutes?" yunmenglong is too lazy to act by himself. If Heilong can carry him, he can still sleep on the road. Yunmenglong has no more love for sleep in his life. The three things yunmenglong likes most in his life are picking up girls, picking up girls, picking up girls. The fourth thing is going to sleep. Flying too fast also consumes internal power. It's not an ordinary formula to resist the wind. If you want to play like a child, you need absolute speed in Japan.

The black dragon is fighting the landlord with yunwangwang and yunqi. He is summoned by yunmenglong and wanders out reluctantly. After listening to yunmenglong's question, the black dragon shook his head and said embarrassed, "Er, our black dragon's strength is not speed. Our dark magic is powerful. You have to find lightning dragon."

Yunmenglong was very dissatisfied with the big man: "shit, it's a waste of food to grow so big. I told you to lose weight. I don't listen. Now I want to go to RB and don't want to fly by myself. As a noble dragon, there's nothing you can do. If I were you, I'd kill myself."

The black dragon was so shy that he looked around and saw an island. He said, "I also want to kill myself. Tell me where I will die. Look, it's an island. I'm afraid I'll sink it."

Yunmenglong impolitely compared his middle finger: "husband of the moon, please rest while you go."

Yun Miaomiao is angry with Yun Menglong at this time. This brother hasn't seen her much since she was shocked by her incredible beauty last time. At least she is a girl and has learned to be shy. It's no fun to swing to Yun Menglong to complain.

Yunmenglong greeted yunqi. Yunqi said innocently, "Dad, I'm good at spitting fire. If you want to roast dog meat, call me again." after that, yunmenglong flashed away without waiting for yunmenglong's answer.

Suddenly remembering the fact that yunwangwang is an alien or a demon robbing the young master, yunmenglong might as well have a try. Yunmenglong found that she was more and more unable to shake the two lovely brothers and sisters, especially yunmiaomi. She tried her best to turn herself into a beauty for yunmenglong, and yunmenglong just wanted to use her to recover her territory.

Yunwangwang's call to yunmenglong is like a small wind whizzing by his ear. Er, or a fly flying in his ear is more appropriate, but now he is very busy. He is flirting with a meat bone with his heart, very devoted and selfless.

In order not to let Yun Miaomiao feel left out, Yun Menglong had to call softly, "Miaomiao, my beauty, my brother misses you. Where are you?"

After calling for a long time, Yun Miaomiao's long, sad voice came: "do you miss me? Hum, it will deceive people. When did you think of Miaomiao, Kui Miaomiao always thought of you, thinking of you all the time!"

Yunmenglong suddenly turned around and stood opposite him in white as snow. His snow-white skin was as bright as jade, his crystal clear water cutting eyes, his slender temples were like Dai Mei in the distant mountains, his exquisite facial features and enchanting posture. When the sea breeze blew, he was like an immortal coming to earth.

Yunmeng dragon went up and hugged yunmiaomiao and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a long time. It's more moving. Don't be angry with my brother. There are many wars these days. You are such a noble fairy. How can I have the heart to let you see this tragic scene of destruction of life? I'm afraid I'll scare you. In fact, I really miss you so much that I feel painful to breathe, lose sleep every night, and overlap your figure in my mind..." Yunmenglong's sweet words are still so standard.

When did Yun Miaomiao hear such sweet words? For a time, she was drunk. A blush stained her cheeks. Her dreamy big eyes looked at Yun Menglong: "really?"

Yunmenglong looked serious and vowed: "true, very true, the super thunderbolt invincible truth of the universe!" after that, yunmenglong couldn't help kissing yunmiaomiao's ruddy and soft cherry.

The kiss that made Yun Miaomiao whirl around the world stagnated. They really hope that this moment will stop forever. They were originally sworn enemies, but now they kiss so deeply. Yun Menglong understands that the disaster is less than his family. Even if Yun Miaomiao is his sworn enemy's woman, she can love, she is innocent.

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